Catherine Glenn Foster

Catherine Glenn Foster

  • June 25, 2013

    Planned Parenthood to promote ObamaCare

    As the 2014 implementation of ObamaCare fast approaches, federally funded Planned Parenthood is kicking into high gear to promote it. This includes using its 750-plus facilities around the country to make sure the low-income and emotionally vulnera...

  • April 10, 2013

    Judge rules FDA must issue death after life

    On April 5, Federal District Court Judge Edward R. Korman ordered the Food and Drug Administration to allow over-the-counter distribution of Plan B abortifacient pills to girls of any age, thus striking down even the Obama administration's practice o...

  • March 9, 2012

    The Girl Scouts: Planned Parenthood's 'Tactical Arm'

    (See also: Girl Scouts: The Awful Truth) People often talk about growing up in a time when they didn't have to lock their doors, when their children could go out and play without fear, and when everyone knew (and talked to) their neighbors.  It ...

  • January 14, 2012

    Even Hollywood Can't Make Abortion Pretty

    Hollywood may appear to be America's main manufacturer of cultural influence, but all too often, some starlet will come forward and remind us how out of touch Tinseltown is with mainstream America. The latest example: actress Maggie Gyllenhaal's re...