Carol A. Taber

Carol A. Taber

  • July 27, 2012

    Should We Ban Farm Tools?

    Mayor of Chicago and former Obama hatchet-man Rahm Emanuel famously said "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."  And when it comes to the Aurora, Colorado massacre last Friday, the left certainly hasn't let The Godfather down.  O...

  • May 28, 2012

    Memories of My Own on Memorial Day

    Today, only a small number of Americans have known anyone personally who died fighting for our country, but I have.  My war was the Vietnam War, and I was a Vietnam wife, so I knew quite a few. My husband at the time did not die in Vietnam, alth...

  • April 26, 2012

    Mitt Needs to Weaponize Transparency

    If there's one area where President Obama is wholly vulnerable, it's his utter lack of transparency -- yet the presumptive Republican nominee is somehow losing this issue to the president.  This is patently insane.  Barack Obama is the pres...

  • August 15, 2011

    Obama Steps on Fallen Heroes' Dead Bodies for Personal Gain

    On November 20, 2009, President Obama flew to Osan Air Base in South Korea to speak to American troops.  As many of the troops took pictures, Obama remarked, "You guys make a pretty good photo op."   But this was already a pattern for ...

  • June 2, 2011

    Primetime Propaganda

    It's rare when you read a nonfiction book to be thrilled -- truly thrilled -- by it.  Ben Shapiro's Primetime Propaganda isn't just thrilling, it's deep, phenomenally insightful, and intelligent.  Primetime Propaganda documents, in tremendo...

  • May 23, 2011

    Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are - our Nation Needs a Leader

    Republicans, we've got a problem.  Or better said, boy, do we have an opportunity!All our putative frontrunners (ever narrowing) are either retreads, dull, old, polarizing, odd, not trustworthy, not ready, or not telegenic.  They have ...

  • April 28, 2011

    Not So Fast, Mr. Obama: Trust But Verify

    Yesterday, President Obama released a long form birth certificate.  In doing so, he lectured Americans about what was truly important in America.  "We do not have time for this kind of silliness," he intoned.  "We've got...

  • April 18, 2011

    Trump Needs to Shift to Second Gear on Birth Certificate Challenge

    According to the typical liberal media narrative, those of us who have questioned President Obama's life documents are kooks.  Nuts.  Creeps.  "Birthers."  When Donald Trump raises issues with the birth certificate, memb...

  • February 7, 2011

    What Obama Should Learn From Bush on Egypt

    Historically, the only kind of Middle Eastern democracies Democrats like are the ones that are anti-American.When George W. Bush forcibly established democracy in Iraq by overthrowing Saddam Hussein, the left called him imperialist, dictatorial, and ...

  • November 20, 2010

    A Freak of a Councilman Stops the Cookie Monsters

    Thank God for New Castle, New York Democrat (of course) Councilman Michael Wolfensohn. This week, in an incredible display of bravery and foresight, he prevented what could have been a catastrophe and a miscarriage of justice. All Americans owe him a...

  • October 29, 2010

    Wikileaks' Pitiful Antiwar Propaganda

    Wikileaks is leaking again, and the left is ecstatic. In particular, they're simply wild about Wikileaks' revelation that American soldiers turned a blind eye to Iraqi soldiers mistreating captured enemies, marking many reports with "no further ...

  • October 2, 2010

    Obama in The 99th Percentile Of Islamophilia

    President Barack Hussein Obama has finally found a book whose ideas he's willing to espouse other than Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. It's The 99, and it's a comic book designed to spread tolerance for Islam. "I have to say perhaps the most ...

  • September 17, 2010

    Obama, Dhimmi President

    The slumlord Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has spent the past several weeks lecturing us that if we don't allow him to build a mosque at Ground Zero, we will be provoking Islamic violence. "Our national security now hinges on how we negotiate this, how...

  • September 1, 2010

    What American President Would Do That?

    Other presidents have been wrong. Other presidents have been misguided. Other presidents have been weak and pusillanimous and pathetic.  Only one truly disdains America. His name is Barack Obama.How else to explain his latest outrage against the...

  • August 23, 2010

    The No-Go Mojo Man

    A couple of weeks ago, Sarah Palin suggested that President Obama lacked the requisite "cojones" to stand up for border security.She should have waited.  If she had, she would have seen that President Obama's lack of cojones extends fa...