C.F. Baab

C.F. Baab

  • September 26, 2022

    Biden's 'new normal' is an inflation-wracked, crime-infested police state — with a nuclear threat

    Another day in Biden's America: crime and inflation surging, illegal aliens flooding our country or dying as they try, trust in elections gone, and half the country denounced by the Big Guy as a "dangerous threat to our democracy."...

  • August 28, 2022

    Joe Biden's absolutely disgusting vote-piling scheme

    Oh, how disgusting this administration is — and Biden personally.  A $300-billion giveaway to his constituents — in truth, a bribe — right before the midterms.  It's unfair, corrupt, and wrong on every level....

  • August 23, 2022

    Carrying water for the Democrats

    The mainstream media — the broadcast and cable networks and the major newspapers — do nothing but carry water for the Democrats (Fox News excepted).  They don't try to hide it anymore.  In fact, they not only overl...

  • August 12, 2022

    Opposing the elites

    There is an independent streak in the American character.  It's in our DNA.  If we're abused too much or too long, it asserts itself like a force of nature. We are reaching such a moment.  The raid on Presiden...