Colin Flaherty

Colin Flaherty

  • October 24, 2020

    Amy Coney Barrett has some ‘splainin’ to do on white racism

    Amy Coney Barrett has some ‘splainin’ to do.  Last week, Judge Barrett said the death of George Floyd from “racist” police was “very personal” to her.  She worried that someday her adopted black chi...

  • July 30, 2019

    After Gilroy: Mass shootings a white thing? Oh, hell, no

    Even before the final butcher's bill was presented for the Sunday-night mass shooting in Gilroy, the blue checkers and talking heads were filling their platforms with fairy tales that most mass shooters are white. But in the two-week run-up to...

  • July 5, 2019

    Criminal Justice Reform Comes Home to Roost

    “Why did they have to let him go?”  That is what an anguished Anastasia Starr shrieked after watching career criminal Dietrich Thomas kill her husband Eric just a few days ago.  Dietrich was out on bail for a similar sho...

  • May 29, 2019

    The Lie That Will Not Die and the Truth about Black Mass Shooters

    The lie that will not die: Most mass shooters are white. Just Google "white mass shooters," and you will find hundreds and hundreds of stories from The Grio, Root, Salon, CNN, PBS, and Newsweek, right up to the Washington Post, with head...

  • May 1, 2019

    Whitewashing Black College Beach Week

    After 30 years of relentless black mob violence at the annual black college beach weekend in Virginia Beach, pop star Pharrell finally figured out how to “change the vibe.” He gentrified it, staging a three-day festival with white perform...

  • April 30, 2019

    Even after synagogue shooting, mass shooting is still a black thing

    Even as the blood dried at Saturday's synagogue shooting, national political and media figures wasted no time blaming "white supremacists" for what they say is just the latest in an epidemic of  mass shootings. After all, e...

  • April 19, 2019

    Outbreak of Colorblindness Strikes Chicago Reporters

    Chicago picked a strange time to go all colorblind on us. The occasion was the occasional riot in one of America’s premier high-end shopping districts: the Magnificent Mile.  Wednesday night, 500 people rampaged through downtown looting...

  • March 26, 2019

    Telling the Truth About Andrew Yang is Hate Speech on Facebook.

    It is hard to say why Facebook said my recent video about Andrew Yang was “hate speech.” It could have been the fact that Yang, a dark-horse contender for the Democrat presidential nomination, gave a speech at Harvard where he predicte...

  • March 11, 2019

    Cory Booker’s First Lesson About Marijuana

    The first thing you need to know about legalizing marijuana is that it has nothing to do with marijuana. It is all about criminal justice reform. And the first thing you need to know about criminal justice reform is that it is really about black p...

  • February 28, 2019

    CPAC Invites Van Jones to Celebrate the Greatest Lie of Our Generation

    Van Jones is going to CPAC to celebrate Criminal Justice Reform — i.e., the idea that there are way too many black people in prison for no reason whatsoever, other than white racism, so let's let them out. Miraculously, President Trump, ...

  • December 12, 2018

    'Can't anybody here play this game?': Google skates again.

    Casey Stengel would have spotted this bogus play, the so-called Google congressional hearing, from the cheap seats.  "Can't anybody here play this game?" the famous baseball manager would have asked the Republicans hemming and...

  • December 5, 2018

    Trump's First Step Proposal: One Step Forward, Ten Years Back.

    If all this talk of criminal justice reform and too many black people in prison sounds familiar, it should. That's not just because Hillary and Bernie could not stop talking about white racism and black victimization during the last presidenti...

  • December 1, 2018

    Democrats find the secret sauce: No more 'pandering to white people'

    Chris Hayes never saw it coming: the MSNBC host was banished from the Democratic Party just because he is white.  He even said that was OK. News of his permanent suspension was delivered by Danielle Moodie-Mills, host of a blog called ...

  • November 20, 2018

    White Racists Picking on D.C. Metro Riders. Again.

    The Washington Post and D.C. City Council have finally figured out why 91 percent of Metro fares evaders are black: Racist transit police are targeting black people and ignoring white people who do the same thing. That is why the city council this...

  • November 16, 2018

    Richard Pryor Schools Donald Trump on Criminal Justice Reform

    Though he had the chance every day, Donald Trump never took the bait on “criminal justice reform” during his campaign for the Republican nomination. Whenever anyone asked about why so many black people are arrested, charged, convicted,...

  • November 4, 2018

    Black Violence: The Terror That Dare Not Speak Its Name

    Even stranger than Don Lemon’s fairy tale that white people are responsible for violent terrorism in this country, is the fact that no national conservative media figures refuted him.  A shame, because it is so easily done. And so impor...

