Clayton Spann

Clayton Spann

  • September 17, 2022

    Reflecting on the Momentous History of Antietam

    One hundred sixty years ago today, a savage dawn to dusk battle occurred in the rolling countryside of western Maryland.  The great Civil War historian, Bruce Catton, wrote that the Battle of Antietam produced, “the decisive victory of the...

  • December 16, 2021

    So what if Kamala Harris becomes president?

    President Kamala Harris.  When the prospect is raised, people of either political party shudder.  But President Harris may be coming to a theater near you. President Joe Biden is a faltering soul.  His unfor...

  • December 5, 2021

    Remembering December Eight Decades Ago

    As we enter this troubled December, let us reach back eighty years.  To another December, and eight days that birthed the world of peril and promise we occupy today. In the first days of December 1941, the German Army was approaching Moscow f...

  • November 24, 2021

    There's something about Kamala

    The Democrat party elders asked the oracle, how do you get rid of an unwanted vice president?  Three ways, the oracle replied.  Impeach and convict her, ask her to resign for the good of the party and nation, or...bribe ...

  • October 1, 2021

    Can the Dems Bust the Filibuster?

    The Senate is split 50-50 between the two parties.  However, if a vote were now held to eliminate the filibuster, this split morphs to 48 yeas and 52 nays. Such a tally allows the filibuster to survive.  And it allows the sometimes ...

  • September 14, 2021

    Joe and the Football

    We are not talking about Joe Montana, arguably the greatest quarterback of all time (sorry, Tom).  We are talking about Joe Biden, categorically the worst president of all time. Joe's football weighs a hefty forty-five pounds....

  • August 20, 2021

    Why Joe Biden can't resign, or be removed — or die

    See also: Can the Biden presidency last much longer? In the wake of the Afghanistan debacle, demands have arisen in Congress for President Biden to resign or to be removed via the 25th Amendment.  Elements of the formerly ...

  • July 19, 2021

    How long until the wokesters come after our coins?

    American coins have slept so long, no doubt the progs think that it is time to woke them up. On the quarter dollar we must remove George Washington.  He owned or controlled over 300 enslaved people.  We could replace his visage...

  • July 7, 2021

    Replacing Joe, the vegetable

    The mental decline of Joe Biden accelerates.  How long can he function as even a puppet president?  The bigger question is, what happens when drugs can no longer keep Joe semi-coherent? Let's pick a time — say, late N...