Bruce Johnson

Bruce Johnson

  • November 6, 2013

    The Foolish Fed

    The three Federal Reserve Mandates.  Yes, there are three.  It is a "tri" mandate, not a "dual" one. "....conducting the nation's monetary policy by influencing the monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employ...

  • November 5, 2013

    Forcing Obama's hand

    Representative Fred Upton (R, MI) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would allow individuals to keep their insurance policies. "I introduced legislation earlier this week, that we hope to have on the floor soon, co-sponsore...

  • November 2, 2013

    The Other Giant Sucking Sound

    We have had the Ross Perot "giant sucking sound" warning come true.  Our manufacturing has moved to Mexico, the Pacific Rim, and China.  The U.S. economy has been transformed into one reliant upon service and entertainment. ...

  • November 2, 2013

    Goldman-Hillary alliance secure

    If a construction company executive paid a $200,000  speaking fee to a state official who controlled road construction in that state, there might be a question or two as to the propriety.  Why so much money for a speech, one might ask. I...

  • October 31, 2013

    Buying Their Silence

    In this video, and from a remarkable source, we learn that the warm and fuzzy Obama White House and the kind and gentle Democratic Party are indeed holding their boots on the throats of private insurance companies. Insurance executives are afraid ...

  • October 30, 2013

    When Vice Prevails

    Call me old fashioned, but I consider it a vice to lie to the American Public. I consider it a vice to hire a communications director /spokes person / press secretary to shade and spin and deflect and delay information that should properly flow to ...

  • October 29, 2013

    Obama Unaware, continued

    The President and his mouthpiece Jay Carney are wearing out the "I didn't know, we can't comment because of the ongoing investigation", excuses. Ignorance is allowed to be the best defense. And the White House press corps apparently feels his ignoran...

  • October 26, 2013

    The Low Information Voter Obamacare 'Mule' Moment

    The mule trainer pickups up the two by four and swing it with all his might.  It strikes the mule directly between the eyes.  The bystander queries, "Why did you do that?" The mule trainer replies, "First you must get their attention."...

  • October 25, 2013

    A Call To The First 2000 names in the Boston Phone Book, Your Country Needs You Now

    William F. Buckley stated that he would rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston phone book rather than 2000 professors of Harvard. Well Bill, the time is now. We have met the faculty and from the past five years, we believe they shou...

  • October 22, 2013

    The Federal Reserve Gets an Assist on the Blaming of Republicans

    Oh, for a free market.  We didn't hear much from the Federal Reserve head Ben Bernanke during the debt ceiling fiasco, did we?  The Fed is an "apolitical" entity kept at arms length from Congress and the Executive Branch.  ...

  • October 20, 2013

    You Must but We Can't.

    Is this the Peter Principle moment for the Federal Government? Have we for now come to the point that the magnitude of encroachment into the lives of private citizens is now beyond their level of ability to do so?  Hopefully.  Obamacare's a...

  • October 18, 2013

    Let it Be Known

    "Sorry. Obamacare is going to hurt me and I can't buy that right now." "Sorry. I used to give to your charity each year, but the money must go for my higher health insurance costs due to Obamacare." "Sorry. We have to lay off 20% of our work force, ...

  • October 18, 2013

    Is Dennis Miller Right?

    Dennis Miller has taken the course that what has happened to this country is not soon to be reversed, and that to twist and contort ones self over this fact is to deny yourself a certain measure of happiness.  In short, it can't be fixed right n...

  • October 13, 2013

    It's the Redistribution of Health Insurance Coverage and Nothing Else

    Did you get the letter from your insurance company yet? Got my letter today. Being the responsible party for my insurance costs, the communication came to me.  Perhaps your employer will get a similar letter. I have been informed that I have...

  • October 7, 2013

    What a Patriotic President Would Have Done

    The other day, during the shutdown in Washington D.C., Biden and Obama went to lunch at a deli near the White House. It was a photo op, dreamed up by some underling public relations staff member. The idea was to patronize the restaurant that was givi...

  • October 5, 2013

    Spillage: The Progressive End Game.

    There is no greater indication of the mindset and endgame of the Progressive Left than the clever and surgical removal of one the most significant safeguards from the corpus of the Affordable Care Act. Rewriting the ACA has been a sneaky little ga...

