Carlisle Johnson

Carlisle Johnson

  • May 6, 2022

    This little-known nation could be China's perfect wedge to overtake the USA

    We've got a problem in our own back patio.  Actually, we have our own Ukraine, complete with Russian tanks, China jockeying for position, and a possible Domino Theory.  And it's not nine time zones away. I'm ta...

  • March 30, 2021

    If you want border security, forget about Mexico

    A third-grader with a more or less straight ruler, a crayon, and a map could recognize that the U.S. Executive and its press allies are barking up the wrong tree in trying to stem  the refugees at the U.S.-Mexico  border. The c...

  • January 3, 2021

    The timing is perfect to decentralize DC

    Much has been written about the pandemic-driven favorable aspects, promise, and implications of virtual working compared to traditional in-person interfaces.  We are all woke to the now known to be unnecessary complications, inconveniences ...

  • May 2, 2019

    Speedy Gonzalez is back

    Speedy Gonzalez may have been buried in the political correctness graveyard in the U.S.  But the clever Mexican cartoon mouse who always outwits the bumbling "gringo" is alive and well in Mexico.  And he's up to his ...