  • October 28, 2018

    How to be accused of inspiring a mass murderer

    This is not the first time I have been blamed for a mass murder.  That happened a few years ago on Rachel Maddow's show: her guest from the Southern Poverty Law Center said my writings documenting black violence wildly out of proportion...

  • October 18, 2018

    See something, say something...unless the person is black

    Well, St. Louis: What is going to be?  Is "see something, say something" still a thing?  Or are we just going to get rid of that, especially when the "something" involves black people? Just a few days ago, S...

  • September 15, 2018

    The World's Most Important Funeral: Google's Answer to Trump

    Forget the lamentations for John McCain.  Ditto the wailing for Aretha Franklin.  This week, we just learned about the biggest and most significant funeral dirge in the history of the world: the private and confidential gathering ...

  • August 13, 2018

    Where Do We Get Such Losers?

    When delivered by Ronald Reagan, the question “Where do we get such men?” used to be the ultimate contemplation about the people who make this country great. Not anymore. Today, when we look at the delusion and deceit surrounding at le...

  • August 11, 2018

    Trump Falls for the 'Criminal Justice Reform' Hoax

    Trump has swallowed the Criminal Justice Reform Hoax, hook, line, and sinker.  Something he never did in the primaries but now is embracing. The latest embrazo came earlier this month, when black pastors came to the White House...

  • August 1, 2018

    The Wicked Witches of Silicon Valley

    Maybe someday the children of Silicon Valley will hear the same kind of stories Delaware kids used to hear about the DuPont family: how they built roads and schools and universities and became the world leader in what was then the world's most im...

  • July 25, 2018

    Black Crime Gets Crazier

    Whatever you thought crazy was, put it aside.  Because no matter what you think is the craziest story of black violence – and the denial, deceit, and delusion surrounding it – this recent story out of Oakland is way past that. ...

  • July 21, 2018

    Congressman Jason Lewis Tells the Truth about Black Violence

    The journalistic hounds at CNN have a new target, a politician whose sin is so egregious – so unthinkable – that it can hardly be spoken aloud: the recently elected congressman from Minnesota disagrees with CNN orthodoxy on race. And n...

  • July 14, 2018

    Recycling: Another environmental scam goes bust

    Anyone who has ever been to a recycling plant is invariably surprised at how dirty and nasty America's favorite green activity really is.  Trucks dump the material on a long conveyor belt, where a few dozen people pick through by hand w...

  • July 4, 2018

    One new Mexican president. Dozens of new reasons to build the wall.

    In Mexico, it is often impolite to tell someone "No."  If you want to spare someone's feelings, many people say "Maybe." Everyone knows that means "No." Mexico stopped worrying about American feelings...

  • June 21, 2018

    SPLC Keeps Denying. Black-on-White Violence Keeps Happening.

    Think of the odds: every day, for years, the Southern Poverty Law Center has been cranking out studies, talking points, and direct mail (oh, sweet, sweet mail!) to show how black people are victims of relentless white racism, all the time, everywhere...

  • June 16, 2018

    SPLC Exposes Epidemic of Nonexistent White-on-Black Violence

    Much to the relief of news directors everywhere, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) released this week its long-awaited report about the Biggest Lie that the baddest people believe: The myth of black on white crime. The real problem is white o...

  • June 4, 2018

    PBS Crowns a New Conservative Hero with a New Show

    If only conservatives were kinder, gentler and more "with it."  Who could stop us?  Certainly not Democrats. So the secret to conservative political success today is to act more like liberals, and they will like us mo...

  • May 29, 2018

    How to Fail Today's Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Training

    Nobody puts MSNBC in the corner – especially when it comes to exposing the relentless white racism and black victimization that are the staple of the wagging jaws at the flagship of racial delusion. So when a couple of black people a few wee...

  • March 6, 2018

    Does President Trump Know What a Radical Environmentalist He Picked in Peter Navarro?

    The strange case of Peter Navarro became curiouser and curiouser this week. As the president's pitchman for tariffs, Navarro was all over the airways this week with visions of new factories for steel and aluminum, all through the magical elixi...

  • February 22, 2018

    Black Panther, White Suckers

    The new Black Panther movie may have been sold as an anti-white screed dripping with racial hostility, but those who are looking for that kind of venom in this year's biggest biggest cinematic experience are going to disappointed. Anyone who h...

  • February 4, 2018

    ‘All I know is murder’

    Everything you need to know about the Super Bowl can be found in the rap hit “Dreams and Nightmares,” by Meek Mill. But which more truthfully could be named after a line in the song: "The Murder Game" or "All I Know Is Murd...

  • January 11, 2018

    How to Get Kicked Off YouTube

    Not to worry, all you lovers of racial venom.  YouTube still has plenty of material to satisfy even your most vitriolic yearnings. Want to use the world's largest video platform to watch a Nobel Peace Prize-winner sing about killing ...