  • October 5, 2013

    For Political Impact Only

    Where is that newly defined, ever expanding Executive Power now? Where are the Executive Orders to keep the parks and children medical assistance programs in operation? The nameless bureaucrats that make anonymous decisions affecting our lives de...

  • October 2, 2013

    Removing one of the best incentives for good health

    Thinking and responsible people wish to remain healthy for several reasons.  One of the main impetuses for being healthy is the avoidance of medical costs. It is expensive to be sick or in bad health. Fully understanding and recognizing that s...

  • September 1, 2013

    Who decides not to enforce Federal Law?

    In the history of our nation this occurrence seemed exclusive to the healthy friction between Federal and State laws per the supremacy clause and the 14th amendment.  States might have contested a Federal Law which they deemed harmful to their c...

  • August 16, 2013

    Fact or fiction?

    Author Brad Thor's recent book "Hidden Order" is a thought provoking work tuned to the remarkably coincidental geo political events of today. Realizing this is only fiction, the author paints the picture that could explain the Arab Spring effort of...

  • July 22, 2013

    If a person 'cannot stand his ground, what can he do?

    Per the Florida Statute, Use of force in defense of person. 776.012 "A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend him...

  • July 18, 2013

    Fed's policies working at cross purposes with Obamacare

    As the Federal Reserve implements poor tools to hold to an outdated mandate, the unintended consequences of misguided legislation known as Obamacare has put the Federal government and its efforts to improve the national employment picture in oppositi...

  • July 18, 2013

    Delivering Illinois

    It appears there are some masterful political theatrics and undercurrents in Illinois that will provide a power realignment. The Madigan family and its power hold on Illinois is about to meet some stiff head winds.  An arrangement that could o...

  • July 11, 2013

    Washington, D.C. and Wall Street doing just fine, thank you.

    The entire calamity that was the '07 ' 08 financial debacle can be directly attributable to machinations of Wall Streeters and Washington DC politicians.  The packaging of mortgages and the continual dropping of standards to originate those mort...

  • July 10, 2013

    Obamacare: Hypocrisy on Outsourcing.

    So visible is the President when he gives lip service to creating American jobs and vilifying the practice of outsourcing.  The coverage of this noble stance received significant media attention.  Mitt Romney was taken to task for his compa...

  • July 6, 2013

    Equality? I dare ya...

    Oh, behold those who speak of equality.  They dance around the matter like a moth on a back porch light, never really landing upon it. We all know who they are.  They make a living at image management, shakedowns, high political office, ...

  • June 24, 2013

    The Nullification Door can Swing Both Ways

    Patrick Henry, John Calhoun, and George Mason would be delighted that States are showing some backbone after 220 years of Federal power encroachment. States are again beginning to question Federal authority by, in effect, nullifying some Fe...

  • June 5, 2013

    They that Hear the Obama Administration's Dog Whistle

    Peter Roskam's tale relayed to the Ways and Means Committee this week explains much. Illinois Representative Peter Roskam gives us some history of the type of people who get installed into key positions in the Obama Administration. One such person ...

  • May 21, 2013

    At what point does it matter?

    On a morning talk show, Obama's point man for legal affairs, Dan Pfeiffer cracked the door a little wider to allow a peek into the Progressive Left mind set. Regarding the IRS malfeasance, Pfeiffer said.... "I can't speak to the law here. The law...

  • May 19, 2013

    The 'wink, wink, nod, nod' style of governance

    When you appoint a "butcher" a "baker" or a "candlestick" not be surprised when meat is cut, bread rises, or paraffin is molded and wicked. There may not have been any need for "direct instruction" for the IRS miscreants, and thus, to lo...

  • April 27, 2013

    Speaking of Economic Numbers. They ain't what they used to be.

    800x600 Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • April 16, 2013

    'We are going to find out who did this.' And then what?

    "We are going to find out who did this."  Says the President. Are we going to find out like we were assured we would "find out".... in the post Benghazi media aftermath?  And many ask...."And then what?" Even when we do find out, nothi...

  • April 15, 2013

    Gold. Collateral Damage

    In reference to the bottom dropping out of the "greater fool" market known as precious metals, let us consider the behind the scenes ramifications of Gold's sudden plummet. Yes, Gold is used as collateral.  It was considered a bullet proof goo...

