Christopher Orlet

Christopher Orlet

  • December 13, 2004

    France's gutless wonder

    It is now disturbingly clear that French President Jacques Chirac's low opinion of America and American foreign policy is due not to any philosophical disagreement or even an inherent Gallic moodiness, but is essentially a gutless response to bullyin...

  • October 19, 2004

    America the beloved

    There's this fellow at our office, a devoted Kerry man and opponent of our mission in Iraq, a man so impressed with Michael Moore's celluloid whimsy that he went out and bought the thing on DVD the day of its release. There is no talking sense to the...

  • October 7, 2004

    Fortunate son

    Kevin Horrigan is St. Louis' resident Molly Ivins wanna—be. An outsider. A rebel with a word processor and crazy, nonconformist liberal views. St. Louis, like most other big cities, is down to one major newspaper and one alternative weekly. Bot...

  • September 1, 2004

    The French are taken in again

    Last weekend's kidnapping of two French journalists by Iraqis protesting Jacques Chirac's government's head scarf ban caught many Frenchmen napping. Nothing unusual about that, except the French had hoped their opposition to the War in Iraq, and thei...

  • July 22, 2004

    Hostages have Pres. Arroyo and Spain to thank

    The six new hostages in Iraq have the governments of the Philippines and Spain to thank for their current plight. Experts warned that giving in to terrorists' demands would only encourage more kidnappings, leading to more demands, and an ever—i...

  • July 19, 2004

    Out of the Frying Pan

    Sixty years after the Holocaust transformed much of Central Europe into a massive graveyard, the scourge of anti—Semitism seems alive and well, particularly in France, home of Europe's largest Jewish population. Weekly headlines emanating from ...

  • June 28, 2004

    ABA comes to drug traffickers' rescue

    Once again, the legal vultures at The American Bar Association are out to rid America of its foulest menace. No, not repeat offenders, but the far more insidious "tough on crime" legislation that has lead to a steady reduction in the crime rate for m...

  • April 22, 2004

    World without Honor

    Nathan Bedford Forrest, Confederate Army general and Ku Klux Klan founder, is not generally considered one of history's more honorable figures. But like all true southern gentleman—or wanna—be gentleman—Gen. Forrest knew how best to...