Chris Talgo

Chris Talgo

  • Democrats defend the indefensible

    February 20, 2025

    Democrats defend the indefensible

    In less than a month after his triumphant return to the White House, President Donald Trump has turned the Washington, D.C. establishment on its head. We have never seen a new administration act with such gusto while delivering on so many campaign pr...

  • ‘Unleashing American Energy’

    January 23, 2025

    ‘Unleashing American Energy’

    Although he has been in the Oval Office for only a few days, President Donald Trump is already making huge progress on his promise to make America energy dominant. Just hours into his second term, Trump signed an executive order tit...

  • Five resolutions for the federal government

    December 31, 2024

    Five resolutions for the federal government

    With the beginning of a new year and a new presidential administration right around the corner, now is the perfect time to reflect back on 2024 and look ahead to 2025. By most accounts, 2024 was another year of struggle for most Americans. Ec...

  • EPA greenlights Cali EVs

    December 19, 2024

    EPA greenlights Cali EVs

    With a little more than a month left in his term, President Biden is certainly not holding back from issuing controversial pardons, rules, and waivers as he packs up his belongings before heading back to Delaware. On December 18, the Biden adminis...

  • Why is the DoD focused on fighting climate change?

    December 13, 2024

    Why is the DoD focused on fighting climate change?

    Given the state of affairs in Ukraine and the Middle East and the rise of China as a chief U.S. adversary, one would assume that the Department of Defense has its hands full combating real threats to U.S. national security. One would also assume that...

  • Net Zero Is Asinine

    December 10, 2024

    Net Zero Is Asinine

    Ever since the United Nations decided that combating so-called climate change would become its signature issue in the late twentieth century, it has ratcheted up the rhetoric against carbon dioxide emissions. The UN’s war on greenhous...

  • How did socialists perform in the 2024 election?

    November 26, 2024

    How did socialists perform in the 2024 election?

    Since 2018, the Heartland Institute has monitored the success of socialist candidates in midterm and general elections. This year, socialists again won a variety of political offices at the national, statewide, and local levels, reinforcing the fact ...

  • A victory for energy and climate sanity

    November 7, 2024

    A victory for energy and climate sanity

    Now that President Donald Trump has easily defeated Vice President Kamala Harris, Americans who desire freedom of choice and are at their wits’ end with sky-high energy prices can breathe a massive sigh of relief. Moreover, the millions of Amer...

  • We need nuclear power for AI and quantum computing

    October 5, 2024

    We need nuclear power for AI and quantum computing

    Like it or not, we are on the cusp of the AI and quantum computing revolution. Just a few years ago, AI was still a science-fiction concept portrayed in movies based in the distant future. However, AI and quantum computing have made great stride...

  • Ranked Choice Voting is an actual ‘threat to democracy’

    September 28, 2024

    Ranked Choice Voting is an actual ‘threat to democracy’

    The phrase “threat to democracy” has been thrown around so much over the past few years, typically in reference to former President Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) agenda, that I believe most Americans have become num...

  • Is it too late to ensure election integrity in 2024?

    September 17, 2024

    Is it too late to ensure election integrity in 2024?

    Last week, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) launched an election integrity Hail Mary when he attempted to tie the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to the latest government funding bill. In a nutshell, the SAVE Act ...

  • States must take the lead in health care reform

    September 10, 2024

    States must take the lead in health care reform

    As is the case with so many of the public-policy problems that befuddle Americans, our nation’s health care system is in dire need of commonsense reforms. Unfortunately, previous attempts to fix the broken health care system at the federal leve...

  • The Marxist candidate

    August 28, 2024

    The Marxist candidate

    In 1959, Richard Condon’s book The Manchurian Candidate was published, a political thriller about a communist plot to infiltrate the highest echelons of the U.S. political system, thereby allowing communism to spread its wings in the ...

  • On energy policy, Kamala Harris is clueless

    July 30, 2024

    On energy policy, Kamala Harris is clueless

    Now that it seems that Vice President Kamala Harris appears to be a lock for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination, Americans should become familiar with Harris’ stance on energy policy. Although energy policy is not as exciting...

  • Democratic Socialists of America throw AOC under the bus

    July 16, 2024

    Democratic Socialists of America throw AOC under the bus

    Once upon a time, not too long ago, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was the darling of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Now, the firebrand socialist finds herself in a bit of a pickle with DSA leadership, who have determined she isn...