  • November 21, 2017

    Pippa Biddle, America's Whitest Reporter, Takes Up the Black Cause

    If white people had their own publication, it would be Wired magazine. From top to bottom, this is a uniquely Caucasian experience:  from the white readers, to the white advertisers, to the white employees, to the white town where it is hea...

  • November 17, 2017

    This Is What Anguish Looks Like: Victims of Black-on-White Violence

    Budding Hollywood actresses do not have to rely on semi-naked fat dudes in expensive hotels for acting tips.  Not anymore. Real-life examples of real-life emotions such as despair, abandonment, anguish, and betrayal are easy to find if you kn...

  • November 10, 2017

    Washington Post Says Fake Hate Is Rare, and Other Fairy Tales

    The Washington Post promised us that fake hate crimes are “rare.”  The news hounds of D.C. know that because the Southern Poverty Law Center, America’s greatest purveyors of fake hate crimes, told them so. That is the bigges...

  • August 5, 2017

    Bruce Willis Whitewashes Black Crime

    Not sure why Bruce Willis even bothered. If he wanted to do a whitewashed remake of the 1974 Charles Bronson movie Death Wish, he could have just strung together a batch of home security ads where white criminals terrorize hapless and helpl...

  • July 27, 2017

    Kat Timpf Makes the Black Kid Angry

    The black man who stalked and assaulted Fox News megastar Kat Timpf in Brooklyn this week has nothing on me.  I was a charter member of Kat’s Disgusting Club two months before this still unidentified POC -- piece of crap -- dumpe...

  • July 12, 2017

    BART Officials Hide Videos of Black Mob Violence

    Eureka! Look no more for the Rosetta Stone, the smoking gun, the Holy Grail of how reporters and public officials are in denial, deceit, and delusion about black criminality so wildly out of proportion. We found it. And it is a doozy: Transit offi...

  • May 23, 2017

    Philly Figures It Out: White Racism Causes Black Crime

    Philly finally figured it out. So did Chicago and Portland and Dallas: the reason why black crime and violence are so wildly out of proportion: White racism. The Philadelphia epiphany arrived during the recent election for district attorney. The s...

  • May 11, 2017

    Fox's 'Gang of Five': Blind to Black Mob Violence.

    The more we expect more from Fox News, the less we get. We know that every hour on the hour, CNN, PBS, NPR, NBC, and other Fox competitors take delight in reminding us that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism, all the ti...

  • May 5, 2017

    Black People: Don’t You Worry About ‘Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You

    Black people of America: Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing. Because the new Fox News megastar Kat Timpf has got your back. And she told us so on the first episode of her new show, “The Fox News Specialists.” “I do underst...

  • April 28, 2017

    White People Always Steal from Black People – So Does Oprah

    White people are always stealing stuff from black people. And black people, like Oprah, don’t like it. Neither do third-grade teachers in lily white schools. Just a few months ago, my friend’s third-grade son informed him that whit...

  • April 25, 2017

    Reporters Sleep as 60 Black People Rob a BART Train in Oakland

    The "weekend cops" beat is not the most glorious job in journalism, but it is the easiest.  All you have to do is check into the newsroom, grab a portable scanner, go to breakfast, visit the cop shop, ask a few questions, check the pol...

  • April 21, 2017

    You Can’t Fire Bill O’Reilly

    Fox cannot fire Bill O’Reilly because it is not their platform. That belongs to me. And you. And O’Reilly. It certainly does not belong to a couple of trust fund kids and their trophy wives playing dress-up with Daddy’s toys...

  • April 20, 2017

    Shattered: A New Fairy Tale about How Hillary ‘Forgot’ White Voters

    The Russians are off the hook. The chattering geniuses have discovered a new villain to blame for the shattering demise of their heroine, Hillary. White guys did it. The same reporters who cheered Hillary’s every misstep and doubted every...

  • April 14, 2017

    A Tale of Violence in Two Cities: Augusta and Biloxi

    Maybe it’s as simple as this: Black events are more violent than white events because it’s a black thing, we just do not understand. Even so, it is worth contrasting the two kinds of large gatherings from last weekend: one white, one b...

  • April 4, 2017

    Crime Is the New Black Entitlement

    Crime is the new black entitlement. As long as black people are permanent victims of relentless white racism, cops should not chase them, juries should not convict them, judges should not sentence them, schools should not punish them, and white vi...

  • March 30, 2017

    White Social Justice Warrior Dies at Hands of Black Killer

    Nobody had to tell Corrina Mehiel about the white privilege that killed her. It was a major focus of her life as a white Social Justice Warrior disguised as an artist. Earlier this month, that work took her to George Washington University in the n...

