Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker

  • August 5, 2019

    Gallup, Darwinism, and Scientism

    Gallup recently announced that forty percent of all Americans believe in creationism.  A better storyline to its recent polling data might be that only one in five Americans believes in Darwinism, which was a wobbly theory when first propos...

  • July 3, 2019

    Controlling the cost of college

    Democrats running for president are promising free college and promising forgiveness of student loans and all sorts of other silly things.  Like all the Left's absurd giveaway programs, the student loan program is an example of creating...

  • June 26, 2019

    Capitolism: The defining issue of the 2020 elections

    This presidential election, if Democrats have their way, will be about the  divide between the "rich" and the "poor," the exploiters and the exploited, the powerful and the powerless — the whole familiar and failed...

  • June 19, 2019

    Democracy is not freedom

    As we approach another election cycle, during which we will be peppered with calls by politicians to take government action because that is what the "people" want, it is important to recall that the "will of the people" has no mor...

  • May 15, 2019

    The Left's love of hate

    The dull, dreary drumbeat of leftism against "hate" does what every mantra of leftism always does: it replaces cognition with repetition and seriousness with hysteria.  So the silly pseudo-campaign of leftism against "hate...

  • April 27, 2019

    Leftist judges cry about gerrymandering in Michigan because it doesn't benefit Democrats

    A panel of federal judges on Thursday ruled that 34 of the 162 congressional and state legislative districts drawn by the Michigan State Legislature, controlled by Republicans, violated the constitutional rights of Democrat voters in Michigan by putt...

  • March 22, 2019

    Restoring States' Rights to Presidential Elections

    Colorado has bought into the popular vote mythology in presidential elections and the need to nationalize the process of electing presidents.  Although wrong-headed, the right of the Colorado Legislature to make these changes is constitutio...

  • February 27, 2019

    Why Does Gallup Hate Reporting Conservatives' Overwhelming National Majority?

    The latest Gallup Poll on February 22, 2019 has news that ought to be happy for conservatives.  In 43 states, conservatives outnumber liberals and in 6 states — Hawaii, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, and Washington ...

  • February 26, 2019

    Democrat Hypocrisy and Socialism

    The old, tired, failed call for socialism has been raised by Democrats again as a panacea for the problems of those who struggle financially.  Socialism has never worked as promised anywhere, and socialism has often created nightmares and i...

  • February 10, 2019

    The Ku Klux Krats

    The racist antics of Virginia governor Ralph Northam ought not to surprise anyone.  The Democratic Party has long been marinated in racist thinking.  Today, most of that racism is irrational hatred of white people and the denial o...

  • February 8, 2019

    The Myth of the Media

    All politicians have to rely upon "the media" to get their message to Americans.  Giving speeches reaches few people, and those it reaches nearly all favor the politician giving the speech anyway.  All federal politician...

  • February 4, 2019

    Leftism: High on Buzzwords, Low on Thought

    The left does not need to argue with conservatives and other normal people.  This is because the left has co-opted language so that clear thinking is impossible.  Buzzwords preclude whole serious thought and channel virtually all ...

  • January 16, 2019

    The Centennial of Prohibition

    No matter what the aim is of a particular government policy, the consequences of government action are nearly always worse than government inaction.  January 16, 1919 was a perfect example of that principle in operation.  Prohibit...

  • January 15, 2019

    The Conservative Majority and Polls

    Gallup on January 8 published a poll that showed that conservatives outnumber liberals in America.  The most resilient political fact over the last half-century is the clear majority of Americans who identify themselves as "conservativ...

  • January 11, 2019

    Nancy's problem

    The Democrat majority in the House of Representatives is paper-thin.  Most of the new Democrat members who have given Nancy Pelosi this soft majority come from congressional districts created by Republican legislatures to elect Republican H...

  • January 2, 2019

    Restore the Founders' Federalism

    The values of any good government rest, largely, in the reciprocity of rights that all factions share.  Freedom of speech and freedom of the press in America, for example, are strongly bolstered by the fact that what protects leftists also ...

  • December 28, 2018

    Ending Independent Federal Agencies

    The threat by President Trump to fire the Federal Reserve chairman is an example of how our entire federal system has grown into a monstrosity that is overwhelmingly unconstitutional – and almost everyone, not just President Trump, is to blame....

  • December 21, 2018

    Let's get this straight: All totalitarianism is leftist

    All totalitarianism is leftist, but it is also vital to grasp that the ideological spectrum itself is simply a macabre and surreal fiction – a Jabberwocky for those familiar with Lewis Carroll – a term that describes nothing at all. ...

  • December 8, 2018

    Pseudo-Green Leftism

    The left pretends to care about the environment.  It sounds as though Bernie Sanders is going to make this faux interest in protecting the environment a salient point of any 2020 presidential run.  In fact, leftism – both ec...

  • November 25, 2018

    All the Pundits Missed These Midterm Races

    In judging the overall political impact of the 2018 midterm elections, among the most overlooked elections are the secondary statewide elective offices.  These offices and elections vary dramatically from state to state, and most voters cou...

  • November 18, 2018

    The Religion of Leftism

    Leftism pretends to be a system of thought, but it is nothing more or less than a secular religion.  It is godless, but godlessness is the most bigoted and intolerant of all belief systems, and the Ultra-Orthodox Church of Atheism adheres t...

  • November 8, 2018

    The political future after 2018

    The 2018 midterm elections, viewed in terms of future politics, were a clear victory for the Republican Party and President Trump.  That fact is obscured by the single accomplishment of Democrats: recapturing the House of Representatives....

  • October 24, 2018

    Keep an eye on state government races

    We tend to look at politics from the standpoint of federal politics.  Who controls the two houses of Congress?  Which party controls the White House?  Who will pick future federal judges and justices?  In the 2...

  • October 20, 2018

    What will life be like after the midterms?

    Polling data for the midterm elections strongly suggest that Republicans will lose seats in the House of Representatives but gain seats in the Senate.  What does all that mean for national politics between the midterms and the 2020 election...

  • October 12, 2018

    The men's vote

    In the aftermath of Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, anticipate listening to angry feminists and other leftist talking heads in the Beltway warning of a backlash of female voters against Republican candidates next month. ...

  • September 19, 2018

    The Shrill Silliness of Feminism

    What sane person believes feminists today?  Every single time a Republican or conservative stands a chance of being confirmed to the federal bench or elected president, some old story bubbles to the top about a female being sexually assault...

  • August 19, 2018

    How leftists destroy language, and what it means

    Totalitarianism depends upon the destruction of language and its replacement with images and mantras.  The great dystopian classics, 1984 and Fahrenheit 451, show how the contraction of language by removing all distinctions in words or by t...

  • August 7, 2018

    How to Win a Real Revolution

    Most conservatives grasp that our nation desperately needs a real revolution – not a violent or unconstitutional revolution, but a real revolution nonetheless.  At the outset, it is vital to understand that no revolution will ever com...

  • July 29, 2018

    Lawless Washington

    It is useless for conservatives to hope laws against political corruption and violating national security information and colluding with unsavory types will ever apply to leftists.  When is the last time any leftist in Washington faced any ...

  • July 15, 2018

    Defeating leftism is the only victory

    While regaining control of our borders, reinvigorating the economy, and strongly challenging foreign nations that threaten us are all important objectives today, the only real victory for our nation is to defeat leftism itself.  This means ...

  • July 12, 2018

    Holding the Senate Is the Key

    While Republican control of the House of Representatives after the November elections would be helpful, holding control of the Senate is crucial. Whether we like it or not, the constitutional framework of our republic is in tatters.  Fed...

  • July 5, 2018

    How immigrants do and do not help the world

    There is a grand mythology about how the flood of immigrants from oppressed lands to America has benefited the world.  The poem written by Emma Lazarus for our Statute of Liberty creates the impression that providing a new homeland for thos...

  • June 15, 2018

    The Right to Discriminate

    The left has created a macabre myth that runs counter to the whole experience of mankind.  The left has persuaded the gullible masses of America, including, sadly, most conservatives, that "discrimination" by individuals and busin...

  • May 21, 2018

    Victimhood Addiction

    We live in a society in which addiction to one vice or another is a persistent problem that seems immune to cure.  The most dangerous addiction is not drugs or pornography or drugs or sex, but victimhood.  The Orwellian disintegra...

  • May 19, 2018

    The Pox of Multiculturalism

    What the left calls "multiculturalism" is actually the systematic destruction of cultures and the replacement of these cultures by a synthetic, artificial, and meaningless global culture.  When the left talks about "diversity...

  • April 26, 2018

    Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil

    "Love of money is the root of all evil."  I did not come up with that: God did.  Christians had better believe that.  God also said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich m...

  • April 13, 2018

    Please: Not Another Speaker Pelosi

    Nancy Pelosi is an embarrassment to Congress, and most members of Congress are an embarrassment to America. When Pelosi was speaker of the House, she famously stated that Congress needed to pass Obamacare to see what was in the bill. ...

  • April 7, 2018

    Where Are Social Conservatives to Go?

    The recent defeat in Wisconsin of a conservative state Supreme Court candidate and the warning issued by Governor Walker ought to be a wake-up call to Trump and the RINO leadership in Congress.   Gallup reports that more than one third...

  • March 30, 2018

    Justice Stevens Unholsters a Dopey Idea

    Retired Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens has proposed repealing the Second Amendment.  If we needed more proof of the pathetic stupidity of most jurists these days, Stevens's dopey idea is a prime example.  State govern...

  • March 27, 2018

    America Is Still Conservative

    The latest Battleground Poll reaffirms what I wrote in my American Thinker article eleven years ago: Americans are conservative.  Virtually every single national poll in the last fifty years tells the same tale.  Every one of thos...

  • March 22, 2018

    Fifty Years after the Prague Spring

    March 22 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first flowering of the Prague Spring, when Marxism in Czechoslovakia tried to end the abuses of power and to grant to the people a measure of the sort of freedom so solemnly promised in the charters of e...

  • March 14, 2018

    The perfect cure for school violence

    The left loves public policy debates that force conservatives on the defensive.  So every episode of public school shootings inevitably brings the squawking parrots of leftism to an empty argument about gun control.  What thi...

  • March 9, 2018

    The Welcome Rebirth of Nationalism

    The Italian elections of March 4 carry a theme that has become increasingly familiar among those nations in the European Union.  Britain, Germany, France, and Holland have all had elections that swung strongly toward nationalism and the res...

  • March 7, 2018

    The Blessings of Judaism and Christianity

    While Jews prepare for Pesach and Christians prepare for Easter, it is a proper time to consider and to grasp the enormous blessings of these great faiths of Jews and Christians, both of which are reviled and slandered and despised not because of the...

  • February 26, 2018

    Christophobic Nazism

    Totalitarian systems are militantly Christophobic.  The comments to some of my articles on the dangers of materialism or the ignorance of atheism try to prove that religion is as dangerous to goodness as atheism repeat the false "fact...

  • February 23, 2018

    Ending Gerrymandering Is a Good Thing

    It took Republicans controlling state legislatures and Republicans using that power to gerrymander state legislative and congressional districts to finally move judges to end gerrymandering.  Republicans in Congress ought to pick up the bat...

  • February 10, 2018

    The Ignorance of Atheism

    Atheism is the slavish and simple-minded embrace of ignorance.  When people call themselves "atheists" today, what they really mean is Christophobes, people with an irrational hatred and fear of Christianity.  The argume...

  • January 25, 2018

    The Narrowing of Language: 'Discrimination'

    We live in a world Orwell described so well in 1984.  Language, as it has been mutilated and twisted, is the enemy of truth.  The compression of language so that a single catch-all term is used to describe a variety of discordant ...

  • January 21, 2018

    Shallow Reality in America

    If there is a single problem with our lives today, it is the breathtaking shallowness of modern life.  We seem infatuated with grade-school gossip and a breathless yearning for "stuff," as if the latest gadgetry or a fatter bank a...

  • November 11, 2017

    The Pox of Materialism

    There is nothing wrong with the good things of life: the pleasure of leisure, the joy of good wine and good food, the happiness of dance and music, the comfort of a nice home, the delight of travel and all the other stuff of life.  But there is ...

  • November 5, 2017

    What the Balfour Declaration Means

    One century ago, in the middle of the First World War, British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour issued a declaration that paved the way for the establishment of a Jewish state.  The declaration was ambiguous in some respects because the British ...

  • November 1, 2017

    Replacing the Ideological Spectrum

    Most of the problems conservatives and other normal people have in understanding the language of modern politics comes from the idea that political beliefs can be defined by an ideological spectrum, a geometrical model that requires all conservatives...

  • October 19, 2017

    The Mythical Far Right

    Few ideas are as silly or destructive as the idea that there is an "ideological spectrum" that has at one extreme Nazis and fascists and at the other end communists.  There is no "far right" that connects in any way with cons...

  • October 15, 2017

    The Androgynous Scouts of America

    The Boy Scouts of America, one of the finest private institutions in our land, has become politically correct (i.e., surrendered to the enemy) and transformed itself into the Androgynous Scouts of America.  It has been a ghastly descent by a onc...

  • September 30, 2017

    Hugh Hefner and Leftist Hypocrisy

    The left has no values.  Indeed, the left abhors values.  It loves only power and the pain it can inflict upon those who embrace morality, honesty, and faith.  Hugh Hefner is a perfect example of macabre perversion. H...

  • September 21, 2017

    Leftist Global Warming Mythology

    The left's response to the natural disasters in Florida was to raise again the bogeyman of man-made global warming.  The left blames every natural disaster or significant change in weather on man-made global warming.  So if the weather ...

  • September 15, 2017

    Fighting Anti-Male Leftism

    Recent actions by Betsy DeVos, Trump's secretary of education, show that the Trump administration is ready to pick up the banner of men's rights as a legitimate civil rights issue.  The feminist jihad against men started fifty years ago ...

  • September 6, 2017

    Make North Korea a Chinese Protectorate

    During the Cold War, the Warsaw Pact nations were Soviet protectorates.  What that means is that nations like East Germany have a degree of nominal independence, but their foreign policy and national security positions had to strictly conform to...

  • August 31, 2017

    Remove Monuments to Corrupt Leftists

    The proper response of conservatives to the moronic and vicious attack by leftists toward any monument that could conceivably offend the highly developed leftist sense of aggrieved feelings is to join the campaign by identifying monuments to corrupt ...

  • August 25, 2017

    Unite Conservatives, Mr. President

    The Battleground Poll conducted by George Washington University published its latest findings on August 24.  America remains a profoundly conservative nation.  Those Americans who describe themselves as "very conservative" or ...

  • August 15, 2017

    Pathetic Democrats

    Republicans in Congress look pretty pathetic to many Americans, but even more pathetic is the Democratic Party, which is nothing these days but an anti-Trump circus.   This is a direct consequence of victimology run wild, geographic myopia,...

  • August 3, 2017

    What Reagan Could Teach Trump

    Ronald Reagan was the most successful president in the last century and, probably, the most successful president of all time.  Reagan may, indeed, have been the greatest political leader the West has produced in modern history. As an example ...

  • July 26, 2017

    Firing Sessions Is a Terrible Idea

    Donald Trump is a naturally polarizing figure.   His bread and butter is brazen attacks on those who challenge him.  As a media figure and as a business promoter, that worked well.  As president, however, Trump needs to pick his f...

  • July 18, 2017

    The Tyranny of Pseudo-Science

    The hysterical reaction of the left to Scott Pruitt's plan to create two competing teams of scientists to study from opposite positions the left's pet myth, man-made global warming, shows just how anti-science the left has become.  The l...

  • July 15, 2017

    Leave the Swamp

    Proximity is power.  Washington, more than the federal government, is the principal problem with our nation today.  If the federal government were spread around America, then suddenly Washington, New York, and California would be much less ...

  • July 14, 2017

    A Grim Centennial: The Russia That Could Have Been

    July 2017 is the centennial of one of the greatest disasters in modern history: the "July Days," which represented the beginning of a concerted effort by the Bolsheviks to destroy the Provisional Government that had overthrown the tsar....

  • July 8, 2017

    What the Fourth of July Means

    Americans have celebrated the Fourth of July for almost 250 years, with the 241st such celebration just behind us, but the vast majority of Americans have only the vaguest notion of why this holiday matters so much. The Fourth of July does not rep...

  • June 26, 2017

    Note to Democrats: Losing Is Not Winning

    Democrats keep losing.  The twin defeats in Georgia's special House election (which Democrats expected to win) and South Carolina's special House election (which Republicans expected to win but almost lost) must be added to Democrat defe...

  • June 24, 2017

    Not Business, Mr. President, but War

    President Trump, if he has not figured it out yet, needs to grasp that those who oppose him cannot be won over with negotiation and are not interested in finding the sort of "win-win" solutions Trump was accustomed to finding in the busines...

  • June 16, 2017

    The Left's Very Dangerous Game

    The left is simply perverse lunacy pampered and protected by cynical cadres who use it as a source of power, wealth, and prestige.  This sick madness leads leftists to do profoundly stupid and evil things.  This sick madness also leads the ...

  • June 14, 2017


    The macabre spectacle of media and legislators feverishly blathering about the meaning of imagined machinations to affect our last presidential election by foreign powers and feasting on every crumb of invented gossip shows just how desperately out o...

  • June 4, 2017

    The legacy of the Six-Day War

    Fifty years ago, the State of Israel won a decisive military victory over the Arab world in the fastest major campaign in the history of warfare.  The Six-Day War transformed the relationship between Israel and the world, permanently altered the...

  • May 31, 2017

    The Coming Conservative Supreme Court

    The left lives by abusing power and taking the rules of political processes and twisting those rules for naked advantage.  So for many decades, brazen gerrymandering of state legislative districts and congressional districts assured Democrats fo...

  • May 29, 2017

    The Need for a Middle America News Network

    The decline and lurch to the left of the Fox News Network provides an opening for any astute conservative billionaire: create a news network specifically intended to provide news from the viewpoint of most of America, which is to say the seventy...

  • May 22, 2017

    The Dreary Watergate Trope

    The long overdue firing of the political hack running the FBI has inevitably produced from Democrats that dreary "Watergate" trope: Trump is Nixon, and the Republic is in danger.  These are, of course, the same Democrats who stonewalle...

  • May 5, 2017

    Repeal and Replace the Republican Party

    In an American Thinker article on October 19 of last year, I argued that conservatives ought to consider strongly creating a National Conservative Party.  In that article, I asked the question: "Does anyone seriously doubt that the Republic...

  • May 3, 2017

    Trump's Safe Republican Congress

    Donald Trump, while he thinks it is tough dealing with some Republicans in Congress, will get nothing done if Democrats in 2018 gain either the House of Representative or the Senate.  While anything might happen in the 2020 presidential election...

  • April 27, 2017

    How Conservative States Should Handle Academia

    Conservatives need to use the political power already in their hands to begin a grassroots transformation of academia.  The totalitarian exclusion of Ann Coulter from a state university in California is one reminder of the need for reform. ...

  • April 26, 2017

    What Marine Le Pen Is Really About

    Charles Krauthammer is a very bright guy who is nearly always right on the issues, but his argument that a Le Pen victory in the French presidential election would be a disaster for Europe is utterly wrong-headed.  France, he said on Fox News la...

  • April 15, 2017

    How to Stop Leftists' 'Living Constitution' Lie

    In opposing Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, Senator Dianne Feinstein pontificated: "I firmly believe the American Constitution is a living document intended to evolve as our nation evolves."  Well, Senator Feinstein, conservatives ...

  • April 10, 2017

    Le Pen Could Win

    Marine Le Pen might well be the next president of France. The French electoral system requires a majority of the vote, which almost invariably, given the multiple political parties in France, requires two elections.  Le Pen seems certain to b...

  • April 8, 2017

    Reopen cases against corrupt leftists

    In late November of last year, I cautioned against the dangers of letting loathsome leftists like Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner walk free from the prospect of investigation by an administration which would not shamelessly shill for them.  Pres...

  • April 6, 2017

    Centennial of a Disaster

    April 6, 2017 is the centennial of one of the greatest disasters in the history of American government.  President Woodrow Wilson, days earlier, had asked Congress to declare war on Germany, effectively entering the First World War on the side o...

  • April 1, 2017

    Sessions must defend persecuted conservatives

    The decision of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to seek 15 felony convictions against David Daleiden and Sandra Meritt at the Center for Medical Progress, who exposed the horrific cynicism and mendacity Planned Parenthood was shown to have...

  • March 10, 2017

    We Cannot Be Great without God

    What would happen if, tomorrow, the national debt could be paid off with no inflation or other ill effect, and if the per capita income of our nation could be doubled, and if we discovered a means of extending human life to 100 youthful years, and...

  • March 1, 2017

    Speak English, Ma!

    One of the most important problems with the influx of illegal aliens to America and those illegal aliens who are already here is the inability of these immigrants to speak and to read English.  The hypocrisy of the left regarding the vital impor...

  • February 11, 2017

    Radically reform federal courts

    The left lives only through the most entrenched and insulated systems of pseudo-aristocratic cadres: the colluding establishment media corporations, the tenured and pampered education mafia, the Washington insider complex of bureaucrats and legislati...

  • February 6, 2017

    What Roe v. Wade May Bring

    In the aftermath of the March for Life and in anticipation of dull feminist caterwauling over a conservative pick to fill Justice Scalia's Supreme Court seat, it is useful to consider precisely what Roe v. Wade did – and what it did not do....

  • February 4, 2017

    Imagine the Power of an Anglo Alliance

    Prime Minister Theresa May is a tough cookie, and her Conservative Party is the closest friend Republicans have outside our borders in this world.  The Brexit Vote last year was a thunderous expression of English nationalism that may, in time, l...

  • February 1, 2017

    Refugees and the Right to Immigrate

    There is no right to immigrate to America, and there is no duty America owes the world to accept refugees.  The pathos of leftism on this phony moral obligation invariably reverts back to the tragic efforts of German Jews to leave a Nazi world i...

  • January 20, 2017

    Democrats and Gerrymandering: Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind

    Democrats gleefully use every trick in the book to hold on to political power.  In the recent presidential election, when it looked as though Hillary Clinton had a firewall of states that would ensure her victory in the Electoral College, no mat...

