C. Edmund Wright

C. Edmund Wright

  • February 23, 2021

    Our Supreme Court Goes Full Nicaragua in PA Election Case

    For a couple of years, my wife and I escaped Obama’s America by owning a Pacific Ocean hotel in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. The irony was that in supposedly socialist Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega's government left us alone far more than govern...

  • February 18, 2021

    Toasting Rush Limbaugh and His Place in America

    The great Rush Limbaugh is gone. Even though it’s been inevitable for a year, it is still shocking. Rush was a true original and had a supersonic career by any measure you can think of. In addition to the obvious, he launched the careers of Sea...

  • February 1, 2021

    Liz Cheney’s Predestined Future

    It doesn’t take Nostradamus or Carnac to figure out how the next two years will play out for Wyoming’s lone Congressional representative Liz Cheney. It simply takes a little observation of -- and interaction with -- the Swamp.  As an...

  • December 12, 2020

    After SCOTUS's knife in the back, what Trump must do now

    Today, Donald Trump is the most dangerous man on the planet.  At this moment, America needs him more than he needs America.  Trump could shoot the biggest middle finger ever to the entire nation, retire to a private island, or his...

  • November 4, 2020

    The Nasty Street Fight ahead for 2020: This is Why We Elected Trump

    Ironic, isn’t it? This could be Trump’s finest hour. As befits the already awful year of Our Lord, 2020, the presidential election is going to come down to a nasty street fight of lawyers, public relations spin, and positioning involv...

  • September 10, 2020

    On Covid and Race, Sports Suddenly Ignore Analytics

    What has happened with big time sports’ fascination with crunching all kinds of numbers and statistics?  Has this fascination with stats vanished in lieu of a political agenda with respect to the Covid and the BLM protests? Is getting rid ...

  • January 4, 2018

    Trump versus Bannon: Is Trump Right?

    The bubbling tensions between President Donald Trump and his former senior adviser Steve Bannon escalated into an all-out street brawl on social media Wednesday, as excerpts from Bannon in the forthcoming book Fire and Fury circul...

  • December 24, 2017

    Trump, McConnell, Ryan Discover Politics Is Team Sport

    Sometimes there can be an unexpected yet undeniable 'disturbance in the force' of our politics – where one event or image seems to quietly and quickly shift the entire axis of momentum.  We saw it in 2012, when the love-fest betwee...

  • August 21, 2017

    The Strange Rage of Steve Bannon

    It was Karl Rove who brought Steve Bannon and me together, and it was the book WTF? How Karl Rove and The Establishment Lost...Again, that motivated Bannon to enlist yours truly to Breitbart.  Bannon even created a series, which he entitled...

  • July 30, 2017

    McCain Gonna McCain 聽聽

    There was a report from Bloomberg of "audible gasps on the Senate floor" as John McCain voted NO on the Obama Care skinny repeal bill. Gasps, really? I would've gasped had he done anything different. McCain was simply, pr...

  • March 9, 2017

    Free the Big Deductible

    There is a near ubiquitous misunderstanding of the function of a deductible in insurance, and it is crippling our national debate on health care. A lot of people in positions of power don’t even know what insurance actually is in the first plac...

  • February 28, 2017

    Rove-Stupid: Bannon-Smart

    When Steven K. Bannon commissioned yours truly in early 2015 to write the Breitbart series "Rove-Stupid," based on the 2013 book about Rove and the establishment, I realized that there was someone who loathed the Republi...

  • February 4, 2017

    Gorsuch Nomination a Moment of Validation for Reluctant Trump Voters

    The inspired nomination of Judge Neal Gorsuch to the Supreme Court is, among other things, a moment of validation for the reluctant conservative Trump voter above all. It is frankly an embarrassing rebuke to the hard-headed #NeverTrump advocate to be...

  • December 13, 2016

    Trump’s 757 and Trade Deficit Realities

    When Donald Trump goes shopping for large aircraft, which he does from time to time, there is one item at the top of his "non-negotiable" list. Trump insists on British-made Rolls Royce turbo fan jet engines. He doesn't need t...

  • November 10, 2016

    Reluctant Trumpers and the Turning Point

    As someone who started in political communications by fighting the Clintons way back in 1992, I'll be forever grateful for every single person who voted for Donald Trump in 2016. It matters not to me whether they were early adapting, pedal to the...

  • October 28, 2016

    The Ways Trump Can Win

    On Wednesday afternoon this week I made the trek into town, and scratched in the little circle next to next to the names Donald Trump and Mike Pence. It made me a bit queasy, honestly, but so did scratching in the circle next to the name of establish...

  • July 22, 2016

    Time Will Vindicate Ted Cruz

    The fullness of time will vindicate Ted Cruz's actions at the National Convention this week, and as a bonus, the reaction has exposed that Donald Trump has indeed jumped in between the sheets with the Republican Establishment.  On the second...

  • May 31, 2016

    It is Time for Trump to Unify the Party

    Donald Trump might have written The Art of the Deal, but the title he should peruse today is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. His more vocal supporters, and by that I mean those who act out on the internet precisely as D...

  • May 6, 2016

    Trump Supporters Need to be Held Accountable

    Enough with the sore winners pity party already. I and many other columnists, commentators, and speakers have been accused of being a sore loser a few thousand times on this and other sites -- and for the sake of argument I'll admit those ch...

  • May 5, 2016

    Get Over What about Trump, Exactly?

    Now we're told at this early date to "get over it." We being those conservatives who aggressively opposed Donald Trump, of course. So what exactly should we get over? What does getting over it look like? Let’s explore.  ...

  • May 4, 2016

    Trump and Supporters Insult Our Intelligence

    I am not #NeverTrump, but I'm getting close... thanks to Donald Trump and his supporters. The fact is, Trump often makes profoundly stupid and manifestly false statements. These are the kind of statements that always offend the intellect of a...

  • April 29, 2016

    Coulter v. Coulter

    You might say I was for Ann Coulter before I was against her. Or maybe that Coulter was for conservatism before she was against it, or before she was for Northeastern moderates Chris Christie, or Mitt Romney -- and certainly before she was for northe...

  • April 21, 2016

    Donald Trump’s embarrassing third-place finish in NY

    Do not be fooled by first impressions.  Donald Trump might have rolled to 60 percent of the Republican vote in New York Tuesday night, but he came in a distant third in the big scheme of things nonetheless.  Keep in mind, this is the can...

  • April 5, 2016

    Trump’s Irrational Trade Non Sequitur

    Donald J. Trump is rich and therefore is a macroeconomic genius and Jedi mind trick negotiator who always wins. So we are told by his legions of anonymous prolific keyboard cowboys on the internet and a lot of talk show hosts who formerly understood ...

  • February 29, 2016

    Jobs Americans Won’t Trump

    You just can't make this stuff up. It is beyond ironic and hysterical to boot. I'll get to why in a moment. First the what: Donald J. Trump, aka Mr. Build The Wall -- Mr. Deport Them All -- Mr. Make America Great Again -- is under this cra...

  • February 15, 2016

    Code Trump: The Gallop Leftward Continues

    Donald Trump is now officially the Code Pink Republican. Or maybe he’s the Daily Kos or Huffington Post Republican. How about the Debbie Wasserman Schultz Republican? I think that fits. Heck, we all saw it and we all heard it. Trump went full l...

  • February 10, 2016

    Socialist Sweep New Hampshire

    Shortly after Barack Obama swept into the White House while giving Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid a coattail Marxist Congress, Newsweek Magazine ran the cover "We're all Socialists now," based on Jon Meacham's lead article with the sam...

  • February 5, 2016

    The Tweet Heard ‘Round the World

    The contrived furor over the Cruz Campaign tweet relaying a CNN Breaking News alert about Ben Carson is perhaps the intellectually unserious low point in all of Republican primary history. It's so patently absurd that it's hard to k...

  • January 29, 2016

    Beta Males Santuckabee/Huckatorum Kiss the Donald's Ring

    Is it Mike Huckatorum or Rick Santuckabee? I can't keep them straight. Or does it matter? No it doesn't matter because you cannot parody these two. I've used the Huckatorum / Santuckabee labels since 2012 when it became obvious that Ri...

  • January 25, 2016

    Exploring Levin’s Trump/Nixon vs. Reagan/Cruz analogy

    Last week on his radio show, Mark Levin made several references contrasting the Nixon campaign of 1968 and Reagan campaign of 1980 and their relevance to 2016.  He connected dots on how the current Donald Trump campaign message and strategy is N...

  • January 21, 2016

    Trump Goes Full McConnell on Cruz

    Donald Trump is doubling down again -- but this time, his tactic might just backfire. You see, this time, in his attacks on Ted Cruz,Trump is doubling down from the left, and from the establishment position. In short, he's gone full McC...

  • December 16, 2015

    Here's the Rundown on Last Night's Republican Debate

    See also: GOP December 2015 Debate: Another View Man, I'm slap worn out.  I realize that after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, national security and foreign policy were the appropriate themes of this debate, but almost three hou...

  • October 29, 2015

    Debate 3: Ted Cruz Changes the Game

    There was a disturbance in the force last night at CNBC's Republican debate, and it left no doubt of who won and who lost.  The loser was CNBC, and the winners were all ten Republican candidates – in varying degrees, of course.  (...

