Christopher Alleva

Christopher Alleva

  • July 21, 2010

    Forget the Whistleblowers! WaPo Management Owns the Journolist

    Andrew Brietbart is offering a $100,000 reward to a whistleblower who will release the entire Journolist archive. Why bother? Washington Post management has control of the archive, via creator Ezra Klein, who works for the Post. Like most companies, ...

  • January 14, 2010

    Election Symbolism: Coakley's Crack Down on Ladies Garden Clubs

    It looks like someone in Massachusetts' senate candidate Martha Coakley's own Attorney General's Office is sabotaging her campaign. How else to explain the decision to send out threatening letters to the ladies garden clubs?These clubs volunteer thei...

  • December 12, 2009

    Tom Friedman's global warming conflict of interest (Updated)

    Global warming apostle and NY Times columnist Tom Friedman has been out doing  the media rounds in an attempt to tamp down the increasing climate science scandal. Confining himself to outlets significantly invested in the deception,  like C...

  • November 24, 2009

    Science frauds may face criminal charges

    For some time the main publication of the American Association for the  Advancement of Science, Science Magazine, has effectively banned any papers that  dissent with the global warming orthodoxy. Apparently there are some alarm bells ringi...

  • August 20, 2009

    Federal Spending Deficit Explodes Nearly Eight Fold

    With rock star billionaire Warren Buffet sounding the alarm about the Federal Budget deficit, a retrospective look shows the unprecedented level of the deficit. The 2009 deficit is projected to be $1.977 trillion. This is almost 12 times more than th...

  • March 31, 2009

    He was a conservative?

    The San Fransico Chronicle is reporting that SF school teachers are being urged to emulate Jimi Hendrix. James Taranto at the WSJ's best of the web reports that this  is causing a minor stir on the web with some mocking the s...

  • January 26, 2009

    Al Capone and the Obama staff subpoenas

    Imagine for a moment that Karl Rove and other Bush White House top level staff were subpoenaed by a federal prosecutor looking into corruption in Texas in early 2002. Then imagine that the news of these subpoenas came via an organization originally s...

  • December 26, 2008

    The Death of Deep Throat and the Crisis of Journalism

    The disclosure of Deep Throat's identity as the then-operational head of the FBI, Mark Felt has caused serious reappraisals of the real story of Watergate. George Friedman, President of Stratfor has written an essay that helps to cuts through th...

  • December 20, 2008

    Nobel Prize Foundation Caught Up in Corruption Probe

    The London Times is reporting that the Nobel Foundation is being rocked with a major scandal. According to the Times, a member of Nobel medical prize jury also sat on the board of  pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca that benefited directly fr...

  • December 16, 2008

    BET Founder Bob Johnson Wants in on the TARP Action

    Black Entertainment Television billionaire Bob Johnson wants in the Treasury's TARP action. Johnson outlined his proposal in a speech last week at the National Housing Forum sponsored by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS). The Forum was atte...

  • October 7, 2008

    In case of debate distress

    In the unlikely event of severe political turbulence or other nausea-inducing events, we provide an apporpriate barf bag.Hat tip: Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum  ...

  • September 15, 2008

    Obama Rally in DC Sparsely Attended

    Buried all the way on page C4 of the Metro section the Washington Post reported yesterday on a rally Saturday. The rally was so sparsely attended the best the photographer could come up with was a picture of an Obama cardboard cutout in front of...

  • August 20, 2008

    NY Times Hypes Bloomberg Windmill Plans

    The New York Times is hyping a sensational announcement by Mayor Bloomberg to site windmills across New York city on buildings, bridges and other locations on land and sea, including Long Island Sound. Apparently Bloomberg's aides are aslee...

  • August 16, 2008

    Putin Moves to Resurrect the Russian Navy

    When the Soviet Union collapsed in the early nineties, aside from the dismantling their nuclear arsenal, the mothballing of their naval fleet was the most important military development. But now flush with cash, the Russians have ...

  • August 2, 2008

    Pelosi Jets out of Town Leaving Energy Bill Hanging

    As Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats jetted out of town negligently neglecting to deal with the urgent energy situation I'm reminded of the unseemly scandal over her use of military jets that erupted shortly after she was sworn in as Spea...

