Brian T. Carter

Brian T. Carter

  • November 17, 2016

    Donald Trump's Agenda: Promises, Promises

    All Americans who prize the concept of equality before the law and deplore corruption can rejoice at Hillary Clinton's defeat.  She lost, and America won a reprieve. Hopefully, fights over personalities can now give way to substantive debate...

  • November 6, 2016

    Equality Before the Law: The Hill to Die Upon

    Do we have a government of laws, or a government of men?  At what point have corruption and double standards gone too far?  Americans believe that their government is corrupt.  Confidence in a supposedly non-partisan institution like t...

  • October 7, 2016

    Don't Mix Up Your Conventions, or You Might Destroy the Country

    A recent American Thinker article made a strong case for amending the U.S. Constitution to restore federalism and re-establish constitutional authority.  Unfortunately, the author erred in calling the amendment proposal process a "constitut...

  • May 14, 2016

    The Libertarian Presidential Nomination Field

    Amidst widespread dissatisfaction with the presumptive nominees of both the Democrats and Republicans, The Libertarian Party is getting a fresh look, and some new registrations, including high profile people like Mary Matalin. The Libertarian pres...

  • May 6, 2016

    Wanted: A Leader

    Hillary Clinton, the almost certain Democratic nominee for president, is manifestly unfit to serve as president. She is a pathological liar who abused her office, violated the law, and sold influence for personal gain while abandoning subordinates in...

  • February 27, 2016

    Rubio: What Could Have Been

    Many Americans struggle to explain American Exceptionalism. The concept hasn't been taught in public schools for decades. Europeans deliberately misinterpret the concept as American arrogance and nationalism. Governor Bobby Jindal and Senator ...

  • September 2, 2015

    Cheapening, Devaluing, and Diluting Citizenship

    Yusef is a five-year-old United States citizen. His parents aren't U.S. citizens. He speaks no English. He doesn't dress or act like an American. He doesn’t remember America. Abdul is Yusef's brother and also a U.S. citizen. He u...

  • November 28, 2012

    The Left's Scrooge McDuck Mythology of the Wealthy

    On a sidewalk in Monterrey, Mexico -- a rich (by Mexican standards) industrial city in the northern state of Nuevo Leon -- a kid, reasonably well-dressed with clean clothes and flip-flops, approaches an American and asks, "Por favor, usted me da dine...

  • November 11, 2012

    We are not outnumbered.

    There are at least three options in how conservatives respond to the election results: First, conservatives can take the Tucker Carlson, David Frum, and Bill Kristol approach by nominating even more moderate Republicans and shamelessly pandering to d...

  • September 22, 2011

    Perry's Solyndra?

    Taxpayers continue to pay the bill for cronyism as the debt balloons, the dollar collapses, and our credit rating falls.  From the 2008 financial meltdown, the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debacle, and multiple pork-laden stimulus bills to auto bailou...