Burwell Stark

Burwell Stark

  • November 13, 2012

    Pushing America over the Fiscal Cliff

    Last Tuesday, Barack Obama was re-elected president by winning both the Electoral College and the popular vote at 50 percent. But before his supporters get overly ebullient, they should keep in mind that on a bell curve, half of the curve is below av...

  • November 13, 2012

    Pushing America over the fiscal cliff

    Last Tuesday, Barack Obama was re-elected president by winning both the Electoral College and the popular vote at 50 percent. But before his supporters get overly ebullient, they should keep in mind that on a bell curve, half of the curve is below av...

  • January 25, 2012

    Newt Gingrich the Jacksonian

    Since the start of his campaign, Newt Gingrich has cast himself as a man of the people and a Reagan Republican.  Newt resembles a former president, all right, but it is not Reagan.  Newt Gingrich seems to be a 21st-century return of Preside...

  • June 20, 2011

    Obama Selling Out Our Allies

    With increasing frequency members of the Obama administration have been turning their backs on America's strongest allies.  The administration is forming new partnerships which appear to be based solely on emotion and the desire to appear politi...

  • July 2, 2009

    Honduran sovereignty: who has jurisdiction?

    Does the Honduran government have the right to enforce its own Constitution? Isn't it a sovereign nation?Webster's defines ‘sovereignty' as "supreme power, especially over a body politic; freedom from external control...especially, an auto...

  • June 30, 2009

    Saving Democracy in the Honduran 'Coup'

    What is being billed as the "first military coup in Central America since the Cold War" occurred early Sunday morning, June 28. The president of Honduras, Jose Manuel Zelaya, was arrested at his residence by members of the Honduran army. Hi...

  • February 2, 2008

    Hillary May Feint, But She Will Not Swoon

    "Chess is war over the board. The object is to crush the opponent's mind."- Bobby FischerWhat do the following four things have in common: chess; fencing; ‘Risk,' and; the current Democratic Party's nomination for president? They are ...