C. Roberts

C. Roberts

  • November 9, 2022

    Is There Room for More Than Tears in America's Gun Control Debate?

    Organizations like #NeverAgain, founded by students of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Fla., assert that America's school shooting epidemic has indelibly marked Gen Z the generation of mass shootings.  Th...

  • October 13, 2022

    Guess How Many Violent Crimes in the USA Involve a Gun

    Harvard health policy expert Dr. David Hemenway routinely uses statistics like "250 people were shot each day in the US" and "Children aged 5–14 ... are more than 13x more likely than children in other high-income populous countr...

  • September 18, 2022

    Are US Firearm Deaths Overstated?

    Some view any unwillingness to increase gun safety regulation for the sake of "the children" — the sine qua non of virtue-signaling — as "evil."  But can a complex, multi-faceted issue like national gun polic...

  • August 7, 2022

    What's a Gun Got to Do with It?

    A May 2022 The Hill article entitled Here Is A List of 27 School Shootings That Have Taken Place This Year underscores the fear many have regarding gun ownership.  But why is protecting one's person, family, property, etc. in the face o...