Cassandra Chambers

Cassandra Chambers

  • January 21, 2023

    The Disturbing Precedent behind Dangerous COVID Shots

    An incident from 100 years ago has a remarkable echo in the mRNA injection reality of today. After radium's discovery by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, one of its commercial applications was in the production of radiant watches for seeing tim...

  • November 10, 2021

    Trusted Partner or Courtier?

    The people who run the United States government-funded research center where I work should hang their heads in shame, abandon claims of honesty, and maybe even shut the doors for good.  In their handling of this latest stage of the Covid crisis,...

  • July 12, 2021

    Clergymen: Stop preaching Critical Race Theory

    This Sunday at St. Someone Church in Anytown, USA, the minister delivered a lovely sermon analogizing Jesus's sending his disciples on mission with our local hapless MLB team competing as visitors in "away" cities.  His point ...

  • June 13, 2021

    CDC must come clean on the COVID vaccine and previous infection

    News this week from the CDC’s HEROES-RECOVER study shows, “mRNA vaccines reduce risk of infection by 91 percent for fully vaccinated people. . . Those who became infected after being fully or partially vaccinated were more likely to have ...

  • June 2, 2021

    Previous Infection is Superior to Vaccine for COVID Protection

    Millions of Americans have been infected with COVID and survived. We must examine the important question of whether they are now immune to the disease or whether it is advisable for them to receive injections of one of the Emergency-Use-Authorized sh...

  • March 10, 2019

    How Legalized Abortion Renders Us Impotent in the Fight Against Radical Islam

    Each faith has its own rules for right behavior to which non-members are not bound.  My Jewish friends don't care if I eat a pork chop.  Whether or not non-Catholics eat a steak on Ash Wednesday or don't go to church means...