  • More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front

    July 11, 2024

    More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front

    Suffice to say, all is not well for the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry these days. Despite ample subsidies from the federal government, EV sales are slumping. Some of the largest automakers, such as Mercedes Benz, admit they won’t come ...

  • Climate Alarmism is the existential threat to humanity

    June 12, 2024

    Climate Alarmism is the existential threat to humanity

    While in France observing the 80th anniversary of D-Day and honoring the thousands of brave soldiers who gave their lives fighting the existential threat that was Nazi Germany, President Joe Biden could not help himself from descending into crass pol...

  • Americans remain sour on electric vehicles

    June 6, 2024

    Americans remain sour on electric vehicles

    On June 4, the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research released their second annual survey on Americans’ attitudes toward electric vehicles, which showed yet aga...

  • Florida’s new ‘History of Communism’ law -- A model all states should follow

    April 19, 2024

    Florida’s new ‘History of Communism’ law -- A model all states should follow

    When it comes to sensible education policy, Florida has been at the vanguard in recent years. From the Parental Rights in Education Act to universal school choice legislation, Florida lawmakers and Gov. Ron DeSantis clearly unders...

  • Offshore wind farms are detrimental to whales

    April 12, 2024

    Offshore wind farms are detrimental to whales

    Since 2016, more than 200 humpback whales have died and been stranded on beaches along the East Coast, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA). In fact, NOAA is so concerned about the sheer number of dead humpback whales in...

  • Students Deserve to Know the Truth About Socialism

    April 5, 2024

    Students Deserve to Know the Truth About Socialism

    For the past few decades, American students have been taught a whitewashed version of socialism. Such is why nearly half of young Americans have a “positive” view of socialism and 70 percent of Millennials are “s...

  • Desperate for money, Chicago sues ‘Big Oil’

    February 22, 2024

    Desperate for money, Chicago sues ‘Big Oil’

    Last year, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson sued Hyundai and Kia based on the absurd allegation that the vehicles they make are too easy to steal. Now, Johnson has set his sights on “Big Oil,” claiming that British Petrol...

  • Mail-in voter fraud and the 2020 election

    February 7, 2024

    Mail-in voter fraud and the 2020 election

    A country cannot survive, let alone thrive, when the voting process itself has been tainted, thereby driving a significant portion of the citizenry to no longer trust in the electoral system. In the United States, we have generally been immune from t...

  • January 18, 2024

    CPI-X: A sensible solution to the nation’s budget woes

    Since 2000, U.S. government spending has increased from $1.7 trillion to more than $6 trillion, the national debt has surged from $5.6 trillion to $34 trillion, annual interest payments on the debt have climbed from $350 billion to $1 trillion, and t...

  • January 9, 2024

    Apparently, houseplants now contribute to climate change

    The climate-change killjoys have gone to great lengths in recent years linking practically anything and everything as a contributor to climate change. Gas stoves? Check. Dishwashers? Check. Eating meat? Check. Sporting events? Che...

  • December 21, 2023

    Blockbuster Poll Casts Doubt on Outcome of 2020 Election

    What if the 2020 election was actually far from the most “safe and secure” in American history, as the mainstream media have relentlessly parroted over the past three years? What if Joe Biden actually lost several of the closely contested...

  • December 8, 2023

    The terrifying rhetoric of COP28

    With the holiday season in full swing, most Americans are not paying close attention to the latest UN climate change conference -- COP 28 -- which is currently taking place in Dubai. I get it; the vast majority of Americans are busy preparing for fam...

  • November 15, 2023

    Misguided environmentalists have made our cities filthy

    If you’ve visited a big city in recent years, you’ve probably noticed that the streets are strewn with trash, litter is scattered all over the sidewalks, the buildings are covered in graffiti, and off-putting smells seem to emanate from e...

  • November 8, 2023

    Illinois school report card slips even further

    On October 30, the Illinois State Board of Education released the 2023 Illinois School Report Card, which reveals that the Prairie State is failing miserably in one of its most basic and essential tasks: properly educating the next generation of...

  • October 26, 2023

    The actual 'climate change' agenda

    The latest edition of the State of the Climate Report, published this week in the journal BioScience, begins rather ominously: “Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory.” These sentence...