  • July 31, 2008

    Audit Bureau Liberalizes Rules to Prop Up Flagging Newspaper Circulation

    The newspaper industry apparently has a death wish. After enduring a number of scandals of large papers fraudulently inflating circulation figures, it is now giving advertisers more reasons to be suspicious that circulation guarantees mean little or ...

  • July 15, 2008

    New leader for the AEI

    American Enterprise Institute (AEI),  the highly regarded Washington think tank has named Arthur Brooks as it's eleventh president. Brooks replaces Christopher DeMuth who wraps a more than two decade run in the job. Here is a link to the pr...

  • July 12, 2008

    Is the Media Business Giving GE Indigestion?

    Many commentators have wondered aloud what GE is thinking with its NBC Universal division (NBCU). The news operation is lurching far left and has to deal with the sudden loss of Tim Russert. The division has a big bet riding on this summer'...

  • June 30, 2008

    Apostasy: NY Times Outsources Internet Hosting and Services

    Reciting the outsourcing mantra is a required ritual for any self-respecting Democrat office seeker this cycle. Obama and Clinton both took up the battle cry in the primaries to rally big labor bosses and agitate the rank and...

  • June 25, 2008

    Sub-Prime Bounty Hunters

    With so-called "housing bill" being debated, and the primacy of the economy as an issue in this year's election the hunt is on for the "sub-prime villain(s)." Taken together with the "Countrywide 6" sweetheart loan ...

  • June 13, 2008

    Oil companies spend more on taxes than on oil supply development

    If didn't know better, I would think the Democrats are really trying to lose this election. First they offered up the cap and trade global warming bill in the Senate that was quickly withdrawn when they realized what a debacle they were creating...

  • May 22, 2008

    Ex-Treasury Department Economist Says Bear Bailout was for JP Morgan

    Another credible source is suggesting the Bear Stearns blowout was in fact a bailout of JP Morgan Chase. Joseph Mason a former economist at the Comptroller of the Currency, and noted  scholar of restructuring failed banking s...

  • May 15, 2008

    Lawyers and Judges Presiding over a Breakdown of Basic Justice

    The claims for injuries allegedly caused by the painkiller Vioxx have seemed rather dubious to me. It always felt like another example of justice run amok with the judges and lawyers involved subverting the process for personal gain....

  • May 9, 2008

    Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Reaches Record Levels

    NOAA's National Climate Data Center is reporting that March 2008 Southern Hemisphere sea ice extent was much above the 1979-2000 mean. This was the largest sea ice extent in March, 28.6% above the 1979-2000 mean over the 30-year histor...

  • May 7, 2008

    Urban White Interlopers Ignite Racial Conflict

    The well documented post world war white flight from America's cities seeking the greener spaces of the suburbs to raise their ever contracting families has been gradually subsiding in the last 5 to 10 years. In the 1950s Northern...

  • April 25, 2008

    Bailout suspicions

    There is some Interesting circumstantial evidence circulating on the web suggesting the Bear Stearns liquidation and takeover was actually to disguise the federal bailout of JP Morgan. Posing this hypothes...

  • April 17, 2008

    New York Times Q1 earnings revealed

    The New York Times Company is circling the outer rim of its death spiral. Not unexpectedly, first quarter results were disappointing, even considering the difficult business environment. Management was ready with spin to explain away the problem...

  • March 25, 2008

    Consensus Iraq Policy Materializing?

    A bipartisan consensus on Iraq has seemed unattainable for several years now.  Miraculously,  the American Enterprise Institute's surge planner, Fred Kagan may have just done it with the presentation his report, ...

  • February 14, 2008

    The Triumph of Ideology over Hope

    Primary voters in Maryland contradicted the media narrative that voters are looking for centrist candidates to garner crossover voters. This cycle, a pair of Maryland House incumbents, a Democrat and a Republican went down to defeat against well fund...

  • February 11, 2008

    Hedge Fund Discloses Nearly 10% Stake in NY Times

    Harbert Management and their partners have disclosed that they now own 14 million shares of the New York Times Company slightly less than 10% of the shares outstanding. Harbert and their partners accumulated this position over a 49 day...

  • January 26, 2008

    Hedge fund seeks board seats at New York Times Company

    The New York Times and others are reporting that Alabama-based hedge fund gave notice Friday that it would try to elect directors to The New York Times Company board, the company said.Evidently the hedge fund, Harbinger Capital Partners, a part ...