  • September 28, 2015

    John Boehner: Bad Speaker or Worst Speaker?

    All you need to know about the failed speakership of John Boehner was exposed to the entire world by Boehner himself as he announced his resignation from Congress.  The what, the how, and the why of his failures were succinctly explained wh...

  • August 8, 2015

    Fox debate by the numbers

    How low has Fox slipped?  According to the social media outlets dominated by conservatives, that is the consensus question.  Fox's debate moderation was nothing short of cringe-worthy.  The network’s moderators were obsess...

  • August 7, 2015

    The Debate: No big story

    In last night's Republican debate on Fox News, there were a few moments of tension, most of which featured Donald Trump.  However, the big story is that there is no big story.  Trump was not his normal bigger-than-life personality, nor ...

  • July 28, 2015

    Bi-polarizing Trump

    Without a doubt, Donald Trump has done the conservative base some tremendous favors recently. He instinctively understands the mood of the country on key issues and is tapping into the anger at all of Washington -- all Democrats, the Jurassic media, ...

  • March 24, 2015

    Cruz Makes Inroads in the Most Important Primary of All

    You can talk about the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire and South Carolina all you want – and those all are important – yet none of them is the most important primary on the Republican side. No, the most critical Republican primary, at le...

  • March 15, 2015

    Jeb Babbles about Common Core

    Jeb Bush and his supporters in the Republican establishment would have us believe that the former Florida governor is the most accomplished, intelligent, and reasonable man available to run for president on the Republican ticket. He is somewhat accom...

  • February 5, 2015

    The Time Is Right for Cruz Control

    Cruz Control for America?  Damned right. These times call for someone who does not fear the media, the Democrats, oor the Washington/New York Republican establishment.  We need someone who will plant a flag and draw a line in the sand, a...

  • December 31, 2014

    Jurassic Media Desperate for Jeb

    First it was the Boston Globe. Then came the New York Times. Then Politico and Bloomberg – and now CNN. The Jurassic media is on the march, and their goal is to help the Republicans nominate Jeb Bush in 2016. In order to achi...

  • December 11, 2014

    An Angry Dad's Reaction to Dr. Gruber

    If you know what’s good for you Jonathon Gruber, you’ll stay the hell away from me.  Why? Because you have done the unpardonable in the eyes of any father – you have brought havoc unto the finances of my youngest daughter – and her newlywed husband. ...

  • November 20, 2014

    Shutdown Hangover for GOP?

    It’s hard to go more than a few hours without being slapped in the face with some example how out of touch Washington’s wizards are with the country they rule. And there is no more compelling example of this dynamic than the retrogra...

  • October 21, 2014

    Karl Rove: Weapon of Mass Delusion

    So Karl Rove was involved in a cover-up. Well, leave it to Karl -- the “boy genius” and the “architect” -- to orchestrate a cover-up that actually hides information exculpatory to his President and his party. He did just that ...

  • October 16, 2014

    Top Ten Reasons for Mitt to Run...AWAY!

    Run, Mitt, run. Yes, run far, far away from the Republican primary season that starts in 2015.  You may be a fine man, but you are not going to be president, and you are not the answer for the Republicans in 2016.  You could have/should hav...

  • September 25, 2014

    Twenty Years Ago: Republicans Learned How to Win

    On September 27th, the nation will be stumbling across a very significant and illustrative anniversary -- and yet the very people who need to be enlightened remain clueless. It is the 20th anniversary of the rollout of the Contract with America, a do...

  • September 22, 2014

    Meet John Feehery, Perhaps the Worst GOP Establishment Consultant Ever

    Before this week, I figured that the race to the intellectual bottom for Republican consultants would have been a doggoned close contest. For years I’ve written many columns -- and a book -- that laid bare the cognitive dissonance and record of...

  • September 18, 2014

    Obama's Real Crime

    It is no coincidence that much commentary on the Obama administration revolves around the crime analogy. Michelle Bachmann, on the House floor in 2009, said that the Obama Administration is guilty of “gangster government.” Even the normal...

  • August 29, 2014

    Why Karl Rove and the GOP Establishment Will Lose Again

    Karl Rove is at it once again. The so-called “strategist” is again confusing strategy with tactics, and is about to blow easy Senate pickups in Arkansas and North Carolina. This is not merely snatching defeat from the jaws of victory -- t...

  • August 28, 2014

    Thought Experiment: Congressional Entropy

    Congressional candidate (NC-2) Clay Aiken’s eyes popped wide open in epiphany.  You could almost see the light bulb over his head, as the American Idol runner-up caught a drift of the counterintuitive and fanciful deftness of the idea we w...

  • August 17, 2014

    Ferguson and the Changing Attitudes Towards Cops

    One of the fascinating layers of the Ferguson riot story is how this tragedy has exposed what is a rapidly changing attitudinal climate towards law enforcement officers (LEOs). What was for years a stable predicate -- conservatives being reflexively ...

  • August 1, 2014

    The Three Faces of Cronyism

    There has been a lot said in recent years by Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and other conservatives about crony capitalism – or if you prefer, crony socialism, crony government, corporatism – or just plain cronyism. Whatever you call it, thi...

  • May 17, 2014

    Michael Sam the Sham

    A funny thing happened on the way to Michael Sam just wanting to play football -- and on being judged by his performance on the field and not his sexual orientation. After all, we were told ad nauseam, by Sam and his promoters in the sports media, th...

  • April 21, 2014

    But Seriously, Just How Slow-Witted is John Boehner?

    As he moves from lobbyists to the golf course, from press conferences to the tanning bed, he remains oblivious to all that is around him. He has power, incredible power, and yet to this day he has no understanding of the election that made it so. Mor...

  • March 24, 2014

    The Profound Arrogant Ignorance and Stupidity of Liberals in Charge

    The recent Twitter kerfuffle between Matt Drudge and the Obama/media/academic complex over the ObamaCare tax demonstrates in plain view and without question something many of us have known for years: while the organized left insist that they are the ...

  • March 11, 2014

    Ted Cruz's Winning Weekend

    As has been reported, Rand Paul indeed won the Washington Times CPAC straw poll. Ted Cruz, however, was the big winner coming out of the conference -- and the weekend. No doubt about it. I say this because just minutes after some 750 mostly you...

  • January 27, 2014

    Reince's Solutions Miss the Mark

    In typical establishment fashion, Reince Priebus and the wizards at the RNC have looked at the last presidential nomination cycle and learned the wrong lessons.  They have concluded that not allowing Mitt Romney a smooth coronation was the ...

  • December 16, 2013

    Did Rush Limbaugh Just Endorse iCongress?

    Last Thursday, Rush Limbaugh gave tacit approval of a stunning idea: a virtual Congress. To start, Rush spent the better part of two hours brilliantly explaining why even the best people we send to Washington will never rein in the federal governme...

  • November 20, 2013

    NFL's Obamacare Touchdowns, Rush Limbaugh, and Big Bang Theory

    It is no secret that the National Football League, and football in general, has been under attack from a lot of quarters recently. Concussions, murder, bullying, and controversial rules changes have dominated the headlines. Youth football participati...

  • November 17, 2013

    If You Like Your Insurance, You Can Rent It... Maybe

    The main reason I left the insurance industry years ago was the fatigue of marketing a product that is misunderstood by the vast majority of its customer base, not to mention the majority of functionaries inside the industry. I was a lousy agent fran...

  • November 7, 2013

    Barone Report: Base Instinctively Ahead of GOP Establishment

    While the Republican establishment was obsessing over the government shutdown, the evils of Ted Cruz, and the latest Jurassic media poll designed specifically to fool them, they remained blind to the massive iceberg that was about to nearly destroy t...

  • November 6, 2013

    Mac Wins Sandra Fluke Vote; Media Anoint Christie GOP Nominee

    Crony businessman Terry McAuliffe rode a massive 70-22% margin among single women to a shockingly tiny victory over Ken Cuccinelli -- while Chris Christie has been declared the winner of the GOP Media Primary for the 2016 presidential nomination....

  • October 30, 2013

    Why the Limbaugh/Krauthammer/Will Tiff is Healthy

    Rush Limbaugh won't say it in so many words, but he (very correctly) called into question the discernment capabilities of Charles Krauthammer and George Will this week on his show. Rush insists he was "merely flabbergasted" at their slow to evolve pe...

  • October 29, 2013

    ObamaCare Schaden-Fraud

    In his weekly radio address, President Obama preposterously pouted that "it's well past the time for folks to stop rooting for [ObamaCare's] failure," with the obvious implication that conservative Republicans are in fact cheering for the pain of the...

  • October 29, 2013

    Dem Consultant: Dem Party is F***d

    National Journal's Editorial Director and former AP Washington Bureau Chief Ron Fournier is well respected in liberal circles, and he starts his Monday blog post with a startling pronouncement: "Dem Party is F****d." According to Fournier, that was t...

  • October 27, 2013

    Obama Care: It's Nixon's Fault!

    Robert B. Reich, liberal commentator and Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, insists in today's Huffington Post that "the Democrat's version of Health Insurance would have been cheaper, simpler and more popular" and asks "so why did we enact the R...

