Christopher Skeet

Christopher Skeet

  • January 24, 2024

    Confronting My White Privilege

    I don’t know about you, but if I’m ever anesthetized and under the surgeon’s knife, I would prefer the chap on the other end of the scalpel be focused solely on correcting my ailment, stitching me up, and most importantly keeping me...

  • August 21, 2023

    We Need a Truce

    Election season is rapidly approaching.  The first Republican debate is this week.  The Iowa caucus is in January, and the New Hampshire primary is soon thereafter.  With over a dozen declared candidates, the marathon pl...

  • June 30, 2023

    Two Minutes of Pride

    Another pride parade month has come and gone.  My very upscale, very safe, very woke suburb held its annual Pride Parade a couple weeks ago, both conducted and attended by privileged people who have never known oppression and never will.  T...

  • April 18, 2023

    Put Some Clothes On Your Daughter!

    As the seasons change and the weather warms, American adults are yet again being subjected to the uncomfortable spectacle of teenage girls wearing outfits more befitting a runway show than a school, a store, or any other public setting.  Every w...

  • March 22, 2023

    What Trump needs to understand about criticizing DeSantis

    New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg is rumored to be ready to bring a sham indictment against former president Donald Trump for allegedly paying porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign to be quiet about a former affair....

  • March 20, 2023

    Hey Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone

    I have argued on these pages that the Epstein scandal was a harbinger, and that the normalization of adult-child sexual relations was already in full swing.  Nowhere does this seem to be more evident than in our public schools. This past...

  • February 22, 2023

    One Year Later, A Conservative Case for Ukraine

    One year after Russia invaded Ukraine, its invasion has stalled.  The Ukrainians have not only held their own, but have managed to liberate a good chunk of their conquered territory.  They’ve been buoyed tremendously by a con...

  • December 25, 2022

    If Tucker Carlson Were On the Air in 1941

    On December 21, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a speech to the United States Congress, which was well received by most representatives from both parties.  Tucker Carlson criticized the speech, and its warm reception, on his nig...

  • December 11, 2022

    A new generation of insufferable celebrity activists takes the reins

    What is the consequence of taking a bunch of high school dropouts, paying them millions of dollars for performing tasks that most civilizations delegated to the lowest dregs, and surrounding them 24/7 with a lapdog press and fan base? Celebrity ac...

  • November 22, 2022

    That Art is Ours -- Let's Act Like It

    On April 25, 1976, the Chicago Cubs were playing the Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium.  Halfway through the game, an unemployed protester and his 11-year-old son jumped onto the field and attempted to light an American flag on fire.  C...

  • November 20, 2022

    National Review, you’re not helping

    I want us to win the presidency in 2024.  Whether it’s with Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Pompeo, or an as yet unknown candidate, I don’t care.  I want the Biden clown car gone.  I want America to cease being the sclerotic, corru...

  • November 10, 2022

    DeSantis in 2024

    With the midterms behind us and 2024 already shaping up, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed.  Trump has all but announced his intention to run, and there is no reason to think DeSantis won’t do the same.  There are other p...

  • November 8, 2022

    After the Election

    Barring a 3 A.M. multi-million ballot dump, the Republican Party is set to take control of both the House and the Senate.  From this result, I foresee two scenarios unfolding. First, there is the reaction of the Left, which will be not to for...

  • October 15, 2022

    The Chimera of Glorious Civil War

    Do you hear that noise?  I hear it too.  It grows louder by the day.  It’s not the Russian milblogger community demanding Putin nuke anything and everything in his way, although you could be forgiven for thinking it was....

  • September 22, 2022

    A Tale of Two Standards

    In what has now become a par-for-the-course fabrication, Duke athlete Rachel Richardson's story of being called racist epithets by racist BYU fans in racist Utah during a racist volleyball game have been debunked.  Richardson had claime...

