Charles Martel

Charles Martel

  • November 29, 2013

    The Knockout Game: What Took the Conservative Media so Long to Notice?

    Evil flourishes when good men do nothing, and too many conservatives have been wobbly about recent racial violence trends. Back in June of 2011, the American Thinker published an article entitled "Racial Violence Has Not Made It Into the Conversat...

  • December 3, 2012

    We Are a Nation of Immigrants...Sort Of

    In any debate about immigration, the response you are likely to get will probably include the sickly-sweet mantra, "We're a nation of immigrants." Whether you're pointing out that illegal immigrants are driving down wages, failing to assimilate, or ...

  • November 25, 2012

    The GOP Dream Act is a Nightmare

      We now know what a Republican amnesty sell-out would look like: The Daily Caller reported on some details of a GOP amnesty proposal being discussed behind closed doors. The proposed path to citizenship would begin in college, which is whe...

  • November 23, 2012

    Our Border, Our Integrity

    There is a conspicuous lack of cultural and national self-respect among the pro-amnesty Republicans, who display a corresponding excess of a misplaced compassion. If there is one primary obstacle to border security and sane immigration policy in Ame...

  • November 21, 2012

    Magical thinking about Amnesty

    With amnesty, we will wave the magic wand, and suddenly new low-wage workers will appear, along with new mouths for Nanny State to feed. That's sure to boost incomes and lower the deficit. Surely, the party of fiscal responsibility wouldn't support s...

  • November 19, 2012

    The Amnesty Sell-Out

    If you want to know what open borders Republicans will sound like when they betray this nation's sovereignty, take it from the horse's mouth: Carlos Gutierrez, head of Mitt Romney's Hispanic outreach, told CNN's Candy Crowley, "[T]he far right of thi...

  • November 16, 2012

    The Big Tent is Empty

    Wailing, gnashing of teeth, and a few destructive ideas have followed the reelection of Barack Hussein Obama. Perhaps a couple of sensible questions will help us get our country back on track: If Republicans cave on amnesty, what will Hispanics say ...