  • March 1, 2017

    Capitulating to Black Racism

    President Trump has a surprising solution to black violence and the enormous gap between white people and black people in America: Same-old, same-old. The scene of this epic capitulation was the Oval Office, where this week a posse of black execut...

  • February 23, 2017

    Chris Matthews and SPLC Fall for Hoax Even the NYT Says Is a Lie...Again

    Chris Matthews and the Goofy Looking Dude from the Southern Poverty Law Center have a point: We do not have any evidence Donald Trump did not personally knock over 200 headstones in a Jewish graveyard in St. Louis. But they were sure if ...

  • January 19, 2017

    Trump and Obama's Legacy of Racism

    Day one. Every Trump cabinet official will learn how the Obama administration has made racial resentment the major focus of everything they do. And they have been doing that daily for eight years. Job one: The Trump brigade will have to d...

  • August 18, 2016

    Forget Milwaukee: Cedar Rapids Had Much Better Black Mob Violence and Denial

    You can have Milwaukee. For the best example of black mob violence and media denial over the last few days, I’ll take Cedar Rapids. People outside of Milwaukee may be a bit surprised that last week hundreds of black people burned dow...

  • August 10, 2016

    White-on-Black Violence Is Everywhere, Says AP

    There are a million stories in the big city. With a million ways to tell each one. So when the University of Chicago told reporters that a new poll shows that 62 percent of young black people are more afraid of violence from “white extremis...

  • July 26, 2016

    A True Story of 'Hands Up, Don’t Shoot' for Hillary’s Convention

    Now let us praise the most damaging hoax of our generation: The ‘hands ups, don’t shoot’ fairy tale surrounding the shooting death of St. Michael Brown of Ferguson -- which is about to be glorified at the Democrat convention tonight...

  • July 21, 2016

    Trump’s Answer to Black-on-Cop Murder

    Wouldn’t it be pretty to think all we had to do to stop black people from killing cops was put a few leaders of Black Lives Matter in jail? That is what Donald Trump recently told Bill O’Reilly: “Everybody is free to say what yo...

  • July 10, 2016

    Media Ignore the Tsunami of Black Violence against Cops

    The shootings in Dallas did not make much of a difference. Not to the reporters explaining the protest and the reason behind the assassination of five police officers. The reason for the demonstration was simple and beyond pushback: White cops ...

  • February 26, 2016

    The Great Racial Hoax of Albany

    The Great Hoax of Albany started out straightforwardly enough: a dozen violent and racist white students harassed, threatened, tossed N-bombs and attacked three black coeds -- hurting them really, really, really badly. For no reason whatsoever. ...

  • January 15, 2016

    Sympathy for the Devil... But None for White Victims of Violence

    Who speaks for the dead? The victims of black on white violence? In Baltimore, the answer is “what victims?” The locals don’t even remember them: In December the Baltimore Sun ran a glowing portrait of Marin Alsop, the symphon...

  • January 11, 2016

    Farrakhan and the Philly Police Shooting: Why Hide His Light Beneath a Basket?

    The Reverend Louis Farrakhan has to be pissed off.  Even more than usual. Edward Archer, a follower of Farrakhan's teachings, received international attention for gunning down a cop in Philadelphia in the name of Allah. But Farrakhan g...

  • January 4, 2016

    Black Mob Violence: Easier to Find. Harder to Believe.

    Black mob violence and denial are getting easier to find – and harder to believe. Let's start in Baltimore, an epicenter for practitioners of black violence and the public personalities who ignore, deny, condone, excuse, encourage, and e...

  • December 29, 2015

    D.C. NPR Family Another Victim of Black Violence and Denial

    If Lori Kaplan depended only on her employers at NPR for news, she was probably surprised at the black mob violence that almost killed her white husband. Kaplan is the Senior Director of Audience Research at NPR in downtown Washington, D.C. That ...

  • December 28, 2015

    America's Newest Christmas Tradition: Black Mob Violence at Malls

    American has a new Christmas tradition: Black mob violence at malls. In the days before, during, and after Christmas, 15 malls reported large-scale episodes of rioting, shooting, looting, rampaging, fighting, throwing rocks at police, damaging car...

  • December 16, 2015

    Biggest Liar of 2015: The Washington Post and Its Pinocchios

    In its annual roundup of this year’s biggest lies and liars, the Washington Post forgot the largest liar of all: The writers and editors of the Washington Post. We are of course talking about the Post’s recent decision to name the ...

  • December 11, 2015

    Federal Judge Who Outlawed Racial Profiling is Victim of Black Mob Violence

    Federal Judge Susan Dlott wrote the book on racial profiling in 2002. Last week, she ripped it into one million tiny pieces when three black people broke into her $8 million Cincinnati home and started beating her and her 79-year old husband. ...