  • January 15, 2017

    The Breathtaking Hypocrisy of Senate Democrats

    Senate Democrats are trying to assume the high ground against President Trump by rubbishing his nominees.  Consider the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.  The sum total of arguments against Senator Sessions are tha...

  • January 11, 2017

    The Party of Old Nepotistic Hacks

    Look at the leadership of the Democratic Party today.  It looks more effete, more arrogant, more isolated, more entitled, more entrenched than the political leadership of any major political party in any major democracy in modern history. Hav...

  • January 6, 2017

    The Case for a Big Defense Buildup

    The left always ignores national defense, and so it should be no surprise to learn that in many ways, Obama has left America's armed forces in worse shape than at any time since the Great Depression.  The situation today is similar in some w...

  • January 4, 2017

    The Left's New Soviet Union

    The left never had much bad to say about the Soviet Union.  Leftist icons like Teddy Kennedy actually tried to get the Soviet Union to interfere in American presidential elections to keep Reagan from being re-elected – something convenient...

  • January 3, 2017

    The Lame Duck Restraint Act

    The American presidency has historically been accorded a unique place in national and international politics.  The office combines the head of state with the head of government, which no other major nation has done.  Moreover, we have retai...

  • January 1, 2017

    How to Get People to Vote

    I have proposed a reform of the Electoral College that would return power back to state legislatures, would end the myth of "popular vote" for president, and would end voter fraud in presidential elections in every state chose this reform: ...

  • December 29, 2016

    Leave the UN

    The United Nations is a grand failure that has never worked and will never work.  The idea of the U.N. was invented during the Second World War, when the term "United Nations" actually meant the wartime alliance of certain nations agai...

  • December 28, 2016

    Washington Can't Work

    President Trump and the Republican Congress are going to do a lot and will likely act quickly and decisively to help the economy become strong, make the borders secure and the immigration laws effective, protect us from terrorists and rogue nations, ...

  • December 27, 2016

    Republican Senate Prospects in 2018

    Republicans will gain seats in the 2018 midterm election.  The eight Republican seats up for grabs are easily defended, while Democrats will have five senators running for reelection in very red states: West Virginia, Indiana, North Dakota, Mont...

  • December 23, 2016

    The Myth of the Good Old Media

    Donald Trump recently noted that the media had become much worse since Walter Cronkite, which is an honest mistake by a man who grew up as a Democrat leaning to the left.  But there was no "Good Old Honorable Media."  The establis...

  • December 11, 2016

    How to Help the Democrats Love Federalism

    Democrats are really lost now.  Trump not only won the White House, but has brought in a no-nonsense group of generals, business leaders, and iron-willed politicians to back up his administration.  Trump has also shown clearly that he grasp...

  • December 9, 2016

    The Other Israel

    Israel, through no fault of its own, is a pariah nation almost completely surrounded by larger nations that do not even recognize the existence of the State of Israel.  Iran routinely refers to Israel as the "Little Satan," and Europea...

  • December 7, 2016

    The Lessons of Pearl Harbor

    Seventy-five years ago, on December 7, 1941, the American Navy suffered the worst defeat in its history when a force led by six Japanese fleet carriers launched a surprise attack at the battleships at Pearl Harbor.  Two of the eight battleships,...

  • November 29, 2016

    The Real Electoral College Reform

    The familiar whining about the popular vote in presidential elections and the implicit anachronism of the Electoral College ought to be turned on its head by constitutional conservatives.  The greatest problem of politics and government in our c...

  • November 26, 2016

    Trump's Response to Hillary's Crimes Portends Disaster

    More than a month before he will take office or been briefed by the FBI, Donald Trump has announced that he has no interest in pursuing the Clintons for their crimes.  The deep sigh of relief from Beltway insiders from all corners could be heard...

  • November 22, 2016

    Why Do We Need NATO?

    As President-Elect Trump begins to form his governing team and to review the involvement of America in the world, it makes sense in the revolutionary change in American politics to look anew at almost everything.  Trump has taken some hits for s...

  • November 20, 2016

    Trump's victory over political correctness

    Leftists who infest academia, public schools, mass media, the entertainment industry, the legal system, and every institution of society that has nooks for cadres masquerading as bureaucrats believed that they had transformed thinking in America....

  • November 16, 2016

    How to Handle Hillary's Crimes

    There is a danger that President Trump in January may look back on the rage most Americans felt at the clear criminality of Hillary and her toadies as water under the bridge and see the tactical advantage in putting all that raw sewage behind us....

  • November 15, 2016

    How to Reform the Civil Service

    Thomas Lifson has correctly observed that reforming the Civil Service System ought to be a high priority for President-Elect Trump and the new Republican Congress. We need to understand why the Civil Service System first created as a reform in how...

  • November 9, 2016

    The Trump Landslide

    Presidential landslides traditionally require a ten-point margin of victory in the popular vote, but this year, political traditions don't matter.  President-Elect Trump has carried at least 28 of the 50 states, and if the leads hold, he wil...

  • November 5, 2016

    The Stupidity of Hillary

    Few serious people doubt the dishonesty of Hillary and Bill Clinton.  Both lie all the time about almost everything, the petty as well as the important.  Few serious people doubt the shameless self-promotion, the naked avarice, the depthles...

  • October 29, 2016

    Crooked Comey

    "Crooked Comey" is what we all ought to call the director of the FBI if yesterday's announcement that recently discovered new emails on Huma Abedin's computer has led the agency to more investigations means investigations that do no...

  • October 24, 2016

    What This Election Means for Feminism

    This presidential election marks the beginning of the end of modern feminism.  That is true regardless of whether Hillary or Trump wins. Feminism is a fraud.  Women have never been "victims" in American life the way blacks were...

  • October 21, 2016

    Sad Sack Sanders

    Six months ago, Bernie Sanders was on top of the world.  He had inspired millions of ordinary Americans to fund a truly insurgent campaign against a Democrat political dynasty with enough enthusiasm and support to win caucuses and primaries in t...

  • October 19, 2016

    What if There Were a National Conservative Party?

    The Battleground Poll published a few weeks before the 2016 presidential election has grim news for Donald Trump, who is predicted to get only around 40% of the popular vote, while Hillary gets about 47% despite having unfavorables almost as high as ...

  • October 16, 2016

    Breathtaking Criminality in Washington

    Recent revealed emails within that broad criminal conspiracy known as leftism show just how utterly dependent those sock puppets like Obama and Hillary are upon the nefarious intertwined collusion of the leftist media, the agencies of the Executive B...

  • October 10, 2016

    Only One Way for the FBI to Regain Its Lost Reputation

    James Comey, the crooked political operative running the FBI for the left, has clearly lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and fixed the criminal investigative process to protect Hillary Clinton and her creepy aides from justice.  Con...

  • October 7, 2016

    Boycott Leftism

    The Achilles heel of leftism is its dependence upon conservatives and other normal people using the institutions of society that leftism has invested, and so providing the audience and income needed for the left to use against us.  These institu...

  • October 7, 2016

    Democrats and 'choice': Abortion vs. everything else

    The Democratic Party has a hideous record of immorality in the light of history. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow.  That is a matter of historical record, which explains why Abraham Lincoln's name was not even al...

  • October 3, 2016

    The Prospects of a Constitutional Convention

    Regardless of the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, our republic needs a powerful redress against the unconstitutional usurpation of power by the federal government and particularly by the Supreme Court and the president.  Restoring fed...

  • September 30, 2016

    The Debate Schedule Helps Trump

    Who won the first debate on September 26?  Perhaps a better question might be which candidate performed worse.  Trump had several opportunities to score better in the debate than he did, and Hillary was her usual plastic phony self, but she...

  • September 24, 2016

    How Trump Wins the Debates

    Americans will be watching the presidential debates closely – not for policies or ideas, but for images and demeanor.  This creates a clear opening for Donald Trump.  Hillary has hidden behind flacks and party hacks and pandering and ...

  • September 22, 2016

    The Useless Left

    The principal distinction between the right and the left is that the former is rich and the latter is poor.  The principal distinction is that the right is filled with people who work in real jobs that produce valuable goods and services while t...

  • September 17, 2016

    The Imploding Leftist Establishment

    Leftism has been on life support for fifty years.  The Republican landslide in the 1966 midterm election was recognized by everyone at the time as a massive rejection of the agenda and the politics of the left. The reasons were clear.  T...

  • September 14, 2016

    Hillary's Health Hypocrisy

    Hillary was too sick to stay at the September 11 ceremonies and had to be escorted away.  Her doctors have announced that she has pneumonia, which is in addition to the concussion that, we learned recently, meant that she could work only a few h...

  • September 11, 2016

    Republican State Party Power and 2016

    In the 22 years since the 1994 Republican midterm landslide, the landscape of partisan power in state governments has changed dramatically.  The Republican Party was the minority party in state government for almost seventy straight years before...

  • September 9, 2016

    The Battleground Poll and Trump's Path to Victory

    The GWU Battleground Poll published on September 9 shows Donald Trump a clear path to victory: win the conservative vote.  The data in this poll has been consistent over the last two decades, and the data in the latest poll is no different....

  • August 29, 2016

    Twenty-Five Years after Balkanization

    We have a phobia, a very wrong-headed phobia, of the consequences of the disintegration of large nations into smaller nations.  The term "Balkanization" is commonly used to describe this process. Twenty-five years ago, the remnants ...

  • August 25, 2016

    Hillary's Coughing and the Debates

    Hillary's flacks maintain that she has no serious health problems, but there is an increasingly public amount of evidence that they are lying.  Her coughing fits, for example, have gone on for minutes during interviews and speeches and debat...

  • August 22, 2016

    Might Johnson Make the Debates?

    The two major party nominees are the most unpopular in modern American political history.  The Libertarian Party has been around a long time, and its nominee, former governor Gary Johnson of New Mexico, has a pleasant and reasonable demeanor as ...

  • August 19, 2016

    The Most Important Election...Again

    Every presidential election in the last fifty years has been called, in the heat of the campaign, the "Most Important Election of Our Lifetime," or something like that.  We live so much in the ephemeral moment, the endless cascade of ...

  • August 12, 2016

    The Prospect of a 43-Percent President

    The last ten polls reporting the outcome of a four-person presidential race with the Democrat Clinton, Republican Trump, Libertarian Johnson, and Green Party's Stein gives Hillary Clinton the edge in the popular vote but leaves her with an averag...

  • August 10, 2016

    The Left Has Murdered Art

    The crimes of leftism are vast and haunting and infiltrate every aspect of modern life – but no crime, perhaps, has been more heinous than the left's murder of art.  Every medium we possess to communicate purpose, humor, reflection, be...

  • August 4, 2016

    Bring Us Apart

    Presidential election season for many years has been that time when politicians seeking high office tell us that they are the "leaders" who can "bring us together."   The purpose of good government, of course, is to allo...

  • August 1, 2016

    Trump Is Right on Russia

    Donald Trump has the right idea about Vladimir Putin and Russia.  Trump is a realist and a nationalist. The Russian Republic is not the Soviet Union.  During the Cold War, the Kremlin described America as the "Main Enemy," and ...

  • July 28, 2016

    Whither Social Conservatism?

    Social conservatives ought to support, without reservations, Donald Trump in 2016.  His selection of Pence, the man most likely to succeed Trump, is important, and his list of potential Supreme Court nominees is even better.  The convention...

  • July 22, 2016

    Donald Delano Trump

    How are we to think of Donald Trump?  He oozes confidence.  He holds opinions that are more practical than ideological.  Trump promises results more than anything else.  Trump has lived his life in New York, the real center of pow...

  • July 17, 2016

    The Rage of Failure

    One of the most dangerous lies of political correctness is the equality of different civilizations.  The rage of Islam is largely rooted in the reality that while Islam destroyed Persian, Byzantine, and Hindu civilizations, it replaced those civ...

  • July 3, 2016

    The Stupidity of the Left

    The lame excuse a sitting attorney general gave for meeting privately with the husband of a prime FBI suspect who was himself a possible target of investigation reveals, if we needed more revelation, the mental vacuity and profound ignorance of lefti...

  • July 2, 2016

    A Reminder of NATO's Resilience

    Will NATO survive?  It should comfort us to realize that fifty years ago, we were asking the same question.  President Charles de Gaulle pulled France out of the NATO military organization on June 30, 1966.  France, which had a modern ...

  • June 30, 2016

    Remembering the end of feminism

    On June 30, 1966, fifty years ago, that noble Christian movement inextricably connected to the emancipation of slaves, compassion for animals, and temperance in the consumption of alcohol – "feminism" – began to die.  On th...

  • June 24, 2016

    Seventy-five years after Barbarossa

    June 22, 2016 marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the bloodiest conflict in human history.  On June 22, 1941, Adolf Hitler stabbed in the back his closest ally in the Second World War, Joseph Stalin, and launched a continental assault on the ...

  • June 24, 2016

    Trump's Statue of Liberty play

    Donald Trump on June 22 delivered the best line so far in his presidential campaign, and if that line came from his heart, then it is the best news yet for conservatives, like me, who have been profoundly ambivalent about a presumptive Republican nom...

  • June 23, 2016

    Decentralize Sovereignty

    Throughout the world, the fundamental problem we face is the hyper-centralization of sovereignty.  In America, the vast majority of problems in government would begin at once to heal naturally if the limitless credit card of the federal governme...

  • June 15, 2016

    The 'Ideology' to Defeat ISIS

    The horrific murder by Islamist Omar Mateen of at least fifty people at a gay nightclub at Orlando has the usual crowd of Beltway insiders on the news programs asking how to defeat an ideology that views the extermination of certain people as righteo...

  • June 10, 2016

    Could Gary Johnson Win?

    The Libertarian Party has been around for a long time, and its principles of limited government fit in well with what most conservatives believe.  While that party and its nominee, Gary Johnson, are not socially conservative, neither are the nom...

  • June 5, 2016

    How the Left Is Destroying Science

    Science is a process for finding truth in our material world.  The blossoming of science occurred in Medieval Europe and continued to flourish until the early part of the last century, almost exclusively in the Western world.  This was not ...

  • June 3, 2016

    Replacing National Political Parties

    The 2016 presidential season may foretell the end of the two major political parties.  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are not really members of the two parties whose nomination they have run so effectively to win.  Indeed, both reflect as ...

  • May 27, 2016

    The meaning of Memorial Day

    America will celebrate Memorial Day in 2016 with the two presidential candidates, for the first time ever, having never been part of those armed services whose sacrifice we honor on that holiday. What causes young men to bleed and to die in anothe...

  • May 22, 2016

    Abolish the Department of Justice

    The Obama Justice Department has revealed its final descent into naked politics and totalitarian bullying.  Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton, two transparently guilty criminals whose crimes are compounded by the fact that both are also lawyers, w...

  • May 20, 2016

    Hillary's Electoral 'Luck'

    The Clintons are notoriously corrupt.  Their pathological mendacity reaches back over many decades.  They lie; they cheat; they bribe; they threaten.  Often the Clintons seem to have almost supernatural "luck" that defies the...

  • May 6, 2016

    Conditions for Supporting Trump

    Now that Donald Trump is certain to be the Republican nominee, conservatives ought to consider whether or not to support his candidacy in the general election. Trump can hardly complain if these conservatives do not reflexively support the Republi...

  • May 4, 2016

    Reforming Republican Nominations

    Whatever happens in the presidential election in 2016, Republicans ought to take the opportunity offered by the chaos and rancor of this year's nomination process to completely reform the 2020 Republican nomination.  Several different reform...

  • May 2, 2016

    Fiorina Can Help Cruz Win

    The selection of Carly Fiorina as Ted Cruz's running mate, should he get the Republican Nomination, is a shrewd move in several ways.  As a woman who rose from nothing without the Governor of Arkansas as her husband or a New York multi-milli...

  • May 1, 2016

    The 75th anniversary of Liberation Day in Ethiopia

    May 5 is the seventy-fifth anniversary of a signal day in modern African history.  On that day, British forces brought back into power Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia, who had been driven out of his country by the forces of Fascist Italy...

  • April 28, 2016

    That Persistent Conservative Majority

    George Washington University announced on April 25 its latest Battleground Poll.  The single most resilient datum in the history of that poll has been the persistent conservative majority.  Nothing has changed.  The responses to Questi...

  • April 22, 2016

    Nationalism versus Federalism

    The presidential campaign so far seems filled with nationalistic appeals, which is dangerous for America.  In some places around the world, the difference between nationalism and patriotism may be blurred, but in our country, nationalism is the ...

  • April 20, 2016

    Ben Carson's Bad Idea

    Many conservatives, including me, thought nothing but the best about Dr. Ben Carson's run for the White House...until now.  Recently, Dr. Carson has suggested that we need to get rid of the Electoral College because it disregards the "w...

  • April 13, 2016

    Why Delegate Allocation Might Be Decisive

    Political parties are not intended to be democratic institutions, and their nominees are not supposed to be chosen to represent the "will of the people."  Political parties are supposed to be voices for particular values and policies....

  • April 7, 2016

    Trump and 'Fairness'

    Surely one of the oddest comments by a candidate in this oddest of presidential election seasons has been Donald Trump's comment that he is not being treated "fairly."  His off-and-on promise to support the ultimate Republican nomi...

  • April 6, 2016

    Will state government composition determine how people vote in November?

    Polls projecting which party will win the White House in November are notoriously unreliable at this junction, but it is interesting to consider how states may go in presidential elections based upon whom the voters have chosen to trust with state go...

  • April 4, 2016

    Washington Fails at Everything

    Donald Trump gave a silly and meandering answer when asked about the role of the federal government, and he has drawn a lot of justifiable scorn from conservative pundits about his remarks.  But in a broader sense, no one running for the White H...

  • March 28, 2016

    The Slow Death of the Leftist Establishment

    The bizarre presidential campaign of 2016 has another story sometimes hard to see:  the old Leftist Establishment is on its deathbed.  This does not mean that leftism is defeated, of course, but rather that the props that kept the small min...

  • March 25, 2016

    We Can't Make Deals with Evil

    We cannot make deals with evil.  The approach that Donald Trump seems to feel would work best with the various existential dangers we face is to negotiate better deals with them.  This assumes that the problems we have faced come from poor ...

  • March 24, 2016

    Make the Supreme Court an Election Issue

    Conservatives ought to use Obama's selection of a Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Scalia as an opportunity to challenge the role federal courts generally and the Supreme Court specifically have assumed as the super-legislative body that ...

  • March 9, 2016

    The Virtues of Brokered Conventions

    If the Republican convention of 2016 turns out to be a "brokered convention," will that be a bad thing? We live in an odd world, in which everything is supposed to be "democratic" and victory comes at the end of long electionee...

  • March 7, 2016

    The Hope and the Danger of Electing Trump

    If Donald Trump is a true conservative, then there is no danger at all in electing him to be president.  Trump might, in fact, introduce a new and dynamic electoral element to conservatism, as he noted when observing that he might carry New York...

  • March 1, 2016

    Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?

    I asked last March, "Just How Bad a Candidate Would Hillary Be?"  As Hillary locks up the Democrat nomination, the question is "Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?"  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may be the most p...

  • February 23, 2016

    What if Trump Had Run as a Democrat?

    Donald Trump is not really a member of any political party.  He has been, in the last fifteen years, a Reform Party member, a Democrat, and most recently a Republican.  Today Trump is locked in a fierce fight in a crowded field to win the R...

  • February 21, 2016

    Countering Sanders's College Scheme

    Bernie Sanders proposes to give at taxpayers' expense a free college education to every young American.  While learning is important to America, learning at a set age period and learning in the dreary institution of academia are terrible ide...

  • February 14, 2016

    Don't Let Obama Fill Scalia's Seat

    Congress has frittered away virtually every constitutional power save one:  the power of the Senate to deny presidential appointments to the federal bench.  If Senate Republicans expect conservatives to ever trust them on anything, then the...

  • February 10, 2016

    Feminist Shtick

    Shtick is a Yiddish term that describes a gimmick presented with barely a straight face by someone who knows that the gimmick is not really sincere.  It is Rodney Dangerfield telling audiences, "I don't get no respect," or Jack Ben...

  • February 9, 2016

    What if Sanders supporters see a crooked Clinton?

    Hillary Clinton cares only about power, and she will do anything for power's sake.  Most of America already knew that ugly fact, but now, perhaps, the leftists so in love with Bernie Sanders will begin to see this creepy crone as her true se...

  • February 6, 2016

    Gallup: We Hate to Admit It, but America Is Conservative

    Gallup, like virtually every other major polling organization that has looked at the ideological makeup of America, has reported in virtually every poll that conservatives dramatically outnumber liberals in America.  Gallup's reports the dat...

  • February 1, 2016

    How to Put Paid to the Establishment...for Real

    The grand theme of the 2016 presidential election is that voters are flocking to candidates who oppose the "Establishment."  The champions of this crusadecome from everywhere: Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump, just...

  • January 27, 2016

    What Does 'Great' Mean, Mr. Trump?

    It is fair to ask, since Donald Trump has adopted as the slogan of his campaign "Make American Great Again," what he means by "Great."  It is also a fair observation that so far, little Trump has said about his intentions are...

  • January 23, 2016

    Losing What Reagan Won

    As Americans consider who ought to lead us out of the despair of Obama's misrule, we ought to go back twenty-five years.  That was when the fruits of Ronald Reagan's crusade against Communism gave us a world that ought to have produced p...

  • January 21, 2016

    Could Sanders Win?

    Polls show that Socialist Bernie Sanders might win the Iowa caucus and will likely win the New Hampshire primary, but conventional wisdom is that Sanders has no chance of going any farther in the fight for the Democrat nomination.  Is this true?...

  • January 11, 2016

    Nothing to Do with Sex

    The leftist establishment media and other appendages of the Democratic Party have become the counterattack regarding the Clinton scandals.  It is all about "sex," these flacks of leftism tell us.  If Bill had dalliances, well, man...

  • January 4, 2016

    The Murder of History

    Orwell grasped the vital need for real history and he saw how those who lust for power will murder history as their first victim.  Winston Smith, the protagonist in 1984, works in the Ministry of Truth and systematically destroys history so that...

  • January 2, 2016

    The Purpose of Government

    In the midst of a rancorous presidential nominating season, when we are bombarded every day with promises by politicians about how they will create jobs or educate our children better or get the economy rolling again, few if any candidates seem to gr...

