Carl Schwitzer

Carl Schwitzer

  • August 26, 2021

    The FDA did NOT grant full approval to the Pfizer shots

    You may have heard that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 shot received FDA approval this past Monday.  Politicians, national health officials, and journalists are breathless with excitement about how this approval will finally induce the remain...

  • December 20, 2018

    Marching to the leftist drummer

    Careful scrutiny of how the left operates reveals a hierarchy.  There is a small cadre of elite leftist leaders who know the true nature of the evil they perpetrate.  This leadership is utterly self-serving and utterly cynical....

  • November 10, 2016

    What Does It Now Mean to Be a Democrat?

    A lot of ink has been spilled discussing the impending demise of the irreparably-fractured GOP. What does it mean to be a Republican when a man such as Donald Trump can not only obtain the nomination but win the whole thing? Evangelicals, neocons, an...