Chuck Boyer

Chuck Boyer

  • October 3, 2012

    Softballs We'd Like to See Romney Toss Obama

    Barring any real gaffes, the enduring outcome from the first Presidential debate tonight will most likely be determined by general impressions among voters more than anything else. Misplacing the old Soviet Union, sweating uncontrollably, or havi...

  • September 23, 2012

    Romney was right. So?

    On playgrounds, as in life, there are groups of self-made winners and groups of self-made losers.  When picked upon by the winners, the losers, often at a loss as to know how to defend their indefensible choices simply answer, "so?" "Whatever...

  • September 5, 2012

    Democratic Convention - First Night

    Well, the Democratic Convention has begun and there was a lot of heated talk about the freedom to marry whomever you love, and very little-correct that-no mention of the $16 trillion national debt. The country is broke, and the current administr...