  • December 29, 2015

    What if Hillary Loses Iowa?

    No one expects Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to lose the Iowa caucus to Bernie Sanders, but that might just happen.  Polls for caucuses do not really measure too much, especially in the long gatherings during the cold winter nights of the Iowa ...

  • December 21, 2015

    The Revolution We Need

    We need a revolution if we are to survive as a people and as a nation.  While the changes in federal policy needed to undo the damage of leftism are high-profile presidential election issues, the real revolution needs to come at a different leve...

  • December 18, 2015

    Unemployment and Useful Work

    Much of our thinking about political economy harkens back to the odious "New Deal," a Frankenstein monster of federal interventionism which even its early acolytes by 1939 were saying was an utter failure.  Government statistics began ...

  • December 16, 2015

    Why Trump Might Win

    There seems to be a broad consensus among punditry of all stripes that a Trump candidacy might spell disaster for Republicans next November.  Maybe, but maybe not.  Trump might beat Hillary, and he might beat her decisively. If this soun...

  • November 30, 2015

    De-Bolshevization and the March of the Useful Idiots

    Nazi Germany and the ideology which inspired it was so evil that when we won the Second World War, "de-Nazification" was the remedy.  The Nazis had murdered millions of innocent people, conspired to begin an aggressive world war that p...

  • November 27, 2015

    Hillary and Misogyny

    The recent decision by Princeton to repudiate its most famous president, Woodrow Wilson, for his racism – after a century of adoration – is part of a pattern in leftism.  Wilson was the first "liberal" or "leftist...

  • November 21, 2015

    The Purpose of America

    There is a myth about the founding of America and a myth about the purpose of America when it first began as a nation.  This myth muddles all debate about immigration, and especially the current debate about allowing Syrian Muslims into America....

  • November 18, 2015

    The Diversity of Conservatism

    The Republican presidential debate process makes clear the true diversity of conservatism.  When the left talks of "diversity," it means diversity of identity: blacks speaking for blacks, women speaking for women, Hispanics speaking fo...

  • November 8, 2015

    Seventy-Five Years after Taranto

    On November 11, 1940, Britain began its long counterattack against the four great powers that dominated Eurasia – Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy – with a blow so unexpected and so devastating that military ...

  • November 5, 2015

    How Carson Beats Clinton

    Hillary seems destined to be the Democrat nominee, and it looks increasingly likely that Carson may be the Republican nominee.  Carson has opened up statistically significant leads over Trump in Iowa, and if Carson wins in Iowa, those Republican...

  • November 1, 2015

    Fighting the Real Foe

    The CNBC Republican debate, particularly the candid expressions of disgust by many of the Republican contenders at the blatant bigotry of the panel toward Republicans, brings home the real enemy of conservatives and genuine reform in America.  T...

  • October 31, 2015

    Halloween Then and Now

    When I was young, our Halloweens would begin when our group of pals would stop at the home of an old widow in our neighborhood.  She fortified us with hot chocolate and cookies before we began our trick-or-treating.  We were warmed by her k...

  • October 24, 2015

    The Ultra-Reactionary Left

    The left cares about nothing but power.  All the noise it makes about "change" and "progress" and "revolutions" is just that: noise.  The very last thing leftists want is any change that would cost them power, ...

  • October 18, 2015

    Climate Change and Leftist Hypocrisy

    Nothing exposes the cynical hypocrisy of the left more than its jihadist attitude toward the dubious theory of man-made global warming.  The phoniness and selfishness of the left show up in several different ways. The left pronounces manmade ...

  • October 17, 2015

    Making College Affordable

    The left plans to pitch to middle-class families and young adults who want a college degree to make college free.  Conservatives have a great chance to counterpunch on this issue.  Academia, like all other institutions under the totalitaria...

  • October 14, 2015

    The Party of Washington

    What is America angry at today?  Make no mistake: Americans of both parties and across ideological lines are angry.  Consider just how angry Americans are at both of the two major political parties in how people view potential presidential ...

  • October 7, 2015

    Bernie Sanders's Politics

    Self-identified "Socialists" like Bernie Sanders are a dime a dozen in modern history, which makes Sanders hard to classify more specifically.  Mussolini and Mao were both "socialists," and all the various factions within the...

  • October 4, 2015

    Hatred of the Great Faith

    The murder of Christians in Oregon and the grim silence of Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations on the same day seem to be unconnected events, but both reflect an old and evil war waged against the Judeo-Christian community by those who hate Jews...

  • September 25, 2015

    To Win, We Must Make Things Clear

    The key to conservative victory in elections, and then turning electoral victories toward policy, is to make things clear.  Most Americans are conservative, although they often do not know it because the left hides facts and tries to keep us con...

  • September 24, 2015

    America's Global Purpose

    In a world of trouble, what is America's purpose?  This is not a new question for our nation.  When the American Republic was founded, the great men who created our nation knew that most of the world moaned under the lash of tyrants....

  • September 22, 2015

    Carly the survivor

    Great presidents need to be able to weather great trials and come out unbroken.  Great presidents need resilience.  Who among the Republican candidates has a life story that shows the sort of resilience?  I think Carly Fiorina does....

  • September 18, 2015

    Federalism: The Missing Issue

    The biggest problem in American government today is the hyper-nationalization of government.  Even in the middle of Republican presidential politics, even when every Republican candidate claims to be a "conservative," the myopic fixati...

  • September 10, 2015

    Who Is Reagan's Heir?

    Conservatives have been waiting since 1988 for the real successor to the legacy of Ronald Reagan, yet the Republican Establishment has been running away from that unabashedly conservative presidency since George H. Bush promised, almost as soon as he...

  • September 3, 2015

    Hillary May Just Be Dumb

    Hillary is losing her party's presidential nomination to a man who is not even a Democrat and to another man who has not yet entered the race.  How can a candidate who began with such an enormous edge that twelve months ago she was deemed ...

  • September 2, 2015

    Seventy-Five Years after the Destroyer Deal

    The past tells us how to face our threats today.  On September 2, 1940, America transferred fifty old destroyers to Britain during one of the two particularly dangerous periods in the Battle of the North Atlantic.  France had fallen two mon...

  • August 23, 2015

    Hillary Drops Below the Water Line

    My American Thinker article of June 12, 2015 asked the question:  “What if Most Democrats Don’t Want Hillary?”  The question I asked and my prediction of the trend of polls that suggested that Hillary would soon be unwante...

  • August 21, 2015

    A Willing Suspension of Disbelief

    Leftism is a pathology of mendacity.  When Obama told us that his grandfather liberated Auschwitz, that was a gratuitous fabrication – he could have honestly stated that his grandfather was part of the army that helped liberate concentration camps in...

  • August 17, 2015

    Carly Is a Winner

    The strong performance of Carly Fiorina in the second-tier Republican debate and the evolving 2016 presidential race makes her perhaps the strongest and best Republican candidate yet.  Conservatives should care not just about strong candidates, ...

  • August 11, 2015

    Fifty Years after Watts

    Deep into the second term of our worst president, the man who was supposed to resolve racial problems in America, we can look back fifty years and see how little the dreary cant of leftism has changed.  On August 11, 1965, Watts exploded into an...

  • August 2, 2015

    Twenty-Five Years after Desert Storm

    The crisis and the conflict we have come to call “Desert Storm” is twenty-five years old.  This crisis began on August 2, 1990, when Saddam Hussein occupied Kuwait and purported annexation as a prelude to hegemony of oil in the Arabi...

  • July 29, 2015

    Why Trust Trump?

    As conservatives prepare to support a Republican for the 2016 presidential race, a large number seem convinced that Donald Trump is their best choice.  Why?  He is certainly mouthing the right things on many issues, particularly immigration...

  • July 23, 2015

    Abortionism and the Banality of Evil

    Hannah Arendt, who made a study of totalitarianism after the Second World War, which was defined by her after the Eichmann Trial in 1963, described what she saw in this totalitarianism as “The Banality of Evil.”  This Nazi evil ...

  • July 21, 2015

    Fighting Supreme Court Arrogance

    Gallup published in late July a poll that showed that Republicans strongly disapprove of the Supreme Court, in stark contrast with Democrats.  This ought to be a rallying cry for Republicans going into the 2016 election. No institution in Ame...

  • July 20, 2015

    Obama and Over-Criminalization

    Obama recently told Americans that we are locking up too many people.  He meant, by that, that Americans are sending to prison people who are guilty only of drug offenses and pose no threat to public safety.  There is a kernel of truth in w...

  • July 15, 2015

    The Anti-Diverse Democrats

    If a political party’s nature is reflected in who runs for its presidential nomination, it is hard to imagine a more establishment, anti-diverse gang than those running (or considered likely to run) for the Democratic Party nomination.  Th...

  • July 13, 2015

    How Trump Could Save America

    Donald Trump could save America if he were willing to be truly bold and brash instead of being the sort of docile, predictable milquetoast that we have seen so far this year. First, consider the path that Trump has taken in his quest to save Ameri...

  • July 10, 2015

    'Never in the Field of Human Conflict...'

    Seventy-five years ago, July 10, 1940, one of the most signal battles in the history of war and one of the clearest demarcations between the evils of totalitarianism and the virtues of resisting that evil began in the skies over southern Britain....

  • July 4, 2015

    The Value-Driven Conservatism of July 4

    The Fourth of July is the perfect time for conservatives to recall that we hold to our positions – or at least that we should hold to them – not because conservative principles will help the economy or make us safer or cause government to...

  • July 1, 2015

    The New <em>Roe v. Wade</em>

    The Supreme Court decision determining by the narrowest of margins that the right to gay marriage is protected by the Constitution does not solve anything.  In fact, it assures – much like Roe v. Wade 42 years ago – that nothing is r...

  • June 24, 2015

    Helping Sanders Stop Hillary

    Democrats have worked hard over the last several presidential cycles to spread division within the Republican Party.  Rush Limbaugh has suggested that conservatives return the favor.  Why not?  The Democratic Party is obviously trying ...

  • June 17, 2015

    End Civil Service 'Merit' Protection

    Scott Walker’s proposal to end tenure in Wisconsin state universities is a great idea.  Here is another great idea that Governor Walker or some other brave Republican governor and legislature ought to implement: end the merit protection fo...

  • June 12, 2015

    Scott Walker and Academic Tenure

    Scott Walker is advocating a reform in Wisconsin that could have more profound an impact on America than anything we have seen in a long time.  Establishment leftism depends upon institutions that support and promote its philosophy and agenda us...

  • June 12, 2015

    What if Most Democrats Don't Want Hillary?

    Hillary may be the favorite to win the Democrat nomination in 2016, but polling data in the last couple of years show that, even against an essentially empty field for the Democrat nomination, her support is eroding.  The recent Wisconsin straw ...

  • June 4, 2015

    We Shall Never Surrender

    Today, June 4, 2015, marks the 75th anniversary of one of greatest speeches in the English language.  Churchill, facing the certain defeat of France and a desperate escape by the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk, gave the English-speakin...

  • May 30, 2015

    Hillary's High Water Mark

    Can polling data this early tell us anything about Hillary’s prospects in November 2016?  Hillary is an old political figure who has been in the public eye for the last 23 years.  Americans can learn very little new about Hillary, and...

  • May 25, 2015

    What Memorial Day Means

    Memorial Day is a time each year to remember those who died for our nation in war against our enemies.  In honoring these good men, it is just as important to remember what they were fighting and dying to defend and to preserve.  These days...

  • May 22, 2015

    What to Do about Iran

    America will decide in 2016 how it will face deadly perils by enemies who despise our liberty and our goodness.   There is a parallel with the Soviet Union.  In 1981, for the prior 36 years, America had tried to construct a way to live...

  • May 20, 2015

    Changing How We Elect Presidents

    It is vital to our nation not to give Democrats another four years in the White House.  The usurpation of congressional authority by executive decree would be reaffirmed and, of course, expanded as well.  Hillary would appoint more leftist ...

  • May 18, 2015

    Could a Conservative Democrat Challenge Hillary?

    Hillary sure looks like a weak candidate.  There are a few Democrats who may challenge her, but none of these will attack her for being too liberal or for being corrupt.  Instead we hear the weary refrains of Democrats needing to get toughe...

  • May 16, 2015

    The Real Battle

    As America enters again into the pretense of political presidential battles, it is important for conservatives to grasp that the real battle is not a particular election or, indeed, any elections, but the war leftism wages on America and its Judeo-Ch...

  • April 27, 2015

    The Clinton Myth

    Democrats carefully preserve political myths.  This is how they raise up to greatness awful presidents like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, JFK, and Clinton.  (Even Democrats do not try to pretend that LBJ and Carter were anything but wretched...

  • April 23, 2015

    Hidden Conservatism and Abortion

    Recently, Republican candidates for the 2016 nomination have grasped the political virtue of standing up to the extremism of Democrats on the abortion issue.  America is a profoundly conservative country.  I have written often in the past a...

  • April 19, 2015

    When We Lost the Winnable War

    Forty years ago this April, our nation lost the Vietnam War – a war that America could easily have won, and should have.  South Vietnam had been invaded by North Vietnam, although the conflict was portrayed by communist apologists as a ...

  • April 17, 2015

    Rand Paul's Dumb Idea

    Rand Paul is a smart guy and a good guy.  Recently, however, this smart and good Republican proposed a really bad idea: make all costs of college completely deductible. Government-supported college education is a giant redistribution of wealt...

  • April 11, 2015

    Make the Leftist Media the 2016 Issue

    The enemy of conservatism in America is the leftist establishment – the leftist-controlled institutions of news, education, and entertainment.  Take away these big, fat incestuously connected institutions, and the left in America is a circ...

  • April 8, 2015

    A Scourge of Lawyers Post-Watergate

    Forty years ago, in the wake of Watergate and at the urging of political novices like Hillary Rodham, Washington and its various tendrils adopted reforms intended to end forever the ability of a president and his supporters to abuse federal executive...

  • April 5, 2015

    Defending the Right to Discriminate

    The Orwellian perversion of language by the left is intended to keep us from thinking clearly.  As Orwell predicted in 1984, the destruction of distinction in words is at the heart of this thought control.  The vocabulary in Oceania was col...

  • April 1, 2015

    Battling the Establishment in the 21st Century

    Fifty years ago, the angry brats of campus leftism waged called the cry of cultural jihad against "The Establishment."  Our schools and colleges, our television networks and Hollywood, big corporations and large organizations, our chur...

  • March 29, 2015

    How to Win a Cold War

    Twenty-five years ago, America won a global cold war without firing a shot.  We are today in the middle of another cold war, with nasty enemies and more ill-wishers.  Thousands of brave Americans have died in distant lands to make us safe i...

  • March 26, 2015

    Recalculating Electoral Votes

    Beltway pundits routinely grant Democrats in 2016 an advantage in the Electoral College.  The magic number is 270 electoral votes. Twenty-four states are almost certain to go Republican: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Ind...

  • March 25, 2015

    The Tipping Point for American Jews?

    American Jews are anything but monolithic in opinion.  The first great conservative leader of postwar America was also the only major party nominee of Jewish descent: Barry Goldwater.  During the Cold War, individual American Jews made enor...

  • March 22, 2015

    The Old, Rich Washington Lawyers' Party

    The recent mention of Al Gore as a possible alternative to Hillary Clinton suggests that the top five Democrat contenders, if Gore actually gets in the contest, will be, in order:  Hillary, Warren, Biden, Gore, and Webb.  Governor O’M...

  • March 16, 2015

    Reclaiming Legislative Power

    The power to make laws rests wholly in Congress – at least that is what the Constitution says.  Yet who makes the “laws” in our federal system today?  Vast amounts of legislative power have been “delegated” to ...

  • March 13, 2015

    Is Scott Walker Unstoppable?

    Scott Walker is riding high now, and soon he will be unstoppable. The two political parties are becoming, more and more, ideological parties.  Gallup reports that 70% of all Republicans describe themselves as “conservative” (and t...

  • March 9, 2015

    Just How Bad a Candidate Would Hillary Be?

    The Clintons’ foundation received money from foreign governments while Hillary was secretary of state.  Hillary used her own private e-mail system, and not the official and secure government e-mail system, to conduct government business as...

  • February 27, 2015

    Conservatives and 'Gaffes'

    Scott Walker has recently, according to the cognoscenti of leftism, committed a couple of “gaffes.”  A snarky British journalist asked Walker if he believed in evolution.  Walker could have answered by saying that Sir Fred Hoyle...

  • February 25, 2015

    Will the Left war on Federal Courts?

    Obama and his minions have been able to largely ignore the serial political defeats which Democrats have suffered since he took office. In 2009, Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy’s old seat in the Senate, which was taken even by leftist pundits ...

  • February 13, 2015

    A Conservative America

    Conservatives dramatically outnumber liberals in America. We should take strength from this persistent fact in virtually all polling done by every major polling organization over the last twenty years.  The latest evidence of this is fou...

  • February 9, 2015

    Scott Walker's Underappreciated Strengths

    Scott Walker has a bundle of connected political virtues – a strength that will remain largely hidden but which will become increasingly apparent as his public career unfolds.  Most presidential candidates fail and most presidents in offic...

  • February 4, 2015

    Might Hillary Stay Out?

    Democrats have a pathetic bench.  While the GOP can look at young and bright faces like Walker, Cruz, Rand, Rubio, Jindal, Martinez, Haley, and Pence, which Democrats besides Hillary have a realistic shot at winning the White House?  Eli...

  • February 3, 2015

    Americans and Washington

    The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) has just released its report for 2014.  The intention of this survey is to measure the level and the quality of customer satisfaction from the various public and private institutions.  What st...

  • January 27, 2015

    The danger of RINO presidents

    The Republican Establishment seems to believe that conservatives will naturally line up behind a RINO candidate because the alternative – President Hillary, for example – is so awful.  Conservatives understand, however, the real dang...

  • January 25, 2015

    The War on Jews and Christians

    Islamic terrorism in France and Belgium and Nigeria and everywhere reveals the grand pattern of evil in modern history.  All the notionally different systems of malice in modern history are the same.  All these wicked systems view the Jews ...

  • January 24, 2015

    The Plutocratic Left

    The dull leftist cant that oozed from Obama’s 2015 State of the Union makes clear his electoral strategy in 2016: blame the misery of middle class on the higher incomes of those in better shape financially.  It is silly, of course.  I...

  • January 22, 2015

    The Case for Scott Walker

    The race for the Republican nomination has started.  It is vital that Republicans nominate a conservative leader who will use Republican political strength to implement a peaceful, lawful, but revolutionary change in the way Washington does busi...

  • January 15, 2015

    How to Defeat Radical Islam

    How do we defeat radical Islam?  We had better find out soon, because the world today has an Islamic nuclear power (Pakistan), and it will soon have another (Iran).  If demographic trends continue, yet another nuclear power will have a Musl...

  • January 7, 2015

    The Political Disaster of RINOs

    The run for the Republican presidential nomination will start in earnest very soon, and Jeb Bush has already set the RINO argument: Republicans need to moderate ideology and choose, instead, someone who can be elected.  What proof is there of th...

  • January 5, 2015

    The Left and Our Protectors

    There is a grand theme running through leftism in America.  However much it professes to honor the men who keep us safe, the left quietly abhors these men.  The NYPD knows this, and so its members turn their back on a mayor who turned his b...

  • January 1, 2015

    Still the Last Best Hope

    America remains, in spite of the left, the Last Best Hope of Man.  As the New Year starts and the 2016 presidential race begins in earnest, that is a vital truth to grasp.  Happy optimism, not grouchy despair, ought to inspire conservatism ...

  • December 22, 2014

    Cuba before Castro

    In considering Obama’s embrace of Castro’s Cuban gang, it is useful to recall that the greatest danger free minds face today is the calculated rewriting of history.  Tsarist Russia, whose economy was growing much faster than any majo...

  • December 12, 2014

    The Danger of Dynasties

    There is a growing prospect that the 2016 presidential race will have Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton facing the son of George H. Bush and brother of George W. Bush.  The danger of dynasties in American politics is real, and it is growing.  ...

  • December 6, 2014

    The IRS Scandal Is Not Going Away

    The IRS scandal is not much in the news these days, but it is not going away.  The more Obama’s minions stonewall this scandal, the more congressional Democrats discount the scandal, the more the leftist establishment media ignores this sc...

  • December 4, 2014

    Is It Time for an Anti-Federalist Party?

    No wise and serious American, whatever his notional ideology, trusts the federal government.  This fact is often lost in the dust and wind from that gaggle of pundits whose relevance depends upon every issue of life being controlled by an all-po...

  • November 30, 2014

    The Hidden History of the Winter War

    November 30 marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the most misunderstood but instructive conflicts of the 20th century: the “Winter War” between Russia and Finland. There is no “ideological spectrum,” and all those vile mi...

  • November 19, 2014

    Senate Democrats Face Long Minority

    Recently I wrote about the prospects of Democrats facing a long minority in the House of Representatives.  The same is true of the Senate.  Democrats have tried to put a brave face on the 2014 results, noting that in 2016 the Senate map wil...

  • November 14, 2014

    House Democrats Face Long Minority

    Democrats, who once held the House of Representatives for almost fifty years without interruption, may well face the same period of Republican domination there.  Since 1994, there have been eleven general elections, and only twice, in 2006 and 2...

  • November 8, 2014

    The State Legislative Landslide

    There are ninety-eight partisan state legislative chambers in our nation.  (Nebraska has a unicameral and nonpartisan legislature.)  Not all state legislative chambers had elections this November, but of the seventy-seven state legislative ...

  • October 31, 2014

    The Impact of Senate Jungle Elections

    Conservatives ought to embrace the “Jungle Primary” election system that Louisiana adopted years ago and that prevents mere plurality candidates from winning Senate elections (and which I have written about recently).  Four leftists ...

  • October 23, 2014

    Politico's Poll and Conservative Strength

    Every national poll by every recognized polling organization shows that conservatives dramatically outnumber liberals in America.  For a covertly leftist establishment media, complete with organs of subtle propaganda and selective misinformation...

  • October 20, 2014

    Below the Top of the Ballot but Important

    Elise Cooper recently wrote an article for American Thinker that called attention to a very important race that, because it is for a secondary statewide office – California secretary of state – tends to fall under the radar screen of poli...

