Christopher Paslay

Christopher Paslay

  • August 28, 2022

    A Third Nomination of Trump Is What Conservatives Need Most

    Last week, National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke issued "A Long Goodbye to Trump," declaring in his article that it's time to get over the former president and that it's going to take a team effort by conservatives to top...

  • July 27, 2022

    How Intersectionality Works: Black vs. LGBT

    Isimemen Etute, the former Virginia Tech linebacker recently acquitted of second-degree murder, will be playing football at Iowa Community college this fall.  The fact that Etute is free at all, let alone playing football, is quite astonish...

  • July 7, 2022

    Jordan Peterson in Hot Water over Pronouns (Again)

    God bless Jordan Peterson.  "Up yours, woke moralists," Peterson told Twitter in a recent podcast when they suspended his account for tweeting a missive that apparently used incorrect gender pronouns and someho...

  • March 23, 2022

    'Lia' Thomas Has the Right to Compete — against Men

    "Lia" Thomas, the male UPenn swimmer who recently won the women's 500-yard freestyle NCAA championship, "just wants to swim."  Thomas doesn't want attention, controversy, or fanfare — just to enter a pool a...

  • February 27, 2022

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other green energy zealots have Ukrainian blood on their hands

    Now that Russia has invaded Ukraine — forcing over 50,000 Ukrainians to flee their country or seek shelter underground amid the shelling of major cities — the Green New Deal can now officially be renamed the Red New Deal.  At th...

  • February 7, 2022

    Let's See if the NFL Really Is Racist

    The National Football League is a systemically racist organization steeped in white supremacy.  Or so thinks former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores, who recently filed a class-action lawsuit against the NFL and its teams, a...

  • November 13, 2021

    Don't Let Leftists Gaslight You on Critical Race Theory

    Chauncey Devega, a race essentialist and staff writer for Salon, insists that Critical Race Theory is a fairytale.  In his recent article, "'Critical race theory' is a fairytale — but America's monsters are real,...

  • May 18, 2021

    Ten Questions on Critical Race Theory

    Recently, during a Fox News interview with Martha MacCallum, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten was asked about Critical Race Theory in K-12 classrooms. Weingarten answered by oversimplifying the historical inaccuracies c...

  • March 9, 2021

    Exposing Corwin’s Socialist Math Textbook Series

    Corwin Press, a professional development book publisher, is no longer interested in producing academic material designed to teach children how to think, rather, has set its sights on teaching students what to think.  The...

  • February 10, 2021

    Exposing BLM’s Agenda-Driven K-12 Curriculum

    February is Black History Month, and the push to inject Black Lives Matter curriculum into America’s K-12 schools is in high gear. In the fight for racial justice, the slogan “black lives matter” is a reasonable mantra that focusses...

  • January 26, 2021

    Anti-White Racism Pervades Major Academic Publisher's Teacher Resources

    Hours after being sworn in as America's 46th president, Joe Biden reversed Trump's ban on using toxic Critical Race Theory in federal government diversity trainings.  Doing so has reopened the floodgates for allowing anti-American i...

  • July 22, 2020

    Speaking Out Against Robin DiAngelo’s Toxic White Fragility

    Robin DiAngelo, whose “white fragility” theory has become one of the most influential ideas about racism in America, is on a mission to reeducate you and your children.  She wants everyone to talk about race -- teachers, student...

  • May 31, 2020

    Leftists Working Overtime to Frame the Narrative on George Floyd Riots

    In 1989, District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry, Jr. insisted that his city was basically crime-free except for all the murder.  "Except for the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country," he told...

  • May 19, 2020

    You're Nonessential -- Keep Your Mouth Shut

    COVID-19 America has realigned itself into a two-part caste system, one made up of the essential hero, and the other comprised of the selfish, nonessential coward.  Essential heroes, like those who work in grocery stores, hospitals, Walmart...

  • April 23, 2020

    COVID-19 lockdowns are killing thousands of Americans

    The hysteria drummed up by the mainstream media over COVID-19, in conjunction with the draconian lockdown measures being employed by many governors, is costing thousands of American lives.  In light of horrific job losses and a crashing eco...

  • March 22, 2020

    Why COVID-19 Is a Product of the Left

    The coronavirus is a product of the left, the third and final installment of its trilogy of doomsday scenarios that rounds out the Russia collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo narratives.  Only this time, after years of seeing their collecti...

  • September 11, 2019

    Discrimination is bad...unless you're wearing a MAGA hat

    National Book Award finalist Rebecca Makkai wants me to stop wearing my Phillies hat.  Not because Makkai is from Chicago and the Phillies are battling the Cubs for the wild card, but because my Phillies hat is red and too closely resembles...

  • August 5, 2019

    Why Democrats Own El Paso

    Mark Twain once said, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter -- ‘tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Donald Trump is a nationalis...

  • August 1, 2019

    Seven responses to Don Lemon's obnoxious debate question about Trump

    Don Lemon asked the following question during the first night of CNN's Democratic debate: "What do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president's bigotry?" Here are seven possible response...

  • July 28, 2019

    In Defense of Penn Law Professor Amy Wax

    In 2001, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said in a speech at Berkeley Law, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived ...