  • April 10, 2013

    Take My Child...Please.

    A few years ago, Hillary wrote a book titled "It Takes a Village."  That was a palatable notion. The family had the primary responsibility, but there was also community environmental impact as well.  Hillary's observation was mostly reasona...

  • April 4, 2013

    The Fed's Deadly Instrument of Speculation

    Yes. David Stockman is an author. He is interested in selling books, in particular his recent The Great Deformation. Points all considered and duly registered. But his cautions are real and his delivery blunt. "The Corruption of Capitalism in Americ...

  • April 2, 2013

    What the trading programs can't see

    To a great extent, automated trading programs are driving the stock market.  They are blind monsters out to buy new highs, capture dividends and just keep on obeying the inputted programming and algorithms.  They put money to work for the s...

  • April 1, 2013

    The one question about immigration reform no one asks

    There are many immigration reform proposals floating about.  Many have merits. But whether you agree with the concept or the mechanism, there is one question no one seems to ask. Each and every one of the immigration reforms pushed forward req...

  • March 30, 2013

    The Federal Government Has No Business in Marriage

    Let us cut to the chase.  This gay marriage issue is all about money.  It is about tax treatment and spousal benefits, both corporate and federal. If I hear a liberal say one more time that two people should have the right to love and liv...

  • March 29, 2013

    The Dog Ate My Exit Strategy

    On July 21, 2009, in the Wall Street Journal, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke outlined the smooth and seamless exit strategy for the Federal Reserve and its now overly accommodative policies. In 2009 the Dow Jones Industrial Average was trading at 8,100.....

  • March 27, 2013

    Cyprus Can't Happen Here? It's already has...

    Governmental authorities dipping" into private savings accounts and removing 10% of their value is termed an "unthinkable solution" for banking issues in the United States. For those who say, "It couldn't happen here" I ask, "Where have you been?...

  • March 19, 2013

    Cypriot Quantitative Easing

    Remember JFK standing before the throngs of Germans and declaring "Ich bin ein Berliner"? Now imagine Ben Bernanke standing before the throngs of Cypriots and declaring that he was a Cypriot, a Cypriot politician sticking his hand into your savings a...

  • March 8, 2013

    The Bernanke Market

    Ben is to the stock market as Lance Armstrong is to bike racing. Why the steroids Ben? The "emergency" rates don't seem appropriate when stocks are at record highs.  Are they emergency rates still? Accommodative?  Accommodative for what?...

  • March 5, 2013

    Celebrity is Accomplishment

    Celebrity is accomplishment.  Yes, notoriety seems to have been equated with ability. Popularity is now par with wisdom.  This is the world we live in, or at least it is the world created, arranged and delivered to us via the media. Does th...

  • February 28, 2013

    Low Information Voters? How about a Low Information President?

    There is a real possibility, a strong likelihood, that President Obama knows nothing of the nuts and bolts, the details and realities of the positions he promotes.  He rides the Starship Air Force One, thrills adolescent crowds and frames himsel...

  • February 22, 2013

    To the Lesser Crime

    Well, the apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it? In fact, wasn't there a little Phil Mickelson 60 degree wedge back spin on that golden delicious as it landed? Jesse Jr. seems to have been born with an inherent disrespect for ethics and a sharp...

  • February 20, 2013

    The White House Press Corps: Journalistic Featherweights

    There has been no greater revelation of the puddle depth of the alleged journalists of the White House Press Corps than their outrage over the Tiger Woods/Obama golf summit blackout. "Where is the transparency?" they cry. These are the same journali...

  • January 31, 2013

    Bernanke's cattle drives

    Ben Bernanke is arguably the most powerful man in the world.  He controls the cost of money.  When you control the cost of money, i.e. interest rates, you control the evaluation of all assets measured by that currency. He has furthered hi...

  • January 17, 2013

    Children Against Deficit Spending

    Imagine the optics. John Boehner sits in his office. He is surrounded by children and heaps of letters from other children. He smiles and bounces one of the children on his knee. The camera comes into sharp focus on Boehner's face.  He explains ...

  • December 27, 2012

    Slouching Toward Eloi

    H. G. Wells appears to have been correct.  In his book "The Time Machine", Wells showed us the future as he feared it might be. Are we there yet?  Well, not quite.  Though he had a very distant date on his prediction, even now we can...

