Brian Koenig

Brian Koenig

  • January 6, 2011

    Tracing the Japanese Experiment

    The United States' current corporate tax rate is far from competitive.  Average combined state and federal corporate taxes are 39.2 percent, second highest among industrialized nations, just under Japan's 39.5 percent rate.  But t...

  • December 30, 2010

    Greece Stumbles

    Greece risks Mediterranean isolation as government debt accumulates and international confidence weakens -- especially now that Moody's Investors Service is reviewing a possible downgrade of its current Ba1 credit rating.  With debt levels risin...

  • November 20, 2010

    Prescribing Health Insurance Reform

    True reform comes not by socializing industry, but by spurring competition and empowering a natural market. Government intrusion strains growth, while mutually beneficial exchange increases production and cultivates business activity. Government extr...