  • January 22, 2008

    Altruistic Al Gore Joins Silicon Valley Venture Firm

    Needless to say, I'm not on Al Gore's publicist's speed dial. I guess that's why I never got the press release on the recent announcement that he's joined legendary Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. Way back in November, ...

  • January 2, 2008

    Election Fallout of the Surge Plan

    Less than eleven months from now Americans will go to the voting booths to elect the next president. The "surge" provides a unique case study to judge each party's application and execution of policy. Frederick Kagan of the Americ...

  • December 29, 2007

    Democrat Anti-war Antics Shake Morale at the Front

    The incomparable Bill Gertz at the Washington Times published  very revealing anecdote in his regular column "Inside the Ring" yesterday. Gertz interviewed Marine Corps Cpl David Goldich, a veteran of two tours in Iraq and 300 com...

  • December 6, 2007

    It isn't just the mortgage market

    And in your dreams, you can see yourself, as a prophet. Saving the world, the words from your lips: "I AM NOT A CROOK."  I just can't believe you are such a fool. These are the words from a song by Frank Zappa, "Son of Orange Coun...

  • November 29, 2007

    Everything is Caused by Global Warming (600 links)

    Dr. John Brignell, a British engineering professor, runs a website called numberwatch. He has compiled what has to be the most complete collection of links to media stories ascribing the cause of everything under the sun to...

  • November 19, 2007

    NYT blog reports Murdoch mulled bid for Times

    A blog at the New York Times called the DealBook is reporting that Rupert Murdoch considered making a run at the New York Times Company. The Times got this nugget from an interview Mr. Murdoch gave to one of his Austrailian papers....

  • November 12, 2007

    NATO in Afghanistan

    Afghanistan was supposed to be the "good war" according to the Liberal Media Party, their Democratic Party affiliates, and our sometimes fickle and fair weather European allies. Western European powers like Germany and France that...

  • November 5, 2007

    Happy 40th to The American Spectator!

    Congratulations to The American Spectator on marking 40 years of delivering some of the most vibrant and important conservative commentary on the right side of the political divide.Tommorrow night this venerable  pu...

  • October 25, 2007

    Hurricane Season Disappoints Merchants of Doom

    Like undertakers complaining that a predicted flu epidemic failed to generate any business, the drive-by media and the hurricane forecasters are kicking themselves over the big nothing the 2007 hurricane season turned out to ...

  • October 17, 2007

    Paul Simon, SCHIP, Dr. Redlener and Elian Gonzalez

    The Democrats are mobilizing all the talent agents they can get, mounting their campaign to override the President's veto of the SCHIP program, including a doctor with apparent psychic powers. Yesterday, they paraded around l...

  • October 8, 2007

    Internet competition, newspapers, and video rentals

    In what may be a preview of coming attractions in the newspaper business, Movie Gallery, the largest retail DVD rental operator has filed a prepackaged Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition. Taking on big liabilities at the wrong time to...

  • September 27, 2007

    Global warming and freedom

    Failing to prevail in the free and fair arena of ideas contested openly, Al Gore and the Democrats have resorted to atempting to silence global warming skeptics who defy their orthodoxy. The Washington Times reports that prominent global warming...

  • September 21, 2007

    Spreadsheet of Hsu's Dem contributions available

    The irrepresible Flip at Suitably Flip has hit paydirt on the Norman Hsu Democrat fundraising scandal. Flip has found almost $2.6 million in campaign contributions to a myriad of Democratic candidates, PACs, and interest groups connect...

  • September 17, 2007

    Pinch Sulzberger's Achilles Heel: The Bondholders

    Shielded by a two class system of shareholding allowing his family to elect a majority of the board of directors, New York Times Company CEO Pinch Sulzberger's hold on his job hasn't depended on keeping ordinary shareholders happy. That's why the los...

  • September 17, 2007

    Climate change as an excuse to 'tax the [bleep] out of us'

    On Saturday, the Wall Street Journal featured a discussion with Michael O'Leary, CEO of low fare Irish airline, Ryanair. Portrayed as kind of a swashbuckler, O'Leary offered up an interesting array of comments on the airline industry and th...

  • September 10, 2007

    Depth of MSM's credibility problem revealed

    The University of Tampa's College Newspaper, the Minaret was the victim of a cruel hoax pulled on it by a student who fabricated a story claiming her brother was MIA in Iraq. While the paper allowed itself to be taken in, and may not have h...