  • October 19, 2014

    State Legislatures and 2014

    Most of the midterm attention seems to be on control of the United States Senate, with some attention on key gubernatorial races like Florida and Wisconsin, and with a smidgen of notion to the size of the Republican House majority after 2014.  M...

  • October 13, 2014

    Obama's Vietnam

    Vietnam has long been recognized as a failure caused by political meddling in military operations, coupled with lying by Democrat presidents anxious to protect their image and popularity.  Although many Americans – count me in that group ...

  • October 8, 2014

    No to 'Jeb Bush for President'

    I like Jeb Bush; I like his brother, George.  At a personal level – not a political level – they live the sorts of lives that conservatives should want us all to live.  Mitt Romney also has lived an honorable and decent life, wi...

  • October 6, 2014

    A Culture of Incompetence

    Obama’s left never accepts responsibility for anything.  Weaned on the sour milk of thuggish, tenured academicians and marinated in the surreal stew of lawyer-land, the odd creatures that infest our White House have no notion of work or ho...

  • September 27, 2014

    Trusted and Mistrusted Governments

    I have previously written about the September Gallup Poll, which shows that trust in the federal government is at a historic low.  This distrust shows up in the poll numbers in several ways.  The percentage of Americans who have “No t...

  • September 22, 2014

    The Utter Failure of Obama

    Barack Obama is destined to be the greatest flop in American presidential history.  He is, in every sense of the word, an utter failure. Consider first his signature achievement, Obamacare.  Not only has Obama had to delay implementation...

  • September 21, 2014

    Scotland and Separatism

    The Scottish people have decisively rejected independence, but the voices from other peoples in Europe, like the Basques of Spain, remain hot issues.  What does that mean to the great cause of freedom in the world? The United Kingdom recogniz...

  • September 18, 2014

    Untrusted Washington

    Gallup has recently published two stories, both based upon an early September poll, that reveal just how little Americans trust Washington these days.  The first story shows the radical decline in popular trust and confidence in the three branch...

  • September 8, 2014

    Gallup, Battleground, and Conservatism

    Within a few days, the Gallup Poll and the Battleground Poll provided more polling data that demonstrates just how much conservatives outnumber liberals in America.  The Gallup Poll, in its August 26 “State by State:  Key Metrics for ...

  • September 7, 2014

    Is Durbin in Danger?

    As Republicans contemplate the possible size of their November victory, outlier races may get interesting.  Scott Brown, a few weeks ago considered certain to lose, may well win in New Hampshire.  Most folks would not have thought that Repu...

  • August 30, 2014

    The Biggest Issue in 2016

    Every day, more damning evidence oozes out of the festering carbuncle of the persecution by the Obama IRS of conservatives.  The latest two fetid secretions are these: (1) Lois Lerner’s lost e-mails were never “lost” at all, bu...

  • August 25, 2014

    The Case for the Louisiana System

    Fox News recently had a political story noting that in several close Senate races in red states, Libertarian candidates might keep the Republican nominee from winning seats held by Democrats today.  In the last three election cycles, liberal Dem...

  • August 22, 2014

    IRS E-mails: The Perfect Storm

    August 22 is another deadline for the Obama administration’s IRS officials to come clean about their clear malfeasance in office.  Judge Emmet Sullivan, who has acted sua sponte to compel IRS officials to provide all the details surroundin...

  • August 14, 2014

    A Case for Kurdistan

    Most nations in the Middle East – Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey – are quilts of national and religious minorities.  Each of these four nations has within its borders unhappy Kurds, who want nothing more than their own self-governing Kurd...

  • August 9, 2014

    Running against Washington

    Polls show that trust in Congress is at historic lows and that approval for congressional leaders of both parties is pathetic as well.  The polls show that Obama is considered an utter failure in the eyes of most Americans.  “Washingt...

  • August 7, 2014

    The Lost Lesson of the Nonaggression Pact

    Seventy-five years ago this month, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia signed a pact of evil called the “nonaggression pact,” the consequence of which still remains misunderstood. This was not the only wartime pact signed between these two ...

  • July 29, 2014

    How Litigating Lost E-mails Works

    On July 4, 2014, I wrote an article, “Litigating Lost E-mails,” which proposed using federal judges to compel corrupt bosses to the IRS to force the Obama administration to tell the truth about the “lost” e-mails or face the c...

  • July 26, 2014

    Our Half-Full Cup

    Conservatives ought not to be overwhelmed by what happens today in our world.  Go back through newspaper headlines, and it is clear that folks thought that the world was in crisis and that the end seemed near.  These were not the thoughtles...

  • July 24, 2014

    The Birth of Modern Conservatism

    Fifty years ago, the battle between leftism and conservatism changed forever.  Until 1964, conservatism had been one long apology to the American people.  The utopian ideals of the left, which had hypnotized voters since Theodore Roosevelt ...

  • July 17, 2014

    A Senate Contract With America

    Twenty years ago, 300 House Republican candidates stunned Democrats with its Contract With America.  This brief, clear document committed those who signed on to do several specific things if voters gave Republicans control of the House of Repres...

  • July 4, 2014

    Litigating Lost E-mails

    Obama seems to think that stonewalling Congress regarding the hidden e-mails that obviously incriminate his toadies at the IRS is a winning strategy.  The leftist establishment media is ignoring the scandal.  The House of Representatives ha...

  • June 30, 2014

    Conservative Response to Cochran Win

    Conservatives are hopping mad – with very good reason – at the way Thad Cochran used voters who have no intention of ever supporting a conservative candidate to win a primary from the political party that is supposed to be the home of con...

  • June 24, 2014

    Gallup Poll of Trust Shows Conservative America

    Gallup on June 19 published a poll that dealt with American confidence in institutions, alleging that public faith in Congress reached the lowest point since the question had been polled.  Was that the real story?  An analysis of the pollin...

  • June 23, 2014

    Hillary is Conservatives' Dream Opponent

    Leftists are tone-deaf.  Their whole lives are immersed in a surreal reality of ideological rhetoric and self-adulation pampered by sycophant press, sympathetic professors, and similar propagandists.  This means that leftists routinely misc...

  • June 13, 2014

    Why Cantor Lost

    Pundits have been trying to make sense of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s defeat in Tuesday’s Republican primary.  Was it his stand on immigration?  Surely that played a part.  Was it because Cantor was perceived as too...

  • June 8, 2014

    Our Most Important Issue

    As the 2016 presidential nomination approaches, we ought to recall the single most important issue in preserving our liberties and saving our nation: restoring federalism.  Coerced sameness is the nectar of totalitarianism; regional variety is t...

  • May 29, 2014

    A Great Reform from the VA Scandal

    There is a wonderful opportunity for a great reform that conservatives would do well to push. Government, especially the federal government, doesn’t work.  We all know that.  Why?  The left uses government as its own private e...

  • May 27, 2014

    Abortion Polls and Hidden Conservatism

    I have written a great deal about the solid conservative majority in America.  Most conservatives seem to think that Americans describe themselves as “conservative” when in fact they are not – but polling data on the public pol...

  • May 24, 2014

    How China Was Lost

    The question “Who lost China?” has been asked since 1949.  That year, the government of the Republic of China, the ally that had tied down most of the Japanese Army during the Second World War, fled to Taiwan, and the People’s ...

  • May 21, 2014

    The Politico Poll and Conservative Strength

    Politico has come out with a new poll, and the results in many ways are encouraging for Republicans.  The population sample was from competitive House districts and competitive Senate races, so these results are particularly important in terms o...

  • May 11, 2014

    Why Common Core Won't Work

    The debate over Common Core in public schools is not about education, but rather about the institutionalization and homogenization of education.  Common Core runs counter to the roots of American greatness and accepts instead the dreary and fami...

  • May 9, 2014

    Benghazi Laying Bare Democrats' Abdication of Duty

    Thomas Lifson recently gave compelling reasons why House Democrats run grave political risks if they boycott a select committee to investigate Benghazi.   Congressional Democrats, like the establishment leftist media, have been so fawning a...

  • May 3, 2014

    What Conservatives Want from Washington

    Conservatives have historically been divided into three areas of interest:  national security, fiscal soundness, and social morality.  Today all stripes of conservatives just want Washington to leave them alone. National security conserv...

  • April 28, 2014

    John Paul II and the Spiritual Conquest of Evil

    John Paul II, the Polish Pope, is now a saint – a vital reminder that the key to victory over evil is spiritual goodness.   The canonization of this good and holy man on April 27 ought to remind us of what conquers evil in this world....

  • April 19, 2014

    How Hollywood Can Fight Putin

    What can America do to resist the rise of Russian imperialism in Ukraine?  The military options, other than selling Ukraine armaments, constructing a missile defense system in Poland, and conducting NATO exercises in Eastern Europe, are limited:...

  • April 16, 2014


    “Man, Thou art dust and to dust Thou will return.”  Many millions of us hear that quiet, vital thought about life on Ash Wednesday. Life is not “stuff.”  When we form our lives around things, then we lose the grea...

  • April 14, 2014

    The Answer to Our Immigration Problem

    The left intends to pummel American society into granting, out of pity, the right of anyone to come to America to live.  Compassion for those less fortunate is both the treasure and the Achilles heel of historic Americanism.  Those who come...

  • April 4, 2014

    Battleground Polls and Conservative Strength

    The latest Battleground Poll, compared with prior Battleground Polls, shows the percentage of Americans who describe themselves as “conservative” dropping.  The percentage is lower than almost any Battleground Poll in the last fiftee...

  • March 31, 2014

    Oliver Stone and 'Jewish Domination'

    In a recent interview, Oliver Stone, defender of Marxist thugs, complained that “Jewish domination of the media” prevents Americans from putting the Holocaust in context.  Stone also opined that Hitler was the product of industrialis...

  • March 22, 2014

    The Real Problem in Crimea

    Why is the independence plebiscite in Crimea followed fast by union with Russia bad?  We have to be careful in answering that question. “Balkanization,” or the division of states into different smaller nations, more often than not...

  • March 19, 2014

    Barry Goldwater versus the RINOs

    Gloomy folks today who mistrust the Republican Party should look back fifty years to March 1964, when RINOs ruled the Republican Party with an iron hand, and appreciate the miraculous campaign of grassroots conservatives who succeeded in nominating B...

  • March 15, 2014

    What Jolly's Win May Mean

    What does the Republican victory in Florida’s 13th Congressional District mean for November? The Democrats ought to have won this race.  Pinellas County is Democrat country.  Many pundits have noted that Obama carried Pinellas Coun...

  • March 9, 2014

    New York Times v. Sullivan: A Really Bad Decision

    Fifty years ago, on March 9, 1964, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in New York Times v. Sullivan – a decision that allowed certain categories of gigantic and powerful corporations to negligently ruin ordinary citizens with impunity.  ...

  • March 8, 2014

    Why Ukraine Matters

    The gradual re-conquest of the old Soviet empire by a former officer of the Soviet Gestapo ought to worry us a lot.  If Putin succeeds in making Ukraine a virtual vassal of Moscow, then all the other appendages of that empire – the Baltic ...

  • March 5, 2014

    Why Hillary Will Flop

    Beltway folk hold silly notions.  Hillary is deemed formidable, and Republicans should hope she does not win the Democrat nomination in 2016.  I disagree.  Hillary is a weak candidate for president, and if she is nominated, she will lo...

  • February 26, 2014

    Our Weimar Republic

    The horror of National Socialism is so profound and universally acknowledged that comparing our current political and social climate with the rise of the Nazis is sometimes too often and too easily done.  The radical left four decades ago o...

  • February 25, 2014

    How to Handle Voter Fraud

    The left has long used voter fraud to stay in power.   Some conservatives see no way to fight this pox: no matter what happens, they seem to feel, the left will end up stealing the election.  There is no doubt that the totali...

  • February 19, 2014

    The Suicide of Unions

    The recent vote by workers in Tennessee not to set up labor councils at Volkswagen operations is another stunning defeat for unions.  The power of these unions, once among the most feared in American politics, has imploded in the last three...

  • February 15, 2014

    Where the Economy Is Great

    The latest Gallup poll shows that not all of America is in economic doldrums.  What "state" has the most optimism about the economy?  Not a "state" at all, but the national capital: the District of Columbia.  In fact, on...

  • February 12, 2014

    Russia Then and Now

    The woeful incompetence of Putin's Russia to run the Olympic Games is grim proof of the soul-destroying properties of those vile secular totalitarianisms which have infested much of the world in the last hundred years.  The deliberate rewri...

  • February 6, 2014

    The Battle for the Senate

    Democrats have written off any serious effort to retake the House of Representatives, which means that Obama's last two years in office will include no serious legislative victories.  The key to exposing the disaster of his presidency invol...

  • February 1, 2014

    The Solid Conservative Majority

    Two polls in January 2014 confirm what I have written about for quite a while: America -- and this means not just Flyover Country, but nearly all of America -- is solidly conservative. The Battleground Poll shows that a very solid majority of Ameri...

  • January 30, 2014

    More States Are Quietly Becoming Republican

    A Gallup Poll in late January showed that more and more states are becoming Republican.  Gallup tells us that 14 of the 50 states have a clear majority of respondents calling themselves "Republicans," and 17 of the 50 states have a clear ma...

  • January 23, 2014

    What Senators Should Be

    The Founding Fathers intended senators to be guardians of state governments.  The 17th Amendment gutted this purpose.  The Founders also intended senators to be wise, thoughtful, and independent, with this purpose reflected in the...

  • January 18, 2014

    Schweitzer for President?

    I have written before about the importance of conservatives using their superior numbers to do what the left has been doing for decade: fight within their opponents' base political party.  We ought to push within the Democratic Party candid...

  • January 11, 2014

    How to Do the War on Poverty Right

    Fifty years ago, LBJ launched a "War on Poverty."  It has failed horribly.  But fifty years before LBJ, on January 5, 1914, another man launched his own "War on Poverty" that was a dazzling success.  That was the day Hen...

  • January 4, 2014

    Showing How Government Fails

    The debacle of ObamaCare may do what conservatives have been trying to do for a long time: show ordinary Americans the depth of government incompetence.  Businesses have grasped since FDR the sting of the quip "I'm from the government -- I'...

  • January 1, 2014

    Nominating Our Democrat

    The two major political parties' presidential nomination campaigns will begin before we know it.  The Republican nomination seems wide open, but Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton seems headed for a bloodless coronation.  It need not ...

  • December 21, 2013

    Marxists and Misers

    Pope Francis created a furor with his comments about capitalism, but there ought to be no controversy at all.  Christianity and, indeed, that broad moral and religious foundation of America which is rightly called Judeo-Christianity, have t...

  • December 18, 2013

    The Federal Reserve's Century of Failure

    December 23, 2013 marks the centennial of a disastrous transformation of the American Republic.  On December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve System was created. Woodrow Wilson believed that central planning could make America better. ...

  • December 14, 2013

    How the GOP Can Repeat 1994, Thanks to Harry Reid

    Harry Reid's ham-fisted action to curb the filibuster of presidential appointment creates an enormous political opportunity for Republicans in 2014.  As more than one pundit has noted, ending the filibuster for nominations means that a Sena...

  • December 11, 2013

    Mandela the Communist

    Nelson Mandela was a Communist.  Although most people think that is not important, it is the very essence of who he was.  He never denounced Communism.  He never apologized for embracing Communism.  He never ex...

  • December 6, 2013

    The Best Political Ad for 2014

    Barry promised a zillion times on camera that Americans under ObamaCare would be able to keep their health care insurance if they liked it, that they would be able to keep the same doctors, and so on.  Were these lies? Obama and his flack...

  • November 23, 2013

    ObamaCare Fallout in State Government

    A great deal of attention has been focused on the political fallout that Democrats in Congress will face because of their support for ObamaCare.  Beyond video of Mary Landrieu in 2009 saying just what Obama was saying about people being all...

  • November 23, 2013

    The Looming Democrat Disaster

    The second presidential midterm has historically been a disaster for the political party whose man is in the White House.  In 2006, Republicans lost both houses of Congress as Bush fatigue not only led voters to vote against Republicans, bu...

  • November 16, 2013

    Ronald Reagan's Lost Legacy

    Twenty-five years ago this November, Americans elected the successor to our greatest president, Ronald Reagan.  George H. Bush won an easy election in November 1988.  He proceeded to purge many of Reagan's best soldiers from the W...

  • November 10, 2013

    We Are the Majority

    Those familiar with my articles on the ideological demographics of the George Washington University Battleground Poll will not be surprised to read that the latest Battleground Poll, released in early November 2013, shows that an overwhelming majorit...

  • November 9, 2013

    The Vital Lesson of Kristallnacht

    November 9, 2013 marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of one of the most notorious and nasty crimes of the twentieth century: the "Night of the Broken Glass," when Nazi Germany engaged in an orgy of destruction and violence against those Jews who rema...

  • October 27, 2013

    The Beginning of the End of the Cold War

    The Reagan policy in the Cold War was simple enough:  we win; they lose.  Helped by American Thinker contributors like Herb Meyer in the CIA, Reagan began to identify Marxism as the debris of the past and not the wave of the futur...

  • October 26, 2013

    The Right Approach to ObamaCare

    Conservatives who view ObamaCare as a disaster have taken different tactical approaches.  Senator Cruz, along with a few other brave souls, have urged us to use every weapon at our disposal, including the debt ceiling battle, to make it cle...

  • October 19, 2013

    Recalling the Invasion of Ethiopia

    October 2013 is the 75th anniversary of the Fascist Invasion of Ethiopia, an event which many would consider the real beginning of the Second World War. If there is no real ideological spectrum, as I maintain in my book, Sinisterism, and if the wo...

  • October 14, 2013

    Making National Parks into State Parks

    The kabuki dance of federal government shutdowns is familiar and absurd.  Because the left wishes to make Americans suffer when the federal government closes operations, it deliberately prevents inexpensive programs like the National Park S...

  • October 9, 2013

    The Problem, of Course, Is Washington

    The spectacle of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and, yes, John Boehner giving almost daily media announcements on the debt ceiling impasse ought to remind us once again that the principal problem of our nation is government and that the prin...

  • September 28, 2013

    The Debt Deal We Should Want

    Using the recurring battle to raise the debt ceiling to raise other vital issues, like funding Obamacare, is certainly wise and noble politics.  ObamaCare is highly unpopular; it has not gained support since its enactment, but has rather lost su...

  • August 25, 2013

    Competing for the Democrat Nomination

    The battle lines for the 2016 Democrat presidential nomination are already being drawn up.  Hillary, of course, will run.  Joe Biden probably will, too.  Why not?  Vice presidents of two-term presidents often have great advantages...

  • August 22, 2013

    Moving American Government Back to America

    The concentration of government power in America has two distinct aspects.  The first and most familiar aspect is the disintegration of state government sovereignty.  Senators, once chosen by state legislatures, are now directly elected by ...

  • August 16, 2013

    Why State Government Elections Matter

    The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the AFL-CIO is going to using the lion's share of its political resources in the 2014 midterm to elect Democrats at the state government level rather than in congressional elections.  Republicans, w...

  • August 5, 2013

    Let Them Eat Wind

    Blue-collar workers, especially those connected with labor unions who mine coal, drill for oil and gas, build pipelines, and toil in all those related areas of genuine economic activity, must be appalled.  Barack Obama won re-election largely on...

  • July 24, 2013

    Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for President

    The left, especially the unruly mob of feminists, seems likely to rally around Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for the Democrat nomination for president in 2016.  She has certainly earned that right.  Her first major life success was being m...

  • July 24, 2013

    Does Europe Need Monarchs?

    On the same day that Princess Kate gave birth of a new heir to the throne of Great Britain, Belgium received into office a new king, Philippe I, following the abdication of his aging father. Do monarchies in Europe still serve any useful purpose?...

  • July 14, 2013

    Our Sure Victory

    While millions of us watch with dread the daily mischief of the enemies of freedom, and while this concern is proper and wise, we ought to recall also that these enemies are transcendent nebbishes:  they know nothing; they believe nothing; they ...

  • July 5, 2013

    Civil Liberties and the Civil War

    One hundred and fifty years ago, on July 4, 1863, twin Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg decisively turned the course of the Civil War.  One consequence of that victory was the emancipation of slaves in America.  Another consequen...

  • June 29, 2013

    Conservatives Pushing Back

    The real defeat of totalitarian leftism will come when ordinary people in their everyday interactions as consumers and audiences stop being intimidated by its maledictions and curses.  The Food Network relies upon just such typical Americans....

  • June 23, 2013

    The Dull Bland Leftist Media

    The left ever seeks to be what it is not.  It lusts after "justice" and instead creates that totalitarian obscenity "social justice," indifferent to (or more likely simply unaware of) the fact that every effort to create social and economic "equ...

  • June 19, 2013

    Leftus Ignoramus

    Mary Landrieu last Thursday showed what would be, for many of us, appalling ignorance.  Debating against the need to build a fence to keep out illegal immigrants -- a proposal which Landrieu had earlier supported -- the Louisiana senator said to...

  • June 9, 2013

    Recalling Gypsies in the Mineshaft

    If we feel now that we face great evil and that hope has gone, we ought to look back seventy-five years.  What happened in 1938?  In November, the Jews of Germany were subjected to the horrors of Kristallnacht.  Synagogues burned....

  • June 5, 2013

    Why Turkey Matters

    The riots in Turkey can turn our world upside-down fast.  Turkey's geographical position as a European and an Asian nation which commands the natural straits into the Black Sea are important as long as sea lanes have value.  The history of ...

  • June 1, 2013

    The Camelot Fraud

    We are coming up fast on the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy.  While it is good and proper to respectfully note the assassination of any political leader in America, the establishment left in America has tried sinc...

  • May 26, 2013

    How to Use a Midterm Victory

    There are good reasons to be hopeful about the 2014 midterm election.  The second presidential midterm election has historically been murder.  With the exceptions of Clinton in 1998 and Reagan in 1986, the president in his second midterm ha...

  • May 21, 2013

    The Case for Impeachment

    See also:Never Mind Impeachment; Keep your Eyes on the Prize How ought Republicans to respond to the growing list of indefensible abuses of power by Barack Obama?  Consider what he has done.  Obama has created the virtual equivalent of an "...

  • May 7, 2013

    Is Cruz Our Best Hope?

