Dan Berard

Dan Berard

  • May 30, 2004

    Saudis overwhelm Khobar terrorists

    The small town of al—Khobar, Saudi Arabia became the focus of a seemingly amateur terrorist attack on an expatriate compound. Khobar is a small town that borders the headquarters of Saudi Aramco, a city called Dhahran. The small town of Khobar ...

  • May 20, 2004

    Kerry and energy policy

    John Kerry has finally started to unveil his views on energy. He just yesterday pronounced that we should stop filling up our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), and instead feed crude oil into the market so gasoline prices would moderate. Since he wa...

  • April 28, 2004

    There's a hybrid in your future

    Hybrid cars have great potential to help achieve America's goal of energy conservation. The so—called hybrid car is a passenger vehicle with a standard gasoline engine, which is supplemented by an electric motor. Similar to a Diesel—elect...

  • April 27, 2004

    Oil reserves: Shell game for investors?

    On January 9, 2004, the Royal Dutch Shell Group announced that internal reviews revealed that certain proved oil reserves would be re—categorized. The ensuing months have seen headlines blare story after story portraying a scandal—ridden ...

  • April 21, 2004

    Planning for future oil supplies

    Guy Caruso, Chief of U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA) published an article in Forbes on 4—14—2004 making the case that Saudi Arabia could double their oil production capacity by 2025. Mr. Caruso believes that Saudi Aramco could i...

  • April 20, 2004

    Gasoline prices & finger-pointing

    Gasoline prices are up again and fingers are pointing in many different directions. Energy problems are a fundamental challenge for America. The short term spike in retail prices at the pump is only a foretaste of serious disruptions ahead, unless to...