  • October 13, 2013

    The Tiny Mind of Boehner: A Jail with No Bars

    In contemplating the bizarre, incompetent, and feckless behavior of House Speaker John Boehner over the years, I am reminded of the signature scene from the 1969 Western comedy Support Your Local Sheriff:  In it,the sheriff (James Garner) r...

  • October 7, 2013

    Shutdown: The Audacity of Bureaucrats

    What the heck is on in the mind of someone who thinks the very oceans must be closed if they are not there to administer proper enjoyment of it? This week, it's a pertinent question. Part of the answer is that many bureaucrats are people who, deep...

  • July 25, 2013

    Schadenfreude, Michigan, and Mitt's Big Fumble

    See also: How Detroit Almost Killed My Business In all honesty, I am having a hard time not feeling a touch of schadenfreude as the abject disaster of the once great city of Detroit becomes obvious. I'm not defending that response -- and I do have ot...

  • July 18, 2013

    Creep Me Out: Chinese is the 'New Nigga'?

    I confess to being a very confused creepy ass cracka, trying desperately to go New School, as recently elucidated by Rachel Jeantel: Nigga....the whole world say it's a racist word. ...around 2000, 2001 - they change it around. That means a male.......

  • July 6, 2013

    Mandate Delay Shames Roberts, Krauthammer, and Will

    There has been a lot of conversation, and rightfully so, about the ramifications of the Obama administration's potentially illegal delay of the employer mandate portion of the train wreck known as ObamaCare.  Many are saying that this proves tha...

  • June 23, 2013

    Immigration Reform: Not Easy, But it is Simple

    By enacting just two basic -- albeit politically difficult measures -- neither of which are possible with the current president and Senate, our massive and emotionally charged illegal immigration problem would largely take care of itself within a few...

  • May 24, 2013

    The Three Stooges of Big Government

    While many conservative voters obsess over the unholy trinity of elected big liberalism -- Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid -- but the real threat to our liberties and way of life is unelected 'big bureaucracy.' Unelected bureaucrats a...

  • May 20, 2013

    How to Bring the Right (Yes, All of Them) Together

    If there's one foundational lesson for conservatives of various stripes to glean from the recent revelations about the atrocities routinely committed by the IRS, it's that there are reasons the Founders considered property rights among the most sacre...

  • May 20, 2013

    A Clean Slate

    It is a bizzaro world indeed when left-leaning Slate makes a better case for limited government than the Mitt Romney Campaign and the GOP establishment managed to make during the 2012 cycle. Yet for the second time in less than a week, two different ...

  • May 18, 2013

    How to Bring the Right (Yes, All of Them) Together

    If there's one foundational lesson for conservatives of various stripes to glean from the recent revelations about the atrocities routinely committed by the IRS, it's that there are reasons the Founders considered property rights among the most sacre...

  • April 29, 2013

    Frank Luntz and Focus Groups are Destroying the GOP Message

    Frank Luntz may smugly believe that Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and other right wing talk radio hosts are "responsible for the stark polarization within the nation's political discourse" and therefore "problematic" for the Republican Party. I submit ...

  • April 23, 2013

    Did Bill Maher Just Trump Bush on Islam?

    As you probably have heard, a few days ago Bill Maher shocked his liberal guest -- and much of the world -- by stating very correctly and succinctly that it is "liberal bullsh_t" to equate Christianity and Islam with respect to terror.  ...

  • April 21, 2013

    Darn...They're Not Named 'Smith,' Either!

    Shortly after the 2009 Fort Hood terror attack was carried out by Nidal Hasan, Martha Raddatz and Diane Sawyer of ABC News openly lamented that the killer's name was not something like Smith. They pretended to overhear this sentiment from some mili...

  • April 14, 2013

    Tiger's Ruling, Liberty, and the Rule of Law

    This weekend's much-discussed ruling by the Master's to penalize Tiger Woods, yet allow him to continue play, speaks to issues far more significant than Tiger or the game of golf. How this is being discussed across message boards speaks to where we a...

  • November 9, 2012

    What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

    The story of the 2012 election is that voters still blame Republicans for systemic problems caused by liberalism, and yet they credit Obama for victories brought about by applied conservatism.  Now how does this happen?  The answer is both ...

  • November 1, 2012

    Obama's Loss: Inevitable for Years

    Do not be seduced by the disproportionate emphasis on recent events with regard to Barack Obama's pending landslide loss.  I submit that a more sober analysis indicates that November 2012 has been inevitable for at least four years.  In som...

  • October 31, 2012

    Christie's Actions Explained

    When you take a look at the electoral calendar, the over-the-top welcome that New Jersey governor Chris Christie to Barack Obama the last couple of days starts to make sense. This is about Christie's re-election, and not Obama's campaign. If you reme...

  • October 24, 2012

    The Wave That Breaks the Liberal Bubble

    Can you feel it? The wave, that is.  I speak of one that will wash away far more than just a failed presidency.  This wave will have the torque to rock the entire liberal bubble -- the political/media/crony bubble -- leaving it forever expo...

  • October 22, 2012

    Last Debate Proves Mitt Way Ahead

    If anyone still doubts the Gallup Poll -- and common sense -- showing that Mitt Romney is way ahead in the polls, all they had to do was watch the third presidential debate to have their minds changed. Romney put the game into the "four corners"...

  • October 16, 2012

    Obama 'Inherited' Only Obama

    "Did they come in and inherit a tough situation?  Absolutely."  This from Paul Ryan, in the worst moment of the VP debate. Barack Obama is going to lose in a blow-out, and the debates have certainly padded that margin.  Having said tha...

  • September 27, 2012

    Should Mitt Hire Jay Leno and Pat Caddell?

    There's an old saying that if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.  Proving the point, the Obama administration has put national employment statistics on the Procrustean table, and the poor numbers remarkably now "confe...

  • September 25, 2012

    Bernanke's Folly

    Psst, remember this story?  The one where a panicked Ben Bernanke and his cronies at the Federal Reserve -- seeing more devastation in the jobs and housing markets -- say they will continue to disguise the failure of Obama-Reid-Pelosi-Dodd-Frank...

  • July 28, 2012

    It's the Bureaucrats, Stupid

    It is hard to know whether Congressman Mike Kelly knew that his delicious diatribe  on the House floor would be the perfect follow-up to Obama of Roanoke or not.  But it was. Thus, I submit that all you really need to know about the two gen...

  • July 21, 2012

    Obama of Roanoke: We Saw You Coming

    Now that Brit Hume, perhaps the best network anchor of our time, is on record that it's  fair to say that we know more (after the Roanoke speech) than we ever have about the President's view of business and the economy," the real Obama is finall...

  • June 29, 2012

    Justice Roberts Pleads: 'Lie to Me'

    When the shocking ObamaCare ruling came from the Supreme Court Thursday morning, the reaction from the conservative pundit class started with befuddlement -- then worked through confusion, shock, and of course anger.  Later in the day, however, ...

  • June 27, 2012

    America Needs More Adelson and Less McCain

    I realize that the Jurassic media would have us believe that John McCain is a bipartisan saint -- the kind of reasonable Republican we need -- and that casino magnate Sheldon Adelson is just another partisan devil incarnate.  Frankly, however, a...

  • June 21, 2012

    Fear the 'Mandate Only' Ruling

    A lot of reasonable musing has been done as to whether or not Barack Obama is advantaged politically by the Supreme Court striking down or upholding ObamaCare.  But it is plausible that the ultimate liberal goals for the nation are advanced the ...

  • June 6, 2012

    Big Labor's Big Boo-Boo

    Wow.  Where to start?  The "it's gonna be a late night in Madison" notion was virtually over by the end of Happy Hour -- which no doubt did cause some very late nights instead in Washington and Chicago.  With little or no happiness at ...

  • June 4, 2012

    How Obama Might Just Break Even on Jobs

    As Barack Obama leaves the White House on January 20, 2013 -- as I suspect he will -- do not be surprised if he leaves just about dead even on job loss/creation for his term officially.  I mean literal net/net. Huh?  Yes he can!  ...

  • May 9, 2012

    Lugar out of Senate after 6 terms

    A funny thing happened on the way to the funeral for the tea party movement.  Yes, with the Jurassic media full of stories about the demise of the movement, darned if they didn't pull off one of their most significant wins last night in Indiana...

  • February 13, 2012

    OK Rush: You Own Santorum Surge

    A strong case could be made that Rick Santorum owes much of the credit for his recent surge to Rush Limbaugh -- whether Rush wants that credit or not.  Events of this past week seem to indicate that Senator Santorum would concur.  In the pa...

  • February 9, 2012

    Turnout Proves That Mitt Really Did Scorch the Earth

    The real story of the three results from Tuesday night is not that Rick Santorum picked up some wins -- though that is big.  No, the real story is that three states held votes and nobody came.  Almost nobody, that is.  Consider that th...

  • February 6, 2012

    Santorum the 'Good Son'? Not So Much.

    Much like the good son in the biblical parable, thin-skinned Rick Santorum has shown a fair amount of open resentment over the embrace conservatives have given prodigal Newt Gingrich upon the latter's return to the conservative scene. And I guess i...

  • February 2, 2012

    Newt Struck Gold, Promptly Abandoned Mine

    In South Carolina, Newt Gingrich correctly attributed his success to the fact that he had simply "articulated the deepest felt values of the American people."  Then the former speaker promptly went to Florida and abandoned that in favor of the m...