  • December 5, 2015

    Another Big Lie Exposed: Black Cop Writes Fake Racist Letter

    The story you are about to hear is a lie. Every bit of it: White cops in Bridgeport, Connecticut threatened black police officers by writing racist letters proclaiming white power, KKK, white supremacy, and how black cops are not welcome in that town...

  • November 25, 2015

    Trump a Liar? The Real Story about Deceit in Racial Crime Numbers

    The real story on racial differences in crime rates is easy to find. Just go to the Washington Post, New York Daily News, CNN, or the hundreds of other news sites that recently called Donald Trump a “liar” for retweeting some misinformati...

  • November 10, 2015

    White Racism at Mizzou and Berkeley: Racial Hoaxes of the Week

    A mediocre team of subliterate football players is now running the University of Missouri. Maybe no one will notice the difference. The takeover occurred over the last week, when members of the sub .500 football team joined black activists i...

  • November 7, 2015

    Black People Must Be Livid at the Keystone Job Killer-In-Chief

    Everybody knows the only reason why so many black people spend so much time in prison is because there are no jobs. This is Article of Faith Number One among reporters and public officials and pundits who, on the one hand, deny black crime is a pr...

  • November 7, 2015

    George Will drew first blood

    That was his first mistake.  And Bill O’Reilly was about to make him pay for it with a dressing down rarely if ever seen between two conservative superstars on a major prime-time news show. The clash began with George Will’s evisc...

  • October 28, 2015

    Cops Fired For Telling the Truth about Black Violence

    If you know a cop, you know a hero. And today, heroes are getting fired for a new kind of bravery: telling the truth about black crime and black on white racial hostility. They already have enough to do: George Orwell famously said “We sl...

  • October 26, 2015

    Black Guns Are Easy to See. Black People, Not So Much

    The Washington Post can spot a pattern of racism from worlds away. Post columnist Mary Curtis said it was easy: people who do not like Barack Obama are not going to admit they are racists. But the pattern often found in Republicans, she said, make...

  • October 12, 2015

    Too Many Black People in Prison -- And Other Fairy Tales

    The great and powerful Leo Strine figured it all out: Too many black people are spending too much time in prison. Strine should know: He is Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court.  Strine is heading a commission of black history profess...

  • September 29, 2015

    Elizabeth Warren Goes Crazy for Black Lives Matter

    Can I ask you a serious question: Is Senator Elizabeth Warren insane? If so, does that make the editors of the Washington Post and the faculty of Harvard University insane as well for going along with her denial, deceit, and now delusions? Spoi...

  • September 25, 2015

    Piece of String Creates Hate Crime Panic

    When the black studies student saw a piece of string in a tree, she did what any self-respecting black studies student would do: shriek racism. The string looked like rope. And rope means lynching. And that meant within a few minutes of this Tuesd...

  • September 14, 2015

    Black Violence Matters

    The epidemic of white on black violence is now celebrated among the Sunday morning chattering class. They insist this crime is rampant and the president should do something about it, as we recently heard from the talking heads on the CBS Sunday mo...

  • September 9, 2015

    Black Man Suffers Another Racist Beating -- in Whole Foods?

    Another black man is the victim of another racist beating — for no reason whatsoever. Or so the media would have us believe. This time in Oakland. And we know that because of what the CBS affiliate called an “unprovoked violent beatdow...

  • August 26, 2015

    Black Violence in Schools: White People to Blame

    The Tampa Bay Times just figured out why local black schools are a hot mess of chaos, violence and danger. White people did it. Which, of course, is the same reason why black schools are also violent and dangerous in Baltimore, St. Louis, Phila...

  • August 18, 2015

    Marco Rubio: The Newest Member of Black Lives Matter.

    Every politician has a go-to guy for black issues: A black person to keep it real with the latest information from the streets about riots, rampage and rap. Senator Corey Booker’s guy is named T-Bone. Booker met T-Bone -- a drug dealer -- wh...

  • August 14, 2015

    Colin Flaherty vs. YouTube

    YouTube sent me an email the other day saying it was putting me on notice for violating its Terms of Service and that I would not be allowed to post new videos for two weeks. The reason: I posted a private video from a parent of a child who filmed...

  • August 11, 2015

    Camera Saves Cop from Racial Hostility -- Again

    Another camera saves another cop: This time in Texas, from a black state legislator who in a public hearing accused a cop of racism. “Last month, Garnet Coleman held a hearing to talk about the controversial arrest of Sandra Bland, the Chica...

  • August 7, 2015

    De-Policing: the Scariest Word of the Year

    The contest for the Scariest New Word of the Year is officially over. We have a winner. De-policing. This is what cops and their superiors are calling it as they systematically withdraw from stopping, checking, investigating, frisking, pulling ...

