Charlie P. Brannan

Charlie P. Brannan

  • July 1, 2021

    The National Subterfuge Agency

    Recently, Tucker Carlson uncovered evidence that the National Security Agency (NSA) was reading his personal emails.  He was given information from a whistleblower who provided convincing evidence that his personal communications ...

  • July 19, 2011

    One Obama Presser, 36 Obama Lies and Deceptions

    Obama held a press conference last Friday, July 15 which turned out to be a purely partisan effort to increase taxes and increase the American debt. His speech and the answers he gave to cherry picked questions from the press was fundamentally dishon...

  • July 16, 2011

    Instant Balanced Budget Amendment: Maintain the Present Borrowing Limit

    There is a very simple way to balance the budget without passing a Balanced Budget Amendment: refuse to raise the federal borrowing limit. Treasury would be forced to do what any business or family would do: live within its means and stop mortgaging...