  • February 1, 2012

    Mitt's Scorched Earth Win

    While Mitt Romney may have taken a step closer to the nomination Tuesday in Florida, the scorched earth he leaves behind tells me he took a few steps further away from the White House -- and what's more, he knows it. No man who really thinks he has a...

  • January 25, 2012

    Brian Williams v. Crowd: Who Is More Intelligent?

    When you compare the substance of the so-called rowdy mob debates in South Carolina with the serious Brian Williams exercise in Florida, there is simply no contest.   Yes, it is true.  The substance of the supposed cockfights in Caroli...

  • January 24, 2012

    Obama Wins Shameful NBC Debate

    The only redeeming quality of the Florida Debate hosted by NBC is that perhaps it was so boring and so hard to find on the dial that few watched it.  With the energy sapped out of the event ahead of hand by Brian William's lecture to the crowd w...

  • January 22, 2012

    Psst: Hear the Roar and Pay Attention

    After Thursday's debate was over in Charleston, I assumed that Newt had not only survived the Marianne episode, but had benefitted from it.  I also figured he would win S.C. and that Santorum would fade as a challenger to him.  Everyone I k...

  • January 19, 2012

    Are The GOP Debaters Foolish Enough to Take CNN's Bait?

    So CNN's executives have let it slip (at least to Drudge*) that they are "going to let them just go at it" in what they are calling the "Republican Debate of the Year" tonight in South Carolina. Let me translate:  'We are going to do our damnde...

  • January 18, 2012

    Newt and the '10 PM Question'

    It's 10 pm.  It's Martin Luther King Day.  You're in the South.  A packed auditorium is deathly quiet.  A large national TV audience is watching.  The electoral stakes are sky-high.  You are sweating on behalf of your fa...

  • January 16, 2012

    AMERITOPIA: Mark Levin Connects the Dots

    When I came across the line that "Utopia misapprehends man's nature," I had to stop reading and make a note to self.  I do this with any brilliantly succinct and accurate notion.  This line was so good that I wish I had written it myself....

  • January 4, 2012

    Iowa Should Not Matter

    During the entire M*A*S*H series, Radar the company clerk was given a hard time for the irrelevant little town he was from -- Ottumwa, Iowa.  Ottumwa, however, is one of Iowa's major cities and media markets.  This should provide some persp...

  • December 12, 2011

    Newt's Rise: It's the Persuasion, Stupid

    While the entire elite insider structure of both parties in a full tizzy over the out-of -the crypt rise of Newt Gingrich -- and the national pundit class totally vexed by it -- allow me to unlock the deep dark mystery that has them all scratching th...

  • December 5, 2011

    O's Legacy: Unemployment Rate Now Meaningless

    Hope and Change apparently means that the Obama administration is counting on so many Americans giving up hope that the administration can now change the entire metric for measuring unemployment.  When you analyze the most recent employment stat...

  • November 23, 2011

    Voters Wrestle with Illegal Immigrant Realities

    Explaining our illegal immigration problem is simple, yet few get around to actually doing it. Simply, it is the result of decades of bad border policy plus a few supply and demand realities. Understanding this is the key to figuring out a solution, ...

  • November 18, 2011

    The Prism of Electoral Reality

    (See also: Prepare Yourself for Obama's Second Term) In January of 2013, a deeply flawed human being will take the oath of office as president of the United States.  And he (or she) will do so based on the ballots of over 100 million deeply fla...

  • November 17, 2011

    Why Newt's Surge Will Continue

    Newt Gingrich's stumble out of the campaign gate -- causing him to lose his top advisors to Rick Perry -- might well be the best thing that has ever happened to his political career.  That, along with his debate performances and a handful of oth...

  • November 10, 2011

    'Weak field' spanks CNBC liberals

    Putting aside Rick Perry's awful 53 seconds, the real story of the CNBC debate last night was how thoroughly the so-called weak field of Republican Presidential candidates collectively embarrassed the panel aggregated by the financial network. ...

  • October 17, 2011

    Who Knew Conservatives Loved the IRS?

    If there's one thing that the ongoing national debate over Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan has exposed, it's how much some conservatives love our current tax code and its enforcement arm.  Who knew? Okay, that may be an exaggeration -- but it is not ...

  • October 13, 2011

    Wall Street Mobs Play into Herman Cain's Hands

    If anyone needed more evidence that the stars seem aligned for Herman Cain's campaign for presidency, then I submit the logically challenged Wall Street protestors.  The intellectual bankruptcy and childish behavior of the protesters provide a j...

  • October 10, 2011

    Mitt Running against McCain's Ghost

    If Mitt Romney thought he was done with John McCain after the 2008 primary process, he was wrong. Think back to the Republicans' moribund nominating season of 2007-2008.  George W. Bush was stumbling to the end of his presidency and being drag...

  • October 6, 2011

    Pitch-Perfect Palin

    Last night, Sarah Palin's statement -- and her breaking news interview with Mark Levin -- stressed some extremely important ideas.  As such, her not running might well be among the least important topics she touched on.  Yes, I know that's ...

  • September 28, 2011

    Herman Cain Swims with the Sharks

    (Full disclosure: The author has done some writing for Mr. Cain and is currently working with him on his next book.) With apologies to headline writers, the shock of Herman Cain routing the field in the Florida Straw poll and scoring first in the la...

  • August 14, 2011

    Ames Straw Poll: A Little Perspective

    When 15 thousand people drop about thirty bucks and fill Hilton Coliseum in Ames, Iowa for a Cyclone basketball game, it is considered an insignificant event even in the limited world of the Big Twelve Conference over a single weekend.  ESPN rar...

  • August 13, 2011

    Debate's Biggest Loser? Chris Wallace and Fox

    While there seems to be some debate over who won the Republican debate in Ames, Iowa, there seems to be consensus on who lost: Fox News in general and Chris Wallace specifically.  In the mind of many conservatives, the Fox questioners did their ...

  • August 12, 2011

    Obama and Bernanke: Double-Whammy Disaster

    Interest rate historian and contrarian guru James Grant put the double-whammy actions of Ben Bernanke and President Obama into perfect perspective Thursday when he noted that the Fed had moved past "central banking into central planning."  Bingo...

  • June 22, 2011

    Obama Era Economic Stagnation Explained by Lemonade and Cookies

    We don't need to ask the wizards of the Ivy League why Obamanomics is not working.  Everything we need to know can be explained with lemonade and cookies.  Or more specifically, a couple of news items from the last few days involving lemona...

  • June 10, 2011

    The Real Lesson of Weiner: A Thought Experiment

    If Anthony Weiner can destroy a promising 20 year political career in a matter of seconds with a tweet across the country, then Congress can perform their legitimate business function with far less time in Washington D.C. thanks to similar technologi...

  • May 22, 2011

    Rock You Like a Herman-Cain

    See also: Top Ten Reasons to Support Herman Cain for PresidentIn the shadow of the CNN complex and totally ignored by much of Atlanta's local drive- by media, Herman Cain officially divulged a very poorly kept secret Saturday: that he is running for ...

  • May 6, 2011

    Of Course We Should See the Photo

    Of course we have the right to see it.  We all are the victims.  The killing of Osama bin Laden last weekend was a seminal moment in a War on Terror that has encompassed all 300 million Americans.  The 9-11 attack was not some iso...

  • May 3, 2011

    OBL's Death a Victory for the Adults

    The children are celebrating and taking credit for the death of Osama bin Laden, but make no mistake about it, this is a win for the adults.  This will give Obama a short-term boost in the polls, but I submit after a few days or weeks of liberal...

  • May 2, 2011

    Top Ten Problems for Liberals on OBL's Death

    The successful Navy Seal strike on the suburban compound of Osama Bin Laden is a great thing to be celebrated by all Americans and freedom lovers anywhere in the world.  And the celebrations are indeed going on.However, there has to be some leve...

  • April 27, 2011

    QUICK: Someone take Boehner to Atlas Shrugged

    If you happen to be some congressional bureaucrat on the staff of the Speaker of the House and you are reading this, please kidnap your boss and take him to the nearest theatre playing Atlas Shrugged Part 1.  Why, you ask?Because in the same wee...

  • April 22, 2011

    Trump tells Greta: Stop Paying Your Mortgage

    After hitting perfect homeruns on military occupations and Karl Rove, Donald Trump swerved right into the lane of assured ruin for our banking, housing and mortgage industry last night on Greta when the billionaire real estate mogul urged people to ...

  • April 18, 2011

    Translating Trump

    Donald Trump is jumping ugly with Barack Obama -- and conservative voters should cheer this and would-be candidates should take notes.  Frankly, I love the whole thing.  That, however, should be the extent of conservatives' flirtation with ...

  • April 17, 2011

    Did Breitbart Sharpen Palin's Message

    A few days ago, I admit I sort of rolled my eyes as I glanced over Sarah Palin's remarks about a "servant's heart" and how she would weigh her options on running  for President based on whether or not she saw that quality in any other ...

  • April 15, 2011

    Third Party? Read the Fine Print First

    So you want a third party do you?  You are fed up with John Boehner's recent actions on the budget and you've reached a breaking point - and you're ready to form a third party.  Am I reading you right?Oh I understand. I do.  Please rea...