  • September 9, 2007

    More global warming hype

    Popular Science published a special issue in August. The lead article is a puff piece on climatologists Konrad Steffen who made a career on the ice pack of Greenland. "Koni", as he is known to...

  • September 5, 2007

    Editor & Publisher column calls for abandoning 'objectivity' stance

    A column last week in Editor and Publisher called on newspapers to abandon the posture of objectivity and become active advocates for the cause of anthropogenic global warming alarmism. The pretense of objectivity has, of course, been funda...

  • August 31, 2007

    The fund-raising blues

    Famed tele-lawyer, Geoff Fieger has been charged with illegally reimbursing employees for $127,000 in contributions to former Sen. John Edwards' 2004 Democratic presidential campaign. Fieger says he was singled out for political prosec...

  • August 30, 2007

    The DNI speaks

    Chris Roberts at the El Paso Times has an excellent interview with National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell. In this Q&A, McConnell clearly explains the debate on the extension of the foreign intelligence surveillance act earlier t...

  • August 27, 2007

    New York Times plays defense for NASA's Hansen

    In the New York Times, Andrew Revkin weighs in today with his spin on NASA's temperature data errors, downplaying the whole affair. The story is written with the clear intent of trivializing the error and discrediting critics., bl...

  • August 25, 2007

    Long Island cancels wind farm project

    The Long Island Power Authority has cancelled plans to construct a 140 megawatt wind project 3 miles off the south shore of Long Island.  The project's estimated costs had ballooned to more than $800 million including transmission lines. Newsday...

  • August 24, 2007

    Fired US Atty signs book deal

    Publishers Weekly is reporting that ousted New Mexico U.S. Attorney David Inglesias has signed a book deal with John Wiley. Inglesias was one of nine federal prosecutors fired by the Bush administration. His firing was singled out for speci...

  • August 23, 2007

    Judicial mischief

    Judge Saundra B. Armstrong of the U.S. District Court has ruled that the Bush Administration is required to issue two reports on global warming. This is obviously a publicity stunt, the reports are meaningless. The action was brought by environm...

  • August 21, 2007

    Calling out the global warming alarmists

    Dr. Bob Carter, a research professor at James Cook University (Queensland, Australia), and Tom Harris, Executive Director of Canada's Natural Resources Stewardship Project, have laid it on the line about global warming a...

  • August 20, 2007

    Global Warming Bureaucrat Hansen Lashes Out at Critics

    Ward Churchill could tell NASA's James Hansen what it is like when your work goes under a microscope. Churchill ended up losing his job over the academic misconduct that was uncovered. The intemperate response Hansen has displayed toward his critics ...

  • August 16, 2007

    Washington Post distorts global warming report

    On Tuesday, we noted that the media has been largely silent on the revisions to NASA's widely reported  temperature data. On Wednesday, the Washington Post broke the news blackout giving NASA's James Hansen an exclusive  plat...

  • August 15, 2007

    NASA's global warming misinformation needs full retraction

    The news blackout on the erroneous NASA temperature data has been partially lifted by the Toronto Star. More than anything their story was driven by home pride in a local man, Steve McIntyre, who single-handedly exposed the vaunted American Spac...

  • August 9, 2007

    A productive global warming propaganda factory

    Last week I wrote an article exposing the way the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) pre-packages templates for stories on the environment. At time I wrote it, I vowed to revisit the issue from time to time to see if the templates a...

  • July 26, 2007

    Two new carriers for the Royal Navy

    In a widely expected formal announcement, British Defence Secretary Des Browne said on Wednesday that Britain will build two new aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy in the next decade. The plan to add two medium weight carriers to the fleet has...

  • July 23, 2007

    CIA sabotage: Rowan Scarborough has the goods

    Rowan Scarborough's superb new book Sabotage lays out a boatload of evidence documenting years of serious misconduct, malfeasance and incompetence at the CIA. Excerpted this week at his newspaper, the Washington Examiner, Scarborough's book has ...

  • July 21, 2007

    NYT more concerned with Harry Potter leaks than national secuirty leaks

    I found this excellent point at the National Review Online Media Blog. It is so good it is worth repeating. Contributer Greg Pallowitz posted this comment from one of his NRO readers: "I find it sad that there is more uproar over the Times'...

