Chris Gallardo

Chris Gallardo

  • November 26, 2016

    The marginal benefit vs. marginal cost of fighting racism

    There is a point at which the marginal benefit of drawing attention to and "fighting" racism is exceeded by the marginal cost.  At this point, doing so is not beneficial and produces negative effects. An analogy used in colleg...

  • January 19, 2012

    Newt the Sellout

    Few things in the political arena are as damaging to the conservative cause as the Bush administration's coining of and frequent use of the term "compassionate conservatism".  Rather than explaining that conservatism is *more* compassionate than...

  • December 8, 2011

    Misguided occupiers

    From the Associated Press interviewing an 'Occupy' protester in DC yesterday:  "One demonstrator, Teresa Law, 50, of Springfield, Ohio, said she came to protest against corporate America and because jobs that the government promised would be cr...

  • October 14, 2011

    What I love most about Herman Cain

    At times, part of me wants to support Herman Cain to somehow prove to liberals that just because one does not agree with the philosophy of the Democratic Party on race, one is not a racist.  I quickly recognize, however, that this plays right in...

  • November 15, 2010

    Intelligence is as Intelligence does

    "I am not voting for Barrack Obama because he's black, I am voting for him because he's brilliant!" gushed Oprah Winfrey during the 2008 elections. If I had a nickel for every time a conversation with a liberal about Obama disintegrated int...

  • June 10, 2010

    Another race card played - Obama can't afford to be the 'angry black man'

    I cannot even begin to count the ways that this is wrong, ridiculous and inappropriate. First off:"During a news conference last summer, Obama casually said that police acted "stupidly" when they arrested Harvard professor Henry Louis ...

  • January 28, 2010

    No Mr. President; the government does not 'create jobs'

    Of all of the President's rhetoric lately (and there has been a lot), nothing is more bothersome to me than the repeated calls for ‘creating jobs'.‘Creating jobs' is not the same thing as creating prosperity and economic health. In fact,...

  • January 24, 2010

    On health care, is doing 'something' better than doing nothing?

    What I am getting a lot of these days in conversations with my leftist friends with regard to the healthcare bill(s) before congress is,"OK, maybe they're not perfect, but doing something is better than doing nothing, right?"My answer is ty...

  • January 20, 2010

    The benefits of health care reform

    “I would put my plan forward and I would welcome input, and I would say here are my goals: reduce costs, increase quality, coverage for everybody.”-Barack Obama (CNN Democratic Debate, January 2008)“Reduce costs, increase quality, c...

  • January 14, 2010

    'Visible' hands digging themselves in deeper

    Ever see one of those old cartoons, where there is a character trying to hold back water from coming through a wall? The character plugs up one hole and then sits and relaxes, "Whew". A few seconds later, water pops through another hole. ...

  • January 8, 2010

    The tragic convenience of our education system

    How the electorate is not completely up in arms over President Obama's broken campaign promises is beyond me. The brazenness and contempt of the American public that he is displaying in shattering without so much as a word about it, his campaign pro...