  • April 11, 2011

    We Must Think Beyond the 38 Billion

    To misunderstand what John Boehner accomplished last week is to confuse the time for a first inning bunt and a ninth inning grand slam.  Yes, I get it -- 38 billion is chump change compared to our national debt problems.  But last week was ...

  • March 31, 2011

    Mr. Boehner: Shut Her Down!

    When John Boehner teared up like a schoolgirl last November on election night, it became clear to most of the folks who had cast votes that ultimately propelled him to the top of his profession that the Speaker in waiting had no clue as to what had j...

  • March 10, 2011

    Milton Friedman's Memo to Wisconsin

    Inspired by the latest ad campaign from CNBC where they show the late Milton Friedman skewering a befuddled Phil Donahue in a debate on capitalism, I was perusing some Friedman quotes on the internet this morning.And I came across this, which was cle...

  • March 1, 2011

    The 2012 Nomination Lead is There for the Taking

    It's right there for all to see: a hanging curve ball moving so slowly that even a "Republican strategist" should see the stitches.  Well ok, maybe it's not moving that slowly.  Nonetheless, the early lead for the 2012 GOP nominat...

  • February 20, 2011

    End Public Sector Unions...Period

    It's about time.  I've been waiting for this debate to mature for 15 years. The battles in Wisconsin and New Jersey over public sector union benefits are merely financial precursors to a much bigger ideological war that has been on the horizon n...

  • February 18, 2011

    Christie Showing the Power of the Real New Tone

    Move over President Bush.  Step aside Karl Rove.  There's a real "new tone" in town. Frankly -- unlike your misguided attempt, this new tone is actually effective.  And conservative and Constitution conscious Americans across...

  • February 2, 2011

    Judge Vinson Also Smacks Down Crony Capitalists

    Judge Vinson's individual mandate ruling is seen -- properly -- as a defeat for ObamaCare and a win for individual freedom.  And it is all of that, of course.But there's more.  Perhaps almost as pleasing as the affirmation of individual fre...

  • January 26, 2011

    Top Ten Reasons to Support Herman Cain for President

    See also: Rock You Like a Herman-CainEven those conservatives who will not vote for Herman Cain to win the Republican nomination should hope that he does run -- and that his candidacy lasts a long time during the nomination process, perhaps even succ...

  • November 19, 2010

    Why Air Security is the Issue

    I submit that if we don't beat back the TSA's assault on innocent travelers, we might lose our nation for good. Or perhaps it would mean we have already lost it.The reality is that the TSA is no more about airline security than ObamaCare was about af...

  • November 10, 2010

    George Bush at Peace

    George W. Bush -- plush with family money and a taxpayer-funded retirement package that few will ever enjoy -- may be at peace with his decision not to "sully the presidency" with trivial matters like, you know, defending conservatism, but ...

  • November 3, 2010


    In every monstrous storm, there are a few ratty old buildings that somehow remain standing in the calm afterward. Such is the case with 2010.Nevadans were so angry at Harry Reid that they punished his son with a resounding defeat -- but could not bri...

  • November 2, 2010

    Thirty-six Reasons to Vote Democrat

    In the spirit of bipartisanship, I humbly offer this learning tool to help folks decide whether or not they really do want to vote Democrat in the 2010 midterms.If you want the American government to be feared by the American people -- but laugh...

  • November 1, 2010

    Tsunami: Could Be 100 House Seats (and Maybe the Senate)

    Not only do I remember where I was when I found out Scott Brown had won -- I remember exactly what I thought: that the GOP would win 100 seats in the 2010 midterms. I still think that is very possible.And keep in mind, the difference between 75 seats...

  • October 27, 2010

    Health 101: How We Lowered Our Costs

    I just got my health insurance renewal premium for 2011, and our family's cost went down 19 percent. Yes, down! -- and all because we did the opposite of ObamaCare for our family.Now I am not an Ivy League grad; nonetheless, I figured out how to dram...

  • October 24, 2010

    Goodies for artists buried in Obamacare

    Nancy Pelosi told us we would have to "pass the bill so we can know what's in it" -- and indeed she was right. Apparently, bending the cost curve down on health care costs includes student loan forgiveness for certain members of the arts c...

  • October 23, 2010

    Fox's Rash Juan Williams Overreaction

    [See also: The Exciting Journey of Juan Williams]Could it be that the people at Fox News were more concerned with their own elevator relationships than with their viewers' opinions when they immediately decided to enhance Juan Williams' contract mere...

  • October 22, 2010

    Juan Williams, Welcome to Imusville

    Welcome, Juan Williams. You are the latest citizen of Imusville. And by Imusville, I mean a place where people who make their living talking end up when their buddies on the left forget the First Amendment and sacrifice them on the altar of political...

  • October 22, 2010

    Obama Care For Thee, But Not For Me

    The man who will be perhaps the most influential figure in determining how health care dollars will be spent has made sure that he and his wife are immune to his own dictates for the rest of us.  Are we shocked yet? Of course not.  This is ...

  • October 2, 2010

    The Car Key Analogy: Another Obama Clunker

    The Obama administration has lately been using a clunker of a talking point: the idea that it would be foolish for America to "give the keys back" to Republicans, who "got us into this mess in the first place."Where to start?Let's...

  • September 23, 2010

    Liberals Going Blind?

    Perhaps mom was right all along -- maybe too much mass debating will make you go blind.So while Americans all across the country are scared to death of the most radical administration in history killing jobs while expanding government debt and power ...

  • September 21, 2010

    Job Losses and Obama

    Some 2 million Americans lost their jobs shortly before Barack Obama took office, but make no mistake: they lost them precisely because he was about to do so. And to argue against that is to demonstrate colossal ignorance as to what a business owner'...

  • September 17, 2010

    Do the (Thirty-Year) Math: The Consultants Are Wrong

    So the inside-the-Beltway political pros are all in a tizzy that their omnipotence is being questioned by the great unwashed in the Tea Party movement.In reaction to the Christine O'Donnell win and the part that Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint played in i...

  • September 16, 2010

    The Architect Has No Clothes

    Frightening as the image might be to ponder, "the architect" Karl Rove was stripped bare for all to see on Fox News' Hannity show Tuesday night, thanks to his odd response to Christine O'Donnell's win in Delaware.Rove demonstrated to all wh...

  • September 15, 2010

    Delaware Crosses the Washington

    Establishment Washington got yet another whipping last night, as "the unelectable" Christine O'Donnell  -- supported by Sarah Palin and the Tea Parties -- rallied to convincingly beat liberal and well-connected Mike Castle in Delaware'...

  • September 10, 2010

    What the Burning Quran Issue Says about Us

    Is it just me, or does Islam's repeated threats of violence and mayhem at every provocation -- real or imagined -- strike anybody else as the actions of a spoiled child's tantrums? And if they're such a religion of peace, what is it we have to fear f...

  • August 22, 2010

    Let Me Translate: We Don't Believe Him -- or You.

    Memo to the ruling class media: We are not ignorant or stupid. We've not forgotten Jeremiah Wright. It's not that we don't "know" what faith Obama subscribes to -- it's more that we don't believe him. Or you. Sorry. Not buying.Besides, some...

  • August 20, 2010

    He's Not a Muslim! (Not that There's Anything Wrong with That)

    With two major polls out this week showing that many millions of Americans think the president is Muslim, the Jurassic media's panicked reaction can be characterized only as hilariously Seinfeld-esque. And by Seinfeld-esque, I refer to the famous epi...

  • July 19, 2010

    Here's What Happened to the Jobs

    So John Harwood of the cable financial network CNBC and the New York Times are just flummoxed over what happened to all the job losses in the country.  What a hoot.And they are joined by so many in what has been accurately called our "...

  • July 10, 2010

    According to LeBron: Reagan 1 Obama 0

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • June 23, 2010

    Soccer: The Perfect Socialist Sport

    The world's most popular sport? Puh-leeze. This is like saying that dirt is more popular than gold simply because there is more of it. Last time I checked, soccer was very popular where starvation, archery, and badminton were the alternative activiti...

  • May 28, 2010

    When Professor Obama Meets Dirty Reality

    Just plug the damned hole! That, more or less, is the leadership and direction we are getting from our president as we grapple with the oil spill in the Gulf. What else should we expect from a socialist theoretician who has never actually accomplishe...

  • May 19, 2010

    Another Very Bad Night for Obama, Democrats, and the Media

    The U.S. dollar and good news for Democrats have a lot in common these days. No matter how much of either liberals print, the absolute value keeps declining.To be fair, the Jurassic media is actually half-right in their groupthink analysis that yeste...

  • March 29, 2010

    Top Ten Reasons Charlie Crist Lost Debate to Rubio

    The media declared Marco Rubio a clear winner in his Fox News Sunday debate with Charlie Crist yesterday.  I concur.Backed up by transcripts published by Fox News, here are the top ten reasons Crist lost. Number 10: 30% of the words used by Cris...

  • March 25, 2010

    No Longer Able to Save on Health Care Insurance

    The president has promised that his health care plan will save the average American family 2,500 dollars a year in insurance premiums. What an amateur! Without a single Ivy League credential to my name -- let alone any help from government --I did al...

  • March 22, 2010

    The One Preexisting Condition Getting a Cure

    We have the debate over ObamaCare to thank for one thing, at least: the treating of the preexisting childlike delusion that bipartisanship is possible, let alone desirable, when the other side is the Obama Democrats.It is neither. And it never has be...

