D.A. Francis

D.A. Francis

  • August 20, 2022

    Not now, not ever

    Florida congressman Matt Gaetz made some interesting comments last August 17 on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show. He said: "You can't eat your way skinny, you can't drink yourself sober, and you can't spend your way out of inf...

  • February 15, 2022

    Woke Hiring, Reduced American Competitiveness?

    When I wrote "Woke Hiring by Airlines is a Scary Business" for American Thinker on Feb. 8. I thought about the concept of merit in the U.S. and now want to expand further on the concept of woke quotas for any area of our society. ...

  • February 8, 2022

    Woke Hiring by Airlines is A Scary Business

    The “woke” culture has infected large areas of our lives over the last few years. Much of it has just been annoying, but a new example could actually be dangerous. That is the push to hire and staff our airline cockpits with pilo...