Charles Lipson

Charles Lipson

  • June 10, 2014

    Big Bullies on Campus

    This article nails it.  I can say that first hand.  Perry Chiaramonte writes at They've become the bullies of the quad at college campuses around the nation, shouting down speakers, terrorizing Jewish students and inti...

  • February 7, 2014


    The short video below from Liftbump is the most touching and moving one I can remember. Nicholas Winton gradually realizes that he is seated among the children he saved from the Nazi death camps. Spine-tingling. Incidentally, Sir Nicholas is still ...

  • December 1, 2013

    Krugman's pathetic ObamaCare 'success' story

    Since Paul Krugman posted his fatuous NYT article on "Covered California," (the state's name for its Obamacare signup), some of my friends have given him the high-five and posted his analysis.  Mother Jones also loved it, as did their three...

  • November 28, 2013

    Another academic disgrace: the debased requirements of UCLA's English major

    Until recently, an undergraduate majoring in English at UCLA had to take one course in Chaucer, one in Milton, and two more in Shakespeare.  No more.  Now, their department simply requires four courses in different historical peri...

  • December 2, 2008

    Looking at Terrorists and Seeing Only Suspected Gunmen

    In a recent column on the Mumbai attacks, Mark Steyn offered the stunning observation that major British newspapers called the terrorists "suspected gunmen" in captions describing photographs of the assault.  Those delicate labels are ...