  • March 18, 2010

    Bret Baier: 1; President Obama: 0

    Don't you just love it when a young student hammers the arrogant professor in a debate? That was the distinct feel of last night's "Special Report" program, where Bret Baier interviewed President Obama. In case you have not figured it out, ...

  • March 5, 2010

    Texas-Sized Lesson: The New Tone Era Is Over

    While the ever-helpful Jurassic media is trying to force-feed conservatives and Republicans groupthink analysis of Rick Perry's thumping of Kay Bailey Hutchison (KBH), the GOP had better heed the main lesson: The "new tone" era is over.Cons...

  • February 25, 2010

    Worse than Awful

    The debate over third parties and how bad the Republicans are comes down to this: evil versus awful. That's it. Your next Congress and your next president will be from either the evil party or the awful party. Whatever perfect virginal party that is ...

  • February 23, 2010

    Glenn Beck vs. C. Edmund Wright

    In the spirit of FOX News: I report, you decide.Glenn Beck acknowledged on his Monday afternoon television show that some folks did not approve of his keynote address to CPAC. The example he chose to express that displeasure was our Monday piece, ...

  • February 22, 2010

    CPAC's Odd Ending

    What a Saturday at CPAC!Ron Paul out-polled Sarah Palin almost five to one, and keynoter Glenn Beck got huge ovations as he disavowed any conservative ascendancy within the Republican Party.  So someone please tell me -- just what the heck happe...

  • February 14, 2010

    The persistent practice of tying conservatives to Nazis

    The Jurassic media continues to casually throw around the phrase "right wing / far right" when describing a certain group of socialists - as in Germany's National Socialists -- of the 1930's and 40's. Nazi was in fact short for the National...

  • February 12, 2010

    Dear Mr. President: Why We Are Not Hiring

    Mr. President, did I really hear you say that businesses aren't hiring because they can't get bank loans? Are you kidding me?Please indulge me for a moment, and we can get to the actual reasons.But first, I must add that every time you step up to the...

  • February 8, 2010

    Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Zeitgeist

    While Barack Obama remains obsessed with George W. Bush, Sarah Palin hardly acknowledged his existence in Nashville at the Tea Party convention. Her "back to the future" vision for America skipped right over all the Bush years and went back...

  • February 4, 2010

    Desperate Times and Left-Wing Psy-Ops

    Fresh off liberals getting thumped in Virginia, New Jersey, and most recently Massachusetts, the left are now in a full-fledged panic, and they're doing all they can to quickly blur the obvious teachable moment: that the GOP can win by boldly going w...

  • January 20, 2010

    What Has Brown Done for Us?

    I bet they can hear this cheering all the way in Washington, D.C. It's just the beginning...when there's trouble (for the Dem machine) in Massachusetts, there's trouble everywhere. Rest assured they know it. -from Scott Brown's opening statement...

  • January 17, 2010

    Palin's Curious First Week at Fox

    A few nights ago, I saw the most peculiar interview: Glenn Beck interviewed Glenn Beck about Glenn Beck. Oh, and Sarah Palin sat in. I'm not really sure why she was there, frankly.So went a bizarre first week for Palin at FOX. Only Sean Hannity's seg...

  • December 23, 2009

    Latest Obama poll from Rasmussen

    President Obama's poll numbers went right through the floor today in the Rasmussen Approval Index. The index number is -21 today as 46% strongly disapprove of the President while 25% strongly approve.While Obama's numbers have been tanking consiste...

  • December 13, 2009

    Rasmussen shows continued slippage for Obama

    If the President and his political team were looking for an approval bounce from the troika of the Copenhagen Climate summit, the Nobel Peace speech and "the Oprah effect" from her Christmas special, it appears they are sifting through coal...

  • December 4, 2009

    Sarah Palin weighs in on Climategate

    There has been call among conservatives for Sarah Palin to weigh in on the climate gate scandal, and tonight she has.Via her favorite forum for chiming in on the national conversation, Facebook, she has issued the following statement:The president's ...

  • December 3, 2009

    Jobs Summit Will Not Produce Jobs

    It is easy to confidently predict that Barack Obama's job summit today will do nothing to create jobs. It's so easy that even a climatologist could do it.The President will hold this "jobs summit" today at the White House, where a lot ...

  • November 29, 2009

    Hating Sarah

    The Alaska Governor is far more than someone who appeals to the (conservative) base, she is someone who can make the base appeal to America.This compact yet comprehensive diagnosis was made in the early hours of the Palin Derangement Syndrome (P...

  • November 25, 2009

    Some polling indices of which you may be unfamiliar

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • November 20, 2009

    Entrepreneurs Go on Strike

    Can Barney Frank Dunk on Lebron? No, he cannot. Nor can anyone else in Washington. Nor can they catch passes from Ben Rothlisberger in the Super Bowl or strike out Derek Jeter in the World Series. They are not equipped to do so.So what?  This ri...

  • November 8, 2009

    Memo to ABC: There's a Reason He's Not Called Smith

    Diane Sawyer -- either espousing her editorial fantasy or a quoting a third-hand comment from an anonymous "military wife" -- was dreadfully upset that the mass-murderer from Fort Hood was not named Smith. One can only imagine how thrilled ...

  • November 4, 2009

    Forget the 2-1 Spin; It Was a Rout

    The Democrats did not lose a 2-1 squeaker last night. They lost two huge races, saw an overall evaporation of 25 basis points of support -- and lost by nearly 500,000 cumulative votes in the three high-profile elections.  Or put another way, Rep...

  • November 3, 2009

    Top ten moments in moderate GOP history

    With John McCain, Lindsay Graham and others in the Republican Party still insisting that the GOP's problem is that we haven't reached far enough "across the aisle" or compromised our values enough, I thought it would be instructive to hit t...

  • November 3, 2009

    Planned Parenthood official has eyes opened on abortion

    The Director of the Bryan, Texas Planned Parenthood clinic has just foresworn further involvement in abortion. After eight years as an employee of Planned Parenthood and two years as Director of the Bryan clinic, Abby Johnson viewed an ultra-sound vi...

  • November 2, 2009

    Connecting the dots of Obama's falling polls

    As Barack Obama's numbers continue to tank across all the polls, some interesting trends are showing in the newly minted C. Edmund Wright "Give A Damn, " "Got a Chance" and "Get a Clue" indices.We also have a rare opport...

  • November 1, 2009

    NY 23: Perhaps Not All Politics Are Local

    That we all know -- let alone care -- about the goings-on in New York's 23rd Congressional District speaks volumes about how far away from our founding principles we have drifted. We should not know or care about NY 23 under our founding model, but m...

  • October 30, 2009

    Health insurance is too cheap and covers too much. Really.

    Now the figures are in.  The evil greedy immoral health insurance industry has the audacity to post an average profit of 2 per cent!  And according to ObamaCare proponents, that two percent can cover everybody for everything while all are p...

  • October 29, 2009

    Next Tuesday's Lessons for 2010

    OMG. From the "backwater" town of Wasilla, the naïve hockey-mom moose-huntress simply "Facebooked" a few thoughts into her device of choice, and damned if those words didn't bounce off a satellite and land squarely in the mid...

  • October 19, 2009

    Health insurance industry's 'new tone' was off key

    The health insurance industry's gamble in playing footsie with ObamaCare has been a disaster. Much like feckless Republicans who for years have tried to "reach across the aisle" or put forth a "new tone" to play nice with the libe...

  • October 15, 2009

    Rush Snared by NFL Paradox...Again

    In one of life's great paradoxes, the ultra-competitive NFL and the almost equally competitive business of NFL media coverage is dominated by people who have a world view that is very often anti-competitive.  Liberalism.At some level, this intel...

  • October 12, 2009

    Government Care and the Dole Family

    With victory in the health care debate and the 2010 midterms in sight and the disaster of John McCain's hands-across-the-aisle campaign still visible in the rear view mirror, the last thing conservatives and the GOP need is for Bob Dole to re-emerge ...

  • October 12, 2009

    Obama's Oslo Bounce Backward

    While it is always risky to assign too much of a trend to just a few days of Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, there does seem to be a bit of an "Oslo bounce" for the President.A bounce backwards that is.Today's Presidential App...

  • October 9, 2009

    Obama, Afghanistan, and the Nobel Peace Prize

    Barack Obama did not so much get a win with the Nobel Peace Prize today as the U.S. Military and General Stanley McChrystal sustained a loss.  The Prize itself will also be a loser along with all previous winners.The award is a not so veiled att...

  • October 4, 2009

    The Obamas Violated First Three Rules of Selling

    Of course Barack and Michelle Obama failed in Copenhagen.  Their strategy could not possibly succeed.  In their academic arrogance, they thought they could sell a product they clearly do not believe in (the United States) and moreover, they...

  • October 2, 2009

    Palin's Revenge: Who's Laughing Now?

    Now correct me if I am wrong, but didn't I hear the Jurassic media bury the career of Sarah Palin just last July?  And weren't they joined in this mockery by the so-called conservative elites like David Brooks and Karl Rove and Joe Scarborough a...

