Casey Plunkett

Casey Plunkett

  • August 20, 2020

    Israel and the UAE: A marriage of convenience, or the real deal?

    Lost in all the other big news of the past week, Bloomberg covers the "Abraham Accord" between Israel and the UAE, speculating that other Arab nations will sign up.  Of note, the UAE (80% populated by expats and noted for Burj Kha...

  • July 21, 2020

    The return of the angry white voter

    This morning I scanned the latest headlines.  One came from Christianity Today, often referred to as the "magazine for pastors," titled “Our Nostalgia is Spiritually Dangerous.” That premise is provocative and prompted...

  • July 15, 2020

    COVID ratting on your neighbors made EZ

    Too few of us realize we are frogs in water that is slowly being brought to a boil.  Ergo, here is my "Top 10" list of cities, counties, and states that have hotlines for citizens to rat on neighbors and business deemed to be viol...

  • November 28, 2019

    Feeling grateful on Thanksgiving

    For many. Thanksgiving is the best day of the year.  Others may be dreading this day, perhaps bogged down by issues spanning health, finances, death, relationships, or work; some are to the point of being overwhelmed, wondering how or why they s...

  • November 21, 2019

    The new surveillance state

    Are we transitioning into a Surveillance State?  An unprecedented level of digital transformation is occurring across all aspects of society.  Moreover, we are at increased risk of becoming a Predictive State, as evidenced by tech...

  • November 12, 2019

    Why Google bought Fitbit

    Earlier this month, Google announced the purchase of Fitbit for $2.1B, for which I advised, "Unload your Fitbits."  Fitbit's CEO assured us that Google wouldn't sell the data collected by its consumers: Fitbit sa...

  • November 9, 2019

    Global depopulation is this century's challenge

    In a recent paper ("World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency"), 11,000 "concerned scientists" channeled Thomas Malthus and dropped the gauntlet in their recent study on climate change.  Apparently, Gaia is no...

  • November 8, 2019

    Who are these '11,000 Concerned Scientists'?

    Academics and scientists are yet again issuing "consensus" statements on climate change.  In 2017, we were warned by 16,000 scientists across 184 countries that "human beings and the natural world are on a collision...

  • November 6, 2019

    A pathetic few weeks in the MSM

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record (sorry for the anachronism), when the Founding Fathers drafted the 1st Amendment, I doubt they anticipated that freedom of the press would morph into freedom to be corrupt.  Here are five stories...

  • November 2, 2019

    Advice: unload your Fitbits

    News:  Google to acquire Fitbit, valuing the smartwatch maker at about $2.1B. How does this acquisition make your life better?   What can possibly go wrong?  "Nothing," based on this reassurance from Fitbit's CEO:...

  • October 27, 2019

    U.S. decline of Christianity continues at rapid pace

    Pew Research Center has been conducting a series of studies on religious attitudes in the U.S. over the past decade and recently released its latest set of findings.  As I approach “elderly discount eligibility,” I'm increasingly...

  • October 22, 2019

    When will women say 'enough!'?

    When will women arise as a group and declare "enough!"?  I assert that women's rights are eroding as the transgenderism movement continues to build momentum.  Three absurd news stories coming out of this weekend, fro...

  • September 18, 2019

    New survey: the plight of Millennials

    A new survey reveals the serious challenges facing the Millennials. Let's empathize with them and understand their plight in context.  Rising healthcare costs are a big concern.  Apparently, life would have been better had they been bor...

  • August 13, 2019

    Mueller, Epstein, and the rule of law

    After this weekend, I have little faith in the U.S.'s go-forward ability to blindly administer the Rule of Law. I'll spare the details of the Epstein story, as they've been trickling out over the weekend, but based on those detail...