  • August 4, 2015

    The New James Baldwin Speaks: White People Suck

    The New James Baldwin is breaking it down for NPR: TNJB had a really, really, really tough childhood. Violence to and from school. During class. Even on the way to grandmother’s house. Nonstop. All at the hands of black people in Baltimore. ...

  • July 29, 2015

    Panic in Pittsburgh: Media Struggling to Ignore Black Mob Violence

    Black people in Pittsburgh were feeling poorly about crime: Too many of them were in the news accused of killing, robbing, assaulting, jacking, shooting, stealing, rioting, breaking, burgling, harassing, intimidating, threatening, fighting, throwing,...

  • July 15, 2015

    As long as we're eliminating symbols of past racism...

    Take down that rebel flag! Burn the damn thing: I am so ready to wipe out every last molecule of white racism. And we are just getting started. Nathan Bedford Forrest? The rebel soldier, Klan leader and Democrat buried in a park in Memphis? Dig...

  • July 2, 2015

    Obama Channels Reverend Wright

    After 11 years of hiding and hinting, the real Barack Obama is back. The guy who spent twenty years listening to Reverend Jeremiah Wright preach the gospel of racial hostility has decided it is just too much trouble to keep his black-on-white rese...

  • June 19, 2015

    The War on Black People in South Carolina: the First Casualty is Truth.

    Mass murder was not enough.  Not for the army of reporters who soon after the South Carolina killings surrounded this truth with a bodyguard of lies. The shooting was part of a pattern of white on black violence wildly out of proportion, jour...

  • June 16, 2015

    Black Mob Violence In Swimming Pools. A Long History

    The Washington Post wasted no time in explaining why 200 black people at a private pool in McKinney, Texas attacked members of the club, bullied their children, destroyed their property, and assaulted their security guard when he invited them to leav...

  • May 12, 2015

    The Ballad of Jaquise

    Before Jaquise Lewis lost his life defending his friends from an act of racist white mob violence, he was universally loved and admired. Fun to be around, said one relative. Never got into any trouble, his aunt remembered. One after another, they ...

  • May 8, 2015

    Pulitzer Committee to Reporters: Drop Dead

    The Pulitzer Prize committee has two words of advice for the thousands of journalists who worked on the biggest story of 2014. Drop dead. That is because every major journalist in America botched it. Top to bottom. Beginning to end. Front to ba...

  • May 4, 2015

    Stop Fixating on Black Violence -- If You Can

    Bill Moyers and Ta-Nehisi Coates really wish everybody would stop fixating on black violence and concentrate instead on what causes it: relentless white racism that can only be cured with copious quantities of cash for programs and reparations. Th...

  • April 27, 2015

    Killer Mike Is A Good Guy

    Fox News superstars Megyn Kelly and Brian Kilmeade want you to know there is more to Killer Mike than just urging black people to kill cops. So we should not peg Killer Mike as just another rapper with a relentless schtick about faggots, guns, que...

  • April 13, 2015

    Black Judge heaps Scorn on Three-year old Racist

    Louisville has a new hero: A black judge unafraid to stand up to the relentless white racism that is everywhere, all the time, and explains everything. And the racist at the receiving end of Judge Olu Stevens’ courageous scorn? A three-year-...

  • April 8, 2015

    Black city councilman breaks the silence on black on white crime

    Black on white violence in Cleveland is no secret. But everyone pretends it is. Until now. Black city councilman Zack Reed has broken the silence: "[Public Square] is ground zero on St. Patrick's Day for blacks to go beat up white...

  • April 3, 2015

    Spring Break Violence is a Black College Thing

    Being a self-proclaimed "simple man," Bill O’Reilly has no reason to know about the long history of black mob violence associated with Spring Break. So earlier this week when he wanted to know why seven black people were shot follo...

  • March 26, 2015

    The Old Man and the Sea of Black Mob Violence

    They didn’t count on the Old White Dude with a bat. But when 55-year old Eddie Motley saw ten black people beating, stomping, kicking, and punching his neighbor and her two teenage boys, and laughing about it, he did not dial 911. He grab...

  • March 19, 2015

    Starbucks Fights Racism. Racism Fights Back.

    If you need a conversation starter with your Starbucks’ barista, try this: What’s up with all the black mob violence? Just as the coffee giant announced its employees would be educating their customers about race relations, (Hash ...

  • March 17, 2015

    Conservatives Blind to Racism, says RedState Seer

    Why? Why can’t conservatives see that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism, all the time, everywhere, and that explains everything? That is what Rand Paul and his acolytes at RedState want to know. Why are Nea...