  • September 22, 2009

    Obama's Elusive Auto Insurance Analogy

    Team Obama and the media continue to flail away at an auto insurance analogy in an attempt to sell Obama Care.  It is almost funny how they seem not to understand even the most basic concept of insurance.  Really guys, it's so easy even a c...

  • September 20, 2009

    The Real Problem with Third Parties

    Yes third parties always lose national elections.  Not only that, if successful enough to grow, their very existence guarantees victory for the candidate or party most opposed to the beliefs of the third party voters.  But this is not even ...

  • September 18, 2009

    How To Find Millions of Racists

    [the author is a white business man, no relation to Jeremiah Wright, whose family is in Uganda this month doing mission work at their own expense]How do you create millions of white racists? I have a theory.I say you can do it by accusing a few milli...

  • September 15, 2009

    Community service is not what made America great

    Dare we say that the planners of the 9-11 attacks understand more about the greatness of America than our current President and some in Congress? I say yes. No one inside the beltway wants to argue the point. It sounds so nice. Fine. It is patently w...

  • September 8, 2009

    Jaw Dropping Arrogance From Obscure Congressman

    It is not just the career safe seat members of Congress and the Senate who are vulnerable to getting caught up in the arrogance and elitism of power.  Relative back bencher Baron Hill from Indiana's 9th District might well have surged into the l...

  • September 7, 2009

    Obama Hits New Low on the Give A Damn Index

    After a couple of days of bad news for President Obama in the Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll, this morning's report is the second straight day of deteriorating numbers for the administration.Without making too much of a four day trend -- two days of i...

  • September 3, 2009

    Something for Obama, RNC to Chew On

    It is more of the same today for President Obama, his health care agenda and the Democrat congress in today's Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. From the report on the President: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thu...

  • September 2, 2009

    Obama's polling weakness will continue

    While Barack Obama's approval numbers continue to head south, today's Rasmussen Reports includes perhaps even more interesting results related to congress, party identification and the two national parties' relationship to their base voters.Those res...

  • September 1, 2009

    Obama's Ratings Shrinking and Firming

    Normally it's a good thing when a politician's poll numbers are firming up.  Not so much when those numbers are both shrinking and firming at the same time however. For President Obama, such is the case according to Rasmussen's polling. Moreover...

  • August 30, 2009

    The Give-a-Damn Index reaches a new high (updated)

    Scott Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll gets a lot of national attention -- as it should -- with the index balancing the strongly approve numbers versus the strongly disapprove numbers.  Taken with the three day rolling average concep...

  • August 28, 2009

    Fighting ObamaCare in the Spirit of Ted Kennedy

    Maybe David Brooks has it right after all. Maybe we should indeed use Ted Kennedy's behavior during the Reagan years as our blue print for promoting unabashed and unapologetic conservatism during these, the Obama years. That is not to say that Mr. Br...

  • August 26, 2009

    Kennedy's death: This day in history

    Ted Kennedy passed away yesterday, August 25th. His venerable Senate colleague  Jesse Helms passed away in 2008 -- on July 4th. We all know the significance of this day in history. Interestingly, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both passed away ...

  • August 25, 2009

    Manchild President Stays with Adult as Fed Chair

    Without claiming to know what the ultimate history of Ben Bernanke's leadership as Chairman of the Federal Reserve will be, one thing is clear:  Barack Obama has turned to the Bush Administration for what might be his most important appointment....

  • August 20, 2009

    Trumka Keeps Talking

    Yesterday we quoted AFL CIO Secretary Treasurer Richard Trumka in the Huffington Post accidently swerving into the thought process behind supply side tax policy by stating his opposition to paying for Obama Care by taxing existing health care benefit...

  • August 19, 2009

    Labor boss gaffe: Telling the truth about taxes

    Big labor has opened its mouth and scored a huge blow against liberal tax policy. From the HuffPo, regarding Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO:Trumka's remarks were echoed privately by several other labor officials at the convention in Pittsburgh. In par...

  • July 27, 2009

    As Racists Go, We are Rank Amateurs

    Mr. President, history and reality teach us that as racists go, we are, frankly, rank amateurs.  And I am sick and tired of Ivy League elites like you and Professor Gates pretending otherwise.What? You think I'm crazy? Look at it this way. ...

  • July 24, 2009

    Wages? What Really Happens Today

    So today the minimum wage goes up by government mandate. What a time for celebration, right? What wonderful compassion is being show by our government, right? We have no idea whether any workers will actually make more money as a result. But con...

  • July 23, 2009

    Is Obama Re-Establishing 'Black Street Cred?'

    Nothing was as surreal about last night's press conference on healthcare as was the mention of the incident at Harvard regarding African American Studies Department Head Professor Gates and the "white cop." Not only did this seem oddly...

  • July 21, 2009

    Is the Incredible Shrinking Economy Helping Obama? (updated)

    Could the incredible shrinking economy be a short term boon to President Obama's poll numbers? Perhaps.  This week's good "earnings news" will be next week's bad employment data.Consider: Barack Obama's "index" in the Rasmuss...

  • July 5, 2009

    Palin v. Pundits

    The accomplished Alaskan governor can gaze into the face of tiny Trig and inherently know that she still has much to learn, even from her little guy.  Meanwhile, her less accomplished critics gaze mostly into TV cameras (and mirrors) and have co...

  • June 25, 2009

    Recovery When? How About If?

    Shhh. Don't let this get around, but Warren Buffet just let the cat out of the bag -- no economic recovery in sight.Well no kidding.  I have long tired of the economists and investment gurus debating "when our economy recovers" and how...

  • June 16, 2009

    Health Care Is Not That Complicated

    It is no more practical to have "health insurance" to pay for prescription drugs and routine doctor visits than it is to expect your auto insurance to pay for your oil changes and tire rotations. But we do.  Consider: if a health insur...

  • June 10, 2009

    Oily Paradox

    Overnight and into this morning, oil futures surged to over 71 dollars a barrel.  While this is nowhere near the crushing figure of 147 dollars reached last summer, it is more than double the lows of the winter.  Moreover, the rise is more ...

  • April 18, 2009

    The Wrong Anthem

    Folks all over the media have been trying to brand John Rich's song "Shuttin Detroit Down" as "the anthem" of the tea party movement, such as it is. I'll even include the New York Times in that group.Am I missing something here?...

  • March 20, 2009

    Our national leadership

    A Florida congresswoman conducts the country's business on the floor of the House, and puts in a strong bid for the coveted title of Dumbest Member of Congress.Watch this incredible video from Corrine Brown. She was elected from a district gerrymande...

  • March 2, 2009

    Time to Get Mean?

    "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." - The Ou...

  • February 15, 2009

    Chavez and Obama: Scary Comparison

    It is not normal for Americans to pay a lot of attention to elections in South America. Perhaps, based on this story in the Economist, there is a something important us to learn. And it is scary. Starting with the headline and subheader, the comparis...

  • February 14, 2009

    The Law Liberals Always Break

    There's a law that liberals always shatter.  (And no, I'm not talking about tax law.) It's the law of unintended consequences.  Actually it's not so much liberals per se that break it so much as it seems liberal thinking by definition alway...

  • January 19, 2009

    Bush's Legacy: None of The Above

    Will the legacy of George W. Bush be the deranged Keith Olbermann style analysis of today's media?  Or will it ultimately become the flowery "he was a decent man who kept us safe" eulogy offered up by the likes of Sean Hannity and Bill...

  • January 16, 2009

    Why Geithner and Rangel Matter

    The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and the U.S. Treasury Secretary  are literally the two highest ranking political figures with regard to the Internal Revenue Service.  If any two people on the planet should set an example ...

  • January 7, 2009

    Jobs report should be no shock

    Today one of the major monthly jobs reports came out, and for the second month in a row the "experts" are shocked by the number. Last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showed November job losses of over a half million.Today, ...

  • January 5, 2009

    The Ridiculous Year End Dance

    Memo to Barack Obama. And his voters.  This is what Joe the Plumber was talking about. Like most business owners, we spent the last weeks of 2008 doing the annual year end fiscal dance.  Whether a business is a Subchapter S cash basis taxpa...

  • December 22, 2008

    Blago's Auction

    There isn't too much money in politics after all. The problem is too damned much politics in money. Gaining political power with money is perhaps tawdry. But commonplace.  Gaining money with power is, well, corruption. And it has devastating con...

  • December 11, 2008

    Blame me for job losses

    When the jobs report for November came out last week, many so-called "experts" were shocked at the massive loss of an estimated 533 thousand jobs. Even a Time /CNN organization called "The Curious Capitalists" were at a loss to ex...

  • December 4, 2008

    Saxby's Win: 08's Most Intellectually Pure Contest

    For all of the talk about "bi-partisanship," the Georgia Senate run-off was nothing if not blatantly partisan. It was, simply, ALL about the party, and by extension,  was the most intellectually sound and pure election in all of the 20...

  • November 19, 2008

    Expect an early Obama bailout of the Big Three

    The chances of any meaningful bailout of the Big Three U.S. auto makers are shrinking rapidly in this lame duck session of Congress. With George Bush in the White House and somewhat slimmer Democrat majorities on the Hill, the very fatty pound of fle...

  • November 17, 2008

    Bonior and the auto bailout: explosive video

    The Big Three Auto Maker bail out, or more to the point, the United Auto Workers bail out, is the first explosive issue for the new Obama Administration. Never mind that his administration has not even started yet, this issue is being debated in term...