  • July 19, 2007

    'Environmental racism' - another liberal great white lie

    Page one of the Democratic Party candidate handbook must forth the basic formula for winning elections: run centrist-sounding candidates, demonize the Republicans as tools of the rich and big business, hit up the fat cats for money, an...

  • July 9, 2007

    HIllary's money man

    Reading the Washington Post Sunday Style section piece on super Hillary fundraiser Bal G. Das yesterday almost sent me reaching for my Vatican Saint Recommendation Form. Pictured in his impossibly modest midtown Manhattan office w...

  • July 3, 2007

    NBC News Tag Line: 'We're Just Making it Up'

    From time to time I watch MSNBC. When I do this I am in an almost constant state of amazement at how a major corporation like GE allows itself to be associated with such a second rate property. The Joe and Valerie Plame Wilson caper has been...

  • June 28, 2007

    NBC Universal Launches Global Warming Campaign

    Forgive my tardiness in reporting this gem but needless to say I'm not on any NBC Universal's publicists speed dial so I had to stumble on upon this all by myself. When I found this thing I had to use all the restraint I could muster to...

  • June 23, 2007

    Al Jazeera: Hugo Chavez threatens expropriation

    Al Jazeera is reporting that Venezuelan strong man Hugo Chavez is threatening to expropriate oil and gas assets of Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, Chevron Corp, Norway's Statoil, Britain's BP Plc and France's Total.   According to Al...

  • June 4, 2007

    Consensus and dissent on global warming

    Lawrence Solomon, a financial writer at the Canadian National Post is looking into the dissenters from the so-called consensus on global warming, and has experienced some surprises.  In what has now turned into a multi- part series titled ...

  • June 3, 2007

    NBC payment to news subject

    GE, parent of NBC may have a huge problem on its hands. Several weeks ago it was reported that NBC paid Larry Birkhead, the father of Anna Nicole Smith's child, upwards of $1 million. The reporting at the time was presented along the l...

  • May 23, 2007

    High schooler gets it; media remains duped

    The media has been completely duped by Al Gore and his global warming cabal, but fear not America's often maligned school children see through it. After having to suffer through Al Gore's propaganda film, Kristen Byrnes, a high school student fr...

  • May 23, 2007

    Sen. Coburn foils honor for Rachel Carson

    Senate Democrats intend to submit a resolution honoring Rachel Carson author of the controversial book Silent Spring. Ms. Carson's book was used to spearhead the campaign to ban the use of certain pesticides, including DDT, that arguably...

  • May 21, 2007

    The Global Warming Squeeze Play

    The "global warming cabal" is mounting their aggressive campaign to ban affordable energy, impose big tax burdens on the least advantaged, and advance their "One World" agenda on multiple fronts. The media campaign...

  • April 20, 2007

    Pack ice traps seal boats

    Al Gore and other thought leaders (Cameron Diaz) keep telling us the ice caps are melting and lower Manhattan will be under 20 feet of water before we know it. I understand Bob DeNiro is so afraid he's selling his Tribeca rea...

  • April 2, 2007

    Music industry awakens from digital slumber

    Apple and EMI announced today that they will begin offering their entire catalog via Apple's iTunes in May. Apple CEO Steve Jobs and EMI CEO Eric Nicoli made their joint announcement today in London.  EMI is the first of the big four music label...

  • March 23, 2007

    Global Warming's Patent Profitability

    Al Gore is well schooled at manipulating the levers of power and money to his benefit. Heads or tails Al Gore almost never loses. It's been this way pretty much all his life. Starting when Daddy Al set up him in fine style, includ...

  • March 15, 2007

    Battling Templates: Whitewater versus Plame

    The liberal media make it too easy to expose their bias. Thanks to the internet, it is almost child's play to find the same behavior treated very differently, depending on whether Democrats or Republicans are responsible.Fishing in the Washington Pos...

  • February 26, 2007

    Astroturfing CBS and the WaPo

    Thanks to the sharp pixels at Mudville Gazette, I've learned a great new word today: "astroturfing."  Apparently CBS News, the Washington Post and 199 other newspapers are involved with some activists in an astroturfing campaign. Astro...

  • July 7, 2006

    Al Gore's Green Money Machine

    As Al Gore's global warming alarm tour winds down for the summer, let's pull back the curtain and see the real wizard. After you get past all the scare mongering, what is left is a giant scheme to tax the air we breathe. No wonder the tax and spend l...