    The buzz these days is that Senator Ted Cruz from Texas will run for president in 2016.  His name is not exactly a household word today, but Ted Cruz could become the most important political leader of the 21st century.  Does that sound t...

  • May 5, 2013

    The Sovietized American Media

    In the old Soviet Union, the oppressed subjects of regime had a phrase used to describe the news media:  "There's no pravda in Izvestia and there's no izvestia in Pravda."  In Russian, "Pravda," the leading Communist Party periodical, means...

  • April 22, 2013

    The Tailor Who Sewed the Obama Empty Suit Has Sewn Others

    The most glaring fact about our president is that he is an empty suit.  The people around him are also empty suits.  They believe in nothing, really, but unearned luxury, unmerited adulation, and unaccountable power.  Those whom we hav...

  • April 8, 2013

    What Will Happen to Europe?

    Europe is swirling in a maelstrom, and it is hard to see what can save the mother continent of so much we cherish.  The sovereign debt crisis -- national governments which cannot honor their promises to repay holders of their bonds -- is spreadi...

  • April 7, 2013

    Combating Cultural Totalitarianism

    Totalitarianism is usually associated with an omnipresent state which enchains the individual with iron manacles of edicts, orders, and regulations.  The voracious appetite of government and its eager use of coercive power make citizens into sla...

  • March 30, 2013

    Senate Prospects for 2014

    Historically, the second midterm, when a president has been in office for six years, is the election in which voters vent their spleen against his political party.  So the recent decision by Tim Johnson in South Dakota not to seek re-election ...

  • March 20, 2013

    The Cypriot Domino

    As an island nation, Cyprus is more properly considered part of Asia than of Europe.  Cyprus, though, may prove the first domino in a collapse of the Eurozone financial system, whose falling pieces will almost surely affect America.   ...

  • March 10, 2013

    Creating Our Counter-Culture

    Our real enemy -- the true villain in our current mess, the implacable opponent of what we want in life -- is not the silly gaggle of scurrying politicians trying to please those who control education, recreation, information, and all the other choke...

  • March 2, 2013

    Fighting the Real Enemy

    Creeping totalitarianism is silently supplanting normal human thoughts and beliefs with an omnipresent and soul-destroying moral pathology.  Although many wish to find another name for totalitarianism -- something that suggests that it has a pur...

  • February 21, 2013

    The Case for Carson

    The buzz surrounding Dr. Ben Carson is loud and growing...but is it merited? The Republican Party has been looking for its "Great Black Hope" since J.C. Watts almost twenty years ago.   There are solid logical reasons why black America oug...

  • February 12, 2013

    The Resilient Conservative Majority

    Gallup had a poll recentlypublished a poll which shows that at the end of 2012, self-identified conservatives still outnumbered liberals in every state of the nation except for two -- Rhode Island  has fewer conservatives (27.8%) than liberals (...

  • February 9, 2013


    When our Constitution was ratified, there was no debate about the purpose of government.  The words of the Declaration of Independence are clear: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed b...

  • January 22, 2013

    Ending the Filibuster: Be Careful What You Ask For

    Today, no vote can take place in the Senate on substantive issues unless three-fifths of the Senate vote for cloture, ending debate on the matter.  The image of a single senator -- Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington -- holding the flo...

  • December 31, 2012

    Our World Is Full of Cliffs

    Punditry is in a fit.  The federal government is headed for a fiscal cliff.  What can we do?  What should we do? Conservatives have some clear ideas:  cut the capital gains tax rate, which will increase revenue; open up all feder...

  • December 21, 2012

    The Piltdown Warning

    The left loves to muster the armies of official "science" to discount conservative values and principles.  Man-made global warming, of course, is one example. Natural cycles of warming and cooling are indisputable.  When Europe was cooler, ...

  • December 13, 2012

    Remembering Nanking

    Seventy-five years ago, on December 13, 1937, the world saw firsthand the scope of horror which followed the marriage of totalitarianism and modern technology.  The Rape of Nanking, which lasted for weeks and produced perhaps 380,000 tortured an...

  • December 12, 2012

    Using States to Supplant Cultural Leftism

    The battle we fight today is not about elections.  We should win walkover election victories against a narcissistic, incompetent neo-Marxist flanked by such bubble-brains and Biden and Pelosi.  The problem we face is not politics.  It ...

  • December 8, 2012

    Using States to Transform Higher Learning

    In the wake of what might appear to be a disastrous presidential election, it must be remembered that Republicans now control half of the fifty state governments outright.  So while Republicans can do nothing at the federal level except obstruct...

  • December 1, 2012

    What We Should Care About

    The debates in post-election Washington and the exhortations of conservative punditry seem focused almost entirely on economics.  But if our politics is built around economic concerns alone, we see the world through the same lens as Marxists....

  • November 24, 2012

    The Democrats' Big Problem

    The left's post-election celebrations are wholly unwarranted. Consider first the presidential election results.  Yes, Mitt Romney was a moderate in conservative's clothing, and yes, Republicans next time must nominate a real conservative.  ...

  • November 9, 2012

    Our State Government Victory

    Few of us, I am sure, feel hopeful this week.  Obama not only won re-election, but he did better than we feared he might.  Democrats not only held on to the Senate, but gained a couple of seats.  Republicans held the House of Represent...

  • November 2, 2012

    Europe and the Election

    Our next president will have a very important task: dealing with the looming disaster which is Europe.  The problem is more than just the sovereign debt crisis, which has led to downgrades by bond rating services of the government bonds of Greec...

  • October 27, 2012

    Marcellus Can Swing Swing States

    The election may well boil down to a handful of swing states.  Ohio and Pennsylvania are two of the most critical for Obama.  It is inconceivable that Obama could lose those two states, with their 38 electoral votes, and win the election....

  • October 25, 2012

    What We Should Want

    The 2012 election is very important to America, but what we should want in the long run -- what our ultimate goal as conservatives should be -- is to shrink Washington and its power-brokers into a tininess and timidity which makes the federal governm...

  • October 20, 2012

    Countering the National Popular Vote Initiative

    The left loves faux reforms which leverage more power in its direction, with the National Popular Vote Initiative being a great example.  The one-sentence description of this reform is this: "The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Pr...

  • October 8, 2012

    Obama's Rough Road Ahead

    The October 3 debate ought to have been Obama's easiest to win.  Although the economy is in ghastly shape, Obama's Marxist-lite rhetoric panders to the envy and greed of millions of Americans.  The Democrat campaign bet heavily upon paintin...

  • October 2, 2012

    Which Polls Count

    It is very clear that the polls this election year are wildly out of sync.  Consider the four polls which were based on several days of surveys ending on September 16.  Pew Research had Obama up by 8%, NBC/Wall Street Journal had Obama up b...

  • October 1, 2012

    The Real Enemy

    The left has long posed as the foe of wealth and status and the hero of the poor and despised.  In the 2012 presidential campaign, the left has tried to portray Mitt Romney as the candidate of wealth, the pawn of the "Establishment" which govern...

  • September 27, 2012

    The Sure Cure for Voter Fraud

    Conservatives are rightly concerned that the left wins close elections by fraud.  The photo identification laws which Republican legislatures have passed are a sensible reform to make the theft of votes harder, but judges whose partisan allegian...

  • September 18, 2012

    Why They Hate Us

    The spreading and sprawling map of open violence against America around the world and the surreal spectacle of federal agents investigating an obscure Christian filmmaker as the cause of this violence ought to make us reflect: why do they hate us?...

  • September 12, 2012

    The Tedium of Leftism

    Leftism is not an ideology.  No sane person thinks "soaking the rich" or "investing tax dollars" achieves any particular objective.  The creation of predefined bogeymen is an ancient and unsavory strategy for seizing and then holding power ...

  • September 2, 2012

    The Black Vote in 2012

    Republicans are making  another pitch to win black votes in 2012.  Are we going down the same fruitless path for black voters who may be utterly locked into voting Democrat, especially when the Democrat is black? Political pundits love to p...

  • August 29, 2012

    We Will Win

    It is hard in the midst of battle for us to see, but we are winning.  We ought to win the presidential election this year, and we must do everything in our power to make that happen, but the defeat of the left today is sure.  The only way t...

  • August 21, 2012

    The Real Question for Akin

    The recent statements by Congressman Todd Akin in Missouri, and his hesitation about yielding his senatorial nomination to a Republican which would be much more like to defeat Claire McCaskill, highlight a problem which conservatives face all too oft...

  • August 20, 2012

    Republicans Who Understand Democrats

    Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have an advantage in campaigning which Barack Obama and Joe Biden do not: Romney and Ryan have won elections in strongly Democrat areas and have learned how to make their case to voters who are not naturally inclined to vote...

  • August 16, 2012

    What Washington Does Not See

    The Gallup Poll seems no different from most establishment organs.  As I have noted in the past, when Gallup reports on the ideological composition of the nation, its titles for these releases seem more to hide than to reveal the big story....

  • August 14, 2012

    Paul Ryan and the Republican Future

    We should hope that Paul Ryan helps Romney beat Obama.  Ryan is likeable, glib, and nice-looking, and he has proven able to sell the benefits of fiscal sanity to blue-collar constituencies.   Ryan will more than hold his own in the vic...

  • August 9, 2012

    The Lawyers Party

    There's a vicious cycle in America: politicians make up onerous laws and regulations, and lawyers get rich exploiting them.  But the situation is even worse when the politicians are the lawyers -- or in other words, the Democratic Party. Of cour...

  • August 4, 2012

    Veepstakes: The Case for Jindal

    Whom should Romney pick to run with him?  Rob Portman, Tim Pawlenty, Condi Rice, John Thune, Marco Rubio, Susana Martinez, and Kelly Ayotte are names that keep popping up.  But the best choice might be Bobby Jindal, who is serving his secon...

  • July 31, 2012

    GOP Edge in Swing States

    The world of political punditry seems convinced that the 2012 presidential election will be won in ten swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia.  Two other states, Indi...

  • July 26, 2012

    Conservative Tax Hikes

    Obama lauds Marxism and higher tax rates on the rich.  Lesser leftist luminaries, like Congresswoman Rosa DeLaura of Connecticut, have suggested slapping a federal tax on high-sugar soda drinks.  Democrats railed against the presumed excess...

  • July 19, 2012

    The Marxist Heart of Darkness

    Those who doubted Obama's immersion in Marxism now have a perfect window into his soul -- namely, in the form of the stunning class warfare remarks he recently made in Roanoke, Virginia. We must grasp, however, what Marxism is and what it is not....

  • July 16, 2012

    Labor Losses Imperil Democrats

    The Republican victories in the Walker recall election and the two prior recall elections against Judge Prosser and then against Republican state senators in Wisconsin demonstrates that one of the most unionized states in the nation can no longer def...

  • July 14, 2012

    Fighting Voter Fraud

    Many conservatives have viewed the very real problem of voter fraud in America as a guarantee that the left will be able to use this nefarious means to steal crucial elections.  There is little doubt that leftists would do this if they could, an...

  • July 10, 2012

    Can Debates Swing the Election?

    The voters seem evenly divided today, and there are only a few things which can move public sentiment prior to November.  The economy is already bad, but if it gets worse -- and is perceived as getting worse -- that could shift votes.  Obam...

  • July 3, 2012

    The Naked Left

    The left has lost the trust of America.  The power which sustains leftism is not based on rational argument, moral purpose, or even enlightened self-interest (how has deconstruction of the nuclear family, for example, helped poor Americans?)...

  • July 2, 2012

    The Supreme Court Is Not Our Friend

    The relationship between conservatives and the Supreme Court is rather like that between Charlie Brown and Lucy Van Pelt in autumn.  She always holds the football as if Charlie Brown has a fair shot at kicking it, and then she always snaps the b...

  • June 21, 2012

    Might We See a Landslide?

    We have grown unaccustomed to presidential landslides.  The three most lopsided presidential races since 1988 fell short of the conventional definition of a landslide, which would be a ten-point difference in the popular vote between the winner ...

  • June 13, 2012

    Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Left?

    The left feeds on fear.  It does not try to persuade, but rather to excite or to terrify.  But over the last couple of decades, conservatives have learned that the left is a toothless predator which relies upon its snarls and roars more tha...

  • June 8, 2012

    The Conservative Legacy of Bradbury

    Ray Bradbury is dead.  His literary career spanned an incredible 73 years, and his influence was felt across the broad spectrum of American thought.  Bradbury was very conscious of the fact that he grew up in almost a pre-technological soci...

  • June 1, 2012

    What the Jan Karski Gaffe Really Means

    In the 1976 presidential debates, President Ford stated, "Poland is no longer under Communist domination."  Americans liked Gerald Ford, but this comment about Poland saddled him forever with the image of a clueless ignoramus.  Ford's "Poli...

  • May 31, 2012

    The Grand Theme of Governing

    How can Republicans clean Democrat clocks all over the country?  All it will take is a simple message: Republicans can govern.  Democrats can't. Think of all the contrasts available between adroit Republican governors and flailing Democrati...

  • May 22, 2012

    Real Hope for Ending Federal Debt

    The per capita federal debt is $31,000 growing.  Much of Europe and many American states are facing practical bankruptcy.  As the creditworthiness of the United States and many states is been downgraded, the cost of simply servicing the exi...

  • May 15, 2012

    Discouraged Democrat Voters May Mean Historic Sweep for GOP

    Most polls, Rasmussen excepted, continue to show that neither presidential candidate is pulling away from the other and that close Senate races have shifting leads.  Primary elections, however, are showing a very different situation -- and it is...

  • May 7, 2012

    Elizabeth Warren's Whiter Shade of Pale

    The seediness of Elizabeth Warren's claim to be Native American naturally follows from the lockstep leftist demand for "social justice."  The term, in fact, means the opposite of what it purports to: social justice means simply injustice, just l...

  • April 30, 2012

    How Romney can Supercharge Conservatives

    Conservatives will be enthusiastic about the 2012 election, but only in a negative way because of grim danger of a second Obama term.  Kerry, Gore, and Clinton were crummy politicians, but compared to the quiet malevolence of Obama, those Democr...

  • April 23, 2012

    The Generic Ballot Bomb

    At this point in a presidential election year, Americans are inundated with polls.  Often these polls provide no real information at all, except the bias and the population samples of the polling organization. As one example, consider this polli...

  • April 22, 2012

    Five Ways to Save the Earth (and Expose Leftist Hypocrisy)

    Conservatives on Earth Day may feel on the defensive.  This special day, coinciding with Lenin's birthday, is intended to be a festival day for the radical left, but it need not be so.  Perhaps it should be the day on which conservatives co...

  • April 20, 2012

    The Generic Ballot Bomb

    At this point in a presidential election year, Americans are inundated with polls.  Often these polls provide no real information at all, except the bias and the population samples of the polling organization. As one example, consider this polli...

  • April 16, 2012

    The Decline of Greenism

    An April 9 Gallup Poll shows that since 2006, radical environmentalism has been losing influence  in America.  Gallup results are even  more dramatic when viewed over the last couple of decades: worry about water pollution dropped from...

  • April 10, 2012

    Race, Republicans, and Democrats

    It seems increasingly clear that Obama and the Democrats intend to use race as a principal theme for attacking Republicans in the 2012 election.  Last year Obama suggested that the Tea Party was racist.  Eric Holder implies that critics of ...

  • April 2, 2012

    ObamaCare and the Supreme Court

    The purpose of our Constitution is to define and then to limit the federal government.  Article I of the Constitution describes narrow and specific purposes of congressional legislation.  One of those powers is to regulate "interstate comme...

  • March 29, 2012

    Watch Wisconsin

    Republican Governor Scott Walker, Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch and two Republican state senators will face a recall vote in Wisconsin and the date of that election, with the likely date of the recall vote being June 5.  A fifth Republican, Sena...

  • March 17, 2012

    The Source of American Military Power

    Our world is dangerous.  China, a corrupt and chauvinistic one-party Communist regime, is becoming an economic superpower.  Russia is drifting toward authoritarian imperialism, with a jealous eye towards those Soviet Socialist Republics los...

  • March 12, 2012

    Gloria Allred Inserts Self into Fluke Controversy

    Gloria Allred, the leftist who uses a fig leaf of "feminist" -- only, of course, when the women involved are leftists like herself -- has requested that Michael McAuliffe determine whether Rush Limbaugh's characterization of Sandra Fluke as a "slut" ...

  • March 10, 2012

    Stand Up for Rush - and All of Us

    Jeffrey Lord at American Spectator has issued a challenge which all conservatives must heed.  One can accept the Battleground Poll numbers which consistently report that about 60% of America calls itself conservative or the Gallup numbers which ...

  • March 7, 2012

    Will 2012 Be a Republican Year?

    Although most conservatives understand the important of defeating Obama, the next Congress has to be almost coequal in importance.  ObamaCare, for example, cannot be repealed without control of the House of Representatives and not only control o...

  • March 2, 2012

    That Darned Conservative Majority

    There is a "Real America" out there -- a conservative America that remains hidden beneath a mountain of pessimism which we conservatives have come to live with because we have so little voice in the institutions of American society.  Indeed, the...

  • February 27, 2012

    The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime

    Is this the most important election of our lifetime?  If it is, then for conservatives like me, it will have been the ninth or tenth such election in recent memory. Were all those elections so vital?  Some were important, but not in the way...

  • February 7, 2012

    The Real America

    I have been writing for a long time about the real news in the Battleground Poll results over the last decade.  These bipartisan polls predict election results with remarkable accuracy and which also reveal the answers to all the questions respo...

  • February 6, 2012

    If Fox Fails Us

    Over the last decade, conservatives have enjoyed Fox News, a national news network which has given conservatives a fair shake and which has been willing to expose the bigotry of the establishment media towards conservatism.  Yet there is the cha...

  • January 28, 2012

    Contesting Leftists in Democrat Primaries

    Conservatives must not simply surrender the Democratic Party to the left.  While it is unlikely that a conservative could win the Democrats' presidential nomination, conservatives could win the Democratic primary for other offices in conservativ...

  • January 23, 2012

    Gingrich v. Leftism

    The endorsement of Newt Gingrich by Rick Perry, as well as the virtual endorsement of Gingrich by Sarah Palin, forms the battle lines for the Republican nomination.  Look quickly for Santorum and Bachmann to line up behind Gingrich as well, just...

  • January 11, 2012

    Time for National Right to Work

    Indiana is considering becoming a Right to Work state, which would make it the first state since Oklahoma in 2001 to end coerced unionism. Twenty-two states have opted to be Right to Work states, and all are in Flyover Country.  Most states co...

  • January 7, 2012

    The Left's Heart of Darkness

    On January 2, Alan Colmes on Fox News mocked presidential hopeful Rick Santorum and Santorum's wife for bringing their critically ill newborn son, Gabriel, into the world and then bringing him home.  Gabriel died 16 years ago, and Karen Santorum...

  • January 6, 2012

    The Heart of the Clause 5 Issue

    Republicans, in discussing who is a proper person to be president, look at Obama and the requirements of Article II, Section I, Clause 5, which provides that "[n]o person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time o...

  • December 31, 2011

    Four Brokered Convention Prospects

    With the way Republican candidates for the presidential nomination have risen and fallen, the prospect of Republicans entering their national convention without a candidate actually decided is real.  This ought not to frighten us, though.  ...

  • December 27, 2011

    Newt and the Judges

    (See also: Subpoena Judges? Yes, Indeed) Newt Gingrich has created a ruckus, even among notional conservatives like Mike Huckabee and former Bush Attorney General Michael Mukasey, in his insistence that Congress be able to take action against federal...

  • December 22, 2011

    The Gingrich-Churchill Comparison

    Newt Gingrich is not our "Next Reagan," the leader for whom we have pined since 1989, but could he be our next Churchill?  Jeffrey Lord at American Spectator has made the comparison, and it deserves more attention. Consider all the baggage that ...

  • December 19, 2011

    Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail?

    House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi recently said that if Newt Gingrich is the Republican nominee, she will disclose what Americans do not now know about him out of confidential House Ethics Committee investigations.  Newt noted that this was an ...

  • December 11, 2011

    The Rich Are Not Conservative

    The latest Gallup Poll confirms what most of us had suspected all along:  the rich -- that top one percent, the folks whom radical leftists like OWS rail against -- are not as conservative as the rest of us.  The greater conservatism of the...

  • December 2, 2011

    The Case for Gingrich

    There are many problems that conservatives should have with a President Gingrich.  His personal life has been speckled with adultery.  He has flip-flopped on global warming.  His firm has profited, though modestly, from the housing deb...

  • November 25, 2011

    Republican Senate Prospects in 2012

    How do prospects look for Republicans in 2012 and beyond?  So far, the tea leaves are encouraging. It is probable that Republicans will continue to control the House of Representatives, as this Real Clear Politics analysis shows.  That mean...

  • November 17, 2011

    Even Leftist Pollsters Can't Hide the Conservative Majority

    The November 2011 Battleground Poll shows a profound disconnect in American political perceptions.  To call these results evidence of how effective the left's control of the institutions of American society has been over the last fifty years wou...

  • November 12, 2011

    Guerrilla Conservatism

    The Occupy Wall Street goons, along with the copycats in other cities, expose just how dependent the left is upon a powerful establishment.  Without mainstream media support, without indoctrination in academia, without organizations like ACORN a...

  • October 29, 2011

    The Contract with Conservatives

    Polls continue to show that the generic Republican nominee will beat Obama and that the president's support is low and dropping lower.  If Republicans unite beyond their nominee, then, more and more, it appears the Republican nominee will be our...

  • October 26, 2011

    No Representation without Taxation

    The recent Occupy Wall Street ruckus and the drumbeat rhetoric of Democrats in Washington that the rich pay too little shows the dangers of placing power in the hands of those who have no real interest beyond self-interest in the governance of the na...

  • October 22, 2011

    A Serious Plan for Prosperity and Peace

    This recent speech by Rick Perry on energy policy and this article by Stephen Moore in the Wall Street Journal discussing Harold Hamm's analysis of our nation's oil and gas potential ought to constitute a bigger story in the presidential campaign....

  • October 13, 2011

    Making State Governments Matter

    Although some conservatives are disappointed that an outspoken governor like Chris Christie is not going to be running for president, he has more important work to do in New Jersey.  The same is true of Mitch Daniels in Indiana.  What these...

