Brian Lonergan

Brian Lonergan

  • Elon Musk’s Rogan interview was a masterclass on illegal immigration

    March 9, 2025

    Elon Musk’s Rogan interview was a masterclass on illegal immigration

    Elon Musk has his supporters and critics, but there is little debate that he is a genius when it comes to technology and space travel. It turns out he’s pretty smart about illegal immigration as well. Musk, President’s Trump’s...

  • Hypocrisy overload as New York's mayor, Eric Adams, ships migrants to Texas

    October 30, 2024

    Hypocrisy overload as New York's mayor, Eric Adams, ships migrants to Texas

    One of the enduring stories during the Biden administration’s disastrous experiment with surrendering our national borders has been Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s busing of illegal aliens to sanctuary cities. While Americans who believe in l...

  • September 6, 2023

    Biden sells off wall materials, sells out our border security

    For the last three years there has been a debate as to whether the chaos at our southern border is the result of incompetence or intent by the Biden administration. That question has now been answered beyond a reasonable doubt: it’s the latter....

  • July 8, 2023

    Biden's border mayhem worsens, now includes hostage videos

    The area around America's southern border has long been a dangerous, inhospitable place. In addition to the harsh desert environment, the lure of sneaking into a prosperous nation has brought with it a lucrative criminal enterprise. Now tha...

  • July 3, 2021

    Kamala’s El Paso junket perfectly sums up Biden’s toxic border agenda

    You may have missed it, but the person a heartbeat away from the presidency, Kamala Harris, finally visited the U.S.-Mexico border area recently. If you did miss it, it’s probably because Team Kamala cynically scheduled the trip on a Friday...

  • December 27, 2019

    Sanctuary laws defy the will of the American people

      Last month champions of freedom around the world celebrated the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The significance of that landmark event of the last century endures today. It is a reminder that, while totalitarianism and...

  • January 9, 2019

    If walls work, why are they immoral?

    As President Trump and his adversaries in Congress continue their protracted knife fight over funding for a border wall, the true merits of the case for it are still largely unknown to most Americans.  Instead, we have received a stead...

  • July 11, 2018

    It's time to 'reimagine' birthright citizenship

    One of the biggest challenges in the immigration debate today is that the American people are routinely given faulty "facts" or outright lies by the media and opportunistic politicians.  The media-manufactured crisis over separating ch...