  • October 19, 2023

    Biden declares war on menthol cigarettes

    As Americans grapple with persistent inflation, surging crime, a wide-open southern border, rising interest rates, an increase in anti-Semitism, a looming recession, and many other pressing problems, the Biden administration has set its sights on wag...

  • October 8, 2023

    The Climate Change-Industrial Complex is an Existential Threat

    On January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued his Farewell Address, in which he warned that the United States must “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence… by the military-industrial complex.” Whil...

  • October 4, 2023

    The Supreme Court must terminate Big Tech tyranny

    In recent years, examples abound of social media companies suppressing content that does not comport with the ideological objectives held by Big Tech oligarchs.  Fortunately, two states, Florida and Texas, recognized this for what it is: an...

  • September 28, 2023

    Under Biden, America Is becoming a police state

    Throughout the 2020 campaign season, the mainstream media relentlessly pushed the narrative that President Donald Trump and the GOP agenda were a “threat to democracy” while Joe Biden and his Democratic colleagues were the bulwark against...

  • September 7, 2023

    Actually, Joe Biden has doubled the deficit

    Over the past two years, President Joe Biden has made numerous statements suggesting that he is a deficit hawk on par with past presidents such as Calvin Coolidge or Andrew Jackson. For instance, earlier this year, Biden claimed, “In my fi...

  • September 2, 2023

    Has ESG been cast into the dustbin of history?

    Suffice to say, champions of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores have had a tough summer. First, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, one of the foremost champions of ESG investing, disavowed the very term, saying, "I don't use t...

  • August 24, 2023

    Should climate change be codified in the curriculum?

    As another summer winds down and millions of students return to school, a new trend is emerging in K–12 classrooms throughout the country: the integration of climate change education in a holistic manner across the spectrum of subjects. Cons...

  • August 15, 2023

    One Year Later, Biden spills the beans about the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

    While celebrating the one-year anniversary of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) at a ritzy fundraiser in Park City, Utah, President Biden finally admitted the real point of the $740 billion law. According to Biden, “...

  • August 3, 2023

    Crazy Bernie urges DoJ to prosecute fossil fuel industry

    If the Department of Justice’s (DoJ) recent charges against former President Donald Trump are not enough to make you believe that the DoJ is hopelessly corrupt and politicized, consider that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is now “strongly...

  • July 28, 2023

    The Free Speech Protection Act is sorely needed

    Thanks to the Twitter Files, government whistleblowers, and the dogged determination of a few investigative journalists, the American public is well aware that the federal government, primarily under the Biden administration, has engaged in outright ...

  • July 22, 2023

    Wholesale elimination of cash bail in Illinois is dumb and dangerous

    This week, the Illinois Supreme Court issued its long-awaited ruling on the fate of the recently signed SAFE-T Act, which basically eliminated the use of cash bail for pretrial detention.  In short, the state's highest court ruled in fa...

  • July 13, 2023

    June inflation report brings more bad news for consumers

    Although the Biden administration would like you to believe that “Bidenomics” is bringing prosperity to America, the facts say otherwise. According to the recently released June Consumer Price Index Report, “The Consumer Pri...

  • July 1, 2023

    BlackRock's Larry Fink is playing semantics with ESG

    Over the past few years, BlackRock CEO and chairman Larry Fink has been an unapologetic champion of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, also known as "stakeholder capitalism." BlackRock states that it incorporates...

  • June 1, 2023

    Chicago's crime crisis and the 'progressives'

    This past Memorial Day weekend was a bloodbath in the streets of Chicago.  Over the three-day holiday weekend, 53 people were shot, 11 fatally, as violence continues to plague the Windy City. According to newly elected Mayor Br...

  • May 17, 2023

    Florida: Where ESG goes to die

    Florida governor Ron DeSantis is a time-tested warrior when it comes to fighting wokeness. As DeSantis is prone to say: "Florida is where woke goes to die." Now, DeSantis can also brag that Florida is where ESG goes to die...

  • May 9, 2023

    SCOTUS should put the Chevron Doctrine on the ash heap of history

    In 1984, the Supreme Court decision in Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council created what has come to be known as Chevron deference, also referred to as the Chevron Doctrine.  In a nutshell, the landmark ruling, which has...

  • April 26, 2023

    Can America afford four more years of Joe Biden?

    Now that President Joe Biden has formally announced that he will run for re-election in 2024, Americans need to ask themselves two vital questions. First: Can the country afford another four years of Biden's policies? And, second: Are you b...

