Craig Schwartz

Craig Schwartz

  • March 7, 2017

    America’s Path to Greatness: Border Adjust Oil

    America has been blessed by geology. We have an opportunity to be the world’s low cost producers of oil, gas, electrical energy, chemical feedstocks and the building blocks of almost all products of modern life. Combined with our rule of law, i...

  • August 21, 2015

    Trump's Appeal: A New Beginning, or the Last Gasp of America?

    Our economy is failing, and politics is in complete gridlock.  Democrats can't articulate the difference between Democrats and Socialists.  Republicans have no idea how to defend capitalism or even if they should.  We have reached ...

  • January 18, 2013

    Hijacking Rights

    America has been turned upside down.The concepts of rights, money and morality have been hijacked. The causes of our intellectual, financial and moral bankruptcies have been underway for a long time. First hijacked was the concept of rights. The orig...