  • November 13, 2008

    Safe Seats and Carolina Blues

    The voting shift in this nation is largely about two dynamics: safe seats and the Carolina blues. To get a really good close-up glimpse of what demographic problems the Republican Party is facing in the national electorate, one has to look no further...

  • November 7, 2008

    Our Language is the Loser

    One of the big losers in this cycle is the English language. Not all of this is new to this election cycle of course, but it does seem to be getting worse. In fact, not only have many words lost their meaning, some have actually become the exact oppo...

  • November 6, 2008

    GOP Defeat and the 'New Tone'

    Tuesday's debacle was some 8 years in the making. Or more. Consider: Eight years ago, George Bush rode into town from Texas with one thing on his mind: bringing a "new tone to Washington."  He was going to use his Texas charm and drawl...

  • October 28, 2008

    Time for McCain to ruffle some feathers

    The conventional wisdom is that John McCain's only hope for this election is for the economy and markets to "settle down" so that he can focus on foreign policy and Joe Biden's statement that a young Obama "will be tested" with a ...

  • October 22, 2008

    Hey Joe -- About That License Thing

    Well Joe, now the entire world not only knows you are a plumber -- they all know now that you are an unlicensed plumber. Well whoopee do. Is Tiger Woods a "licensed golfer?"  Is Brian Williams a licensed broadcaster? Of course, his emp...

  • October 17, 2008

    Hey Plumber Joe: Been There, Done That

    God love you Joe. Bless your heart Joe.  You, and people like you, are what makes the country work. You make the country great. You get it -- you act on it -- and you enrich the lives of your family and your friends and your communities and your...

  • October 3, 2008

    Liberalism needs another bailout

    So California needs a bail out. The state government is out of money. The Golden State, blessed with incredible beauty, perfect weather, fabulous soils, plenty of coast line and even much of the world's high tech and entertainment revenue, has manage...

  • October 2, 2008

    Rescue: The Conservative Conundrum

    There were two fabulous "conservative versus conservative" debates this morning on the financial rescue plan. Watching these two short exchanges between conservative idealogue and former Congressman Dick Armey as he parried with first Senat...

  • October 1, 2008

    Time for McCain to Name Names

    There is but one issue in the 2008 election. The economy. Or more to the point, the economic meltdown. Whoever wins this debate will win the election.  Or perhaps more accurately, whoever loses this debate will lose the election. Period. It is i...

  • October 1, 2008

    Another anti-Obama video yanked from YouTube

    This video is the third popular video that cast an unflattering light on Barack Obama and Democrats in general to be yanked in the past couple days. No indication fo the reasons for taking it off of YouTube are yet clear.Click on the video to se...

  • September 29, 2008

    You Tube pulls a popular anti-Democrat video off the web (updated)

    You Tube and Warner Music Group today pulled a highly popular video that very succinctly and clearly spelled out the roots of the current economic crisis.The 9:59 video entitled "Burning Down the House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis"...

  • September 24, 2008

    The Bush TV address

    Who was that guy who gave the speech a couple minutes after 9 PM Eastern? He seems vaguely familiar. Oh yeah, that's the President with the 26% approval ratings who has almost disappeared from the national scene in the past year.He reappeared tonight...

  • September 19, 2008

    Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick

    Ken Lay and Jack Abramoff must be green with envy over the all the mischief that has been accomplished by Jamie Gorelick, with scarcely any demonization in the press.Imagine playing a central role in the biggest national defense disaster in 50 years....

  • September 16, 2008

    McCain on Wall Street: Swing and a Miss

    John McCain was interviewed  this morning on CNBC's Sqawk Box program about the Wall Street crisis by the lone conservative anchor, Joe Kernan.  Kernan, doing everything he could to point McCain in the right direction, fought an uphill batt...

  • September 14, 2008

    Palin's Experience Weapon

    One of the strokes of genius by John McCain with the pick of Sarah Palin is how it lured the Obama Campaign right back into the "experience" debate. So eager to pounce on Palin's "lack of experience" compared to Senator Joe Biden,...

  • September 14, 2008

    McCain-Palin seeing a 'Gibson Bounce'?

    Could it be that the McCain-Palin ticket is seeing a "Charlie Gibson bounce" in their poll numbers? Perhaps. In today's Rasmussen Reports daily tracking poll,  McCain broke out of a week or more or less being tied with Obama to show a ...

  • September 11, 2008

    The Bourne Stupidity: Damon on Palin (updated)

    It's hard to determine whether the ignorance, the childish reasoning or the arrogance was the most stunning aspect of actor Matt Damon's video about Sarah Palin that surfaced this week. So mind numbing was his train of thought that the video should c...

  • September 10, 2008

    Why Sarah Palin Makes such a Big Difference for the GOP Ticket

    It is pretty obvious that the liberal media's reaction to Sarah Palin is driven by their two camps: those who don't understand her, and a small but growing number who do and are scared to death. Either way, their shallow analysis that Sarah Palin was...

  • September 8, 2008

    Fannie and Freddie: GOP Cleaning up Democrat Messes

    Grown ups are always having to step in and clean up the messes left by the children. Such is the case all too often in our government.It was announced yesterday that the Treasury is going to take over the two huge quasi-public lending corporatio...

  • September 1, 2008

    The ever-changing politics of Gustav

    As Gustav makes its final approach to the gulf, the political ramifications shift with every wobble  of the storm itself. The storm is now going to hit to the west, as in to the left, of New Orleans. This leftward physical shift could mean ...

  • September 1, 2008

    Bristol's Baby: Quick Take

    Considering the fun they had with Gustav, one can only wonder what you would get if you put a microphone in front of Michael Moore or Don Fowler in response to the news that Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter Bristol is pregnant. It appears that this...

  • August 31, 2008

    Update: Politics abound with Gustav

    The Democrats have apparently found religion with Hurricane Gustav: As if on cue, liberal Democrats are jumping on percieved political oppurtunism related to the killer storm even as it is developing into a potential human tragedy even bigger than an...

  • August 29, 2008

    The Politics of Hurricane Gustav

    Remember the good ol' days back when hurricanes were weather events and not political happenings?That would be defined as pre-Andrew 1992. Andrew slammed into South Florida and displaced a lot of folks and expensive real estate just as the re-electio...

  • August 27, 2008

    Cardinal Egan and the Abortion Debate

    Did I just hear Cardinal Egan change the abortion debate? Perhaps I did. Tuesday, the Archdioces of New York issued an unequivocally blistering rebuke to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her mind numbing attempt to keep the question of when...

  • August 22, 2008

    Buffett Suggests Edwards Supporters File Class Action Suit

    In an interview on CNBC's "Squawk Box," billionaire Warren Buffett suggested that donors to the John Edwards for President Campaign might consider filing a class action lawsuit.  "I think if I had given him money I'd probably be a...

  • August 19, 2008

    Obama making his Saddleback performance even worse

    Old Man John McCain took young Barack Obama behind the woodshed Saturday night and gave him a good ole fashioned whooping. The once Messianic Obama is now having a hard time not stumbling over his own rapidly falling halo. Monday, he emerged as the p...

  • August 17, 2008

    Who Was That? Mac Goes Right at Saddleback!

    Months ago a Frank Luntz focus group charted independent voter's responses to some of John McCain's comments.  As a shocker to Luntz, some Fox News analysts and likely the McCain camapaign, the responses went off the charts positive in dire...

  • August 16, 2008

    Style was fine, but was there any substance?

    While the McCain campaign revels in a reasonably clear win (on a stage where a clear win was the minimum requirement), the Obama campaign enjoys the fact that their candidate quoted scripture in a church without saying GD America (in a no-lose situat...

  • August 1, 2008

    Reparations Rising

    Did I just hear Barack Obama call for "reparations?"I think I did. "I personally would want our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged" said Obama. (those elements have only been the Democrat talking p...

  • July 14, 2008

    Slowing to 55 MPH Could Speed us into Recession

    There is no better example of how out of touch Washington is with reality than the idea that our energy crisis can be addressed with a reduction of the national speed limit to 55 miles per hour. This is a classic sterile ivory tower academic type ans...

  • July 5, 2008

    Jesse Helms: Misunderstood (on purpose)

    Senator Jesse Helms might well be the most mis-understood, mis-cast and "mis-appreciated" figure in American politics today. I cringe as I think of the lies and half truths that will be told today by the mainstream media in repsonse to the ...

  • May 30, 2008

    Blame Bush for McClellan

    Has there ever been as much chatter among the pundits about someone as light weight, un-talented, inconsequential (and utterly predictable) as Scott McClellan? I mean, who was he again? Oh yeah, that boring, un-engaged pasty little white dude who mum...

  • May 28, 2008

    Punditry and the reality of environmentalism

    Two pundits on one of D.C.'s most enlightened programs, the All Star Panel on Fox's "Special Report," sitting within five feet of the very reasonable Brit Hume and Charles Krauthammer, may have learned something yesterday. Or not.Nina ...

  • March 14, 2008

    Pastor Wright and Barack Obama: The media finally notices

    Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr. has been saying things like "God damn America" for a couple of decades to a congregation that has grown to the thousands, and his sermons only go out via webcast, podcast, telecast,  broadcast, cable cast. And f...