Carole Hornsby Haynes

Carole Hornsby Haynes

  • Education Department: Death by a Thousand Cuts?

    February 22, 2025

    Education Department: Death by a Thousand Cuts?

    Our colonial ancestors were the most literate in the world.  By 2023, American students ranked at a near 30-year-low compared with students from other developed nations on international tests.  That, despite the U.S. spending more...

  • Fight Gender Ideology, and You Go to War

    January 30, 2025

    Fight Gender Ideology, and You Go to War

    Keeping a promise he made after winning the 2024 presidential election to end transgender ideology in public education, Trump signed an executive order on Monday after the inaugural ceremony.  The order rescinded all U.S. Department of Educ...

  • Reflections on the Legacy of Jimmy Carter

    January 5, 2025

    Reflections on the Legacy of Jimmy Carter

    With the passing of Jimmy Carter at the age of 100, there is a scurry to rewrite the history of our 39th president.  According to the popular narrative, Carter faced economic and foreign policy challenges, yet his accomplishments, such as t...

  • Texas education falling to the communist UN?!

    October 30, 2024

    Texas education falling to the communist UN?!

    American public classrooms have become Marxist daycare centers, filled with indoctrination, transgenderism, and racial divisiveness.  Parents are demanding a return to the 3 Rs, American patriotism, respect, and moral character with teacher...

  • Our Existential Crisis

    August 27, 2024

    Our Existential Crisis

    Once, America had the world’s best educated workforce.  Today, our average American high school graduates are two and a half years behind those in top-performing countries.  The curriculum of our colleges is at the level of ...

  • From Republic to Tyrannical Democracy?

    August 11, 2024

    From Republic to Tyrannical Democracy?

    America is in a crisis.  From a constitutional republic and limited government founded on Jewish and Christian principles, America has now disintegrated into a state of chaos, violence, murder, corruption, indebtedness, and internal divisio...

  • Normandy continues on America’s shores

    June 6, 2024

    Normandy continues on America’s shores

    On June 6, 1944, a coalition of more than 150,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy, France by sea and air to begin the fight to liberate Europe from the yoke of Nazi tyranny.  Thousands were killed or wounded during the D-Day i...

  • From the American founding to transgender Easter

    April 9, 2024

    From the American founding to transgender Easter

    On Good Friday, the White House announced a “transgender day of visibility” for March 31, which fell this year on Easter Sunday, the holiest day in the Christian calendar, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  ...

  • January 28, 2024

    The Rise and Fall of Harvard

    Founded by Puritan settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest and most prestigious university in the United States and one of the best known in the world.  Today, Harvard’s future hangs in the b...

  • October 20, 2023

    Stealth Jihad in American Education

    Since the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas, college campus rallies in support of the barbaric act have erupted across the nation.  Although world focus is on Israel, this is only one part of the global plan of Islam.  Islamic law -- S...

  • September 23, 2023

    Youngkin and the Reconciliation Monument

    Though he never claimed to be a populist, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has ridden the wave of public anger against hostile school boards pushing radical race and gender ideologies.  As I noted in a previous commentary, Youngkin’s selec...

  • September 16, 2023

    Texas and Woke Sex Education

    The Dallas Independent School District (DISD), the second largest in Texas, has partnered for years with the North Texas Alliance to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy in Teens (NTARUPT), a radical sex group that has been known to promote gender mutilation....

  • July 28, 2023

    California's new Marxist math

    Academic courses have become a vehicle for Marxist ideology, using "culturally relevant teaching" demands. California has approved new radical K–12 math standards that are openly a vehicle for Marxist ideology. ...

  • July 8, 2023

    Our Nation Was Not Founded in 1776

    On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to approve the Declaration of Independence that established separation of the colonies from England.  The Declaration did not establish new rights but simply re-affirmed the old rights that al...

  • June 24, 2023

    Can America Survive as a Self-Governing People?

    A series of tests by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), better known as the Nation's Report Card, show that fifty years of student academic progress have been wiped out.  Unless this is reversed, America as a f...

  • June 17, 2023

    ‘Reparations Math’ Fused with Critical Race Theory

    A recently released school curriculum by the 1619 Project education network will teach thousands of high school students that they are victims of slavery that ended in 1865 under the 13th Amendment -- more than 150 years ago. The new radical “R...

  • January 9, 2023

    Who Gave the Government the Right to Push LGBT Propaganda into Schools?

    Obviously, the message has not resonated with the federal government that parents are fed up with government dictating what their children are being taught and being told they have no rights as parents.  On December 27, the CDC republished ...

  • November 22, 2022

    The unstated reason why the red wave died

    With the failure of the Republican Party to achieve a red wave in the midterm elections, many explanations — and accusations — are being bandied about.  Blame is attributed to abortion, Trump endorsements, election integrity, an...

  • October 29, 2022

    Proof that Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools

    Across the nation, war rages between parents who charge that schools are teaching their children race-based Marxist Critical Race Theory and school boards and educators who deny their accusations.  Finally, we have definitive proof that stude...

