Clifford C. Nichols

Clifford C. Nichols

  • Why Victoria Nuland Should Not Be Missed

    March 30, 2024

    Why Victoria Nuland Should Not Be Missed

    In the 60-minute news cycle that has become the world in which we now find ourselves, it’s easy to get distracted from developments that could lead to far greater adverse consequences than most Americans yet fully realize … much less, co...

  • November 14, 2023

    The eclipse of America’s greatness

    The perception that America is a nation that is entitled to continued greatness is an illusion whose light is fading rapidly. Many Baby-Boomers living in this country were taught from birth the “immutable truth” that our nation’s...

  • July 30, 2023

    Why President Trump Should Declare a Day for America to Pray and Fast

    What if...President Trump were to use his platform to call for a national day of prayer and fasting to petition God to forgive America its trespasses in exchange for our commitment to Him to return as a nation to an abidance with what is good and rig...

  • June 29, 2023

    People who really should be hoping there is no God

    For some, one of the more notable attributes associated with the idea of there being a God is the binary choice He is said to have offered mankind: be His friend, and you'll be blessed by Him for eternity; choose otherwise, and you'll be left...

  • November 26, 2022

    A High Noon Showdown for America

    We may well be living in some of the most interesting times in the history of America. After President Trump announced his candidacy for president in 2024, Merrick Garland announced late last week the appointment of a special counsel to continue, ...

  • October 11, 2022

    Is America deserving of God's blessing...or His curse?

    Today, there seem to be two views in the Christian community about what direction God is going to take for America in this battle of good versus evil.  One is that God will overcome evil to restore America to its former greatness.  ...

  • September 8, 2022

    The Strange Case of Ghislaine Maxwell

    Those that love this country, must also love the moral fiber upon which it was founded.  From that truth, it must also be true that as a society, it is a duty of all Americans to remain vigilant to remove any strand of evil that has invaded o...

  • June 28, 2022

    Thanking God for President Trump

    Years ago, while I was seriously dating a wonderful woman I had met at the church we both attended, I was having lunch with a friend who knew us both.     He asked me, “How’s it going?”   Attempti...

  • February 18, 2022

    What will the Canadian truckers do?

    Justin Trudeau has ordered the seizure of all assets, the freezing of bank accounts, and the cancelation of credit cards for all persons identified by the government to be either directly or indirectly participating in, or supporting, the t...

  • February 6, 2022

    Will Canada's truckers score a victory for all free people?

    On Wednesday in Ottawa, a police officer stepped into a bar to deliver a message from the Canadian government to the truckers protesting Canada's vaccine mandates.  In the course of his videotaped delivery, among other things,...

  • January 30, 2022

    To Heal our Nation’s Divide, Let’s Start by Praying

    Few exist in our nation who are better able -- and inexplicably willing -- than Keith Olbermann to afford us a portal through which we may view the mindset of your average left-wing digressive on the topic of what is necessary to heal Ameri...

  • April 21, 2021

    Supreme Court's failures are putting America on a path to tyranny

    Rarely do the generation experiencing the actual events and decisions that lead to their nation's demise fully appreciate the enormity of their oversight until sometime after their culture's destruction has been rendered incurable. ...

  • May 22, 2020

    Michael Flynn Deserves a Justice Department Worthy of the Name

    The exoneration of General Michael Flynn falls far short of justice being fully served.  Make no mistake.  Provided Judge Sullivan is compelled to do the right thing, it’s a step in the right direction.  But, even if Judge Sul...