  • December 26, 2012

    Fabrications from the Bully Pulpit

    Going over the "fiscal cliff" begins to appear to be a strategy for Democrats to take back the House.  The President is prepared to fully explain to the nation why the dysfunctional GOP controlled House is the cause of the nation's woes and part...

  • December 21, 2012

    Blameless New World

    We have moved from everyone gets a trophy to "no one is to blame" These are essentially the same concepts. The "everyone gets a trophy" model began appearing in our society about two decades ago. Via the Little League, other children's sports, ...

  • December 21, 2012

    Fiscal Cliff Follies

    Rules haven't seemed to matter much in Washington lately.  So why do people believe that the measures of the fiscal cliff will be adhered to and suddenly implemented?  What makes people think that automatic triggers will kick in this time? ...

  • December 17, 2012

    And Major Nidal Hassan still draws breath

    The mass murderer Nidal Hassan is still unpunished.  In light of the tragedy of the past week, and all the legitimate outrage regarding mass shootings, where is the demand for the swift and measured justice of another mass murderer, Major Nida...

  • December 15, 2012

    Bernanke's Cow Bell in the Night

    One thing is for certain: Bernanke is committed.  But so is a one-trick pony.  However, is blind commitment to a theory a virtue or a frailty? The Federal Reserve chairman continues to push the chips out to the center of the table with bo...

  • December 13, 2012

    Obama's Tacit Approval of the violence in Michigan

    Dennis Miller has pointed to the recent and continuing evidence of the dichotomy between image and reality in the Obama world. Dennis, take a bow. This latest episode of inflammatory language coming from Michigan Democrats and Union officials provide...

  • December 12, 2012


    Of all the Presidents in my lifetime, I don't recall a Commander in Chief that seems to purposely mislead.  Yet this President often orates with well crafted phrases that can only be explained as contrived to this purpose.  The circumstanc...

  • December 11, 2012

    Okay, President Obama, Let's be Fair

    Let's be fair.  Present federal spending levels is damaging to future generations. It steals from those that are coming after us and also shaves value from the currency.  Let us be fair to future generations and those who hold dollars. Le...

  • December 5, 2012

    Explaining the Progressive attack on Charitable Deductions

    Perhaps the most revealing plank of the Progressive agenda is the curious and obsessive attack on the charitable deduction allowance. It does not require any explanation to conclude that an attack on this deduction is also an attack on the charitie...

  • November 17, 2012

    Surviving a 'multitude of fools'

    From a Czech newspaper, quoted by Bernard Goldberg, after the election: "The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an O...

  • November 5, 2012

    Obama's Revenge

    The President of the United States, the self proclaimed healer of that which divides us, delivered a speech in which he spoke of  "revenge."  These words were spoken to his typical under informed adoring crowd before whom he explained that ...

  • November 1, 2012

    On Tolerating Law that is Not Obligatory on the Legislature

    The promise of what was to be our form of government, and how it would rest on several pillars of lucid and just arrangements between itself and the People, should never be broken.  But it has been. Part of the Promise was this. "The House of R...

  • November 1, 2012

    The Storm Analogous to the Fiscal Crisis.

    Politics makes strange bedfellows they say.  Can there be a better example than Obama and Chris Christie walking shoulder to shoulder through the carnage left by "Sandy" in New Jersey?  Christie treated Obama harshly, and rightfully so, a...

  • October 29, 2012

    The Conformative Liberal Media

    Last Thursday, October 25, the New York Times revealed what we have long suspected: the world isn't buying what they are selling. The NYT announced some hard facts, a rarity indeed. "The stock fell by 22% to end the trading day at $8.31, representing...

  • October 26, 2012

    Obama vs. Reagan: No contest

    Can there be a greater contrast between two concepts of the United States of America than to juxtapose Ronald Reagan's vision with that of Barack Obama? "Somewhere a perversion has taken place, our natural and unalienable rights now are considered t...

  • October 23, 2012

    The Fed's Mandates and the Coming Scenario

    "The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy's long run potential to increase production, so as to promo...

  • October 16, 2012

    Will there be any consequences for Secretary Clinton accepting responsibility for Benghazi attack?