  • September 6, 2022

    The Next Pope Should at Least be Catholic

    Pope Francis doesn’t like America.  Pope Francis doesn’t like capitalism.  It is unclear whether Pope Francis even likes Catholicism.  Whatever the case may be, he seems to be doing everything he can to dissuade Catholics f...

  • August 23, 2022

    Rape in a Genderless Age

    Amongst all the headline news this summer, an important story was overlooked.  In May, 19-year-old Isimemen Etute was found not guilty of murdering 40-year-old Jerry Smith.  The details of the case are:  The two met on Tinder and met, ...

  • July 2, 2022

    Top Gun: Maverick -- An Antidote

    Back in 2001, when the Oscars were still somewhat bearable, I remember being elated that the movie Gladiator won so many awards.  Other than the fact that it was a great movie, there was something spitefully delicious in witnessing a victory tha...

  • June 5, 2022

    Which Amendment is Worth 'The Children'?

    After every mass shooting (particularly the vast majority upon which white supremacy cannot be blamed), leftists renew demands to repeal the Second Amendment as part of their Do Something!!! campaign and this past month’s evil in Uvalde was no ...

  • May 28, 2022

    Is Woke Corporatism Peaking?

    Over the past decade or so, corporate America has incessantly barraged an annoyed citizenry with the preachiness, the condescension, and the weaponized guilt that form the basis of woke ideology.  Spineless corporate boards, bending to the will ...

  • May 4, 2022

    The Court Must Hold the Line

    As we all found out Monday night, Politico published the leaked opinion of Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, which suggested that the Supreme Court will soon release a ruling overturning Roe v Wade, and give ...

  • April 10, 2022

    Governor Noem, do better

    Last Wednesday, South Dakota's Gov. Kristi Noem gave a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.  The leading Republican advised members of the Republican Party to “get over yourself.”  Lest we mistook ...

  • March 7, 2022

    What Ukraine could teach America

    Whatever the outcome of the Ukrainian War for Independence is, the folkloric actions of its leaders are already cementing themselves as legend in the next pages of history.  The epicenter of what actual adult leadership looks like has coalesced ...

  • November 28, 2021

    The Case against Dave Chappelle as Trailblazing Free Speech Hero

    Dave Chappelle used to be funny.  He's not anymore.  I write this not to insult the guy, but such is the occasional trajectory among not just comedians, but all entertainers.  Think Oasis or Velvet Underground in the...

  • November 23, 2021

    Yes, Kyle Rittenhouse is a Hero

    The sunshine patriots are at it again, folks.  In either another unreciprocated attempt to appear even-handed, or from a deep sense of shame at their own meekness, a number of conservatives are bleating that, while they support Kyle Rittenhouse...

  • November 8, 2021

    Not to Rain on Our Parade, But...

    Like all rational Americans, I was happy with the results of the Virginia gubernatorial election this past Tuesday.  However, I’m not optimistic, one reason being that a photo-finish victory against a sleazy establishment bagman in a state...

  • October 11, 2021

    On Indigenous Peoples’ Day Remember the Indigenous Europeans That Were Conquered and Enslaved by Other Races

    Every Columbus Day, we are treated to recycled howls from the left who insist the day be rebranded as Indigenous People’s Day, in honor of the millions of Native Americans displaced, enslaved, or killed during the centuries preceding the discov...

  • August 31, 2021

    Neither Honor nor Shame

    I don’t like senior officers bedecked in countless medals for two reasons: First, they tend to serve as an unspoken bulwark against any legitimate criticism, not of the bearer's past service, but of their current horrendous policy prescr...

  • August 20, 2021

    The Afghanistan Debacle is Exactly What the Left Wanted

    There's not much to say that hasn't already been said regarding Biden's unconditional surrender to the Taliban, and it's only the first week.  Bookshelves will be filled with analyses of these events, and we won't understand ...

