Chuck Hustmyre

Chuck Hustmyre

  • March 18, 2018

    The Media, the NRA, and Islam

    It's too bad the American left doesn't treat the NRA even half as fairly as it treats Islam. NRA members haven't committed any mass shootings. NRA members haven't hijacked airplanes and flown them into buildings. Thirteen pe...

  • February 6, 2018

    The Progressive Kingdom of Hate

    A cacophony of liberal voices are crying that the current climate of rancor and divisiveness that permeates and seems to be splitting these once-United States is the fault of one man -- Donald Trump. Really? How about a little perspective? Ten ...

  • January 26, 2018

    The New Occupation of Europe

    How exactly did we get here? The United States has been fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq (yes, we still have troops fighting there) for 15-plus years.  Those troops are saddled with more rules of engagement than you can shake a stick at ...

  • January 1, 2010

    In Defense of Profiling

    Let's get one thing straight right up front: Profiling is an effective tool.We do it with serial killers all the time. Why not terrorists? Because it's discrimination. Therefore, it must be evil. Wrong.According to my World Book dictionary, discrimin...

  • December 9, 2009

    Stop Prosecuting Our American Heroes

    In what must be one of the most outrageous criminal prosecutions in American history, the U.S. military is dragging three Navy SEALs into court to face criminal charges. Their crime: punching a terrorist in the mouth and giving him a bloody lip.The a...

  • May 1, 2009

    Language Ninnies

    "We're destroying words -- scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. We're cutting the language down to the bone. It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words." --George OrwellYesterday I was riding down the street and saw one of tho...

  • April 5, 2009

    Modern American 'Racism'

    RACISM!The word itself, and its kissing cousin, RACIST! are perhaps the two most feared words in the English language. They can destroy lives, wreck careers, even land people in jail.But what do they mean -- exactly?Words have clearly defined meaning...