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has accepted responsibility for Benghazi security deficiencies. Now, who accepts the consequences of responsibility?  And what of the disinformation campaign? Accepting responsibility is only step one. The cons...

  • October 15, 2012

    Obama's Ersatz Space Program

    Our space program has been a source of national pride. Despite the fact it has dropped off the front pages of today's newspapers, it has always been an indicator of progress, innovation, and national advancement. According to President Obama's 2013 ...

  • October 11, 2012

    Big Bird: A Metaphor for Obama

    There is a suggestive resemblance between the Big Bird character and the President of the past four years. Each seems to follow the same successful formula and also share certain characteristics. They are: в—Џ Congenial, almost too polite (first deba...

  • October 10, 2012

    Hillary's damage control (of her political career)

    She was shaken when she addressed the press and spoke of the murder of our ambassador and 3 other Americans in Benghazi.  I am certain a portion of that grief was for those who were lost.  But equally certain is that Hillary was also grievi...

  • October 8, 2012

    The Left's Remaining Tactic

    It is still style over substance for the left. And it will remain so. The left must rely on style from this point forward as they cannot argue, debate, or even discuss substance. Performance, acting, and show business are the important factors. "Rom...

  • October 6, 2012

    Circumventing the law - again

    The President seems completely comfortable with circumventing passed law and Congress itself.  With his instructions for ICE agents to disregard portions of passed immigration law still fresh, instructions are issued from the Department of Labor...

  • October 4, 2012

    Romney: Do not misrepresent my positions in my presence

    Misinformation is the cornerstone of the Obama campaign. Romney refused to allow Obama to fog his positions and message in his presence and before a national audience. Obama has escaped scrutiny for four years due to the controlled media and the abse...

  • October 3, 2012

    Two Views of the Same Debate

    The Media is already suggesting that "style will trump substance".  And the spin begins. The better cosmetology and voice inflections wins. The gift of this assertion is that the comment actually distills to the essence, the contrast between the...

  • October 3, 2012

    Pennsylvania Judge Ignores United States Supreme Court

    In 2008 the SCOTUS ruled that there was no burden involved in requiring a photo ID for voting purposes and that such a requirement would not impede a person from voting. In the decision, "Justice John Paul Stevens, who announced the judgment of the c...

  • October 2, 2012

    Why Obama Sticks in my Craw

    It seems that politicians rely on the short-lived memories of the general public.  But I am tortured by a good memory.  Maybe it is just that I remember being misled like cattle recall the hot iron.  Here is an array of instances that ...

  • October 2, 2012

    Approving and Endorsing Pelosi, Reid, Jones and Holder

    Those who wish vote for President Obama must be reminded that to do so is to endorse the actions and non actions of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Van Jones, and Eric Holder. Even though this would likely be a" lark of logic" for those who still are in Ob...

  • September 24, 2012

    Debate moderators will spell the difference

    In one of the GOP Presidential Candidate debates, the moderator took the train off track, and Newt called him on it instantly. John Harris of Politico attempted to create infighting amongst the GOP candidates and turn the evening from one of honest d...

  • September 23, 2012

    Presidente: Donde la verdad?

    If it was rude for Congressman Joe Wilson to leap to his feet during your State of the Union speech and yell "You Lie!", how many others have bit their tongue? The list grows. What is equally rude and repetitively dishonest is the false impressions a...

  • September 23, 2012

    Deceptive, Uninformed, or Dangerous Naïveté ?

    The Presidential miasma of deception and delusion appears steeped in a dangerous naïveté.  Then it struck me.  Perhaps the President really doesn't know the facts.  This would explain the emptiness of his speeches that are froth with p...

  • September 21, 2012

    The Redistributionist

    Another declaration of Obama's want for redistribution of wealth is a National Public Radio interview conducted in 2001.  Not only does he reveal his desire for wealth redistribution conducted by the government, he suggests the Judicial branch b...

  • September 21, 2012

    Do Conservatives Speak to Pollsters?

    Polls are inherently flawed.  You might have seen the pollster at the mall flagging down people to conduct a 'quick survey'.   Ever notice how many people just walk on by?  This in itself makes the poll a flawed sampling.  Th...