  • March 11, 2015

    Black Mob Violence Spreads as the President Preaches Victimization in Selma

    The President celebrated black victimization at his recent speech in Selma, but around the rest of the country, black people were making the successful transition from victim to predator. Within a few days of the President’s Selma speech, bl...

  • March 6, 2015

    The Biggest Lie of Our Generation: Ferguson Was All About Traffic Tickets

    So now every talking head in America wants to have an extended national conversation about unpaid traffic tickets?             All because everything thing else about St. Michael of Ferguso...

  • February 23, 2015

    Forget The Terrorists: Malls Already Under Attack from Black Mob Violence

    Forget ISIS and its threat to terrorize American malls. Dozens of shopping areas are already under attack. Since the Christmas season, at least 25 malls around the country have experienced black mob violence, many connected to movie theaters. With...

  • February 13, 2015

    Black Grievance Month Gets Off to Delicious Start

    For the connoisseur of racial grievance, Black History Month is off to a delicious start. Let’s start with you: You didn’t know February was Black History Month? Shaking my damn head or SMDH -- which is the standard response on Twitter...

  • February 2, 2015

    Another Bogus Academic Study Creates Bogus Headlines

    Thanks to the Washington Post, we have new entry in what is surely the fastest-growing industry in academia: bogus studies that purport to show there is no difference between black and white rates of crime. The only difference comes from the big bad ...

  • January 12, 2015

    Documented: Black Students Target Teachers for Violence

    If all you knew about racial violence came from the protestors at a Manhattan Sunday brunch,  you would know that black people are victims of relentless white violence. In the real world, black mob violence and black-on-white crime are  ...

  • December 28, 2014

    Black Mob Violence at Christmas, All Over the Country

    Holidays are a special time for practitioners and deniers of black mob violence. The Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day and of course New Year’s are among the most popular. But not Christmas. Not usually. Not until this year: Black mob ...

  • December 26, 2014

    A New Poster Child for Black on White Crime

    Paige Stalker might be alive today had she learned about Routine Activity Theory. But she is dead and two of her friends are critically wounded, the latest poster children for R.A.T.:  White people in black neighborhoods should expect to be t...

  • December 22, 2014

    The Brooklyn Slaughter and the End of Gotcha

    We are way past playing games of gotcha.  The Brooklyn police slaughter is just another example of how black racial hostility is now an everyday fact of life. Part of the national fabric. So much so that no one even bothers to hide it. Not...

  • December 18, 2014

    Searching for the Next Michael Brown

    See also: A big target of racial hostility Families are lining up to make their son the next Michael Brown.  Waiting to tell their story of how racist cops killed their child For No Reason Whatsoever. The latest example comes from Philadel...

  • December 18, 2014

    A big target of racial hostility

    See also: Searching for the Next Michael Brown If everything you knew about racial violence came from CNN, et al., then you would know that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism and violence.  Especially from cops. ...

  • December 11, 2014

    Racial Fairy Tales from the NAACP

    Welcome to the single most breathtaking sentence in the history of San Diego journalism. It comes unchallenged from the lips of Lei-Chala Wilson, president of the San Diego chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People....

  • December 3, 2014

    Black Crime Claims Life of Apologist for Black Crime

    David Ruenzel knew, better than most, about the white privilege that killed him.  As a writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of this favorite topics was rooting out racism. And how white racism is permanent. White racism is everywhe...

  • November 26, 2014

    Black Mob Violence Now a Sickness

    Thank you, Ferguson: Thanks to you we learned that black mob violence is now a sickness -- not just a problem. And no one is sicker than the reporters who ignore, condone, excuse, and even encourage it, as we learned from the latest riot. ...

  • October 31, 2014

    Ebola: Three Million HazMat Suits on the Way

    The liberal blogosphere is aflame with accusations that the Ebola outbreak is a fake crisis manufactured by right-wing media. The World Health Organization has a different point of view: the group at the front lines of the Ebola epidemic is orderi...

  • October 29, 2014

    Racial Hostility and Violence on Campus

    Every high school student in America should read a recent commentary in the Philadelphia Daily News about the “new Jim Crow.” Especially if they are thinking attending an “urban university.” The article described with ar...

  • October 23, 2014

    Black Mob Violence on Campus: Soft Targets Everywhere

    Nytesa Gant knows why black mob violence is so widespread at her campus. "Of course violence is going to happen when you have 1,000-plus people intoxicated at a party,” Gant told WHIO. She was talking about a recent riot -- that local m...

  • October 17, 2014

    Bus Driver Organizes Black Mob Violence Against White Family

    Some stories you have to read 10 times before deciding: ’Yes: What I thought was too crazy is really true.’ This is one of those stories. Here goes, believe it or not: A black Baltimore bus driver organized a mob of 20 black people ...

