Cliff Nichols

Cliff Nichols

  • A ‘Warren Report’ isn’t going to fly in 2024

    July 24, 2024

    A ‘Warren Report’ isn’t going to fly in 2024

    Everybody knows that the “lone gunman” is dead, but the controversy surrounding the theory that Thomas Matthew Crooks was a “lone gunman” is not. Many feel entirely justified to continue exploring whether others had to be i...

  • August 29, 2023

    Tyrants Make De-Tyrannification a Criminal Act?

    Interestingly, in the playbook of most Americans, tyranny used to be considered a bad thing. In fact, there are a few of us left who remember a time when the absence of tyranny was exactly what made the people around the world envy us.  Indee...

  • April 11, 2023

    Is 2024 Only A Mirage?

    Victor Davis Hanson recently published an essay titled “Our French Revolution.” In it, he describes the cultural upheaval we are experiencing in America today and how we should view those presently in control of our government w...

  • March 14, 2023

    Where Is the American Church in All This?

    Recently, Tucker Carlson focused the nation's attention upon the notable silence of American Christian leaders on the Biden administration's persecution of Christians by asking,  Where are all the professional Ch...

  • January 11, 2023

    Has election integrity fallen between the cracks?

    Last week, we all watched our Congress in an upheaval, largely because a few courageous conservatives refused to auto-endorse a swamp creature to be speaker of the House. Although Kevin McCarthy ultimately prevailed, the conservatives are heralded...