  • October 7, 2011

    Do Dems Dare Dump Barry?

    Democrats face an impossible political situation: smile, nod, and re-nominate Obama for a second term in 2012 or begin to maneuver Obama into walking gracefully away, in hopes, perhaps, of finding a chance to run again in the future.  The size...

  • September 30, 2011

    It Is Not the Economy, Stupid

    Watching the Republican debates, listening to the droning of our dreary presidential flop, reading what wise pundits on the right as well as the left say, one might assume that economics was the standard of all policy and politics.  Twenty years...

  • September 27, 2011

    Electoral College Reform to Preserve States' Rights

    Pundits and politicians are unhappy about how we elect the president.  State legislatures, which have the constitutional power to determine how their states' presidential electors are chosen, are currently looking at two different approaches to ...

  • September 23, 2011

    How About a Moderate Democrat Challenge to Obama?

    Steve Chapman at the Chicago Tribune, Obama's hometown newspaper, has said that Obama should not seek reelection.  Two recent congressional losses just accent that notion.  Naturally, all talk has been of Hillary or someone ideologically si...

  • September 17, 2011

    Perry's Reagan Moment

    Rick Perry is taking on big issues with no sense of fear.  In the Florida Republican debate, Perry did little to soften his attack on the Social Security System as a "Ponzi Scheme."  Someday, perhaps, Perry's insistence on using tough langu...

  • September 15, 2011

    The Presidential Qualification Issue

    Marco Rubio is on most short lists for the Republican vice presidential nomination.  The principal objection many conservatives have is whether Rubio is constitutionally eligible.  How should we view this issue?  At the outset, we need...

  • September 8, 2011

    Battleground Poll: Is the Conservative Movement Losing Momentum?

    The latest Battleground Poll numbers have been released.  There have been more than twenty Battleground Polls over the last ten years, and the most consistent datum in these polls has been the response to Question D3, which asks Americans to ide...

  • August 31, 2011

    Federal Fever

    If the body politic is sick, blame federal fever, a delusional ailment causing swelling of the federal element of the Republic. Most of the problems caused by politics and government in America today are caused by the federalization of government pow...

  • August 29, 2011

    The Ticket Obama Fears Most

    The talking heads on Fox News Special Report this Friday concurred that Marco Rubio will be on the Republican ticket next year as the vice presidential nominee.  I agree.  There is virtually no downside to Rubio and the advantages to the ti...

  • August 25, 2011

    Moderation Mongers

    John Huntsman has grabbed the banner of the ideological moderation and urged that Republicans cannot win without embracing centrism.  The ideological spectrum is simply a convenient invention by those who would lull us into sleep so that they ca...

  • August 21, 2011

    Why Not a Real Party Platform?

    In one year, Republicans, flush the idealism, energy and honor of the Tea Party Movement, will meet in Tampa for their 2012 Convention Political conventions are dull.  Before the convention begins, we all know who the nominee will be.  The ...

  • August 20, 2011

    Perry Will Win Big

    You read it here first: Rick Perry will amble to the Republican nomination and will win the presidential election easily.  In June I wrote an article -- "Is Perry the One?" -- suggesting that Rick Perry may be the best nominee for Republicans....

  • August 15, 2011

    Pawlenty for Senate

    The withdrawal of Tim Pawlenty from the race for the Republican nomination creates an excellent opportunity for the Republican Party:  nominate Tim Pawlenty to run in the 2012 Senate race against Amy Klobuchar.  Few conservatives had proble...

  • August 13, 2011

    Un-College Funds

    Soon millions of students will be headed to college at a huge cost to their parents and themselves.  Americans are obsessed with college.  Dopey proposals like the Dream Act assume that illegal aliens who get a college degree in America som...

  • August 1, 2011

    Lessons from the Berlin Olympics

    Seventy five years ago today, the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games began.  Although the Berlin Games are notable for myths -- Jesse Owens, the black American runner who won four gold metals said that FDR, not Hitler, had snubbed him, contrary to the in...

  • July 29, 2011

    The Old Deal

    The left loves to speak of "New," but as Obama's teleprompter-driven debt ceiling addresses to the nation reveal, the left is sterile, tired, and dull.  Conservatism, by contrast, really does discover new approaches to problems like the Laffer C...

  • July 23, 2011

    The Way to Win the Debt Ceiling and Budget Battle

    Ernest Istook at the Heritage Foundation has written an excellent article describing how secret meetings with Obama help him mislead the American people about how the two parties differ in approaches the debt ceiling and budget deficit issues.  ...

  • July 17, 2011

    Leftist Mythology of the Spanish Civil War

    Seventy-five years ago today, on July 17, 1936, Francisco Franco led the Army of Africa against the Popular Front government in Madrid.  The long Spanish Civil War began.  According to the left, this was a classic conflict between socialism...

  • July 16, 2011

    Green Living Through Conservatism

    There are few areas of policy in which the left is more united than "Green" living.  The risible projections in The Population Bomb, the mendacious researchers of Official Global Warming, the shrewish propagandists whose lies about DDT condemned...

  • July 4, 2011

    Obama and the Second American Revolution

    On July 4th we should remember that our revolution was not a conflict to enshrine human liberty.  Britain, not America, promulgated the 1628 Petition of Rights. The British Bill of Rights (1689) preceded our Bill of Rights by a century.  Br...

  • July 2, 2011

    Why RINOs But Not DINOs?

    During every presidential election cycle the left inserts its favorite candidate into the Republican nomination fight.  Sometimes, as in 2008, Democrats nominate their preferred Republican.  Other times, the left prevents a genuine conserva...

  • June 27, 2011

    When Evils Collide

    Seventy years ago, Hell fought Hell.  On June 22, 1941, Hitler abandoned his close alliance with Stalin, and began total war against his erstwhile friend.  Communists all over the world had been providing Hitler with intelligence reports du...

  • June 18, 2011

    The Honor of Leftists and Conservatives

    The political news is filled with three personal scandal stories: Anthony Weiner is resigning because of his lying; John Edwards has been indicted, basically for lying; and the jury is still out (literally) in the trial of Rod Blagojevich for lying....

  • June 12, 2011

    The Post-Economic Age

    The Left, grounded in the childish superstitions of Marx, views life as economics.  One awful flowering of this dangerous silliness is the proliferation of victims.  The resource-rich nations of long decolonized Africa and Asia, for example...

  • June 11, 2011

    Is Perry the One?

    The recent comments by Mitt Romney accepting manmade global warming as scientific fact must cause conservatives to cross him off their list of presidential candidates.  The mass exodus of staff from Newt's campaign makes him dead in the water. ...

  • June 7, 2011

    Who Spent the Peace Dividend?

    There was a time, not so long ago, in which the crushing federal debt and the huge amount of money that is spent just to service that debt could have been paid off without reducing any social welfare programs at all.  We have come to believe tha...

  • May 30, 2011

    Our Holiday

    The left long has loathed our military.  During the 1960s, students on campuses supported by blue collar taxpayers vilified the sons of these steelworkers and truck drivers who were fighting and dying in Vietnam.  An entire television serie...

  • May 23, 2011

    Should We Elect Judges?

    The recent hotly disputed judicial election in Wisconsin election brings home some deeper questions: should we elect judges?  Should justice be political?  Should it be ideological?  Whether judges should be political or not, they have...

  • May 19, 2011

    The Real Conservative Majority

    I have been writing for over a decade about the most consistent datum in the last twenty consecutive Battleground Polls: the overwhelming conservative majority in America.  The Battleground Poll just published confirmed that persistent statistic...

  • May 7, 2011

    What the Canadian Election Means

    The blizzard of news surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden has focused attention away from the general election in Canada.  The Conservative Party of Prime Minister Stephen Harper won a resounding victory.  After two minority governments...

  • April 30, 2011

    Santorum 2012?

    Rick Santorum is running for president.  Why should conservatives support him?  Well, consider first the other folks who either are running or seem to be considering it very closely.  Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty, Gingrich, Bachmann, Pal...

  • April 29, 2011

    Canadian Showdown

    Next Monday, May 2nd, Canadians are going to the polls for their third general election in five years.  Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party have governed Canada since the 2006 election which made that party the largest party in the Canadia...

  • April 8, 2011

    What Wisconsin's Judicial Election Means

    The ballots in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race show a relatively small difference between Justice David Prosser, the "conservative" incumbent, and JoAnne Kloppenburg, the leftist challenger.  Yesterday, previously uncounted votes in W...

  • April 2, 2011

    The Golden Anniversary of a Bad Amendment

    The Constitution, despite what leftists think, has always been able to "grow" without the arrogation of ultimate power by the Supreme Court.  Article V provides two ways to amend the Constitution. Amending the Constitution requires a v...

  • March 26, 2011

    Be Bold!

    The political courage shown by Governor Walker and Republican legislators in Wisconsin should be an object lesson to all conservatives: Be bold!  Those who oppose us, those who have infested the institutions of American life and the organs of Am...

  • March 12, 2011

    Privatize Education

    The obnoxious and disruptive conduct of public employee unions shows how bad labor unions in general have been for America.  Republicans, if they are wise governors of states and brave political warriors, will defang organized labor by passing r...

  • February 27, 2011

    End Forced Unionism

    Where would we be without labor unions?  We would be much better off.  Americans do not understand what "labor unions" mean.  Nothing prevents a group of workers at a plant or office from getting together, signing an agreemen...

  • February 19, 2011

    The Bright Line

    After the election of Barack Obama many conservatives saw little reason to support the Republican Party.  McCain was only the most recent and perhaps the most obnoxious Republican nominee to treat conservatives like pariahs.  Since the Grea...

  • February 18, 2011

    The Doomed President

    Pundits muse how Obama can save his presidency.  He cannot.  Obama, politically, is doomed.  Republicans do not have a Reagan waiting in the wings, but that will not matter in 2012.  All Republicans are attempting to don the mantl...

  • February 17, 2011

    Alfred E President

    Barack Obama resembles, more and more, the hapless, clueless, sappily cheerful mascot of MAD Magazine, Alfred E. Neuman.  Given the intellectual vacuity of his life so far, attending schools and working in "jobs" that did not require a...

  • February 14, 2011

    Why Worship Democracy?

    What will happen in Egypt?  Democracy will prevail.  Why are we so happy about that?  Democracy may well mean deeper convulsions of anti-Semitic madness, not "state-sponsored" but rather genuinely popular.   Winston...

  • February 10, 2011

    How Should We Interpret the Constitution?

    The Constitution is plainly written.  It was intended to be easy to understand.  The Constitution is also short.  Why do we need a process for interpreting the Constitution?  If we have such a process for divining the meaning of t...

  • February 1, 2011

    What Reagan Meant to America

    Ronald Reagan's centennial arrives on Super Bowl Sunday, February 6th, providentially timed for the biggest unofficial holiday of the year, America's folk holiday of the Television Age.Seven years ago, when Reagan died, millions of Americans wai...

  • January 27, 2011

    Should Military Spending Be Cut?

    In the game of chicken that is national politics, it was sure that the left would pounce upon excessive defense spending as a way of reducing the deficit.  Since the Cold War, conservatives have supported spending for defense while the left has ...

  • January 21, 2011

    The GOP's Great (Lakes) Opportunity

    Democrats run Obama's home state of Illinois.  That state's response to the profoundly serious economic problems facing so many states has been a massive increase in taxes.  Republicans in neighboring states have an opportunity to showcase ...

  • January 19, 2011

    Preserving States' Rights and the Constitution

    The Republican House of Representative read the Constitution, including all its amendments, aloud.  I wonder how many listeners grasped the salient virtue of our Constitution: the document is maddeningly vague about personal liberty.  Artic...

  • January 17, 2011

    What if Obama isn't an ideologue?

    Many conservatives have noted Barack Obama's Marxist roots.  They fear that our president may be a radical ideologue, a loather of American values, a false Christian more likely to follow the Koran than the Bible, a slavish disciple of the odiou...

  • January 8, 2011

    Periodical Perspective

    I recommend to anyone interested in peeling off the meaningless layers of drivel which pass as news and current events the eye-opening information in old magazines.  We live in an artificial world in which celebrity and attention mean everything...

  • December 24, 2010

    A Grim Sesquicentennial

    On December 20, 1860, South Carolina passed an Ordinance of Secession and changed the American republic forever.  Superficially, the reason for secession was slavery, but the clock was already tolling on that vice.Robert E. Lee himself said, ...

  • December 19, 2010

    Academia Is Revolting!

    In the budget squeeze that every government of affluent democracies is facing, increases in tuition are causing some of the most vocal and nasty reactions.  British students are storming offices, creating chaos, and threatening mayhem.  Onc...

  • December 17, 2010

    Nancy Pelosi: The Girl in the Plastic Bubble

    Being a leftist in America means never needing to actually hear or grasp what conservatives believe.  Many leftists, particularly soon-to-be Minority Leader Pelosi, live in a plastic bubble.  Pelosi grew up as the daughter of a powerful Dem...

  • December 10, 2010

    Asclepius Shrugged

    Asclepius is the Greek god of medicine.  Even in the mythology of the Greeks, healing was a business fraught with danger for the practitioner.  Zeus, legend goes, was angered because Asclepius did his job too well and punished him according...

  • December 9, 2010

    Hanukah in Poland

    President Komorowski of Poland met with Jews in the Belvedere Palace, the Polish "White House," to light a menorah candle and celebrate Hanukah with the Jewish community.  Poland has proven a land of resilient faith.  The Catholic...

  • December 6, 2010

    Politically Incorrect Powerful Women

    TIME Magazine has come out with a list: the "The 25 Most Powerful Women of the Past Century." Look it over. It is nothing more than a depressingly familiar collection of leftists laced with condescending tokenism to the rest of womankind. J...

  • November 28, 2010

    Bombs Don't Kill People; Terrorists Do

    The Left's obsession with focusing on dangerous things, rather than dangerous people, shows up in different ways. Bombs, for example, are designed to be safe. My father served at Fort Sill Army Base during part of his time in military service. That b...

  • November 26, 2010

    Rubio for President

    Republicans want a candidate in 2012 who is a solid conservative, who can win the election, and who can express conservative values in many ways. Sometimes the choice for conservatives is so clear that we miss it. After Reagan was elected governor of...

  • November 15, 2010

    Keeping the Lame Duck from Waddling

    The Democrats face their last grasp of legislative power in the lame duck session ahead. Conservatives must mobilize to prevent the potential mischief this entails. The shenanigans of the Left are legion. During the health care debate, Nancy Pelosi p...

  • November 8, 2010

    Time to Tackle Right to Work

    The 2010 landslide means that Republicans in the House can stop any new legislative initiatives by the Democrats and that Senate Republicans, if united, can stop almost anything Democrats want to do in that body as well. House Republicans can also se...

  • November 6, 2010

    The State-Level Tsunami

    Was the 2010 midterm election a Republican tsunami? Although pundits waffle because a few Senate races were not won, the clearest proof of a Republican tsunami is found in state legislative elections. On November 2, 2010, Republicans and Democrats vi...

  • October 31, 2010

    The Death of Camelot

    Fifty years ago, American government -- even American society -- entered into a wonderland of youth, prettiness, chic, and charisma. John Kennedy had defeated Richard Nixon in the presidential debates (or at least JFK defeated Nixon in the eyes of th...

  • October 28, 2010

    Focus on the Achilles Heel of Public Broadcasting

    Efforts to defund public broadcasting have failed in the past because conservatives have been focusing on the wrong target. In the wake of the scandalous NPR firing, it is time for conservatives to switch targets.Almost everything that can be said ab...

  • October 26, 2010

    Good News for GOP and Great News for Conservatives

    The latest Battleground Poll, the last before the midterm election, has just been released. It has good news for Republicans. By a margin of 48% to 42%, respondents favor Republican congressional candidates over Democrat congressional candidates. Eve...

  • October 20, 2010

    Social Justice and Fair Taxes

    There is no justice in social justice.  The Duke Lacrosse Team was convicted in the court of social justice even though they were innocent and their black female accuser was guilty.  Nazis worshiped social justice. In the name of social jus...

  • October 14, 2010

    The Death of Government

    There is far too much government in our lives. Government regulates the light bulbs we can use, the process of hiring employees, the licenses which businesses need to operate, and, of course, the mammoth monster of public debt and taxes which have re...

  • October 13, 2010

    A Reform the Tea Party Should Embrace

    One of the greatest delights of the Tea Party is disdain for traditional partisan affiliations. The grand theme of the movement is reduction: cut taxes, reduce deficits, limit regulation, and remove the concentration of power in Washington which crea...

  • October 11, 2010

    Social Justice and Fair Taxes

    Fairness is the mystic mantra of the left, and so when Obama responds to cries for extending the Bush tax cuts, he conjures the spirit of fairness. It is hard to argue against the vague, sweet whisper of fairness. Leftists, in tax policy, read fairne...

  • September 30, 2010

    Confidence in Obama Lower Even than in Nixon

    Gallup is the oldest major polling organization in America. It has a strong interest in credibility with the public, because if its polls are wrong, then its value drops to nothing. Gallup Polls, by and large, are fairly accurate reflections of what ...

  • September 27, 2010

    Take the Fight to the Democratic Party

    The Democratic Party is in thrall to totalitarian forces which seek the end of liberty and the purging of Judeo-Christian exceptionalism from public consciousness. One of the most troubling trends over the last fifty years has been the expulsion of A...

  • September 21, 2010

    How Bad Is Lisa Murkowski?

    The decision by Lisa Murkowski to mount a write-in campaign to cling to her Senate seat is just another example of how bad she has been for conservatives. Are Alaskans begging her to run? Well, consider her political history. Her father, Frank Murkow...

  • September 17, 2010

    Conservative America Ready to Take Control

    The day after Christine O'Donnell and the Tea Party won the Republican nomination for Joe Biden's old Senate seat in Delaware (triggering the wailing and caterwauling of professional Republicans), Battleground released its September 2010 poll. T...

  • September 13, 2010

    Tax Me More: A Modest Proposal

    Huge numbers of these "rich" Americans are leftists, and yet these rich leftists try to reduce their tax burden as much as possible. If the best government policy towards wealth is to tax it heavily, then why don't leftists lead the way? Is...

  • September 12, 2010

    The Judeo-Christian Right

    How many times have we heard the left complain of the "Christian Far Right," with shadowy images of the Ku Klux Klan or Gospel-singing bumpkins in overalls in the background of that phrase? This mockable creature, this crude caricature of w...

  • September 6, 2010

    The Left Keeps Losing Everywhere

    Many conservatives look at their first chance to defeat the left in six years when nervous Democrats try to explain away Obama's disastrous leftward lurch. Not only is the left looking at a big defeat in America in two months, but it has been getting...

  • September 4, 2010

    Letting Leftists Limit Language

    Every time I hear a conservative speak of "capitalism," I cringe. In fact, when I am compelled to call those men and women who cherish liberty and believe in the God of Jews and Christians by the odd term "conservative," I realize...

  • August 31, 2010

    The File Clerks of Racism

    Glenn Beck is a racist, right? That is what self-anointed civil rights leaders are saying. The fact that members of Dr Martin Luther King's family and other conservative blacks are conspicuous at his rally in Washington means nothing to those trying ...

  • August 23, 2010

    Gallup Ignoring Its Own Big Stories

    The Gallup Poll is one of the oldest in polling organizations in America. Its reputation ought to be important. The articles which accompany Gallup's polls, however, seem calculated to hide the real story. Consider an article last August, entitled ...

  • August 20, 2010

    A Coming Landslide?

    It may seem odd for someone who recently warned conservatives of overconfidence to predict that the November elections may well produce a landslide unprecedented in the lifetime of many Americans. But the indicators of just such a tsunami seem to gro...

  • August 19, 2010

    The Civility Gap

    One of the unspoken truths of the political and ideological wars which rage around us is the civility gap between the left and conservatives. Anyone who has fought in these battles knows just what I mean.  To be sure, there are exceptions among ...

  • August 14, 2010

    Making November a Political Victory

    Ann Coulter, quite rightly, has expressed concern about Republicans declaring victory in the 2010 elections. Most folks understand that capturing the Senate will require some luck. But consider this: RealClearPolitics is balanced and brainy. It shows...

  • August 12, 2010

    President Coburn?

    Conservatives, above all else, do not want to elect as president in 2012 some politician who tells them what they want to hear to win office and then morphs into a big-government moderate after he takes the oath of office. The list of Republicans who...

  • August 7, 2010

    The Hiroshima Question

    Representatives of the American government yesterday attended, for the first time, the Hiroshima Ceremony, which this year marked the 65th anniversary of the use of fission weapons on Japanese cities. Democrat and Republican administrations alike hav...

  • August 4, 2010

    The Autumn of the Left

    According to Battleground Poll results over the last ten years, conservatives are about sixty percent of the population, liberals are roughly thirty-five percent, and all the others -- moderate, don't know, and refused to answer -- are consistently a...

  • August 2, 2010

    The Conservative Phoenix

    It is so easy to yield to the counsels of despair. Debt drowns our national and state governments. California, for example, has a state deficit of about $19 billion, which appears impossible to pay. The federal deficit for Fiscal Year 2010 will be ab...

  • July 23, 2010

    Why the Revolution Will Prevail and Why It Will Last

    If Republicans gain the chance, for the first time in history, to pass laws without Democrat support -- because of a potential filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, a working majority in the House, and the presidency -- what will prevent RINOs fro...

  • July 20, 2010

    Conservatives and Republican Victory

    Republican victory at the polls is only the start of the fight for conservatives. The Republican Party has a real chance, because of the unusually good composition of the 2012 and 2014 Senate elections, to acquire something that Republicans have neve...

  • July 15, 2010

    The Key to a Real Revolution

    Conservatives often blame elected Republicans for not producing revolutionary changes when in power. This frustration is understandable, but it is also wrongheaded. No political party can make revolutionary changes in American government unless that ...

  • July 9, 2010

    Boring Barry

    I wrote recently about the political dangers to President Obama when people stop liking him. Many of us, me included, found it impossible to like Obama as soon as it became clear that he was a disciple of  prophets of evil like Saul Alinksy. Man...

