Colleen Ann Ruggieri

Colleen Ann Ruggieri

  • January 28, 2023

    Battling the Leftist Education Playbook

    Several years ago, my husband and I learned a valuable lesson when we visited San Diego: Ignorance is not an excuse. After returning to our car from a beach trip, we noticed that we’d been ticketed. We drove to the police station and discovered...

  • August 12, 2021

    Boycott the Beijing 2022 Olympics

    Despite sizzling summer temperatures, America’s enthusiasm for the Tokyo Olympics fizzled out faster than a 4th of July firecracker. Even though the United States came out on top with 113 medals, NBC’s ratings were less than half of what ...

  • July 21, 2021

    The CRT War on the Republic

    “George Washington was an evil man! He’s not a hero. You need to take that picture down,” my 13-year-old daughter admonished my brother while standing in his home. “He slaughtered Native Americans and owned slaves. My social s...

  • April 10, 2021

    Timber! It's time to chop down woke Oregon's trees

    This United States of America, the idealized beacon of hope for the free world, has failed miserably in its promise to become the land of liberty and justice for all.  The nation's trees have created a mere mirage of beauty and natural ...