Carol Greenwald

Carol Greenwald

  • December 21, 2021

    Gaslighting Trump

    Donald Trump has been gaslighted by the media into believing that he did not make strong gains in the Jewish community and that American Jews did not appreciate his unprecedented support for Israel because they do not care about Israel.  Bo...

  • July 19, 2021

    Secretary of state Blinken is setting us up for paying reparations

    Secretary of state Antony Blinken is neither naïve nor stupid.  So why did he invite United Nations officials to investigate systemic racism in the United States?  It cannot be for the sophomoric reason he stated: Respon...

  • June 30, 2021

    Generals, veterans, and citizens issue petition accusing sec of defense Austin of violating his oath to the US Constitution

    The Committee to Support and Defend has initiated a petition to the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to "honor his oath" to "support and defend" the Constitution of the United States.  The petition "respectfully in...

  • May 11, 2021

    Over 120 generals and admirals warn that administration policies are 'national security threat'

    A day before the Senate markup of H.R. 1 on May 11, 2021, (the Democrats' power-grab to federalize election laws in favor of progressive candidates), 124 retired admirals and generals issued an open letter to the American people warning...

  • August 28, 2020

    The White House and DC last night: A contrast between law and lawlessness

    Last night, I was privileged to attend the final night of the Republican National Convention as a guest sitting on the South Lawn of the White House.  It was a sultry Washington, D.C. summer evening, and the guests were happy and excited to...

  • August 22, 2019

    Why Trump's comment really troubles Jewish Democrats

    President Trump said out loud what others are wondering: how can American Jews still vote for Democrats?  The New York Times and Washington Post are purposely distorting President Trump's point when he said Jews voting De...

  • August 2, 2019

    Democrats, Republicans, and Israel in July

    Is Israel the U.S.'s trusted ally or a dependency to be kicked around? On July 28, Israel announced that it had conducted a successful test flight of its Arrow 3 anti-missile system in Alaska.  Alaska!  Given Isra...

  • July 26, 2019

    Do You Understand that Democrats will Destroy America?

    I earn my living investing other people’s money in the stock market. I am terrified contemplating how I am going to save my clients’ money, as well as my own, if a Democrat is elected president. The policies that the Democrats are advocat...

  • July 11, 2019

    Spot the racists in the Democrats' presidential field

    Is Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris a racist because she has proposed a $100-billion housing subsidy only for people of color?  Even if they earn as much as $125K a year or more than twice the U.S. household median...

  • May 13, 2019

    Jew-hatred given a pass by Democratic Congress

    Being an anti-Semite is no longer a disqualifier for being honored by the current Democratic Party.  The cultural barriers against Jew-hatred, which American Jews believed protected them, shredded by today's Democratic Party, are reflec...

  • October 3, 2018

    My #MeToo moment with Tip O'Neill

    I came to Washington, D.C. in January 1981, a 37-year-old woman, to be president of the National Consumer Cooperative Bank (Coop Bank), a federally chartered lending institution.  The Reagan administration wanted to rescind the charter of t...

  • August 12, 2018

    Trump Plays Hardball with Turkey

    President Obama called Recep Erdogan, Turkey’s president, one of his five  favorite foreign leaders.  President Trump has taken a different posture on Turkey. On Friday, August 10, he tweeted that “our relations with Turkey a...

  • June 22, 2018

    Democrats abuse Holocaust memory for political points

    Democrats opposing safe borders for America have rushed to Twitter and the microphones to compare illegal aliens scamming our refugee system to Holocaust victims, with President Trump cast as Hitler.  These disgusting remarks trivialize the...

  • December 29, 2016

    Trump’s new Israel paradigm: What is best for America

    President-Elect Trump is implementing a new paradigm to guide U.S. policy in the Mideast: what is best for America.  Supporting Palestinian anti-Semitism and terrorism out of political correctness is not in America’s interest. With his ...

  • December 6, 2015

    American Jews Betrayed by Their Leaders. Again

    On December 2, a letter signed by one thousand rabbis was delivered to  Congress calling on "our elected officials to uphold the great legacy of a country that welcomes refugees." The leadership of virtually all of the Jewish defense o...

  • August 27, 2015

    190 (update 214) generals and admirals sign letter to Congress: Reject the defective Iran deal

    Yesterday, August 25, a letter (text and signatories below) was delivered to the Republican and Democratic Senate and House leadership, signed by 190 (update: 214) retired United States generals and admirals, who called upon the Congress to reject th...

  • August 2, 2015

    Save our Children from Iran's nukes

    I am a distraught parent and grandparent who believes that President Obama's proposed Iran deal endangers our children's future by condemning them to face a nuclear armed Iran in the coming years and a vastly increased terrorist  threat ...

  • April 6, 2015

    Proposed legislation on Iran deal is a trap

    Republican Senators are proposing legislation on Iran, on Israel, and on the U.N. that is really designed for the 2016 elections rather than for genuine legislative achievements.  The legislation cannot override a certain Obama veto. They wil...

  • October 22, 2014

    The Klinghoffer opera is <em>not</em> about Klinghoffer

    I was at both the protest outside the Met last night, sitting in a wheel chair, wearing a sign proclaiming "I am Klinghoffer" as well as one of those who saw the opera last night from the second row orchestra. The protest was good. The w...

  • January 26, 2014

    The Nightmare of Government Customer Service

    Montgomery County Maryland has instituted a system in which a driver can use a cash key to pay at the county parking meters.  The key is purchased at a county transportation department (MCDOT) office, and you can put any amount of money on the k...