  • July 4, 2010

    Our Declaration to the World

    Each July 4th, Americans have the chance to celebrate something new in human history: a nation grounded wholly in liberty. The transcendent values of liberty were not new. The same year that the Declaration of Independence was signed, Adam Smith wrot...

  • July 2, 2010

    Teaching the Pig to Dance

    I am an unabashed Fred Thompson fan.  He has been my choice as the "Next Reagan" for some time.  Principled without being prissy, smart without being snooty, famous without being phony, Thompson has been at the center of political...

  • June 28, 2010

    Finding Democrats in News Stories

    Kwame Kilpatrick, Mayor of Detroit for most of this decade, was indicted on June 23 for fraud and tax crimes.  This news story was picked up by all the leftist establishment media and all these media outlets left out one crucial fact:  Kwam...

  • June 28, 2010

    When Folks Stop Liking Barry

    President Obama's image of leadership flounders in the Gulf of Mexico. While Governor Jindal displays the true qualities of leadership, our president is stuck in Saul Alinksy gear, demonizing a foreign corporation instead of actually doing anything c...

  • June 21, 2010

    The Reason for Constitutional Rights

    Executives from BP are threatened by President Obama and then bullied by Democrats in Congress. It is not because they have failed to comply with any laws or done anything malicious, but because there is a national disaster, and someone must be blame...

  • June 16, 2010

    Barack Obama, Esq.

    President Obama's crisis leadership is like that of trial lawyer. The Obama approach towards the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has the same storyline as television commercials which describe some sad and poignant medical problems which pl...

  • June 11, 2010

    The Year of the Conservative Woman

    Pundits have already picked up on the theme of the June 8 primary: Female candidates made some remarkable gains. The next senator elected in California, for example, will be a woman. The talk sounds like November 1992, when political articles touted ...

  • June 5, 2010

    Homo Politicus

    Everything today is political. George Orwell understood this sixty years ago when he wrote:In our age there is no such thing as "keeping out of politics." All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, fol...

  • June 2, 2010

    Is the Party Over?

    Do we need political parties? Perhaps a better question might be: Did we ever need political parties? Most of the Founding Fathers thought that political parties or "factions" were a serious danger of representative democracy. Conservatives...

  • May 31, 2010

    Remembering the Forgotten

    My wife's parents were liberated at Belsen by British soldiers (who had been fighting Hitler for five years). Her future life was possible, quite literally, because of their courage. She never fails to pass a serviceman without saying "Thanks fo...

  • May 28, 2010

    The New Cleaning Ladies of Leftism

    Forty years ago, American society (or at least those parts of it owned by the leftist establishment) was aflutter with feminism. This was the newest incarnation of the flower of leftism. Hugh Hefner and Playboy, though pilloried by these feminists, ...

  • May 22, 2010

    Blumenthal and the Liars' Party

    Richard Blumenthal served in Vietnam -- or at least he told the American people that he did. According to people who know Blumenthal, his war record grew over the years. That hapless tool of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, the New York Times, found n...

  • May 17, 2010

    The Left's War on Free Speech

    The left pretends to be the biggest champion of free speech. When the New York Times wrote articles about how our government was tracking the activities of terrorists, journalistic behavior which directly endangered the lives of Americans by providin...

  • May 13, 2010

    The Nebbish Nominee

    Elena Kagan seems a pleasant sort. She has drifted through those familiar paths to power which lawyers have pursued, especially, as I noted in my article, "The Lawyers Party," those paths which Bill, Hillary, Barack, and Michelle -- lawyers...

  • May 10, 2010

    Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat

    Seventy years ago, on May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain. He had been warning the world about the dangers of Nazism for almost a decade. He had been warning the world about the dangers of Bolshevism since 1918. By ...

  • May 7, 2010

    San Francisco's Unconstitutional Arizona 'Boycott'

    San Francisco and other city governments have jumped on the bandwagon of formally "boycotting" business with Arizona in response to that border state's new law to assist the enforcement of federal immigration laws. Boycotts are an honorable...

  • May 4, 2010

    More Than Just Government

    What vexes conservatives most? We often think our only foe is too much government, but that is a mistake. The leftist giants of privately owned media, almost en masse, advance a cultural and moral agenda utterly at odds with what conservatives believ...

  • April 30, 2010

    Obama's Demoralized Left

    The Gallup Poll generic congressional ballot of registered voters shows that those supporting Republicans and Democrats are in a statistical tie, with Republicans at 46% and Democrats at 45%. The real story, though, is the huge advantage that Re...

  • April 26, 2010

    Rethinking Education

    One of the most reflexive responses of the left to any social problem is to blame under-funded education. What the left means by this, of course, is not really education but indoctrination, which is the primary purpose of public education and co...

  • April 21, 2010

    Big Nature and Tiny Us

    Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano has forced tens of thousands of airline flights in Europe and the North Atlantic to shut down. The last time this volcano erupted, in 1821, it continued for two years. No one knows when the eruption will stop t...

  • April 15, 2010

    The Battleground Poll and the Hiding Elites

    The April 2010 Battleground Poll results have just been released. The poll contains the usual list of topical questions, which ask respondents about which political party they support, what issues are most important to them, what they think of certai...

  • April 9, 2010

    The Naked Left

    The left loves to hide. This is why leftists reject the label "liberal" in favor of "progressive" or some other meaningless term. This is also why leftists must describe their opponents as the "hard right" or "right...

  • March 31, 2010

    Tea Parties and the Republican Party

    The Tea Party movement is trying hard to separate itself from the Republican Party, even to the point of threatening to run as a third party in some races. If Tea Party supporters consider that they are acting in the finest tradition of the American ...

  • March 28, 2010

    Democracy and Freedom

    We often confuse democracy with freedom. The greatest good of government is liberty -- that is what our Declaration of Independence emphatically states. Simply implementing the "Will of the People" is no more noble, true, or decent than the...

  • March 24, 2010

    Stupak and His Sheep

    Bart Stupak has found a higher value than preserving human life: lockstep partisan loyalty. No serious adult can believe for an instant that the microscopic fig leaf of a meaningless executive order really persuaded this "Pro-Life" Democrat...

  • March 21, 2010

    Process Is Liberty

    The current endless blather of Obama and his henchmen in the Democratic Party can be summed up thus: Massive health care "reform," as constructed by Democrat leaders, must pass, no matter how the processes of government must be contorted. T...

  • March 17, 2010

    Hanks, Hollywood, and History

    Tom Hanks has said that our war on Islamic terrorism has the same flaws as he perceives our Pacific War against Japan had seventy years ago. In both conflicts, some Americans employed crude racial stereotypes of our enemies, feared the strange gods t...

  • March 3, 2010

    How a Nebraska Bill May Pivot the Abortion Debate

    The abortion debate may get an interesting twist soon. The Nebraska Legislature is considering a bill to ban abortions performed twenty weeks into a woman's pregnancy. Nebraska has a nonpartisan, unicameral legislature, so many of the shenanigans whi...

  • February 27, 2010

    Why Not Nominate the Next Reagan in 2012?

    If Republicans could, surely they would nominate Ronald Reagan for president in 2012. As it appears increasingly likely that Republicans -- conservative Republicans -- will control Congress after the 2012 elections, the only missing element in the po...

  • February 26, 2010

    Citizen Cadres of Conservatism

    America's elites have become obsessed with the perks of power.  They will be replaced by a new governance of ordinary Americans seeking to preserve the blessings of liberty bequeathed by our founders.  What Herbert E. Meyer wrote last week ...

  • February 21, 2010

    The War on Truth

    The greatest danger to our wealth, our liberties, our values, and our safety today comes from the deconstruction of truth. We live in a world driven by information. Almost all real wealth today is based upon information and knowledge. Almost all real...

  • February 18, 2010

    What Congress May Look Like in Three Years

    The decision by former Indiana Senator Dan Coats to seek his old seat again ought to inspire conservatives. His lifetime voting record with the American Conservative Union is 90%, which is much more conservative than Indiana Republican Richard Lugar ...

  • February 5, 2010

    Sports Heroes and Conservatism

    Doug Flutie, one of the most inspirational players in college football history, and Curt Schilling, a great Red Sox pitcher who won a World Series for his team, both supported Scott Brown for the Senate. There is no reason to doubt that these popular...

  • January 18, 2010

    Fabian Conservatism

    Conservatives, who constitute the overwhelming majority of Americans, are angry with the Republican Party leadership and how politics has been played since Ronald Reagan left office. Often Republican nominees have seemed to copy Bill Clinton's "...

  • January 15, 2010

    Ideological Rationalization of the Senate

    Blanche Lincoln is in deep trouble. Harry Reid is, too. Byron Dorgan, facing deep reelection problems, has simply given up his Senate seat. Ben Nelson may well do that in the 2012 election cycle. Mary Landrieu is feeling some heat. All of these senat...

  • January 12, 2010

    The Second Boston Tea Party?

    The Democrat leftism of Massachusetts is legendary. When Nixon ran against McGovern in 1972, McGovern lost every state of the union...except Massachusetts. The Reagan Landslide in 1984 is the only time in the last fifty years when Massachusetts voted...

  • January 6, 2010

    Our Second Civil War

    The 1860s marked a period of great trial for our land. A bloody civil war resolved, at least nominally, some important issues. It was the period after Appomattox and after Reconstruction, however, which determined the true impact of our first civil w...

  • January 5, 2010

    A Brief 2010 Republican Midterm Platform

    Republican prospects for 2010 have grown big. The generic congressional ballot shows Republicans with a statistically significant lead. Once-safe Senate Democrats like Ben Nelson now trail badly in their reelection bids. The Rasmussen Poll numbers fo...

  • December 18, 2009

    The Battleground Poll and the Battle for America

    There's good news for conservatives in the latest Battleground Poll. The political implications are profound...if the already-energized conservative base takes even more initiative. In August 2008, I wrote an article on "The Biggest Missing...

  • December 17, 2009

    Obama the America-Denier

    Most people involved in public affairs fall into two grand schools. Some believe that America is a unique nation built upon extraordinary and good moral values, a microcosm of what the world should be. These people need not be Americans. Winston Chur...

  • December 14, 2009

    Poisoned Wells

    The television program Law & Order recently had a character who connected psychotic murder with people who listen to Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck. The wells of public life have all been poisoned. Television entertainment is just t...

  • December 9, 2009

    Climategate and Government-Driven Science

    There are many lessons we can learn from Climategate. Environmentalism has become an intolerant religion rather than a rational movement seeking limited goals; the unsavory priests of environmentalism have no qualms about tricking people; and these f...

  • December 7, 2009

    Democrats' War on Home Business

    On December 3rd, the House of Representatives passed House Resolution 4154, which is deceptively called the "Permanent Estate Tax Relief Act." This bill is part of the general war by the Democratic Party on self-employed Americans, family f...

  • November 30, 2009

    The Ghost of Lysenko

    The imaginary science of man-made global warning can now be entered into the infamous history of politicized science, the results of which have threads in our lives today. Consider the residue of such frauds as Rachel Carson, Alfred Kinsey, and Marga...

  • November 26, 2009

    Days of Thanksgiving Past

    Thanksgiving 2009 finds many Americans doubting that our republic can survive and wondering whether we truly have that much to be thankful for these days. God forgive our pettiness. Whether we acknowledge it joyfully, admit it grudgingly, or stick ou...

  • November 19, 2009

    Will 2010 Be the Perfect Storm?

    Seven different indicators suggest that 2010 will be a very tough year for the Obama administration's plans to turn America into a People's Republic. If some of these indicators pointed one way and others pointed the other way, projections might be m...

  • November 18, 2009

    Of RINOs, Moderate Democrats, and Men

    All RINOs are not the same, even when they profess almost identical beliefs. All politicians try to appeal to their constituents, but not all politicians -- not by a long shot -- have the same type of constituents. RINOs who try to win elections by e...

  • November 15, 2009

    The Decline of the Left

    The Republican landslide in Virginia and the stunning upset in New Jersey were not the only bad news for the left in the last few months. The Social Democrats in the September German elections for the Bundestag did worse than in any election sin...

  • November 9, 2009

    Obama's Wall

    Twenty years ago today, an architectural monument to human enslavement melted before the eyes of the world: the Wall, the horrific complex of barbed wire, mine fields, police dogs, killing zones, and constant military guards was torn down by East Ger...

  • November 3, 2009

    Twenty-Five Years after the Reagan Landslide

    On Election Day, 1984 -- twenty five years ago -- many thought that the ideological battle of America was won. Ronald Reagan, the disciple of "Mr. Conservative" Barry Goldwater, ran against Walter Mondale, the disciple of "Mr. Liberal...

  • October 28, 2009

    Why a Harmer Win Would Be Huge

    David Harmer is trying to do in California what Doug Hoffman is trying to do in New York: win a seat in the House of Representatives which otherwise would be won by a liberal in a special election. Ellen Tauscher, who represented the 10th Congression...

  • October 26, 2009

    Hoffman is the Obvious Choice

    Conservatives do not always have obvious choices when deciding whether or not to support a RINO.  Who, today, thinks we would be worse off if John McCain were president?  Ideally, conservatives should have united early behind a solid candid...

  • October 22, 2009

    Mass media and private liberty

    The spectacle of a White House warring against the single television news network which does not fawn over the president, and attacking his most prominent talk radio show critic, brings home just how bureaucratized information, opinion, and thought h...

  • October 19, 2009

    Reading the Electoral Tea Leaves

    All eyes, for now, are focused on the gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey.  Will those races be referenda on Obama and the Democrats?  Yes, to some extent they will.  If Republican candidates win those two races, that re...

  • October 10, 2009

    The Politicization of Peace

    Few spectacles so clearly show the politicization of life than the surreally silly award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama.  The Nobel Prize has long been a reflection of the whims of those who run political correctness.  The politicization...

  • October 6, 2009

    How Obama Has Failed Black Americans

    The Olympics will not be held in Chicago.  So has Obama failed Chicago?  Not really:  hosting the Olympics is a decidedly mixed blessing and this will be forgotten soon.  Obama, however, has failed black America, and that failure ...

  • September 28, 2009

    Another Blow to European Leftism

    Angela Merkel  squeaked out a plurality in the German Bundestag four years ago and formed, along with the leftist Social Democrat Party, a grand coalition to govern Germany.  Those conservatives who expected a major change in Germany were b...

  • September 27, 2009

    The Ugly American

    Five decades ago, during the heart of the Cold War, a term entered modern political vocabulary:  "The Ugly American."  Based upon a 1958 novel of the same name, the phrase began to be used to describe the whole range of thoughtles...

  • September 20, 2009


    Barack Obama and the Democrats spent years defaming the national security policy of the United States during a time of war.  This opposition transcends criticism of policy or attacks on President Bush.  Senator Reid, while our troops were i...

  • September 18, 2009

    Dangers to Democrats of End-Running Cloture

    It is possible, but not yet clearly probable, that Senate Democrats may seek to ram through Health Care Reform without the sixty votes necessary to prevent a Republican filibuster. Although on paper Democrats had sixty Senate seats after Al Franken w...

  • September 17, 2009

    The Not-So-Silent Majority

    Forty years ago, a term was coined to describe the voices of ordinary, patriotic, religious Americans who sought to live their lives in peace:  the "Silent Majority."  In November 1969, almost four decades ago, Vice President Agne...

  • September 12, 2009

    Why Obama Could Not Stage a Coup

    Some conservatives have begun to openly wonder if Obama is going to seize power in America.  Would he want to do this?  Perhaps so (a scary thought, but he has promised change.)  No one dreamed that Carter, the worst president of the l...

  • September 11, 2009

    How Obama Can Make Healthcare Better Without Congress

    We are, President Obama informs us, in need of health care reform.  Congress may be deadlocked on the issue.   Obama seems to speak as if congressional inaction on improving healthcare means no federal action on improving healthcare....

  • September 3, 2009

    The Not Ready for Prime Time President

    Pundits, including perceptive conservative opponents like Charles Krauthammer, have noted the consummate political skill of Barack Obama.  There is not much doubt that Obama was able to wage a very effective campaign for the Democrat nomination ...

  • August 31, 2009

    The Kennedy Legend, RIP

    The last of the Kennedy brothers is dead.  It is almost impossible to believe that once John, Bobby, and Teddy were all considered strong, dashing, and charismatic.   These qualities we associate with youth but actually we should assoc...

  • August 24, 2009

    Infatuation with Crisis

    The slow, ugly death of health care reform reflects the left's deep crush with crises.  Government, of course, is a necessary evil.  Even Marxists dream of a distant future in which the state will "whither away."  Global Warm...

  • August 21, 2009

    The Biggest Missing Story in Politics - One Year Update

    August 25, 2008, just about one year ago, my article on those Battleground Polls -- which have routinely shown for many years that about sixty percent of Americans are "conservatives" -- stirred up quite a ruckus.  If my analysis is ri...

  • August 10, 2009

    Fighting Back on Federal Judges

    Now that Justice Sonia Sotomayor has entered the record book as the first Hispanic member of the Supreme Court, where does the GOP go from here? When Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court by Bill Clinton, a review of her record showe...

  • August 7, 2009

    Two Hundred Days of Hope and Change

    Today, America is 200 days into Obama's much ballyhooed "Hope and Change."  What is the scorecard so far?  The administration of the government has largely passed from the constitutional cabinet offices which require Senate approv...

  • August 3, 2009

    Brown Nose Democrats

    During the 1980s, when conservative Democrats from the South and West united with Republicans in the House of Representatives to form a coalition adequate to pass most of President Reagan's agenda, the term "Blue Dog Democrats" was applied ...

  • July 30, 2009

    Work, Jobs, and Worth

    The Left has long confused work, jobs, and worth.  The Stimulus Package, the grand catastrophe, was intended to create and preserve jobs that could make America poorer, not richer. A century ago nearly everyone in America had a "job," ...

  • July 28, 2009

    An Unraveling Presidency

    As I noted four weeks ago, Scott Rasmussen's daily presidential tracking poll has shown a very steady increase in the number of Americans who have a "very unfavorable" view of Obama's presidency and a corresponding, though less dramatic, de...

  • July 27, 2009

    The Small Business Solution

    Obama's efforts to "help" the economy are focused almost solely on propping up giant corporations and vast labor unions.  He seems to believe that these organizational behemoths are the key to employment, productivity, and wealth in Am...

  • July 26, 2009

    Forty Years After Landing on the Moon

    There was predictable hoopla recently about the fortieth anniversary of man landing on the moon.  Ever since July 20, 1969, politicians have had a mantra related to this historic event:  "If we could put a man on the moon then we can.....

  • July 22, 2009

    India and Global Warming

    Secretary of State Clinton has gone to India and tried to persuade its leaders to adopt the Leftist dilettante position on carbon emissions.  In discussing the merits of global warming, doesn't it make sense to first consider those who would be ...

  • July 20, 2009

    Not Obama's Czars but his Commissars

    The three dozen or so people that Barack Obama has surrounded himself with to handle this problem or that issue, and yet are not confirmed by the Senate or operating an agency created by Congress, are not really his "czars."  These peo...

  • July 16, 2009

    Albert -- the Not-So Great -- Gore

    Think what you want about George W. Bush, but he did do this:  he saved us from a Gore Presidency.  Is there a greater smelly stew of vanity, vacuity, ignorance, arrogance, and hubris in Washington than Albert Gore Jr.?  This spoiled m...

  • July 10, 2009

    The Slave Press

    Why do we have Freedom of the Press?  Although this is usually combined with freedom of speech, the two are not the same at all.  Freedom of speech is the right of the individual.  Because oral communication is the most natural of huma...

  • July 8, 2009

    Palin and Sanford: A Tale of Two Governors

    Two Republican governors, both considered rising stars -- the "next Reagan" -- have been prominent in the news the last couple of weeks.  Mark Sanford and Sarah Palin are both conspicuously religious, both defenders of states' rights, ...

  • July 7, 2009

    The Mousy Squeaks of LAME

    Feminism, that increasingly silly gaggle of aging hippies who once pretended to stand for something, is most easily understood - at least in my mind - with the acronym for its informal organization, LAME (Ladies Auxiliary of Marxist Envy.)  Its ...

  • July 3, 2009

    Remembering What the Declaration of Independence is Not

    When we celebrate the Fourth of July, we are celebrating one of the most important political documents in the history of the world.  The Declaration is a statement to the world -- the people of the world was the audience -- about the very nature...

  • July 1, 2009

    Our Melting President

    Slowly, methodically, consistently, the reliable Rasmussen Poll has been tracking the most vital numbers of the Obama Presidency.  General, soft numbers like "Do you approve of the way the president is handlings his job?" really mean n...

  • June 30, 2009

    Seventy-Five Years after the Night of the Long Knives

    June 30, 2009 is the seventy-fifth anniversary of a ghastly reminder about the nature of evil in the modern world.  The Night of the Long Knives showed, for those who still needed to be convinced, that the only object of totalitarianism is power...

  • June 23, 2009

    Not a Theocracy but a Thugocracy

    The last eight years well intentioned people of different political beliefs, different religious faiths, and different cultural perspectives have been quietly asking themselves some vital questions.  Is Islam a religion of peace?  Is the go...

  • June 22, 2009

    How about this, President Obama? We win. They Lose.

    President Obama seems to be grappling with an approach to safely resolve the grave international problems of Iran and of North Korea.  He is floundering for the right tactics when what he needs is the right strategy.  As my friend Herb Meye...

  • June 21, 2009

    Wishing Fathers Weren't Vital

    My father was the finest person that I ever knew.  He was the only individual I ever met whose family had been actually tortured by the Ku Klux Klan.  Dad had more bad luck in his life than most people have in a dozen lives.  Yet he ne...

  • June 15, 2009

    The Murder of Civil Life

    The putrid comments by David Letterman about Sarah Palin and her daughter, and the dethronement of Carrie Prejean for the vice of honesty, bring home just how savagely civil life has been murdered by the Left.  We no longer have a civil public l...

  • June 9, 2009

    The Collapsing Global Left

    Conservatives can take heart from the crushing blow that taxes and spenders received in the California election.  Six propositions were on the ballot in May.  All six passed the California Legislature easily.  Republicans in the legisl...

  • June 4, 2009

    The Greatest Problem of the Mainstream Media

    The media -- newspapers, magazines, book publishing, radio, television, and film -- have never at any point in the history of our nation been impartial.  Newspapers were once the whole heart and substance of our media.  They provided news, ...