  • July 16, 2019

    'The Squad' should apologize to Trump, America, and Israel

    During the recent spat between President Trump and "The Squad" — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts — Trump asked when the four wo...

  • July 9, 2019

    Netflix’s Stranger Things Passes the Patriot Test

    “Stranger Things,” Netfix’s original sci-fi series and one of the most popular streaming shows in the world, released its third season on the Fourth of July (this review is not a spoiler, so those interested in watching th...

  • June 28, 2019

    Julian Castro Pounds the Table, Demanding Abortion for Men, Too

    During Wednesday night's first Democratic presidential debate, San Antonio mayor Julián Castro stated he supports taxpayer-funded abortions for "transgender women."  "I don't believe only in reproductive f...

  • June 27, 2019

    Liberal celebrities make the ridiculous Mueller Report into a play

    The Left's attempt to rewrite history and further delegitimize Donald Trump's presidency kicked into another gear on Monday night with the live reading of The Investigation: A Search for the Truth in Ten Acts."  The play, writt...

  • April 25, 2019

    If Kate Smith's statue goes, so should Muhammad Ali's Liberty Medal

    Now that the Philadelphia Flyers and Comcast Spectacor have officially removed the statue of Kate Smith outside the Wells Fargo Center and banned her famous version of "God Bless America," there is another question that needs to b...

  • March 10, 2019

    An Anti-Semite by Any Other Name

    If Democrats have one advantage over Republicans, it's their innate ability to tailor language to fit their politics.  They use qualifying adjectives to pander to specific identity groups when it suits them – such as "white p...

  • February 18, 2019

    Colin Kaepernick Successfully Shakes Down the NFL

    On Friday, the NFL officially capitulated to washed up quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his social justice Gestapo, agreeing to settle Kaepernick's alleged "collusion" case under confidential terms.   "The re...

  • February 8, 2019

    Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg latest to emerge as lovers of blackface

    In light of the blackface scandals making national headlines, Joy Behar was recently called out for her silence regarding the resurfacing of her own blackface photo, which was taken at a Halloween party where she dressed up as a "beautiful Afric...

  • September 23, 2018

    Prediction: Kavanaugh will not be confirmed before the midterms

    Democrats are desperate and unhinged.  Their outrageous behavior during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and their apparent willingness to do anything to block his confirmation should make conservatives extremely nervous.  Just when i...

  • August 8, 2018

    Popular education mag blames Trump for hate in schools

    Education Week recently published a report called "Hate in Schools," a shameless hit piece on President Trump and his supporters. The article begins: Three swastikas were scrawled on the note found in the girls' r...

  • July 21, 2018

    The What and the How of Russian Election Meddling

    The Helsinki summit is over, and the major story – surprise, surprise – is more tiresome drivel about Russian election meddling.  The most amazing thing about this narrative is that the who can be talked about endlessl...

  • August 25, 2016

    Ryan Lochte’s Million-Dollar ‘Free Pass’

    It’s official: Ryan Lochte has lost all four of his commercial sponsors because of the recent scandal at the Rio Olympics, which could end up costing the swimmer millions of dollars. So much for the notion that Lochte has received a ...

  • June 15, 2014

    In Defense of George Will

    On the liberal left, there are certain topics that are closed to debate. Global warming is one of them, and anyone who dares question the validity of doomsday statistics regarding carbon emissions or greenhouse gases or the overall temperature of the...

  • August 17, 2013

    A modest proposal

    Any conservative (or rational person weary of liberal political correctness) who wants to stand up for free speech and support rodeo clown Tuffy Gessling's first amendment rights, please consider the following: 1.  Sign the White House petiti...

  • July 12, 2013

    Trayvon Martin Foundation must Reject all Forms of Profiling

    In March of 2012, the Trayvon Martin Foundation was established in response to the killing of Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. A Florida-based non-profit organization, one of the Foundation's major goals is "increasing p...

  • January 8, 2013

    Teaching Students to Feel Guilty about Financial Success

    The New York Times is the only newspaper that runs a "business" column not about how to get ahead economically, but rather about how to indoctrinate kids to feel guilty about being financially successful.  At least that's the theme of Ron Lieber...

  • October 4, 2012

    Voter ID and the Bigotry of Low Expectations

    With the presidential election right around the corner, the liberal propaganda machine is churning on all cylinders. A particularly disturbing article was recently published in the Philadelphia Inquirer by columnist Annette John-Hall titled "A retire...

  • August 4, 2012

    When Being an American Meant Being an American

    "Beat those commie bastards." These were the inspirational words of Herb Brooks, coach of the United States 1980 gold medal men's ice hockey team, as he prepared his troop of young athletes to go into battle against the Soviet Union. Beat those commi...

  • July 20, 2012

    My Fantasy Date with Barry

    This fall, the results of perhaps the most important contest in the history of the United States will be decided: who has won "Dinner with Barack."  Interestingly, the contest is not called "Dinner with the President" or "Dinner with Mr. Obama,"...

  • May 15, 2012

    Barack Obama in the Twelve-Step Program

    If Barack Obama and the liberal left entered Alcoholics Anonymous because they had a drinking problem, they'd have zero chance of getting sober.  They would progress through the early and middle stages of alcoholism, suffering from blackouts, pe...