Brian Stomski

Brian Stomski

  • November 16, 2009

    The California T Party (T Is for Tax)

    Californians love to party. They always have. There are beach parties, Super Bowl parties, American Idol parties, poker parties, lingerie parties, bachelor and bachelorette parties, even parties for television shows with the same names, and a wide va...

  • November 3, 2009

    Will Obama Try to "Split the Difference" on Afghanistan?

    How often in life do we see difficult issues argued passionately by two opposing sides only to be ultimately decided by the classic Let's-Split-the-Difference Method? It's a rhetorical question, but the correct answer is too often.Where did this noti...

  • October 29, 2009

    It Looks Like We're Wimpy

    Wimpy was one of the characters in the Popeye the Sailor cartoon series from 1929 to 1994. Popeye was the quintessential American hero. He traveled the world fighting such villains as Brutus (aka Bluto) and Sea Hag. No matter how tough the challenge,...

  • October 14, 2009

    It depends on what the meaning of the word 'people' is

    When the Senate Finance Committee passed its almost meaningless version of health care reform yesterday, the White House jumped into action.  It was another chance to put their own spin on events and reshape the national conversation more to the...