  • May 30, 2009

    Tears of the Goddess of Liberty

    Twenty years ago the light of liberty flickered briefly in China.  In May 1989, Chinese students built a "Goddess of Liberty," alternatively called a "Goddess of Democracy," in Tiananmen Square.  Throughout much of China...

  • May 28, 2009

    The Liar's Club

    The unfolding spectacle of Speaker Pelosi attending a briefing, in which the CIA informed her of enhanced interrogation techniques, and then lying about it, is part of the grave danger to our democracy.  The Left is shrinking honesty into an emp...

  • May 22, 2009

    The Riverdale Plot and Our Dreyfus Moment

    The foiled attack on the synagogue in the Riverdale district of New York City should bring home with devastating force an argument that I have been making for a long time:  evil in this world is not divided according to some imaginary ideologica...

  • May 19, 2009

    Slick Barry

    Democrats hold the White House and comfortable majorities in both houses of Congress.  Their new president comes from humble beginnings.  He grew up without the moral influence of a father.  Unlike Gore and Kerry, who were born with si...

  • May 14, 2009

    Still the Biggest Missing Story in Politics

    In August of last year I wrote an article, "The Biggest Missing Story in Politics," which reviewed the single most important datum in the last thirteen Battleground Polls over a period stretching from early 2002 to late 2008.  The crit...

  • May 12, 2009

    War is Hell

    Sherman was right:  War is Hell.  The current war against the Judeo-Christian world waged by al-Qaida and other radical Moslems is no different.  War is Hell and Hell is full of torments.  Our role, as children of a Loving God, is...

  • May 9, 2009

    When Ideology Rules Us

    The unfolding spectacle of which leftist cipher should be appointed by Obama to replace departing leftist cipher, David Souter, on the Supreme Court underscores just how purely ideological justice in America has become.  At first blush, conserva...

  • May 8, 2009

    The Notional Dangers of the Fictional Far Right

    Arlen Specter has left the Republican Caucus and become a Democrat.  Why?  The ostensible reason was because Republicans were dominated by the far right.  DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano issued a dire warning to watch out for members of...

  • May 4, 2009

    Before the Dawn

    America has the most Left of center president in its history, and Democrats have overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress. People have openly talked about whether the Republican Party can even survive.  Its standard bearer in...

  • May 2, 2009

    Sixty Years after a failed Hope and a realized Dream

    On May 2, 1949, sixty years ago, the State of Israel was admitted to the United Nations.  These two creations of post-war mankind were, in many ways, intertwined.  The Holocaust, of course, has cast an inhuman shadow over every political im...

  • April 24, 2009

    Carrie Prejean's Koufax Moment

    Carrie Prejean, Miss California and the runner up in the Miss USA Pageant, was asked a question about her view of marriage.  She recited what her faith believed -- marriage is between a man and a woman -- and as a consequence she may have lost t...

  • April 22, 2009

    The Next Ice Age

    Special Earth Day Issue  April 22, 2009  UFOs and AGWThe Next Ice AgeGreen up, Man! It's Freaking Earth Day!Saving Our Planet, One Guilt Trip at a TimeA Lenin's Birthday StoryAs Earth Day again brings forth disciples of the religion of inan...

  • April 16, 2009

    Where We Must Make a Stand

    There was a time when the Left reflexively sided with criminal defendants.  Rapists like Huey Newton, terrorists like the Weathermen, and bank robbers like Angela Davis were "political prisoners."  The System was used to crush dis...

  • April 3, 2009

    Thirty years after Three Mile Island

    Thirty years ago, the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station had a partial meltdown.  The Left in American had a total breakdown.  We know today that nuclear power is very safe, very clean, and can provide a true "alternative ene...

  • March 24, 2009

    Seventy Years After Appeasement

    In March 1939, the last vestiges of appeasement died.  Adolf Hitler, until he occupied Bohemia and Moravia, had a serious diplomatic argument for his territorial aggression in Europe.  The Saar plebiscite in 1935 surprised much of the world...

  • March 20, 2009

    The Banality of Obama

    Pundits have been critiquing the new administration for its socialism, for its willful ignorance of foreign policy, for its puerile missteps, but the salient fact of the Obama Presidency is its banality.  He who promised change has dredged up th...

  • March 8, 2009

    States' Rights and Our Liberties

    The current American system of government, the one created by our Constitution, was formed out of thirteen sovereign states.  Among all the myriad threats to our liberty, the disintegration of the independent rights of state governments is, in m...

  • February 24, 2009

    The Coming Battle of Reapportionment and Redistricting

    The decision by Senator Gregg not to become Commerce Secretary is the first round in a vital battle over reapportionment and redistricting.   US Code Title 13, Section 2 provides "The Bureau [of the Census] is an agency within, and und...

  • February 11, 2009

    What Michael Steele Should Do

    The Republican Party is not dead.  Victories in Georgia and Louisiana after the November election showed that Republicans could win elections.  State legislative races in the November general election were decidedly mixed for Democrats:...

  • January 23, 2009

    Seduced by Change

    Barack Obama won the presidency based upon the theme of change.  We already live in a world of constant change, and we assume too easily that change is good. Politicians, professors, pundits, self-proclaimed champions of the oppressed -- those w...

  • January 15, 2009

    The Descent of the Senate

    The United States Senate has produced remarkable Americans.  Regardless of party or of ideology, this chamber of our national legislature has been the parent of true greatness.  Mike Mansfield was wrong on many policy issues, but he was hon...

  • January 11, 2009

    Christianity and the Round Planet

    Many people, like me, grew up believing that when Columbus sailed to America in 1492, Christians at the time thought that he would fall off the edge of the world.  Not only were we taught this in school, but even serious historians like Daniel B...

  • January 5, 2009

    The Diamond Anniversary of Dehumanization

    Seventy-five years ago this month, one of the most insidious laws in human history came into effect in Nazi Germany.  The innocent sounding name was The Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring.   It was the ghastly pinn...

  • January 1, 2009

    The Ten Grinchiest Republicans in 2008

    From best to worst:(10) Ron Paul -- Very good, very bright, very principled, but, sadly, very wrong.  The congressman would have made a marvelous President Madison or President Monroe, but, unfortunately, the Barbary Privates are not in Tunisia ...

  • January 1, 2009

    Fifty Years of Fidel

    Fifty years ago, the forces of Fidel entered Havana and Batista left.  Fifty years ago, freedom left Havana and it has never come back.  There was an odd sort of celebration in many parts of America when the Batista government collapsed....

  • December 27, 2008

    'Meritalism' not 'Capitalism'

    The Left has edited the political dictionary in a way that determines how we are able to think about politics and ideology.  A prime example is the word, "Capitalism," an invention of the silly and evil Karl Marx.   It is ins...

  • December 23, 2008

    The Light of Hope in Darkness

    In the Mumbai Massacre terrorists particularly targeted Jews, focusing special attention of the Chabad house.  The Holocaust denial in Iran and the proliferation of literary outrages like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion or monstrous ...

  • December 15, 2008

    Changing stats on Arctic ice

    Arctic sea ice is alleged to be diminishing due to global warming. Want to see a half million square kilometers of Arctic ice disappear overnight? Compare the Nansen sea ice extent charts, from the Norweigian Nansen Environmental & Remote Sensing...

  • December 13, 2008

    The Silver Anniversary of Argentina's Democracy

    The age of Reagan, Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II are rightly connected with the bloodless defeat of the Soviet evil empire.  But those magnificent defenders of human liberty did not look just at the Iron Curtain when planning the liberation of...

  • December 6, 2008

    Celebrating a quiet victory of democracy

    Some believe that the Second World War "really" started in 1935, when the Fascists, opposed by the Nazis and virtually all the rest of the world, invaded the Christian Empire of Ethiopia, and conquered it with the aid of Moslem subjects who...

  • December 3, 2008

    A Big Georgia Win - A Small Step Back to Conservatism

    The easy re-election of Saxby Chambliss in Georgia has remarkable similarities to the election of Paul Coverdale almost sixteen years ago.  In both cases, Democrats had just captured the White House from Republicans and in both cases the Georgia...

  • November 27, 2008

    Thanks for what lasts

    Barack Obama won the presidency promising change.  As we enter our national season of Thanksgiving, we should reflect on the goodness of permanence.  Liberals morphed over the last three decades into "progressives."   Th...

  • November 24, 2008

    Mein Kampus

    College has long been bigoted toward conservatives.  We have all seen it in the elevation of relatively untalented radical Leftists like Angela Davis, Ward Churchill, and William Ayers to professorships while genuine conservative scholars like N...

  • November 16, 2008

    Orwell's Children

    It has been sixty years since George Orwell wrote his chilling dystopian classic, 1984, and it has been thirty years since we saw the creepiest example of educated and free people willingly walking into a living dystopia.  November 18, 1978, thr...

  • November 9, 2008

    What do the election results mean to conservatives?

    The results of the 2008 election mean a lot of things to a lot of different people.  What do those results mean to conservatives?  The results do not mean conservative candidates lose elections.  Obama got a big slice of the conservati...

  • October 29, 2008

    Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak

    The 2001 audio tape of Barack Obama describing the Constitution as a document of "negative liberties" reveals an utterly Orwellian Obama.  How can liberty be anything other than negative?  Liberty is the absence of external contro...

  • October 16, 2008

    Conservative Victory in Canada and Lessons for Republicans

    The triumph of Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party in Canada's general election offers some hope for conservatives in the United States.  Harper is a very bright guy.  He is also a relatively young and articulate fellow, like Eric Can...

  • October 13, 2008

    John McCain and the Limbaugh Effect

    A majority of Americans consider themselves conservative. If only John McCain knew....In late August I recounted that since early 2002 the Battleground Poll, a bipartisan poll which always asks a core set of questions and which always reveals the bat...

  • October 1, 2008

    The Unspoken Campaign Message of Obama

    There is a theme to the political campaign of Barack Obama.  It follows the teachings of Saul Alinksy, and it can be summed up easily:  I will do anything to win.  That was the theory of Alinsky, whose radicalism was simply radicalism ...

  • September 30, 2008

    Confronting Evil Then and Now

    Seventy years ago today, on September 30, 1938, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from Munich with accords that allowed Hitler to occupy Sudetenland, the predominately German part of the polyglot nation of Czechoslovakia.  The British ...

  • September 27, 2008

    The Golden Anniversary of de Gaulle's France

    Americans love to hate France.  Mark Twain, the quintessential American writer, described man as lying somewhere between the angels and the French.  Jonah Goldberg, in our times, has called the French "cheese eating surrender monkeys....

  • September 21, 2008

    Fully invested in your misery

    Obama seems happier these days.  It is almost as if the disembodied spirit of his mentor, Saul Alinsky, is watching and smiling.  Americans are suffering.  Losses in the stock market, panic in the financial market, pain at the gas pump...

  • September 20, 2008

    The Left's Crooked Umpires

    Atlantic Monthly runs an article on John McCain.  A photographer, Jill Greenberg, takes  pictures of McCain for the piece.   She deliberately takes awful photographs, using her skill as a professional to make the senator look as o...

  • September 8, 2008

    Thirty Years after Camp David

    Thirty years ago Jimmy Carter tried to change the world by getting the leaders of nations to agree.  The result, in September 1978, was the Camp David Accords.  Did it work?  Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin, the respective leaders of Eg...

  • September 7, 2008

    The Economic Problem of Sin

    Sin is an unpopular topic. In Hollywood today, unmarried pretty faces procreate and then splash baby pictures on the front of every women's magazine in America.  No one dares question if the parents of this child have sinned, but, of course...

  • August 31, 2008

    Sarah Works

    The selection of Sarah Palin works, on many levels and in many ways.  McCain knew what he was doing when he picked her. Consider all the ways in which Palin helps the Republican ticket.Women voters know not only that the election of McCain ...

  • August 25, 2008

    The Biggest Missing Story in Politics

    The Battleground Poll, the most respected and thorough of all public opinion polls, released its latest results on August 20th.  Although many people read this poll for the data on voter preference in upcoming elections, for voter opinions about...

  • August 24, 2008

    The Rainbow Candidate and the Plain Vanilla Veep

    Barack needed a surprise.  He has become so dull, that McCain looks exciting beside him.  So the Obama held us all breathless for a day or so while he studied the field of Democrats, publicly pondered different names, and then settled brave...

  • August 22, 2008


    Take heart.  Hope.  Think for a moment about why the good guys will win the war against dishonesty, brutality, and power-mongering.  The big picture is often hard to see, particularly when the stench of evil in our lives is so pungent,...

  • August 20, 2008

    Forty Years after the Death of a Party

    Forty years ago, in the third week of August 1968, something horrible happened to the American Left and to its host, the Democratic Party.  We have been living with this horror ever since.  Democrats once embraced patriotism.  Scoop Ja...

  • August 15, 2008

    How the East Was Lost

    Today, China is a brash, tough power -- unfree, undemocratic, enthused with nationalistic self-importance, and hosting the Olympic Games with fake-smiles hiding feral teeth.  Today, Russia is a cynical authoritarian state, rallying behind a form...

  • August 13, 2008

    John Edwards and the Truth Scandal

    The spectacle of yet another Leftist Democrat, John Edwards, looking the American people dead in the eye and lying to them is nothing new.  The news spinners of the mainstream media have tried to portray the Edwards Affair as a sex scandal....

  • August 10, 2008

    Replacing the Irreplaceable

    2008 is becoming a year in which we must replace the irreplaceable.  The recent death of Alexander Solzhenitsyn is a reminder of how much we have lost and how hard it will be to find truly great men again.  When Ronald Reagan died four year...

  • August 7, 2008

    The Case for Cantor

    Eric Cantor is being vetted by John McCain for the vice presidential slot.  Congressman Cantor may very well be the best possible Republican to run with McCain -- for several different reasons.First, Cantor is very conservative.  Virginia, ...

  • August 4, 2008

    Death of a Giant

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn is dead.  It is a testament to the banality of our times that most people probably do not know what that means.  Since the end of the Second World War there have been a very few truly great men.  Out of those tin...

  • August 4, 2008

    The Death of a Giant

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn is dead.  It is a testament to the banality of our times that most people probably do not know what that means.  Since the end of the Second World War there have been a very few truly great men.  Out of those tin...

  • August 2, 2008

    Three Ways for McCain to Drill to Victory

    The time has come for serious presidential campaigns to settle into a few, clear themes.  Senator McCain has not quite done that yet, but he should soon.  What themes?  Here are three that will win him the presidency:Drilling for Votes...

  • July 18, 2008

    Obama is Just Another Politician

    Barack Obama is just another politician.  That is the increasingly obvious fact of the presidential campaign.  He runs to the center to win the election.  He breaks his campaign pledge on public financing when it helps him.  Obama...

  • July 15, 2008

    AGW: Short on science, long on religion

    Here is a link to an excellent summary of two important articles from the Global Warming "Denier" camp   Both articles are lengthy, but worth reading. James Peden's article is especially good at the basic physics of CO2 absorption of i...

  • July 15, 2008

    Stabilizing the Middle East -- then and now

    Fifty years ago today, an American president successfully stood up against the Moslem tide in the Middle East and won a victory. But the anniversary may pass completely unnoticed by most of the media, and the lesson of that event remains unlearned by...

  • July 10, 2008

    Obama's Poor English Lesson

    Barack Obama has questioned, implicitly, the value of English as a primary language.   Why shouldn't the rest of us learn to speak Spanish?  What is so "special" about English? Pandering to Hispanic voters is at the heart of ...

  • July 4, 2008

    Declaration of Freedom

    What is “independence” Day?The Fourth of July is Independence Day in America.  But what is Independence Day?  Well, it is firecrackers and hot dogs.  It is flags and parades.  It is a reminder that the terms “Uni...

  • June 18, 2008

    The Problem with Obama's Father's Day Speech

    Barack Obama's gave a carefully calculated political speech on Father's Day calling attention to the problem of children growing up without a father.  In one important respect, Obama was absolutely right:  Far too many children are bei...

  • June 6, 2008

    The Proposition 13 Revolution Turns Thirty

    Thirty years ago, on June 6, 1978, Americans began a political revolution.  Unlike most political revolutions in our history, this was not a revolution at the federal level and it was not a revolution led by politicians.  The Revolution of ...

  • June 1, 2008

    The New Copperheads

    During the Civil War, when the issues of right and wrong were clear, one of President Lincoln’s appointees, General George McClellan, betrayed him.  The anti-war Democrats to whom McClellan pandered were called “Copperheads.”...

  • May 17, 2008

    Twilight of the goddesses - The Ragnarok of Feminism

    Feminism has been dying the death of a sick old woman.  Shackled to the political party that opposed women's suffrage, just as blacks are manacled to the political party of the Ku Klux Klan, both captives levied en masse as foot soldiers to figh...

  • May 4, 2008

    The Decline of Leftism in Europe

    In less than a week the major political parties of the Right in Britain and Italy scored unprecedented electoral victories by winning mayoral races in Rome and then in London. Since the end of the Second World War, the Right had never controlled thos...

  • April 22, 2008

    Madness and Political Life

    "We have now sunk to a depth where the restatement of the obvious is the duty of intelligent men"   - George Orwell.  How often do we have to return to the words of Orwell to make sense of the world today?  There is madness i...

  • April 20, 2008

    Ben Stein's Expelled

    Ben Stein's new film, Expelled, should be seen by anyone interested in the new Dark Age of totalitarianism which seems to be creeping through our institutions of communication, information and education.  Perhaps only Stein could properly portra...

  • April 9, 2008

    Is Obama committed to Israel's survival?

    Is Obama committed to Israel's survival as a Jewish state? The question is serious and the answer may be chilling.  The senator himself has not spoken ill of Israel nor has he made anti-Semitic statements, but it is quite unlikely that a candida...

  • April 6, 2008

    Who's an Uncle Tom?

    As the Democrats' nomination process descends into the ugly area of racial politics, it may be helpful to explore and to learn about the origin of some of the equally ugly racial mockeries that have become a part of American political life.  The...

  • March 28, 2008

    Some Wicked Friends of Public Schools

    Free  education, the provision for the opportunity for universal literacy, is a blessing to any society. The ability to read and write has made the difference between social mobility and social stagnation.  Free public education i...

  • March 25, 2008

    The religion of eternal racism and eternal sexism

    The Civil Rights Act was passed forty-three years ago.  The feminist movement was more or less officially launched about forty years ago.  And yet today in the Democrat Party there are serious voices complaining of racism and sexism among D...

  • March 18, 2008

    The New Jimmy Carter

    Thirty two years ago a Democrat politician with very little experience "transcended" politics as usual and was lifted on waves of good will to the White House.  It seems to be happening again.  Jimmy Carter is unknown to most youn...

  • March 17, 2008

    The Lawyers' Party

    The Democratic Party has become the Lawyers' Party.  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are lawyers.  Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama are lawyers.  John Edwards, the other former Democrat candidate for president, is a lawyer and so is hi...

  • February 29, 2008

    Buckley and Reagan: The Qualities of Conservative Greatness

    As conservatives bemoan the apparent descent of conservatism into a swamp, we would do well to remember the two men who most personify conservatism in America.  One of those two men, William F. Buckley, has just passed away.  The other man,...

  • February 23, 2008

    The Misnomer of Conservatism

    As we "conservatives" thrash about trying to find who is a real conservative, we should also seek to find what we mean by conservative.  Conservatism, supposedly, is like a stool with three legs:  Fiscal, Social, and National Secu...

  • February 3, 2008

    America on Ronald Reagan's Birthday

    Today nearly everyone in America sees Ronald Reagan as a great president.  Barack Obama does; every Republican leader does; Time magazine does.  Four years ago, when Ronald Reagan died after a decade of seclusion, millions of Americans line...

  • January 24, 2008

    Happy Birthday, Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!

    On Sunday,  January 27, 2008, our nation celebrates an important political anniversary.  Ten years ago Hillary Clinton (then the First Lady) went on television with Matt Lauer and said:  "This is the great story here for anybody w...

  • January 14, 2008

    Ron Paul and the Lodestar of Liberty

    Ron Paul is not a nut.  He is honorable and intelligent.  I have talked with Congressman Paul about politics and policies.  He is consistent and principled.  Much of what he says is true.  The Constitution is routinely ignore...

  • January 10, 2008

    A Moral Challenge for the Democrats

    There is a difference between Mrs. Bill Clinton and Senator Barack Obama.  That difference is not about political ideology.  It is not about specific policies.  The difference between Clinton and Obama is about ethics and character....

  • January 3, 2008

    Mike Huckabee and Christian Duty

    Mike Huckabee said last Sunday on Meet the Press  that his faith was important to him and that it drove his views on everything from the environment to poverty to disease and to hunger.  Huckabee then went on to say that he thought the Repu...

  • January 1, 2008

    The Conservative Tide in Major Democracies

    When things are going poorly for the Left, count on it to change the subject.  After the surge refused to fail, the surge ceased to be news.  Recall four years ago, when "all" the leaders of our major democratic friends were hosti...

  • December 9, 2007

    Wrongfully Accused: Jews and Bolshevism

    I wrote recently  about the hostility that the Nazis had for Christians and wrote again about Christian opposition to Nazism.  My point was to demonstrate that people of the Judeo-Christian faith are fundamentally different from people...

  • November 25, 2007

    The Nazis Were Marxists

    The Nazis were Marxists, no matter what our tainted academia and corrupt media wishes us to believe.  Nazis, Bolsheviks, the Ku Klux Klan, Maoists, radical Islam and Facists -- all are on the Left, something that should be increasingly appa...

  • November 19, 2007

    Christian Opposition to Nazi Anti-Semitism

    The notion that somehow Christianity was connected with Nazism has its roots in powerful forces. The world is increasingly secular, and when secularists talk of the "dangers" of religions, they really mean the "dangers" of Ch...

  • November 17, 2007

    The Nazis and Christianity

    My recent American Thinker article "The Godless Delusion" generated a substantial volume of email and comment from atheists.  Although I have directly responded to some of the people, assertions they have made -- some politely and...

  • November 10, 2007

    The Godless Delusion

    The recent spate of anti-theistic books presents nothing really new.  People have been making arguments against the existence of God for a long, long time.  Why is there evil in the world?  Why do religious people sometimes do bad thin...