Cheryl Magness

Cheryl Magness

  • March 15, 2016

    Ben Carson’s ‘surprise’ endorsement of Donald Trump was no surprise

    Common wisdom is that Ben Carson did something surprising when he endorsed Donald Trump for president.  But if you've been paying attention to Ben Carson for any period of time, you won't have been surprised.  It was a predictable a...

  • February 27, 2015

    How to Be a Narcissist in Three Easy Steps

    By now you’ve no doubt seen the latest episode in the reality show known as Obama’s White House. In this installment, “Uncle Joe” once again demonstrates his apparent belief that women are meant to be touched, preferably by hi...

  • January 24, 2015

    Six Things Everyone Needs to Know About Plagiarism (Yes, Even You)

    It happened again.  A prominent public figure was discovered to be guilty of plagiarism.  Likely 2016 Presidential candidate Benjamin Carson is the most recent, but he is hardly alone in the history of highly visible cases of plagiarism. Al...