C.J. Baker

C.J. Baker

  • November 3, 2022

    Caligula's horse and the US Senate

    According to the Roman historian Suetonius, the emperor Caligula made plans to install his favorite racehorse, a beast called Incitatus, as a Roman senator — although, as the story goes, Caligula was assassinated before he could do so. ...

  • April 22, 2022

    COVID-19 is becoming milder, but the left stays toxic as ever

    Just this morning (Tuesday, April 22, 2022), in the New York Times' "the Morning" online report, a guy named David Leonhardt writes with apparent amazement that "Coronavirus cases have risen in major cities.  Hospitalizat...

  • January 22, 2022

    The Top 10 COVID Villains of 2021

    Your humble correspondent hoped to have this retrospective completed by the start of the New Year, but a tussle with omicron intervened.  Nevertheless, it still seems worthwhile to pause and remember the worst COVID offenders of 2021. As...

  • December 31, 2021

    COVID-19 in 10 sentences

    As we approach the end of annus horribilis 2 (also known as 2021 A.D.), it seems worthwhile to to look back and summarize the events that have brought us where we are in the COVID-19 saga. Here, in ten sentences, is how we got here. Since at...

  • December 18, 2021

    No, seriously: Outgoing NIH director picks up guitar and sings 'COVID over the Rainbow'

    Francis Collins, the outgoing Chief Pharisee of the National Institutes of Health, gave a bizarre farewell address on December 14, 2021, during a so-called U.S. Department of Health and Human Services "town hall" event (which, despite the n...

  • December 3, 2021

    The madness stops only when Fauci is stopped

    On December 1, 2021, at a White House press conference, Tony Fauci was asked to comment about the "endgame" of COVID-19.  After blabbering nonsensically and unscientifically about the pre-eminent role of his beloved — and pa...

  • November 26, 2021

    Hey, Francis Collins: If you've been at the NIH too long, then what about Anthony Fauci?

    The NIH's Chief Pharisee, the monumentally hypocritical Francis Collins, recently announced his resignation from the agency, less than a month after he was called out as a liar by truth-tellers, like Professor Richard Ebright of Rutgers Universit...

  • November 9, 2021

    Fauci should 'get' while the gettin’ is good

    Does Anthony Fauci see the handwriting on the wall? His boss and enabler, the immensely hypocritical Francis Collins, apparently can take a hint.  He's getting out while he can.  He'll ride off into the sunset with a he...

  • October 21, 2021

    The new law

    Does this sound familiar? As a child, you are taught by those in power that you must cover your face when you go out into the world.  You must do so to shield others from the seed of their destruction, which dwells within you. Your mo...