  • September 30, 2022

    Identity Politics and the Reparations Debate

    The summer royal tour of the Caribbean and the death of Queen Elizabeth have provoked debates about the participation of Britain in the transatlantic slave trade.  Following the queen’s funeral on September 19, CNN host Don Lemon, in an in...

  • September 22, 2022

    Why the Enemies of Western Civilization Hated Queen Elizabeth

    I began watching the funeral service of Queen Elizabeth II at 4:00 a.m.  It was an event filled with emotion and so many traditions from Western Civilization over the centuries.  It was also a poignant reminder that, with the death of the q...

  • September 17, 2022

    How Democrat School Closings can Wreck the Country

    Democrats are in a panic after the September 1, 2022 report of student test scores which show school closures during the pandemic wiped out 50 years of academic progress in America. In 2022, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) admi...

  • June 16, 2022

    The Communist Plot behind School Shootings

    The Uvalde, Texas school massacre did not happen because an 18-year-old had access to guns.  Instead, it was a walking testimony to the moral bankruptcy of modern America and the hollowing out of the American home.  A broken home,...

  • March 9, 2022

    The Real Reason Why Biden Wants to Spend Billions on Pre-K

    During his State of the Union Address, President Biden rebranded the failed Build Back Better bill as his bill that would cut inflation, grow the economy, lower costs, and lower deficits.  Then he added that his plan would include universal -- f...

  • November 25, 2021

    The Rejection of Communism on Thanksgiving Day

    This week, our nation is celebrating the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving of the Pilgrims, who had arrived a year earlier on November 11, 1620 on the Mayflower with 102 passengers — men, women, and children.  They came as f...

  • November 11, 2021

    The 'New' Fad Corrupting Our Schoolchildren Is Not So New

    As they learn more about social and emotional learning (SEL) with its data-mining, parents are in an uproar.  They're demanding an opt-out and deletion of all stored data.  Some believe that if we can stop the leftward lurch o...

  • November 2, 2021

    Blame Public Schools for Transgender Bathroom Rapes

    Have you ever wondered how American schools went from bastions of academic learning to centers where pornography is daily fare and boys wearing nail polish and skirts can legally roam through girls' restrooms and showers, raping and groping as th...

  • October 1, 2021

    The disastrous impact of illegal immigration on public education

    Public school students have been subjected to school shutdowns, online learning at home, social distancing, Plexiglas cubicles, all-day mask-wearing, and now vaccinations with an experimental drug that is causing myocarditis and other serious re...

  • June 5, 2021

    Texas attempted to ban Critical Race Theory in schools...but did it succeed?

    The nation is watching as states begin to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools.  The pressure was on Texas lawmakers to join quickly with other red states in passing its own.  Though Republicans are crowing about th...

  • May 28, 2021

    Biden's State Department signals that black lives don't matter

    One year after the death of George Floyd, Biden's State Department has authorized American embassies to fly the Black Lives Matter flag to promote the Marxist organization.  The department's memo stated it "supports t...

  • February 26, 2021

    Black History Month: The Facts

    February is Black History Month and a time to celebrate the many significant and far reaching accomplishments of black Americans.  Instead we’re endlessly bombarded by a vitriolic media, Hollywood, and academia with claims that America was...

  • February 16, 2021

    The Confucius Institutes: A Study in Subversion

    Even in the final hours of his administration, President Trump was working to stop China’s infiltration of American education.  He proposed a rule to force schools to publicly disclose their connection with the Confucius Institutes and cla...

  • January 20, 2021

    Trump’s farewell speech and the enduring movement he sparked

    The radical left and treacherous Republicans are giddy over their success in getting rid of Donald Trump with their fraudulent overthrow of his landslide election and tarnishing his legacy with unwarranted blame for the Capitol breach.  Now they...

  • December 27, 2020

    The Link between Donald Trump and George Washington

    The parallels of people and events of 244 years ago are eerily familiar to those of today.  By December 1776, the once giddy prospects of American colonists winning their independence from England had grown dim.  In December ...

  • December 10, 2014

    America: From Super Power to Banana Republic

    With a stroke of his pen, President Obama recently changed the future of Americans and of our nation – fundamentally transforming America from the greatest nation on earth to a future as a banana republic. Robert Rector, Senior Research Fell...

  • August 9, 2014

    Has the College Board Gone Too Far with Its Attack on AP U.S. History?

    In Fall 2014, 450,000 of the nation’s top students will study the new Advanced Placement U.S. History’s version of America’s past – a past that is completely unrecognizable. David Coleman, the architect of the Common Core a...

  • August 29, 2013

    Common Core: What's in It for Bill Gates?

    Why has Bill Gates spent millions of dollars to develop, promote, and fund the establishment of Common Core standards and testing in U.S. public schools? To set the record straight, Common Core is not about "core knowledge" but rather is the foundat...

  • August 2, 2013

    Common Core's Data Mining Trojan Horse

    Although high information Americans are becoming aware of the federal takeover of education through Common Core Standards, there seems to be little recognition yet that Common Core gives schools and third parties unprecedented access to students' per...

  • July 31, 2013

    The College Degree Scam

    For years we've heard the propaganda line that everyone needs to go to college -- that a degree will improve your status and standard of living. It has become politically incorrect to even suggest that a higher education degree might not be right fo...