  • April 12, 2023

    California reparations: A 'blueprint for America'?

    Like many deep blue states, California has its share of deep rooted problems.  From a surge in violent crime, homelessness, and drug overdoses to a giant budget shortfall, a population exodus, and a power ...

  • March 29, 2023

    Florida moves on school choice

    On March 27, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed H.B. 1, which eliminates financial eligibility limits and allows all Florida students the opportunity to attend the school that best fits their educational needs, whether that be a public, private, or...

  • March 21, 2023

    SVB collapse shows ESG is a counterproductive, virtue-signaling scam

    If there is one giant takeaway from the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), it is that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores are utterly pointless in assessing the health and vitality of a major financial institution. ...

  • March 16, 2023

    Randi Weingarten Explains it all for You

    Over the past few years, I’ve grown accustomed to hearing ludicrous statements about my former profession, however, Randi Weingarten’s recent declaration that “kids do better in schools with teachers unions” certainly takes th...

  • February 11, 2023

    Are offshore wind farms responsible for recent whale deaths?

    When I was a kid, I remember environmentalists being utterly obsessed with "saving the whales."  So where are all these whale-loving environmentalists when you really need them? Over the past two months, eight whales ...

  • August 30, 2022

    The incalculable cost of Biden's student loan scheme

    Since President Biden unveiled his plan to "cancel" $10,000 of student loan debt per borrower, several economic organizations have released estimates detailing the total cost of the plan. For instance, according to the Penn Wharton ...

  • August 2, 2022

    The Inflation Reduction Act increases inflation

    On July 28, President Joe Biden announced his "support for a historic agreement to fight inflation and lower costs for American families.  It's called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022." He added, "This is ...

  • July 29, 2022

    Buckle down, the Biden recession has arrived

    On July 28, the Bureau of Economic Analysis released the second quarter GDP report, which showed, "Real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased at an annual rate of 0.9 percent in the second quarter of 2022, following a decrease of 1.6 perce...

  • July 22, 2022

    Biden fixates on nonexistent 'climate crisis' while ignoring actual problems

    On July 20, President Biden gathered with his climate change super-friends at Brayton Point Power Station in Somerset, Massachusetts to relay this message to the American people: "As president, I have a responsibility to act with urgen...

  • June 24, 2022

    Biden declares war on nicotine while giving addicts crack pipes

    As Americans grapple with sky-high prices at the pump, the worst rate of inflation in more than four decades, increasing crime, a wide-open southern border, a surge in fentanyl deaths, a baby formula shortage, a looming food crisis, a plunging stock ...

  • May 17, 2022

    New Florida law establishes 'Victims of Communism Day'

    While many blue states are celebrating communism and socialism in their public-school classrooms, Florida, as usual, is bucking this disturbing trend by ensuring that Sunshine State students learn about the unvarnished horrors these evil ideologies h...

  • May 4, 2022

    The left vs. the Supreme Court of the United States

    For many years, the progressive left — which constantly seeks to increase the size and scope of the federal government — has been waging war on the Supreme Court.  Why?  Because, in general, the Supreme Court has histo...

  • April 14, 2022

    Joe Manchin tells the truth about inflation

    Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is a rare breed of politician in today's day and age.  Not only does he routinely challenge the Democrat party orthodoxy on a variety of issues, but when push comes to shove, he has proved willing to oppose le...

  • April 9, 2022

    Biden Toys with Student Debt Cancellation

    On April 6, President Biden extended the pause on student loan repayments through August 31, which means the 43 million Americans who owe $1.6 trillion in student loan debt are off the hook for another few months. According to Biden...

  • March 4, 2022

    Biden blatantly lied about Trump's tax cuts

    While delivering his State of the Union speech on March 1, President Biden was less than honest with the American people about many things. For example, Biden said his Build Back Better bill would reduce inflation and the annual deficit, claiming,...

  • January 26, 2022

    Shareholder Capitalism v. Stakeholder Capitalism

    For centuries, the chief objective of public corporations in the United States has been to maximize shareholder profits. Although this may seem rapacious, it is not. As Milton Friedman said nearly 50 years ago, “there is one and on...

  • December 9, 2021

    World Petroleum Congress exudes common sense

    In late October, the United Nations held its 26th annual Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), in Glasgow, Scotland.  During the two-week carbon dioxide–emitting extravaganza, world leaders arrived via private jets to...

