Clay Hegar

Clay Hegar

  • August 20, 2011

    Has the Double-Dip Recession Arrived?

    On Thursday and Friday August 18-19 of last week, the world's markets lurched downward. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed nearly 600 points (-5.2%) as the week ended. The catalyst for the renewed fear came early on Thursday, when data released by...

  • August 13, 2011

    The Growing Republican 10th Amendment Debate

    A major issue for limited government conservatives to track in upcoming Republican presidential debates is the conversation on the 10th Amendment. This amendment reserves rights not enumerated to the federal government to the states and people, and ...

  • August 9, 2011

    The Continuing Injustice of Obamacare Waivers

    It may be hard to keep track of with the round-the-clock news cycle, but the continuing injustice of waivers to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act deserves careful scrutiny by the American citizenry. The list of granted waivers now stands...

  • July 30, 2011

    An alternate default; inflation

    In a July 25th video which went mildly viral in libertarian circles, Ron Paul (R-TX) declared that a United States default is inevitable given the nation's level of indebtedness. At this point in the dog days of summer, the Congressman's assertio...