Bryan Griffin

Bryan Griffin

  • March 5, 2021

    What Really Happened at CPAC

    No, conference goers didn't gather to spread conspiracy theories.  No, they didn't bow down to a golden statue of Trump.  And no, the stage wasn't designed to pay homage to Nazi symbology. Fascism, a form ...

  • October 20, 2020

    Democrats fears of 'threats to democracy' ring hollow

    In June, Senator Kamala Harris called President Trump a "clear and present threat to American democracy."  Two months later, former President Obama threatened, "This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if...

  • September 17, 2020

    Trump's diplomacy of strength pays dividends in the Middle East

    The "experts" were wrong — moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem did not make peace in the Middle East impossible.   This week, under and with the encouragement of the Trump administration, Bahrain joined the United Arab E...