  • October 15, 2014

    New Cure for Racial Violence in Minneapolis: Crack down on the victims.

    Police in Minneapolis have discovered a new way to fight the wave of black violence and mayhem that is now an every day fact of life in their city: Blame the white victims for drinking too much. Why not: Nothing else has worked. First, Minneapo...

  • October 2, 2014

    Black Mob Violence: So many Stories, not enough Room

    My last article for American Thinker was too long. And too short. Too long because the gurus tell us articles should be about 600 words. My story about the president talking to the black caucus about white people inflicting constant racial injusti...

  • September 29, 2014

    Racial Disparity is a Bitch

    No matter how hard the president tries to persuade the country that black people are the real victims of racial violence, black people will just not cooperate. Saturday night the president was telling members of the Congressional Black Caucus abou...

  • September 20, 2014

    Seven Minutes in September

    It just does not stop: On thursday afternoon, I received seven emails in seven minutes, detailing dozens of cases of recent black mob violence all around the country. Many on video. Let’s take a tour of seven minutes in September, starting i...

  • September 16, 2014

    Black Crime in Baltimore High -- but Should be Higher

    Crime in Baltimore is dropping like a pile of hot rocks. And Elliott Einbinder knows the reason why: It is hard to get arrested there. Einbinder is a Jewish dentist who was attacked last week on his way to afternoon prayers near his office -- all ...

  • September 12, 2014

    The Racial Violence Epidemic in Milwaukee that the Local Media Dismiss

    Nothing is more obnoxious than calling someone a liar just because they disagree with you. Unless of course, it is true. And it is getting harder and harder to describe the recent black mob violence near Milwaukee without using the word L-word ...

  • July 7, 2014

    Anthony Cumia Gets Attacked... then Fired.

    Anthony Cumia gets attacked all the time: Most often for telling the truth about black crime and violence that is stratospherically out of proportion. And how reporters condone it. On Thursday night, July 3, his bosses at Sirius XM radio fired him...

  • June 5, 2014

    Memorial Day Racial Violence Even More Widespread than Previously Reported

    I have to apologize to the readers of American Thinker. Last week, I wrote about more than a dozen episodes of black mob violence around  the country over the Memorial Day weekend. Turns out I was wrong: I missed at least three examples of la...

  • May 30, 2014

    Widespread Memorial Day Black Violence Ignored by National Media

    Black Beach Week used to get all the glory: Every Memorial Day weekend, 300,000 black people gathered in Miami Beach to get their freak on. And also create a tsunami of violence, robbery, shootings, carjackings, vandalism, mayhem, noise and trash. ...

  • December 13, 2013

    Muzzling Readers in Detroit

    Correction: The first version of this article incorrectly attributed ownership of the MLLive website to the Detroit News. In fact, MLLive is owned by a chain of suburban newspapers. We apologize for the error. Mark Honojosa, Director of Interactive M...

  • December 2, 2013

    Knocking out the Deniers

    The deniers of black mob violence have a new mantra: "Colin, show us the numbers." Otherwise, all this talk about the Knockout Game and an epidemic of black on white violence is a myth. An urban legend. Thus sayeth more than a dozen of media outlets ...

  • November 26, 2013

    Black Mob Violence: New Denials... and New Violence

    NBC News and the Associated Press want you to know there is no such thing as black mob violence. Especially in the hundreds of cases of Knockout Game now receiving so much attention in local and national media across the country. Ditto the Washington...

  • November 14, 2013

    Open Season on Jews?

    Open season on Jews continues. The latest reported example of black mob violence on Jews came last Sunday night in the Orthodox enclave of Crown Heights. A security video obtained by, shows a group of black people punching a young ...

  • November 7, 2013

    Violence Comes to Temple

    Wait just a minute, Temple University. Don't go getting all huffy just because a black guy beat and robbed an 81-year old white professor. This robbery happened on Tuesday, October 29. A person whose grainy visage is now known to millions of residen...

  • October 28, 2013

    Rough Times in Kansas City

    Councilman Jermaine Reed is not going to like this: Police in Kansas City, Missouri are picking on black people. Again. This time the targets are "unruly teenagers" from a 95 percent black high school called DeLaSalle. Last Thursday, a bus driver re...

  • October 11, 2013

    The Blood Flows in Rochester

    Rochester city councilman Adam McFadden has to be wondering why so many people are still so puzzled at the frequent black mob violence in Rochester. After all, McFadden explained it all to us just two years ago. "I think what you saw at the beach i...

  • September 26, 2013

    Ebony and Black Violence

    White liberals may deny black mob violence but many black people are way past that: Today, its all about white racism. Ebony magazine's latest issue is a good example of that. Ebony is upset that some are trying to score political points from the rec...