Camie Davis

Camie Davis

  • July 6, 2017

    Palestinian Authority: Minor inconvenience 'inhuman,' terrorism no big deal

    Last week marked one year since 13-year-old Hallel Ariel was stabbed to death by an Arab terrorist while she slept in her bedroom.  Hallel's parents, Amichai and Rina, marked the date of their daughter's murder by ascending the Temple Mo...

  • February 15, 2017

    Israel's Ambassador Danon interrupted by protesters at Columbia University

    Israel's ambassador to the U.N., Danny Danon, spoke to a crowd of 300 at Columbia University Monday night, hosted by the Columbia University chapter of Students Supporting Israel.  A large anti-Israel crowd outside Lerner Hall protested...

  • April 25, 2014

    A new low on the Temple Mount

    According to Israel National News, "Several dozen hareidi Jews, including children, ascended the Temple Mount Wednesday. In the course of the tour of the Mount, Muslims began hurling objects at the hareidim, spat at them, hurled shoes and s...

  • December 15, 2013

    How Communists Helped a Terrorist Revise History

    Yasser Arafat's life is a tale of a remarkable image makeover and an example of how history can be twisted to fit a terrorist's narrative.  With the help of communists, Arafat became known as a legitimate statesman.  The "Father o...

  • September 15, 2012

    Egypt and Libya, Obama's Frankenstein

    In Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein is responsible for creating a monster.  Realizing his mistake, however, Victor becomes horrified of his own creation.  Victor grows even more despondent with the knowledge that the m...

  • July 22, 2012

    Israeli Police Mimic Stupidity of TSA

    It's maddening when government organizations which are supposed to protect the public against terrorism and crime trade logic and proficiency for appeasement and political correctness.  Think TSA officials searching a 95-year-old woman.  Un...

  • December 12, 2011

    Gingrich or the Palestinians; One of Them is Delusional

    Rick Moran wrote a blog for American Thinker entitled, "Are the Palestinian people really 'invented' as Gingrich claims?"  Moran leads with Barry Rubin's fact check on ABC's fact check of Gingrich's statement.  It's no surprise that ABC con...

  • April 3, 2011

    The Organization of the Islamic Conference Propaganda Machine

    Pavlov had a dog.  The Organization of the Islamic Conference has the United Nations and President Obama. The OIC, the largest voting bloc at the UN, has an agenda.  Their agenda is a one-two punch.  First, don't say anything negative ...

  • February 27, 2011

    Another Bum Steer Award for Lubbock

    Lubbock City and County leaders were singled out for a Texas Monthly Magazine "Bum Steer" award in December of 2008 for calling on the public to pray for rain after months of drought and wildfires.  Go ahead, Texas Monthly, make us Lub...

  • January 1, 2011

    A Happy New Year's Greeting to the Rich

    Despite the liberals' on-going generalization that the rich are the bad guys, I was recently reminded who the majority of the rich are in this country and how they reached that status.  As my family sat around the table after our Thanksgiving me...

  • November 23, 2010

    What's good for the goose...

     Last year when many Americans shied away from getting a H1N1 flu shot because of fear and suspicion that the shot wasn't safe, President Obama stepped up to the plate. "People need to understand that this vaccine is safe," he said. ...

  • September 14, 2010

    Imam Rauf's goodwill tour part II

    Now that Imam Rauf is back from his goodwill tour across the Middle East, I have a quick question for him.  Is the bridge he's building a one-way street or a two-way street?  If it's a two-way street promoting religious tolerance, then I ca...

  • August 26, 2010

    Saved from Islamophobia

    A shout out to Imam Rauf for his shining example of a moderate Muslim. Thank you, Imam Rauf, for shaking me out of my Islamophobia.  Thank you for being a shining example of a moderate Muslim.  To safeguard against the danger of backsl...

  • July 17, 2010

    O what a web

    Remember as a kid drawing connect-the-dots pictures?  Simply follow the dots and a clear picture emerges.  As an adult, connecting the dots of Obama's actions leads to an oxymoronic picture.  A clear picture of a murky web.  Obama...

  • June 24, 2010

    Four-stars no match for Obama's four-star ego

    General McChrystal, it's your own fault. You should have seen it coming.In a world of sound-bites, when perception trumps reality, how else was an image sensitive White House supposed to respond to the Rolling Stone byline, "Stanley McChrystal,...

  • June 21, 2010

    Geert Wilders and King Hussein agree that location is everything

    Whenever Geert Wilders is ready to write his memoir, I've got the perfect title: A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity on Steroids.  As if we needed another reason to love the refreshingly bold Wilders, he gives the sane, logical, knowing-right-from-wr...

  • May 29, 2010

    As anti-Israel aid convoy nears Gaza, the government responds

    Richard Goldstone must be feeling proud today. After all it is the winds of the U.N. Goldstone Report driving the Freedom Flotilla into the harbor of Gaza. Perception is often considered reality. And there is no greater example of perception trum...

  • May 24, 2010

    CAIR discovers Southern Tea Partiers have a mind of their own

    What does the opposite of dhimmitude look like? Take a look at the Tennessee Tea Party, Pamela Geller, and Republican Rep. Steven King and you'll see. Not kowtowing to the demands of The Council on American-Islamic Relations to drop Geller as a spe...

  • May 12, 2010

    Jerusalem Day

    This week in Israel, Jerusalem Day was celebrated.  It was a day to commemorate the liberation and reunification of Jerusalem under Jewish sovereignty during the Six Day War -- a historical moment that Israelis will never forget.  Yet as ta...

  • May 10, 2010

    Pediatricians group OKs some female genital mutilation

    Excuse me, American Academy of Pediatrics, but your dhimmitude is showing.  With a shocking nod towards sharia law, the AAP is advocating for a lesser form of female genital mutilation.  In hopes of preventing Muslims from taking their daug...

  • May 7, 2010

    Phoenix Suns: 'Los Idiota'

    A certain sector of the male populace fantasizes about women like me. You see I'm a certifiable sports fanatic. I'm a card-carrying member of the Where Were You When the Americans Beat the Russians Club. I know the answer to the Trivial Pursuit qu...

  • May 4, 2010

    Big Apple Mayor and Bad Apples

    With record speed, Mayor Bloomberg jumped through the we-will-not-racially-profile-Muslims hoop.  Giving politically correct instructions, he said that New York City will not tolerate any bias or backlash against Muslim New Yorkers followin...

  • April 30, 2010

    Red Light . . . Green Light

    Admit it.  We've all done it.  When we're bored and have nothing else to do, we find a stopwatch, head down to the nearest intersection, and collect data to prove that traffic lights are discriminatory.  Apparently, employees at the...

  • April 22, 2010

    All for the Palestinians Stand Up and Holler

    Ah, spring is in the air. Time for an annual tradition spreading across college campuses. Let's give it up for Israel Apartheid Week! UC Berkeley recently held such a week. Sponsored by the Students for Justice in Palestine and supported by the Musli...

  • April 13, 2010

    Reagan and Obama; a difference of epic proportions

    Have you felt the earth move the last several days? It's President Reagan rolling in his grave upon President Obama's foreign policy and nuclear goals being favorably compared to Reagan's modus operandi.Remember a long time ago, in a galaxy far away,...