  • August 20, 2021

    Marxist Minnesota Principals ‘Making Good Trouble in Education’

    There was once a time when school principals’ principal concern was the academic achievement of their students. Sadly, in many places, that is no longer the case. Take Minnesota for example, where 162 principals have signed onto the Marxi...

  • August 14, 2021

    The 'infrastructure' bill is a bipartisan bait-and-switch

    After a rare weekend session, the U.S. Senate passed a $1.2-trillion "infrastructure" bill that it claims will rebuild America's crumbling roads and bridges. However, most of the money that would be allocated in the bill does not add...

  • August 11, 2021

    Biden mimics Andrew Jackson — and not in a good way

    In 1832, after the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling he vehemently disagreed with, President Andrew Jackson uttered this infamous phrase, "John Marshall has made his decision.  Now let him enforce it." In 2021, after the U.S. ...

  • August 3, 2021

    The Democrats' uphill infrastructure bill battle

    Although several Republicans and Democrats were on the Sunday shows this past weekend celebrating the $1.2-trillion "hard" infrastructure framework they apparently agreed on, it seems as if the bill still has a long way to go before it head...

  • July 13, 2021

    Black Lives Matter: U.S. Flag is 'Racist'

    On Independence Day the Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapter located in Utah posted on social media that the “American flag is now a hate symbol.” The post, which went viral of course, caused somewhat of an uproar. Some Americans found the...

  • May 12, 2021

    More Americans tell Uncle Sam: Show me the money!

    Something is amiss in America's post-pandemic economic recovery. In April, only 266,000 jobs were created.  Economists expected that at least one million jobs would be created. As of March, the U.S. Labor Department reports t...

  • April 27, 2021

    A bad case of déjà vu: Reintroducing the Green New Deal

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), and others have reintroduced the Green New Deal (GND) during what they deem "Green New Deal week." Originally introduced in 2019, the GND went down in a bal...

  • April 20, 2021

    Ayanna Pressley is wrong about America

    In 2021 America, leftist leaders and the mainstream liberal media somehow tie almost anything and everything to racism. Case in point: Rep. Ayanna Pressley's (D-Mass.) Twitter feed. Here a few of Pressley's recent tweets regarding racis...

  • February 20, 2021

    Is the Biden honeymoon already over?

    Typically, lawmakers on the left side of the political aisle work in lockstep compared to their opponents on the right.  However, when it comes to the issue of canceling $50,000 of student loan debt, the Democratic Party seems to be at war ...

  • January 5, 2021

    US national debt: An unsustainable trajectory

    Over the past few decades, the U.S. federal government has abandoned any and all notions of fiscal responsibility, leading to a massive increase in America's national debt, which will produce dire consequences sooner than most Americans probably ...

  • December 3, 2020

    We need to keep the schools open

    For months, schools across the nation have remained closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.  This is completely unnecessary and will have dire consequences for millions of American children. This is why Dr. Anthony Fauci recently st...

  • November 26, 2020

    Global Elites: COVID-19 provides an opportunity for radical 'Great Reset'

    During the Great Recession, Rahm Emanuel said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.  And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before." That sounds eerily familiar to sev...

  • November 3, 2020

    Democrats declare war on the Judicial Branch

    In the early evening of October 26, Amy Coney Barrett was officially confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the 115th justice to preside on the U.S. Supreme Court.  Yet, even before the tally was taken, Democrats were in a tizzy, vowing they would...

  • October 31, 2020

    The V-shaped recovery is here

    In the third quarter, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew by an all-time record high of 33.1 percent, according to the advance estimate released on October 29 by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). For sake of comparison, the previous r...

  • October 23, 2020

    The United States of America v. Google

    On October 20, the Department of Justice (DoJ) filed a long overdue antitrust lawsuit against search engine giant Google. According to a DoJ press release, "[a]s one of the wealthiest companies on the planet with a market value of $1 tri...

  • October 17, 2020

    Joe Biden continues to kick the can on court-packing

    With less than three weeks until one of the most significant elections in recent history, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden continues to dodge the simple question of whether he would or would not support packing the U.S. Supreme Court shoul...

  • October 13, 2020

    Biden-Harris stay mum on court-packing

    Since the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and President Trump's decision to nominate Amy Coney Barrett for the vacant Supreme Court seat, Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) have refused to answer the question every American has a right to k...

