Bruce Heiden

Bruce Heiden

  • January 11, 2021

    Impeachment 2.0? Careful, Dems!

    Madame Pelosi is threatening to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Trump this week.  But if House Democrats go along and pass an article of impeachment, the process will not go as they may imagine.  Since the charge ...

  • October 22, 2020

    Thoroughly immoral Joe Biden's campaign is built on phony claims to morality

    A chorus of voices, some of them belonging to sympathizers, has arisen to warn President Trump that the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop are a losing issue for him in the waning days of the presidential election campaign.  Instead, we ...

  • May 14, 2017

    Why Trump taunted Comey about tapes

    Last week, President Trump created a media firestorm by sending out a tweet in which he seemed to warn Jim Comey against leaking stories about their conversations, lest he be contradicted by recorded evidence of the actual exchanges.  Some journ...

  • November 28, 2016

    The Disingenuous Dr. Halderman

    Until a week ago Professor J. Alex Halderman of the University of Michigan was pretty much unknown outside the world of cyber-security, in which he holds a place of distinction as an academic expert on security problems concerning elections in the U....

  • October 21, 2016

    The Two Dimensions of Trump’s Campaign

    A few nights ago on Megyn Kelly’s program Chris Stirewalt made a clever comment that epitomized the blindness of political pros in government and the media to the stakes and significance of the 2016 presidential campaign.  Noting Trump...

  • July 6, 2016

    Flawed Person vs. Toxic Party: The 2016 Choice

    Jonah Goldberg recently criticized conservative defenders of Donald Trump for refusing to acknowledge that the 2016 election confronts us with a no-win scenario: "we are being asked what kind of bread our mandatory crap sandwiches shall be serve...

  • September 21, 2009

    Health Care Haiku

    Millions uninsured!Obamacare won’t coverRace Card Allergy...