Christine Biediger

Christine Biediger

  • February 10, 2012

    Problem Solved?

    The President has now determined a solution to the brouhaha he inspired by his mandate on the Catholic Church, that they be forced to provide free contraceptives for women.  Many words have already been written in regard to this topic....

  • October 30, 2011

    Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Christianity?

    It's very frustrating to see so many radical ministers, priests, and "spiritual leaders" climbing aboard the ideology of redistribution.  There are many who have recently alluded -- if not outright stated -- that the OWS movement is Christi...

  • September 25, 2011

    Evil Studies History

    "His Primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame h...

  • September 11, 2011

    Have We Forgotten About Sundays?

    "Sundays are for church, for family, for rest, for God," my father used to tell me on Sunday afternoons, when I was growing up.  Because I was young and very active, I could not understand why Sunday afternoons were not about calling friends to...

  • June 29, 2011

    Houston Cemetery Bans the Word 'God' from Military Funerals

    This morning, just five days before the celebration of our nation's independence, I was shocked into wakefulness by a news item on Fox and Friends.  It seems that the Houston National Cemetery has now begun banning "God" from military funerals. ...

  • June 5, 2011

    God in a Small Town

    A small news item caught my attention, a few days ago.  Something now so commonplace that I might not have even noticed, if not for the fact that it involved the high school my family graduated from.  Medina Valley High School, in Castrovil...