Michael Lopez-Calderon

Michael Lopez-Calderon

  • January 1, 2007

    Breaking Private Ryan?

    President George W. Bush included in his Christmas 2006 wish list a larger Army and Marine Corps.  While it is admirable that the Commander in Chief longs for a larger military, many are concerned that the current one will soon reach the breakin...

  • December 3, 2006

    This Is Not Your Father's Conspiracy Theory

    Conspiracy theories have been around for centuries, if not millennia. Conspiracy theories offer explanatory models of complex events to large audiences of the unsophisticated and under-educated. [1]  In the past these conspiracy theories ga...

  • August 21, 2006

    Israel's Sour Victory

    The recent cessation of hostilities in the Israel—Hezb'allah '34—day war' has military experts, media personnel, and politicians scrambling for conclusive analyzes.  The early diagnoses lean toward a Hezb'allah victory, with analysts...

  • August 11, 2006

    Will Israel Bring Out the Hammer and Anvil?

    Despite calls from many quarters for a deeper Israeli ground offensive into Lebanon, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his cabinet have thus far avoided the risky move.  The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) do not want a repeat of 1982.  T...

  • August 1, 2006

    Hezbollah's Iwo Jima Delusion

    Recent dueling essays on The American Thinker have debated whether Israel is following the tactics of British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at the expense of Gen. George S. Patton's methods.  James Lewis argued that indeed the IDF's approach ...

  • December 9, 2005

    Katrina 'Konspiracy' Kooks

    Representative Cynthia McKinney (D—Ga.) is indulging the paranoid style in American politics. Again. The select House Committee investigating the federal response to Hurricane Katrina on Tuesday, December 6, listened to a plethora of racially...