Christopher Schweickert

Christopher Schweickert

  • October 27, 2013

    Rethinking Public Transit

    "Just get it done.  Just get it done!" snapped an exasperated commuter to a radio reporter last week at a BART train station, talking about the strike.  Whatever his thoughts about the union's successful attempt to wrench more from a public...

  • March 5, 2005

    Watching Scalia Eviscerate a Kennedy

    Even his most ardent opponents are wont to acknowledge Justice Antonin Scalia's intellectual brilliance.  If you've never watched his devastating fire handily blasting the drunken jurisprudence of postmodernism, you owe yourself a read some...

  • November 9, 2004

    An inner-city Election Day

    When my legal colleague who was a Milwaukee native started chuckling upon hearing my Election Day poll assignment, I figured that any desire I had for action would not be disappointed.  I'd been late signing up as a Lawyer for Bush — such ...

  • July 31, 2004

    Reagan, Unto Eternity

    Part 1: June 5, 2004 My sister Kelsey and I pulled into the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.  Although this visit was going to be short, it had been some time in planning.  We were going to attend an event in Long Beach la...