Clark Wren

Clark Wren

  • Netflix propaganda flicks

    March 1, 2025

    Netflix propaganda flicks

    They said it couldn’t be done! They said it couldn’t be done! Leave it to Netflix to change a much beloved coming-of-age story, Anne of Green Gables, written about 100 years ago, into modern political propaganda. The contemporary version,...

  • Recovering from the Biden Era

    January 26, 2025

    Recovering from the Biden Era

    Like many Americans, I became so angry at the things Joe Biden did — or did not do — that I would have to psychologically manage it through a variety of stress-reducing techniques.  For example, immigration: It seemed to me as i...

  • Cyberpunk World

    October 26, 2024

    Cyberpunk World

    I uploaded the Instagram app on my phone just to see what was there. Since I knew no one on this social network, I clicked to follow almost everyone who came up on my screen. It did not take long before a sleazy underworld began to contact me. At fir...

  • Taylor Swift and the princely class

    September 21, 2024

    Taylor Swift and the princely class

    There’s an old saying: “Nothing in the human world grows unless the political soil underneath it is very well fertilized.” Taylor Swift has never been a musician. She has never been a singer. She has always been a political creat...

  • Wow! Have you listened to Alexa lately?

    September 6, 2024

    Wow! Have you listened to Alexa lately?

    “Alexa, why should I vote for Donald Trump?” “I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate,” Alexa says. “Alexa, why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” “Wh...

  • Don’t be surprised if Kamala shoots ahead in the polls

    August 3, 2024

    Don’t be surprised if Kamala shoots ahead in the polls

    I haven’t seen this much fawning love from the elites and the media since Barack Obama ran for president.  Kamala didn’t get one single vote, yet she is the Democrat party’s presidential candidate.  It reminds me...

  • Biden should resign immediately

    July 22, 2024

    Biden should resign immediately

    He was the weakest president in the history of the republic. When a little pressure was applied, not surprisingly, he caved. For the last few years, walking seemed to take every bit of his concentration. During the debate, he would lose his train of ...

  • Carrying Cerberus up out of the pit

    May 16, 2024

    Carrying Cerberus up out of the pit

    According to the ancient myth, the twelfth and final labor imposed upon Hercules by Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns, was to bring back Cerberus, the three-headed cur with a snake’s tail, from the underworld.  Hercules believed that thi...

  • If they jail Trump, what’s next?

    April 20, 2024

    If they jail Trump, what’s next?

    The insiders, the elites, the establishment, whatever you want to call them, are hoping our Soviet-styled Department of Justice (“show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime”) will keep rolling forward and steam-roll Donald Trump. ...

  • Change in America

    March 25, 2024

    Change in America

    There are two types of change. There is systemic change: change that occurs because of the political pressures within the system. Then there is anti-systemic change: change that occurs in opposition to the system in power, in other words pushback. An...

  • January 28, 2024

    The extortion of Donald Trump

    President Trump has been robbed of his freedom of speech.  None of this has happened by accident.  There has always been a political purpose behind the laws and the indictments and the extortion. In the age of King John of Engl...

  • December 21, 2023

    When religion caves to political pressure

    I remember 15 years ago when I was a quasi-member of the Trinity Episcopal Church. I say I was a quasi-member because I wasn’t really a member of the church. My wife was. I, however, paid the donations -- somewhat reluctantly. Nevertheless, I h...

  • December 8, 2023

    The other meaning of words

    Islamophobe, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe. (I did not realize until recently how many mental conditions I suffered from). But wait! I am not done yet. Racist, bigot, anti-Semite, sexist, and (my all-time favorite) misogynist. (I wonder what my mo...

  • August 26, 2023

    Democracy or banana republic?

    Racketeering? Ninety-one felony charges to date?  “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” Lavrentiy Beria, former secret police chief of the Soviet Union. We are slowly slipping toward an ocean filled with gasoline...

  • July 20, 2023

    Preparing America for the unthinkable

    A long time ago, I took a journalism class.  One day, the lecture for the class dealt with the purpose of the press in this country.  I perked up a bit in my chair.  The professor for the course said the role of the pres...

  • July 7, 2023

    What the world needs now is a gay James Bond

    Since opposing power in our modern times is futile, we must adapt to the demands it makes on us.  This is especially true of the long-running character in the fictional James Bond series. "Oh, the things I do for England," Sean...

  • June 10, 2023

    Enough is enough — defend Trump

    Throughout most of my life, my attitude toward politics has been this: don’t get involved. People who get wrapped up in politics gain nothing from it and often ruin their own lives. Live life as best as you can, ignore politics, and enjoy the s...

  • May 15, 2023

    Spectral evidence against Trump

    Spectral evidence has not been permitted at trials since Governor William Phips of Massachusetts banned it in October of 1692 from being used in the Court of Oyer and Terminer during the Salem witch trials.  However, history seems to have r...

  • May 7, 2023

    Mindless self-righteousness on the left

    George Orwell in his great novel called them BELIEVERS.  Bill Buckley called them knee-jerk liberals.  I call them mindless ideologues.  These are people who wear a set of myopic lenses that are so thick that they can...

  • April 24, 2023

    The assumptions of progressivism

    Progressivism requires a boatload of assumptions.  Because it takes time and deep thinking to see the false and even the insane conclusions, most people do not have the patience, energy, or experience to chop through those assumptions. A...

  • March 19, 2023

    4 ways to Get Trump

    "The far & away leading Republican candidate & former president of the United States of America, will be arrested on Tuesday of next week.," Trump wrote on Truth Social. So the Kafkaesque Ministry of Justice or the banana republi...

  • December 6, 2022

    The new Sheriff of Nottingham: Merrick Garland

    Sheriff of Nottingham: "Just a minute.  Robin Hood steals money from my pocket, forcing me to hurt the public, and they love him for it?  That's it, then!  Cancel kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more m...

  • November 29, 2022

    Marriage and the Uniparty

    I call them the Republicrats.  History has shown again and again that one-party rule over time becomes breathtakingly corrupt and corrupting — even to the point of denaturing everything it is to be human. Recently, there was a bill...

  • November 4, 2022

    Trump vs. the elites

    A few weeks ago, I was watching Chuck Todd, and the first half-hour of Meet the Press was devoted to Liz Cheney.  It was the typical tirade: malevolent Donald, threats to democracy, false claims of election fraud; however, with the help of ...

  • March 17, 2022

    Free speech and media power

    Political power in our modern times should be measured in terms of media power.  Can you be heard, or can you not be heard?  Most every terrorist, journalist, Hollywood actor, crooner, and NFL quarterback knows this.  Ho...

  • December 22, 2021

    How much more powerful are the media than you?

    There are 32,000 full-time journalists in America — an army of thought-police — and they have a microphone the size of Mount Everest.  If anyone tries to get a message past this de facto ministry of propaganda for the elites, th...