  • October 8, 2020

    Joe Biden has offshored US jobs, and his family's racketeering, to China

    During Joe Biden's nearly half-century in politics, he has been an outspoken advocate for globalism.  Furthermore, over the past few decades, he has become especially fond of championing the rise of America's primary foe, communist China...

  • September 24, 2020

    Originalism v. Textualism: The Fight of the Century

    After the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, leaders on both sides of the political aisle retreated to their corners and articulated how they believe the vacant seat should be handled, with the country less than 50 days from Ele...

  • September 16, 2020

    Western Wildfires Are Due to Arson and Stupidity, Not Climate Change

    Unfortunately, we are living in a world where facts don’t matter much anymore. For instance, the wildfires that have swept across the western United States over the past few weeks are being almost universally blamed on climate change, even thou...

  • September 11, 2020

    Media and the facts about COVID

    According to the mainstream liberal media, the coronavirus pandemic is one of the greatest medical threats to humanity since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918.  However, six months after the outbreak, the data on coronavirus cases and d...

  • September 3, 2020

    The Sunshine State is Shining Example of School Choice Success

    When it comes to embracing school choice, no state has done a better job to date than Florida. For the past two decades, the Sunshine State has led the charge in offering multiple school choice programs so as many Floridians as possible can decide wh...

  • July 17, 2020

    Joe Biden, Climate Alarmist

    On July 14, while unveiling his $2 trillion climate plan, Joe Biden declared, “there’s no more consequential challenge that we must meet in the next decade than the onrushing climate crisis. Left unchecked, it is literally an existen...

  • July 9, 2020

    Why Does ‘Flyover Country’ Vote GOP?

    It goes without saying that regional voting preferences and patterns in American presidential elections have varied over time. To date, the United States has held 58 presidential elections. As the Electoral College results of these elections sho...

  • June 25, 2020

    Biden backed brutal bankruptcy bill in 2005

    In 1999, then-senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) declared, "I'm not the senator from MBNA."  Apparently, Biden felt it was necessary to clarify that he did not exclusively represent credit card giant MBNA because his constituents...

  • June 12, 2020

    School choice should be the status quo

    As a former public high school teacher, I have seen firsthand how antiquated, bureaucratic, and irresponsive to the unique needs of students our nation's public school system has become.  In affluent suburbs, like where I grew up, the p...

  • February 1, 2020

    Wokeness run amok

    For the past few weeks, the coronavirus has caused turmoil and panic across the globe.  Although the virus originated in China, cases have been reported in several countries, including the United States. To address the problem, President...

  • December 24, 2019

    Scandinavian socialism is less real than Santa Claus

    If you believe that a large man in a red suit can fly around the world on a sleigh guided by reindeer and deliver presents to billions of homes on Christmas Eve, then you should also believe in Scandinavian socialism.  In other words, the N...

  • November 20, 2019

    No Medicare for All for illegals

    According to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), “As president, Bernie will: Enact Medicare for All, which will address racial and other disparities in health care and provide comprehensive care to everyone in America, regardless of immigration status....

  • November 1, 2019

    The Chicago Teacher Union vs. Charter Schools

    This is the second week of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) strike. It’s the second CTU strike in less than 10 years, and it’s having wide and far-ranging repercussions. Even worse, if the strike persists for a few more days, thousands...

  • August 29, 2019

    For Bernie, climate change is just a ruse to grow government

    In 2008, Rahm Emanuel, then-president-elect Barack Obama's newly named chief of staff, uttered the infamous phrase: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste.  And what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things yo...

  • December 14, 2018

    Green New Deal Is Bad Deal for All Americans

    For close to a decade, the left has looked at a "Green New Deal" as the only solution to supposed man-made climate change.  According to the eco-left, the Green New Deal – a massive federal government stimulus prog...

  • October 30, 2018

    Is It Time to Lick the Food Stamp Program?

    The federal Food Stamps Program (FSP), now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), celebrated its 59th anniversary this September.  Last year, more than 42 million Americans received SNAP benefits, which cost taxpayer...

  • September 13, 2018

    Ronald Reagan and the midterms

    Labor Day, the sunset of summer, marks a turning point in the American mindset.  Kids go back to school, parents return to work, and Americans turn their attention (reluctantly) to politics.  This fall, Americans will vote in the ...