Bryan Demko

Bryan Demko

  • January 30, 2015

    Atlanta fire chief stands up to homosexual bullies, files lawsuit

    Some 30 years ago, Los Angeles assistant police chief Robert Vernon was denied being promoted to chief of police based on the complaints of the homosexual community of California.  This group went to Mr. Vernon's church and observed sermons ...

  • November 3, 2012

    Conservative Optimism

    A conservative friend asked me if there are reasons for optimism concerning the future of America in the upcoming national elections. My answer was "yes" and these are the reasons: I see that a number of conservative factions have managed t...

  • October 11, 2010

    Airlines Protest US Subsidies to Foreign Competitors

    American taxpayers have been subsidizing foreign competitors of United States airlines for years. Maybe you had not noticed that U.S. and European governments have been providing export financing for many years (about 35) to aircraft manufacture...

  • June 23, 2010

    Presidents and public panics

    Is Obama really the worst president since Jimmy Carter?  Well, they have one trait in common that is undeniable. Jimmy Carter grounded all DC-10 airliners (world wide) when an American Airlines DC-10 crashed on takeoff from Chicago O'Hara i...

  • April 30, 2010

    Space Wars: Circa 1959 to 2010

    I noted with interest President Obama's April 16 visit to Cape Kennedy to rally the "workers".  Certain reports have it that there were few in any "workers" invited to hear the speech.  There did seem to be a lot of ...

  • March 28, 2009

    What You Don't Know...

    Worried about bird strikes in the wake of the US Airways Hudson River landing? The FAA wants to keep secret the data on bird strikes, according to the AP. So much for "transpaerncy" promises by candidate Obama.Update: Cliff Thier notes that...

  • May 22, 2007

    The Sandy Burglar defense

    Former nuclear engineer Mohammad Alavi seems to have captured the spirit of Sandy Berger when caught red-handed. Admit nothing and stick to your story, no matter how implausible. From MSNBC:A former nuclear engineer accused of taking software ba...