  • July 27, 2021

    A Disaster of Olympian Proportions

    Is it wrong that I'm rooting for the U.S. Women's National Team to lose, and humiliatingly so, this Olympics? Of course it's not wrong.  The USWNT, led by America's favorite histrionic Megan Rapinoe, protested against racism a...

  • May 1, 2021

    Our Golden Age of the Craven Apology

    Last year, a 15-year-old clip of America’s Next Top Model was dug up in which host and supermodel Tyra Banks was being painfully honest when she told one of her show's contestants that the gap between her front teeth was "not marketabl...

  • January 25, 2021

    National Review and All its Many Ways of Insulting Conservatives

    The writers and columnists at National Review just had a great week.  Joe Biden was inaugurated, President Trump is gone, and their writers can scratch off their calendars the upcoming rush week at the Lincoln Project frat house and get bac...

  • January 10, 2021

    When Joe Biden says 'unity,' he means 'all white people are racist'

    On November 7, 2020, when the two Senate seats in Georgia were headed toward a runoff that it was assumed would easily be won by Republicans, Joe Biden gave a much-ballyhooed speech, declaring: "[Trump-supporters] are not our enemies....

  • October 21, 2020

    Tired, Hungry, and Poor: Everything Antifa Is Not

    On October 6, some Antifa sock puppet addressed the Portland city council.  Somewhere near the beginning of his insipid rant, he claims, “I represent a mass of humanity, we’re tired, hungry, poor, and huddling.”  My initia...

  • October 19, 2020

    Complacency Kills: Get Out and Vote

    I don't know about you, but I'm extremely apprehensive about our upcoming election.  We've been inundated with articles about a Trump sweep, for which we are given supposedly ironclad reasons with confident assurances that poorl...

  • September 10, 2020

    In defense of our anthem

    On September 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key penned "The Star Spangled Banner" after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore.  In the 200 years since then, it has evolved into one of the most inspirin...

  • September 8, 2020

    Ascent of the Yard Sign Prophets

    Shortly after Trump was elected president, “HATE HAS NO HOME HERE” (HHNHH) yard signs began adorning the minority-manicured lawns of white-collar, white-skinned liberals.  You’ve seen the sign.  Its message is translated i...

  • June 18, 2020

    The Book-Burners Are Here

    In terms of free speech and the defense thereof, this month has been one of the worst in our nation's history.  Those who don't kowtow to either the street mob or the Twitterati regarding the George Floyd controversy are finding the...

  • June 12, 2020

    What If Police Officers Go on Strike?

    There is an incident, recorded on video, involving two Buffalo police officers.  The video shows  several officers from an Emergency Response team clearing a street.  As they advance, protestor Matin Gugino approaches of...

  • March 8, 2020

    The Creeping Transmutation of Property Rights

    In 2015, the elected Montana Legislature passed a law giving Montanans a tax credit for donating to student scholarship organizations (SSOs), which help low-income parents pay for their children's private schools.  The unelected Montana...

  • February 10, 2020

    Pelosi Is Down but Not Out

    In every sense of the word, Trump absolutely killed it last Tuesday at the SOTU.  Sitting behind President Trump, watching him master the room, the grimace of Pelosi's face betrayed the culmination of a dawning revelation that unsettled her,...

  • February 2, 2020

    Freedom from Freedom from Religion: The Intent of Our Founding Fathers

    Have you heard of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF)?  They’re a herd of control freaks who dedicate their free time to harassing and bullying devout Christians out of public view and back into the closets whence they came....

  • January 1, 2020

    Can the Union Endure?

    At this point, Red and Blue America are not even speaking the same language.  We stand near the point of what divorce lawyers term “irreconcilable differences.”  In increasingly strident and self-assured tones, the Left believes...

  • December 24, 2019

    The media keep digging their hole

    In the poker world, going "on tilt" means a player has just lost a significant hand, or the past several hands, and is now making reckless, overly aggressive moves to compensate for his losses.  Other skilled players immediately r...