  • September 20, 2012

    Late Night with Barack Obama

    One couldn't help watching the Letterman show the other night and wonder, who would be the better President? The contest not between Obama and Romney, but between Obama and Letterman. Obama has the better smile, don't you think? As celebrities they a...

  • September 20, 2012

    More Cow Bell, Ben?

    The old SNL skit where music producer Christopher Walken calls for "more cow bell" is similar to the Federal Reserve's easy money policy.  Just like the song didn't have enough "cow bell', I guess our economy doesn't have enough easy money. The ...

  • September 18, 2012

    The Cloward-Piven way

    If the Cloward and Piven agenda were being implemented, would it look any different? In all likelihood, they would be delighted with the massive deficits and the "spillage" that is the lax implementation of government entitlements. A 1966 Article by ...

  • September 16, 2012

    A tale of two teacher's strikes

    Chicago Teachers are on strike.  35 miles north of Chicago there is also a teachers strike, in the tony suburb of Lake Forest. In Chicago, the teacher's average compensation is circa $71,000 per year.  The average household income in Chicag...

  • September 16, 2012

    The Danger of Bernanke's 'Imaginary Mandate'

    Imagine a man from the government walks into the bank that holds your life savings and announces  "I am from your government and I hereby declare that all the monies in this bank are now worth 2% less. I will be back next year, and the next, to ...

  • September 16, 2012

    Except for Catholics

    President Obama said, as reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "I have made it clear that the United States has a profound respect for people of all faiths. We stand for religious freedom. And we reject the denigration of any religion - i...

  • September 14, 2012

    Quantitative Appeasing. Bernanke's big bet on the Phillips Curve.

    Most disturbing in the Federal Reserve's release is this language, " to support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee agreed today to increase po...

  • September 13, 2012

    Journalists, not

    Media bias is no natural occurrence. Talking points issued early in the day can be detected throughout the day, almost verbatim, in arranged interviews and questioning.  Painting the media is the objective. Controlling the discussion their missi...

  • September 12, 2012

    To the Shores of Tripoli

    Benghazi isn't quite Tripoli, but the shores are the same.  We now have boots on the ground in Libya as Marines are being deployed.  Rightfully so.  An attack on an embassy is considered an attack on that county's soil.  So, on 9/...

  • September 9, 2012

    Where exactly is the common ground between Clinton and Obama?

    I give you Bill Clinton, the first black President. He is here to sing the praises of the other first black President, Barack Obama. How ironic. How ridiculous. They are both the first Black President, but that is where the similarity ends. Did Joe B...

  • September 6, 2012

    Tapping the Democrat Tuning Fork

    Tapping the musical device against a hard object yields a perfect audible note. But only one. It fades out.  Tap. There it is again,  ah, the same note, with repetitive reliability, never to be altered.  Like a one note samba, the Demo...

  • September 2, 2012

    Clarence Page and his War of Disinformation

    In an article in the Chicago Tribune, titled "Team Romney's war against facts," Clarence Page reveals a remarkable confusion.  And he wishes to share it with his readers.  In this article, he attempts to make the case that it is the GOP tha...

  • September 1, 2012

    The Impotence of Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve

    The job of central bankers is to prevent free-market forces from impacting an economic situation. Monetary policy apparently cannot halt a previously declining manufacturing sector.  The Federal Reserve's record level of accommodations hasn't he...

  • August 29, 2012

    Obama calls for full disclosure, almost

    On August 20th, President Obama almost blew it. "The American people have assumed that if you want to be president of the United States that your life's an open book    (pause)   when it comes to things like your finances," ...

  • August 26, 2012

    Is Nidal Hasan Army or Islam?

    Can the United States seriously be bending over backwards for a mass murderer? There is something peculiar in this case, again.  The first instance was the omission of any reference to Islam or the Muslim chants of the murderer as he killed 13 p...

  • August 25, 2012

    Corzine gets the New Black Panther treatment.

    To control prosecutorial exertion is to control when and where the law is applied.  Whom the posse pursues should not be a whim of political influence, but a matter of compulsory legal scrutiny.  No man is above the Law.  No man, not ...

  • August 21, 2012

    Ensuring a Recurrence

    Like the maître d' at a $40,000-a-plate restaurant, Jon Corzine filled the room, made sure he got the right people at the right tables.  And now he has the free lunch.  No prison orange tuxedo for the man many say raided segregated customer...

