Bruce Phillips

Bruce Phillips

  • April 7, 2014

    Hindsight: Handle with Care

    Hindsight often seems instructive, but there is always the danger of drawing the wrong lesson.  Here’s a case in point.   I rather like Peggy Noonan’s work.  There are many times where she doesn’t match up to ...

  • July 18, 2012

    The Outsourcing Dividend for the Poor and Middle Class

    I was daydreaming recently about how I would respond to the outsourcing charge were I Mitt Romney.  One thought led to another, and finally to a surprisingly simple but high-impact realization.  For some years I worked for an internationa...

  • March 22, 2010

    Obamacare's Achilles Heel

    There is an important lesson to be learned about Obamacare, which passed the House last night. It was brought to national attention on February 7th, when President Obama sat down for a Super Bowl interview with Katie Couric. Among the many surprising...