  • December 19, 2019

    Transgenders Attacking Gays and Lesbians for Refusal to Accept Them as Athletes and Same Sex Lovers

    "One only wonders, with concern, what the Soviets will do after they have wiped out their bourgeois." - Sigmund Freud In October 2018, biological male Rachel McKinnon took the gold at the UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships...

  • November 2, 2019

    David French vs. the Police

    An alarm must have recently rung on the cell phone of David French, reminding him that he had yet to pen his monthly anti-police article for National Review.  He duly set to work, Scotch-Taping together another mess of “exam...

  • September 28, 2019

    Greta wants an oompa loompa now

    When Veruca Salt threw a hissy fit, she at least jazzed it up with a catchy song.  No such luck with Greta Thunberg, the teenage Swedish climate activist and sometimes student.  Greta is all frowns, all crossed arms, and s...

  • September 23, 2019

    The Crisis Obama Let Go to Waste

    Barack Obama's legacy is nothing if not consequential.  In his decades as "community organizer" among Chicago's poorest, most desperate neighborhoods, he did nothing other than perpetuate complete dependence on Big Brother. ...

  • September 16, 2019

    Liberals Want to Grab Guns...but Who Will Do the Grabbing?

    I don't think I'm alone when I say it's frustrating having the same conversation over and over and over again.  I'm frustrated trying to explain the difference between a semi-automatic and a "military-style assault...

  • September 3, 2019

    Joe Walsh Implodes

    During the summer of 2012, I campaigned for Joe Walsh.  I manned the phones for him, I went door to door for him, and I attended his events.  That October, I witnessed the third debate between Walsh and Tammy Duckworth (who would go on...

  • August 30, 2019

    Greenland, China, and Colonialism

    A few years ago, my wife and I were vacationing in Iceland.  In a Reykjavik corner store selling tourist trips and activities, a large poster screaming Greenland! caught my eye.  It pictured a few colorful houses on a rocky shore, but littl...

  • August 27, 2019

    Are There Enough Morally Sound Liberals Left to Keep Pedophilia Illegal?

    By all accounts, Jeffrey Epstein was an unrepentant sex criminal who maintained (until his suicide by security camera malfunction) that he did nothing wrong.  During an interview with the New York Times last year, Epstein described the crim...

  • August 7, 2019

    Kristen Gillibrand's Tangled Web

    During the second Democratic debate, New York senator and political weathervane Kristen Gillibrand bragged that she could explain to white suburban women who voted for Trump “what white privilege actually is.”  No doubt.  When y...

  • August 6, 2019

    Democrats Are the Ones Who Have Been Inciting Violence against Their Political Opponents

    After the spectacle of Robert Mueller’s real time crumbling apart like a stale cookie, pundits took to the air to voice their frustration that Democrats are simply not tough enough to take on the Trump machine.  For what it’s worth, ...

  • July 6, 2019

    The Amazing Deflatable Buttigieg

    A scenario unfolded last week that has become boringly predictable.  Bad guy does bad things.  Good guy with authority shows up to stop him.  Bad guy attacks good guy with weapon.  Good guy shoots bad guy.  Bad guy’s ...

  • June 27, 2019

    London Calling: An American SJW Lays Down the Law

    Last month in London, Uruguayan-born Melania Geymonat and her American girlfriend Chris (last name unknown) were riding home on a bus after a date when they were physically attacked by four teenagers yelling homophobic and misogynist slurs.  A p...

  • June 12, 2019

    McCain: Heroism and Fallibility

    Recently, Senator Amy Klobuchar made a dubious claim regarding the late Senator John McCain.  She claimed that, as she sat next to him during President Trump's inauguration, McCain began reciting the names of dictators.  In case her sle...

  • May 24, 2019

    Our Collective Dive off the Cliff

    The burning of the Cathedral of Notre Dame — in the heart of Paris, in the heart of France, in the heart of Europe, in the heart of Christendom and Western civilization — was an absolute cultural catastrophe.  In the fire's ...