Charles Farlow

Charles Farlow

  • Was Vietnam worth the cost?

    March 29, 2024

    Was Vietnam worth the cost?

    Vietnam Veterans’ Day is annually observed on March 29.  It commemorates the hardships suffered and sacrifices made by nine million Americans during the Vietnam War, and their families who supported them before, during, and after. ...

  • June 4, 2020

    Our civil unrest

    The death of George Floyd was caused by a reprehensible, evil act.  We must all work for changes in practices, laws, and attitudes to prevent such a travesty from recurring.  Period.  In the aftermath of Mr. Floyd's ...

  • April 10, 2020

    What is the real impact of coronavirus?

    During the coronavirus update briefing yesterday, Dr. Deborah Birx was asked by a reporter how the number of deaths attributed to the virus were being determined.  Her response was that "irrespective of any underlying chronic or acute ...