  • August 16, 2012

    Royal Waivers from Passed Law

    A disturbing trend in the attitude and actions of this administration is the disregard for the law as actually passed by Congress and signed by his predecessors.  The reason it is referred to as "law"  is so it can not be changed or altered...

  • August 16, 2012

    A History Lesson for Joe. An example of selective outrage for others.

    Imagine the headline. DemocratpPolitician from former slave state speaks of a return to chains before mostly black audience. Shocking. One might conjure up images of a Mississippi Senator running his mouth a bit too much. In reality it was the Vice...

  • August 15, 2012

    'The Crazy Uncle in the White House Attic' is one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    Obama: Making Joe Biden Vice President was "The single best decision I have made" reported by CBS News back in 2010. At first blush, this seems like a ridiculous statement.  Upon examination of Obama's subsequent record, it may be valid. That is...

  • August 9, 2012

    Mr. President, who're you foolin'? Oh, there they are.

    The "Obama backdrop" we can call it now.  The fawning, nearly fainting, adoring sycophants with the cups of kool aid.  Be it college students fresh from the halls of leftist indoctrination, or, in this case, the women who somehow think thei...

  • August 6, 2012

    Why is Harry Reid riding the mail pony?

    Harry Reid says Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for a ten year period. He has been told by someone.  But that is a secret. Apparently that is good enough for Harry. The Majority Leader of the Senate of the United States of America engages in hear...

  • August 4, 2012

    On Demanding Tolerance

    "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions."Gilbert K. Chesterton And to be "without convictions" is to surrender to the Orwellian existence as depicted in "1984."  Slack jawed.  No opinions, no convictions. To exist without ...

  • August 1, 2012

    James Madison's cat

    The old country saying..."You could swing a cat overhead by its tail not miss hitting a [blank]: If James Madison twirled a cat by its tail in Congress, he couldn't help hitting a Representative or a Senator, of either party, who is shielded from the...

  • August 1, 2012

    Crime and Timely Punishment

    "Moderation in the pursuit of Justice is not a virtue."  Barry Goldwater Nidal Hasan killed 13 and wounded 29 at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed arrested in 2003.  His crimes? Pick one. Jared Loughner killed four an...

  • August 1, 2012

    Rahmbo's pirouette in a tea pot

    Rahm ... this is a leap in logic...a vault grandeur, a grand jete. While anointing the Nation of Islam with some sort of community watch authority, you, the mayor of Chicago, roadblock a national restaurant chain from opening second location in the c...

  • July 30, 2012

    The Liberal Media's Shiny Object Factory

    Misquoting makes it easy.  Taking an innocuous statement by Romney about the coming confirmation of the British people's embrace of the Olympics, mentioning some variables and unkowns, then extrapolating to a foreboding of Mitt's foreign policy ...

  • July 25, 2012

    Scott Brown Crystallizes the Transformation of the Democratic Party

    This vehicle pays $12, 532 a year in vehicle and road taxes. Has Elizabeth Warren ever driven behind this truck on her way to a Native American get together?  If she had, perhaps she would not say things such as "You built a factory out there....

  • July 24, 2012

    Are All Securities Created Equal?

    There is a stark contrast between classic capitalism as defined by Adam Smith and Milton Friedman, and the packaging and bundling of derivatives and securities, the ugly cousin of capital creation. Stock and Debt are integral components of Capital fo...

  • July 23, 2012

    On Schooling Liberals

    Where have you gone Milton Freidman, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ...(to the tune of Mrs. Robinson) As  Milton Friedman instructed Phil Donahue, 1979... "The great achievements in civilization have not come from government bureaus....

  • July 20, 2012

    Why Gun Laws Often Have Little Impact

    In his book  "Restoring the Lost Constitution", Professor Gary Barnett of Georgetown University refers to the concept of the  "moral duty" to obey the law.  Isn't that what is missing in Chicago?  The 'moral duty' to obey the gun ...

  • July 18, 2012

    Fed Action. Helping or Hurting?

    Charged with the duty of encouraging employment, the Federal Reserve has implemented aggressive monetary measures.  Expanding the Fed's balance sheet by nearly 3 trillion dollars via the purchases of an array of debt instruments, Bernanke and co...